TIffi siuslaw m W - PII j OT swed PERSONALS Self Sacrifice L A C I. B. Cushman of Acme was in Florence Monday. Charlie Stonefleid was in Flo- j rence on business last Saturday. ! 'Economize for the purpose of being indepen- C. W. Curran arrived home ' dent is one of the soundest indications of manly from California Monday evening. character. It is what we save rather than what we earn that insures a competence for Miss Francis McFarland, of the future. Acme, was visiting in Florence Saturday. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT H. H. Fisk, of Mapleton, came • f down dh the Beaver Tuesday morning. Samuel 1 I^ p p ert/ o f ' Ptrnggn Slough, was a Saturday visitor to Floience. The Rustler left Sunday morn­ C. Nadeau, left for Eugene*' ing on a return trip to Coos bay. Tuesday morning, after a weeks K3æB The next Assembly Ball will 1 stay in Florence. J. A. Wilkinson, a Mapleton be given on Tuesday April 21st. merchant, was in Florence on Published by The Robarts took the Coquille The Siuslaw Printing Co. _ _ to Coos Bay, and will bring it business, Monday. Rev. T. A. Yost was in Flor- • Editor hacl{ *oad ed w>th coal. R. S. HUSTON ence over Sunday and preached Frank Shackelford has moved Published Wednesdays and Saturdays at; ¡n to j o W ood ard s now pottno^ at the Evangelical church. Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street., , °* wooaaras new cottage Geo. Chapman, o’f the North Entered as aecond-claaa (matter March on Adams street Fork, has been visiting in Flor­ 20, 1918, at thepotaoffice at Florence, When you think Hardwar ence several days this week. Oregon, under the act of March 3rd, IMS.; - think of Hull, Glenada, Or. H. L. McKee, of the Woolen {SUBSCRIPTION RATESi Bonds of all kinds, E. C. Way- Mill store, left last week on a One year in advance - - 11.50 ■ man. trip to Eugene and Portland. Don’t forget the date, April Miss Jennie Bossen went to 25th at the Rita Theater. Mapleton Saturday morning on a BREVITIES V . Geo. Corum and family have week-end visit at the Van-Todd - -v Hardware Hull, Glenada, Ore- moved into S. Carlson’s new villa. Mrs. Mabel Slemmons returned cottage on Adams street. ton. to Florence Tuesday after a The Rita has given a show Special price on Kitchen visit of two weeks in the Will­ every night so far this week and Ranges at Pourtales. amette valley. will also show the balance of the Two fine located lots in Flor­ week. E. J. East left on a business ence, close in, nice csmfortable trip Tuesday morning for Raven- L. J. Pourtales and family house, for sale. Inquire at this dale California. He will be gone have moved into the Leonard office. about two months. Christensen house on Main Yale night ¡latches at Pour- street. John Byer’s, reprenting the tales’. Eugene Daily Guard, is on the New stock of spring dry goods. Buy your Mattresses and Siuslaw in the interest of that Couches at Florence Supply Co R-K-R Store, a good place to paper’s circulation. trade. Repairing done. - Miss Bessie Wilbur, of Alpha, Come to the Rita Saturday ' Life Insurance, E. C. Wayman. night and see the movies. who has been visiting with Furniture or rugs, the ideal Chittem Bark, Mohair and friends in Florence, left for her home Monday morning. FLORENCE, OREGON gift—See Alles Furniture Co. Wool wanted R-K-R Store. Capt F. Hurd is now at the It is understood that John Italian Rye Grass, Orchard helm of the Lillian, which « Morris will soon move his family Grass, Red Clover, White Clover, towing rock for the jetty whili from Duncan Slough to his and Alsike Clover Seed at R-K-Ii the tug Robarts is at Coos Bay, Florence property. Store. Cotton bats, 72-84 inches. WILL GIVE BOAT SERVICE Irwin Smith, of Smith’s Tog Just what you want to fill the The windmill tower which has ON LAKES BETWEEN For Trade or Sale—Acre tract gery, left Monday morning on new quilt R-K-R-Store. stdbd on the south side of- Front FLORENCE AND in Glenada, will trade for team, the Minnie Mitchell. He will Atreet, and furnished water to GARDINER harness and wagon, or sell for Health-Insurance, E. C. Way- Kyle’s cannery was torn down cash. Inquire at this office. man. We will carry passengers across and other points. Saturday morning. Clear lake. Ten Mile lake and Herring nets at Pourtalt’s. Plate*Glass Insurance, E. C. R, M. Avery and family ar­ Harness and fittings, Hull a t Five Mile lake day or night Wayman. Say we now have some screen Faro across all three lakes. On? rived in Florence Saturday. Mr Glenada. passenger $5.00; two passengers Avery has been appointed 2nd doors. Florence Supply Co. Warehouse for Rent- 25x60 For Sale or Trade- One two assistant light keeper at Heceta $2.50 each; over two passengers feet, entrance from Main street, horse tread power mounted on and is on his way to the light $2.25 each. For other informa­ DRESS MAKING and faceing on water front, fire­ tion phone Christenson Bros. 515 j trucks with both circular and house. proof. See C. Nadeau, Bay View drag saw attachments with log —H. Special boat service on Dresses, Evening gowns. Suits, Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Irwin, Mrs. H. L. Avery, Glenada. O re.' lakes al reasonable prices. carriage for drag saw, $75.00. May Day Dance at Mapleton. Also one new Standard Drop who have been visiting in Flor­ Dont forget it. Head sewing machine, with all ence several w'eeks with their The very latest in Ladie’s 1 extra attachments $25.00. daughter Mrs. E. F. Surface left Shoes. See them, try them. Terms to reasonsible parties Mondilv morning on their way home to Corvalis. wear them. R-K-R-Store. H. H. FISK ¿¡•E. Don MacCrary, of Marsh­ De I avelle Separator- Nearly field, who has been helping in new. Have no use for it and Notice of Final Settlement the E. F. Surface ¿ rig store un- will sell at a bargain. Geo. E state of W. A. Cox, Deceased. tjj Mr Surface returned from Montgomery, Acme. Notice is hereby given that C harlotte California, left on the Rustler Fire Insurance, E. C. Wayman. J. Cox, Executrix of the last will and Sunday. t< stam ent of W. A. Cox, deceased, has Relinquishment on a good til d in the County Court of the S tate Capt. and Mrs. John Berg­ homestead, running water, near- at Oregon in and tor Lane County, her man W'cre passengers an the ly all creek bottom. Enquire at tinal report as suet» Executrix and Rustler. They will go to North this office. areount for final settlement of said estate, and that Monday, the 18th day Bend for a few weeks. This is EGGS EGGS j of May, 1914, at ten o’clock in the a special trip by the Captain to White Wyandottes, Rhode forenoon, has been, by said Court, aet take care of Fred Hollisters gar­ Island Red and Minorras eggs as the time for hearing objections to den and chickens, t . . ii I said final report and account, and for for tale. &1.50 par setting * of 13!.. .¡7 . of . said . estate. . . Capt and Mrs. Herman Larsen 1 v the « , aettlement I C h a r l o t t e i Cox, arrived from Coos Bay Monday ' C. L. Wayman, A. E. Wtiam.BR, Executrix* evening. If Capt Larsen does Wayman’s Agencies Attorney. not secure work for his dredger he will get the equipment in shape to move to Coos Bay. He expects to be a month in Flor­ ence on this trip. Something NEW at the Lane County State and Savings Bank R-K-R STORE THE SIUSLAW PILOT m A complete line of Spring Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- Sister-Brother and Baby. Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass Seed, mill ; feed of all kinds. A Good line of Groceries on hand at all times. Cali in and look them pver All goods as represented R-K-R STORE “A Good Place to Trade” General Merchandise Insurance, E. C. MRS. U H » Milinery and Fancy Goods FLORENCE, * - * V OREGON *♦+*♦*****♦* Liability ■* * * * A Farm For On Tide Water W e G arry Everythin o p Ask for what you don’t see 1 ¿'«‘¡Price will be Right and T ou wi 1 be Satisked. Groceries. Fumitui?e, Hardware, Dry Goo Is, F o u r and Feed I DAD STAGE LINE Delightful drive along. the Sea Shore. Stage leaves Florence daily for Gardiner. This is the connecting link from Drain, Ore­ gon. Southern Pacific enrout to Florence W m.Kyle& SonsCo Stage We Give Quantity and Quality i Fare - $2.50 One hundr ed and fifty acres, fine orchard, modern house, barn, outbuildings and other substantial improvements on the place. Over one-tl bottom land. This place is an ideal one for a home and IS being offered for a low nricei It must go soon. Write us for particulars and terms. Harbor-Sound Investine« Co. FLORENCE,«OREGON.