The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, April 11, 1914, Image 1

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F L O R E N C E . O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , A P R II, 11.
A large force of mechanics
have been busy several months
thoroughly overhauling the mill
plant, and Wednesday it started
drops onto live rolls and is carried
west to the new sorting table,
which extends north 210 fe e t
This table is much longer than
Many changer and improve­
ments have been made since last
season, and while the mill is not
now operating to its full capacity
the result gives evidence of an
increased production.
Among the improvements are
the automatic trimmer, the new
Berlin resaw, enlargement of the
dock, 50,000 gallon tank, auto­
matic sprinkling system, and new
sorting table.
The trimmer was completely
tom out and a new one installed
on the south side of the mill.
Thia trimmer is air controlled and
enables the operator to control
each saw with a small lever.
From the trimmer the lumber
which permits the lumber to be
slid on the trucks instead of lift­
ing each piece.
Sixty pair of truck wheels la v e
been received and when frames
are built upon them and they are
put in use, they will enable the
yard force, to handle the out put
with much greater ease.
Extra boiler capacity has been
installed and no trouble is con­
templated from lack of power.
Johnson Porter and H. P,
Dutton have been here a week or
so and are watching the opening
work of the mill closely. I t is
expected the plant will have to
run a short time before it can be
crowded to full capacity.
n ld n n ^ n n d ia b u ilt h ig h f
money tft Oregon, and thus re­
ducing interest rates on this class
FOR REffiESENTAUVE of loans. He also favors requir­
ing each state officer and boartf to
W. B. Dillard, who is candi­ submit to the legislature an item­
date for the Republican nomina­ ized budget of its probable ex­
tion for the legislature from penses.
Lane county, last week an­
Mr. Dillard served for two
nounced his platform. Mr. Dil­ terms as county superintendent
lard favors a law permitting pay­ of schools of Lane county, re­
ment of taxes in two installments, signing to take up the study of
the first half preferably coming law. He was largely instrumen­
due in the fall when money is tal in working out the present
most plentiful. He favors also rural high school law, under
the reduction of taxes by the which all of the * rural high
consolidation of several state schools were organized. The
boards and commissions and the first of these schools in the state
elimination o f several others. was organized in Lane county
He believes that the same results under Mr. Dillard’s supervision.
could be accomplished with much
less expense than at present.
The tug Roscoe has gone to
Mr. Dillard favors such revis­ Astoria to bring back the schooner
ion of the mortgage tax law as Oakland, which is loaded* with
will result in attracting m ore, railroad construction material.
Invited To
the New Spring Line of
M o n a r c h $ 1 .0 0
A r r o w $ 1 .5 0
These comes in plain white,
white pleated, and a large
variety of patterns in both
golf and soft shirts with’
French cuffs.
Our tape line is ready for your
measure for that
N ew
S p r in g S u it
Conqueror Hats Vi Hundred
Styles $3.00
W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes
Chippewa and Cutter “ 7^
Outdoor Shoes
Men’sand Boys’ Tennis Shoes
Sec Window Display
Florence, Oregon
M o r a l E ffe c t o f a B a n k A c c o u n t
(By John M. Oskison.)
“A bank ia built to keep money in -and your pockets
are so arranged that you spend it.” To thia effect
spoke a farmer who was being interviewd by a writer
for a banking magazine. Before the farmer made his
discovery that it is easier to spend money out of your
pockets than money in a bank account, he followed this
“p i ^ n T O m t e i T i t n —
“I made money; a lot of it I carried around with me,
and the rest I left at home. Somehow or another I
never got ahead. I couldn’t understand it. I blamed
the weather, the crops, the market—the tariff, blamed
everything but m yself.”
Then the farmer got his idea. At the time he had
just $20 dollars above his immediate needs. He started
his bank account with just $10^ that $10 stuck, and he
began to add to the account He said'to the interview­
‘‘With cash in the bank I was able to take advantage
of opportunity when it came my way. Opportunity
takes off its hat to the man with cash. The more mon­
ey you have the more opportunities you have. I notice
opportunity doesn’t hang around the pooi-house.
‘‘1 got that field over there cheap because I had the
cash in the bank to pay for i t Pretty, isn’t it? And
it pays, too!”
There is a definite moral effect produced by starting
a bank account; you feel under obligation both to the
bank and to yourself to make that bank account grow...
It is like undertaking some bit-of work in which you
take a pride—you don’t want to fail. There is a posi­
tive stimulation in success. If you make that bank ac­
count grow normally, you are not only going to be rich­
er, but you are also going,to be stronger and more ca­
Opportunities which open out to the owner of a bank
account mean two things to him. First they show him
the way to make more money. That may or may not
be a good thing. Better, they show him a way to be-
coftie more active, more alert, more useful, If he can
take advantage of opportunities to make his bank ac­
count enlarge his field o f work and interests he will
help to set up higher standards of achievement in his
So your bank account becomes a moral bracer.
"The Smoke House” will be
finished about the middle of
April. Mr. Kimball is having it
finished in Mission effect and will
At its meeting April 1st Heceta
Lodge No. I l l I. 0 . O. F. appoint-
| ness place.
The two story store building
being erected by Fox and Miner
i next to the Hull Hardware is
u •
. , ,
w orkm e7
Ihetfram^ vork‘8 u P
in n in g0
Dyer as a temporary committee
to look into the proposition to
erect a building upon the lodge
property at the corner of Front
and Waahin^
were to s e le c ts third member
rep° rt at the
m ating.
The additional member selected
C. C. Mittan is working fori was Wm. Kyle.
Frank Knowles in the grocery
At the regular meeting last
Wednesday night, April 8, the
J. R. Liles, a barber formerly committee reported favorable
of Portland, has moved to Glen- and gave facts to prove it would
ada and has put a chair in the be a financial success.
basement of the Glenada Hotel,
The committee was ordered by
where he will do the tonsorial the lodge to have plans drawn
stunt for the present.
His and make necessary preparation
family came with him and they to get in shape to erect a build­
have rented rooms from John ing.
In order to proceed with the*
Work on the tramway is pro­ work the tenants now occupying
gressing nicely and good head­ the property were ordered to
way has been made.
vacate, and a request was made
of the town board to establish
Ed. Anderson has received' a permanent monuments so that
the boundaries of property could
letter from Stanley Nowick*
be located with some certainty.
who ia now at Juneau, Alaska,
The committee is busy on the
in which he tells of a wind storm
preliminary work and expect to
« t that place that demolished a
soon have the arrangements
two-story building. He also says
complete so that the lodge can
he has been unable to work since
take definite action and rush the
last March, because o f an injured
this year.
Charles W. Curran has com­
The barge Lawrence is at
menced suit against his wife
discharging its cargo of
Ells Curran, to annul their, coal.
The Wendling-Johnson
| dock being used for this purpose.
wires for commercial purposes
- -by giving the operator the busi­
ness whenever, they find him on
duty, but of course no regular
service will be established until
the line is complete.—Register.
Special Sale
The Great Spring Tonic
A special work train will be
provided the
Western Union
A special meeting was held by
Telegraph company by the South­ the board of trustees Friday
ern Pacific company today to be morning to consider the establish­
used in the construction of the ing of some permanent corner in
telegraph line between Eugene the town.
Several parties intending to
and Coos Bay. Everything is in
build requested the member* of
readiness for the beginning of
the board if possible to take im­
actual work on the line, and the
mediate action with the result
crew is on hand to start at once.
* v
• • that a meetin<? of the board was
A, F. Green, foreman Is in ca„ed &nd
city surveyor
charge of the work, has been in
ordered to make a survey and es­
Our Stock Of
Eugene for over two weeks. A
tablish permanent monuments at
Roofing Paper Etc.
crew of six men was brought
the intersection of Lincoln and will be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition
from Portland with him and they
Front, Washington and Front,
to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that comes in.
have been busy since their arrival
and Jefferson and Front Streets,
at the Willamette Pacific material
and also to straighten the street
yards west o f the city, creosoting
line on the south side of Front
the outts of the poles and pre­
street just across from where
paring them for the crossatms.
Adams streets intersects Front
used on you garden now will double your yield
The work of digging the holes
street At this point there is a
and setting the poles will begin
We will have a full stock of
jog that would be undesirable
Wednesday morning and it is
if a sidewalk was to be built on
a store room to move into
probable that the first wires will
that side o f the street.
be strung almost as fast as the
poles are s e t
Already a few
holes have been dug between Eu­
gene and the material yards.
Foreman Green estimates that
The Barrett Bros, who for
he will be able to build three- many years have been running a
fourths of a mile of line com­ stage line between Florence and
plete every day until the monnt- Gardiner, contemplate giving
ainous country is reached, but in the traveling public a better
the rougher territory the progress service this summer than ever be­
will naturally be stbwer.
With the crew is a telegraph
They will make daily trips
operator who will have instru­ from now on, between the two
ments and equipment in a car set
towns. A new arrangement of
aside for that purpose and he their equipment will enable them
will be in almost constant touch to put a stage at the disposal of
with the Eugene office. At any those desiring special service,
time he desires to telegraph which will make trips day or
all he has to do is to ground a night
wire, connect with the line at
It is contemplated that an un-
any point and
mess- usual amount of travel will have
. . off . his
It is probable that the to be taken care of, on the beach
people in the several towns to be route and Barrett Bros, have the
touched along the line may be stock and stages in shape to meet
We make a speciality of made to order elothing.
given the opportunity to use the the demand.
Cleaning and Pressing. Buttons made to order.
$1:00 Bottles at 75c
w Building Material Co.
R-K-R Warehouse
Three Points That Win Us Trade
The Pride of