HULL atGlenada The Best Range for the prices to be had. If you don’t think so, let us prove i t Heaters from $2.25 up Sash and Doors at Bottom Prices Harness and Fitting ’ Our Spring Stock of Plows, Harrows and Cultivators are here F E N C E —we have it and can price it to suit you IF ITS HARDWARE H U L L has it Salmon Trout are biting, get your Fishing Tackle at Pourtaba’. John Safley has built a cabin on his gasoline launch. He has named it “North Star“ and will carry passengers to points on the river or general job work. My new stock of Spring Millinery will arrive on the next boat from Portland. Look it over before buying. Mrs. W. L. Fisk, Acme, Oregon. Between the hour of ten thirty and eleven o’clock Sunday night, a fight took place on Washington street, in which one of the prin­ cipals received a severe beating on the head and face. Exclusive Agents Thom pson’s Glove Fitting EGGS- FOR SA L E - EGGS W’hite Wyandotte, Road' Island Red, and Black Minorcas Eggs, from thorough bred stock. $1.50 per setting .of 13 eggs. C. L. Wayman, Pilot office. Here are three Popular Styles We Have Others C. S. Carlson while working , with a surveying crew on the i ¡j tram w ay right of way through Glenada last week had the mis­ fortune to be struck on the left hand ju st below the wrist, with a ■ brush|hook. A deep and painful wound was made which bled i considerably. He came to to w n :- and had the wound cared for by , Dr. Geo. P. Edwards. The Path to Timothy Seed a t R-K-R Store. 1 The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or shop|is too well recognized to require discussion. If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few more Magda lamps in your store and show window and watch results, You also profit by using electric lights in your home. 280 acre Siuslaw ranch, im­ proved, one tra c t 160 acres ' tim ber, some town lots in M aple-:' ton. Also a five-room house. Lj For price and» term s see P. E j Jackson, Mapleton, Or. Electric Light is most healthful, safest, most con­ Heating stoves at Pourtales, , ’ venient and the most economical light in the long run the H ardw are man. FOR SALE:—Some fine resi • dence property close to church and school house in Mapleton- IS HERE TO SERVE YOU Ore. Enquire of GEO. B. CAMP. All kinds of grass seed a t the " ■ -W 7 Buy Blue Ribbon Poultry N ett- R-K-RjStore. BREVITIES A complete line of sash, doors, ng, cheapest, from Pourtales. Hardw are Hull, Glenada, Ore­ windows, mouldings and builders Furniture or rugs, the ideal hardw are, in stock a t Hulls g ift—See Alles Furniture Co. gon. For Sal«- I No 2 Kenwood Hardware, Glenada.^, 320 acrers, good house, 3 barns,, stum p puller, cables, grab hooks, When you think Hardw are blacksmith shop, outbuildings, lines a t a bargain. In good re- think of Hull, Glenada, Or. 3 head 6f horses. harness, 6 head pair. ■ See C. W. Curran. Flor- of eattke, 21 head of sheep, chick, j Huy your Mattresses and ence. Or. ens, pig, 17 stands of bees, farm j Couches at Florence Supply Co machinery, two mowers, hay j For Sale Two story residence, Repairing done. rake, two plows, cultivator, gar-' nine rooms, bath, pantry, water White Leghorn eggs These den plants, one good two seated piped in building, finely located are from prize winners. $1.50. hack with too. 8 million feet of In Glenada. Terms. Enquire T. A. Henderson. second grow th fir timber, 40 a t this office. Motor boat supplies. All kinds acre3 under plow more can be Pipe cut and threaded toordgr. A t Pourtales. plowed, household goods and a’l All kinds of coupljns. Florence I go at Five thousand ($5000) if Alles Furniture Co. received a Supply Co. taken soon. Have to change cli­ For Sale a t a B arg ain -1 black j fine line of beds on the last trip m ate. Inquire of A. IL or D. O. of the Patsy, and they are now horse weight about 1400 lbs, Beers, Reed Oregon. on display. gentle and true to pull. 1 good For Rent- The ranch known farm wagon 3x9, wide tire. 1 as the McLoud place is for rent. set of double harness in good re­ pair. Call or write, Neil Grindall. See the Siuslaw B«x)m Co. •O L O V I-F n CORSETS. Style 1243 Style 1152- Florence Electric Company '• o v r - r a r ' v eonsurs. Corset Waists J_ for Misses and Ladies t We carry several other makes of Corsets priced from . .. $1.25 to $2. 50 If you order by mail or phone give number style and size _ For Sale or ra de. t I Stove pipe 15 and 20 cents at Pourtales. 5 The Severy boys have a custom The Prim ary and Interm ediate of g c irg swimming at least once each month in the year, and so rooms of the Mapleton school last Saturday they made good for will give an entertainent mat March. Sometimes it is a chilly Morris’ Hall. Saturday evening, Ad­ proposition but the boys grin and | March 21st, at 8 o’clock. mission 25 cents. Ix'ar it. Fishing Tackle at Pourtales’. Italian Rye Graffe’. Orchard; Furniture repaired, rertnished reupholstered M attresses Jraas, Red Clover, White Clover, j’ or made o v e r-R u g s Renovated — md Alsike Clover Seed at R-K-R | Alles Furniture Co., The new »tore. store opp. Blacksmith shop. Please Return Hat A black Program s changes every Wed­ )erby hat was taken by mistaken ’rom Brynds hall the night of nesday and Saturday night at Show sta rts h e Priscilla dance. Pleas«' re­ the Rita '1 heatre. 7:80 p. m. , u m i E. S. Dyer. BJ - i L U J . ■■■ *■ 1 . 1 1 | W e C arry E verything Ask for what you don’t see The Price will be Right and You will be Satistkd. Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed W m .Ky le& SonsGo We Give Q aanuty and Quality . and 10 acre tra c ts —new rail road 2 miles from - — Florence. Soil first class, ¡1 covered with land has w ater front, can step into launch off land, and it only takes 29 m inutes to corp*' to Florence. New railroad runs through land. Sortie trails comes to road, the land is well situated to plat for town or small g ar­ den and poultry tracts. Get in on these a t once if you wish to get som ething th at is sure to bring you a p ro fit— Lot and small 2 room house, five blocks from post office. This cheap only $250 250 acres 1 1-2 miles from Glenada on Clear lake. Public road runs through land. Price $125 2 lo ts ,in Buck Skin Bobs camp on Tsiitcoos I^tke, 90x200 ft. best in the camp price f $300 20 acres in Porter acre tracts at Eugene, price only $1.200 40 acres near Glenada -some w ater front tine land, can buy this cheap. C. L. WAYMAN. ‘ a t Pilot Office, Florence. Or. Insurance E. C. W AIM AN ■— m W ' • 7» lilr w rl \ / ' F O L G E R ’S C O F F E E S is a staple article. We have it in 1 and 2^2 cans also in bulk -K-L STOLE “A Good Place to Trade” General Merchandise FLORENCE, OREGON