5 THE SlUgLAW WEDNESDAY. New Arrivals ❖ f;j i j | T 1 | i jj ii and now. a lte r this periotl of of: su suc e e ¿¿AH b4sîr?es3 1 in Mapleton ssfu m ^ c S n d ïs in ’J ' ^ ^ , ou,s*ntss m> son, Norman J. Morris. As everybody knows ;n «G am itoing to admit to partnership ^ ‘^ " medium m e f i u r n 'o e x c h a n g e r r o n s e m ie n d y ^ n L "? * 8: . in a transaction of o f th is kind, k in d - ca3h best of T exchange.- this cash * is th fh S t of our entire stock, we are going to hold a izr.-it R Wt T13' arrive a t the proper ca3h value the store, regardless of w h a U tm a y l i a t ? b S t o ro T n r i ? ' 0^ ^ ' anash aal«-~we must m fact, some of these merchandise lots will be on m d th e fi,2 s °.fJered are n«w Spring Goods; small lots, large lots, complete a s so rtm e n t, anything and e v ^ ; ° f the sale- fn?‘uded are reserved except the cash register and t h e f i x t u r e ? rg and everything you w a n t Nothing is you are buying and w hat you are pacing by my cost mark H e re l? i ? t° know w hat The famous 0 CEDAR MOPS and Furniture polish. Springer Ironing Boards, Save time and patience. O u J i P ^ o t s , stools, stoves etc. Also please note we carry such things W i n S s h k d ^ c ’eteUrta' n " >Ud pack, sold during this sale a t co at Iowa sugar c„m a t cost Buy all you w a n t land. The price of Garden S«ad is getting higher and higher. We buy from th e P ort­ e n d Seed Co. direct, and pay tb« lowest price il or by mail fromUtheUFo5tlan«IOS S d d ¿ ’^ ‘ you comd not duplicate th e low prides th a t wa offer you during this sale. Also included are all kinds of Garden Seeds and Package Seeds M PefTy- These will also be offered at absolute cost in this great event. Buy your needs on th e opening day of the sale and save a brg per cent of your money. • pUrchaae i20 0# will pay the transportation both ways on ^ ou a cen^ attend this sa le - I pay the *” We are agents for the S t* r r ;J F m e rc h a n d is e , I We have on hind sheet music which you c»n buy cheap. Colne , in and looí it over. m“nOy’ Mr. G ardener- Garden Setqds Extra Special Offer ip Fine Mr. G a rd n e r- Bfiy jro u r supply o f Garden Piece Gpols Seeds at .ess than we could buy them iff Port­ 6 H. F. Manne engine Complete equipment, eluding oil tank, feed and town. dT T ust pipe. 0Ja.fcu Pbsaampb ad Reads 10% from regular Price. W Also th e best quality of Po-calain. Every­ thing in pots and pans and everything you need for the kitchen included in thia sale at coa,t. We are selling out and cost prices pre- vaij, Goods of thia quality have never been offered a t such sensationally low prices before. SPECIAL PRICE PdSi ° r k - f° r r Pn> women Hnd children includ- ? 6 Buy shoes Tor the whole family now and you will save dollars in doing so and your dollars are as good to you ^ ¿ h? y t0? 8- Pump8 and Oxfords 2 ! hese are in the latest and most fetching f° f Wk°m.0n- 137 pairs of K«*use B ro s/ S X Ute CO8t pr,ce’ We are closing these out because we cannot aff >rd toguaraii- g u ^ I i n S ^ / . 0“ ?eeaus* the company will not to «»—oonaequently we are S X g»«5k d u p w e o f every pair of Krause n JX o Shi I 'o .th.e aLt? re a t “ bsolutely cost prices. Included in this are Men’s, W omen's Oil Clothing Offered in this Sale a t Cost C O M PLETE LIN E GROCERIES Men’s Women’s and Child­ ren’s Shoes For Cost ciuaea. We feel safe in saying that thMp shoes will be worth to you what you will have to pay for them during this sale. M eTs and Women’s Copeland-Ryder S h o e s - ! d ? ? ? rkJef e,? on ,Brand know the #» ' frrade, the best snoe in the m arket—offered Your choice of entire stock Oil Clothing dur­ o-inng this sale a . cost. 30 To 40 pairs of ing this sale at less than cost We are over­ Shot« ♦KH? n\ ,i or’’ 1?’inch« Viscolized Calf stocked on these goods; therefore we are put­ offA I h'lt rt - ai r(7'-l!arly at w the pair. ting forth a special effort to clean up every o.Fe.ed in this sale a t cost prices 12-inch piece of Oil Goods in the store- including our a '?d common heels, corked and Coats in short medium and full lengths in uncorked, genuine French Kip, outside various styles—Rubber Boots, mid and waist counter and inside counter and pocket count- styles and in all sizes- also our complete stock ¡7 H»Thft2 2 !i 'ne2 k i 8i??a on,y’ and worth of Men s Rain Coats and Sou’wester«. In fact J th® i?r23t Re-Organization alm ost everything you can think of in this line c0-,t t!*K add ten per will be included. Bi 3uy now at w hat I * pay for S d the the goods. Florence Electric Company Ri “dditio"*1 Remember, I am selling out but not quitting. entire stock is included. One big lot com » Tion ’ ’ Brand. This is a • . .L,1?? only rea* competition ad- I he jStet3i’n " All makes Hnn CS °.7®-0d 10 tJhl3 Krcat ^ -O rg a n iz a ­ tion bale all sizes and colors included. Your choice a t exactly w hat they cost us, plus ten per cent lor freight and transportation. Complete lines of Spring Straw Hats ju st re­ ceived from the East. Offered a t less than we paid for them. The most recent styles— Akn w,om en'8 and children’s are included. Absolutely new in every respect; in fact, the cases have not been opened since they arrived a t the store and will not be unpacked until the nret day of the sale. Your choice a t less than Profit o í c si tl i 4 i f f 10 T?1 J T lOFCnCC In the New Building N ext to the Woolen Mill Store JC E ♦♦i Reorganization Sale Six and twelve foot widths. G o CartSjR, The|kind¡thatistand the wear. -G u rtm rr Scrim and A rt Burlap by the yard. V a c u u m C le a n e r s and Carpet Sweepers. . i 914 Now In Full Force--Our in room sizes from $4,75 up. L in o le u m s 15, The Biggest Event Ever Held On The Siuslaw R.ver W e have j„ « received complete new line of the following and urge your early aelee- _— _ — tion while the assortment is largest, ______ —*.r ~ R ugs ❖ ARJHL <3$neral ______ Mapleton, Oregoi