THE_SIU8LAW PILOT WEDNESDAY, APRIL & lflH THIS BANK BELIEVES Jo Morris, Jr. was visiting in Florence Monday. A-i Chas. Nadeau arrived in Flor­ ence Monday afternoon. Miss Delona Severy returned Saturday from a visit to Dead­ wood. Mrs. O. W. Hurd returned Saturday afternoon from a trip to Eugene. Joe Morris, m erchant o f Maple­ ton, has returned from a busines s trip to Portland. A ttorney R. C. Wvg an t re. turned last week from a business trip to Eugene. Morris Johnson came down the river Tuesday .and will be in Florence a few days. That much of its success is due to the good people of the community. We offer facilities to you safeguarding your funds and in tiding you over the tight tim es in the years work. Il Are you living Comfortable ? * • - • * , .•'* People live comfortable when they don’t worry I f j o u have m oneitjn Qur bank, ready for use Are aner >6t>- ' bery, you’ escape a whole lot of worry. Start a Bank Account Taday. Lane County State and Savings Rank Something at the R-K-R STORE H. A. S ta rre tt returned to Florence Tuesday afternoon from When jc u think H ardw ar a trip to valley points. think of Hull, Glenada, Or. Miss Ruth C rutcher returned The very latest in Ladie’s on the Minnie Mitchell Tuesday Published by Shoes. See them, try them, afternoon, from a visit to Seattle. The Siuslaw P rinting Co. wear them. R-K-R-Store. Ole Myrind leaves next week De Lavellef S eparator- Nearly on a visit to Norway. R. S. HUSTON He will Editor new. Have no use for it and be absent about three months. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays at Geo. Siuslau Pilct office Washington street., will sell a t a bargain. Mrs. W alter Brynd returned “e»». » with ,-fk log i„., 4 *cre ranch t o - i t a e r With For Trade or Sale Acre tract drag saw attachm ents all tools, chickens, ___ in Glenada, will trade for team, carriage for drag saw, $75.00. and household furniture, wood harness and wagon, or sell for Also one new Standard Drop saw, launch, and etc. cash. Inquire a t this office. Head sewm g machine, with all Plate Glass Insurance, E C extra attachm ents $25.00. 10 room house, half mile Wayman. Terms to reasonsible parties. w ater front fine fishing w aters on Siuslaw, fine H. H. FISK Timothy Seed a t R-K-Ii Store. place for wharf. You can EGGS * EGGS Harness and fittings, J p . 11 a g e t all this for term s $2000 White W yandottes. Rhode THE SIUSLAW PILOT A complete line of Spring Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- Sister-Brother and Baby. Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass seed, mill feed of all kinds. - - A Good line of Groceries on hand a t all times. i Cali in and look them over I All goods as represented R-K-R STORE “A Good Place to Trade” ' General Merchandise - • ***♦♦****,♦♦»»*, MRS. KANOFF Milinery and Fancy Goods FLORENCE. - OREGON * * C. L. WAYMAN Glenada. Island Red and Minorca* eggs Also. 37 acres, lo acres bot­ The Sausalito was towed to sea for sale. $1.50 per setting of 13 tom land nearly alLcleared Tuesday. She ca rried a cargo of eggs. balance upland, lays fine, 450,000 feet of . lum ber and was on tide water. See these C. L. Wa>man, commanded by Capt. Wtibust. two places a t once well Wpy m an’s Agencies worth $100 per acre, price $1.800, $500 cash balance • easy. We Garry Everything Also have some goad ranches or ren t oh» ap. See us at once. Als> 10 acres at Glenada; fine land,can lx-platted and Ask for what you don’t set’’ ¡•Old in lots, lays fine. ’ his can be bought now fur 1 heJPrice will be Right and ; $1500, part cash, balance ou wi I be Satisfied. " Groceries. Furniture, Hardware ------ T ry Goods, Flour and Feed Wm.Kyle&SonsCo We Give Quantity and Quality I ! Have „me gooiTTots in Glen- uda and Florence on easy I terms. «• ' One team of horses, harness, and wagon. Price $550 One Wood saw. new gasolene, engine, all in good order. Only $200 C. I . WAYMAN. Real E state M erchant a t Wavman Agency «Florence. Or. ■ One hundred and fifty acres, fine orchard, modern house’ barn, outbuildings and other substantial improvements on the place. Over one-third bottom land. This place is an ideal one for a homeland is being offered fo ra low price! It must go soon. Write us for particulars and term s on time. - On Tide Water • I 9 -Sound Investment Co. FLORENCE, OREGON«