THE SIUSLA vol . i , ■. a ï - FLORENCE, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, ■MARCH~n~ FLORENCE WINS FROM GARDINER 1914 proves that interest is .taken in athletics in the coast towns and the future may develop much along this line. — —— _ E. S. Deyer was referee through both halves. Tuesday morning Oscar W. I C W • A fte r the game a social dance was given and greatly enjoyed. Hurd, pioneer, who for many coat of paint on F ran kPK tlnR| 8 The lineup of the teams were years h a, been identified with i .tore budding and™» I I , n ™ 7 the progress of Florence and th e !ta g s s|g„ „ „ i l i . f „ n* P i' nt' as follows: Gardiner — Forwards, Cliff Siuslaw, passed away a fte r an I p n M Perkins and Vaugh Perkins; cen- illness, which has confined him I two-sbrJ^“ ™ / ’ ” ,ereLctin* « IWO story residence in the east- ter, J. W. G raham ,jiuarda. Nel- t o bis home for sev<..„, ■n part d f town. "He"Began to sink last Sunday son Uogan Hogan and Tom Lillebo; -------auov Tom Hooper has bought a lot subs. Jim Smith and Paul Bern­ and the end came gradually w ith h ard t out any apparent suffering. The of Mr. Arnold and will build on * Florence— Forwards, C. John­ cause of his death was due to it soon. 0. W. HURD WHAT’S DOING PASSES AWAY INGLENADA NUMBER 52 T H E PROPOSED N E W C H A R TER N ew Ch.’Á I ^ Í l ^ . n eryr , vi8ion of •*“ A return game of basket In **• ball was pulled of between £ ut w ith o u t going into the details at present of ftha the W hite City Athletic Club, of Gardiner and the Florence M en’s team By the Time the game started - ---- - me citizens a greater voice in Brynd’s hall was filled with an the handling o f the city government. enthusiastic crowd. - i X X ' i i ’r S ’ » h‘ s eiu- The first half of the game J. C. F iin t is doing some grad­ started off with a great deal of son and Bert Beagle; center. J. perincious enemia,, or scarcity “ pip” and Gardiner threw the L. Mackechnie; gaurds, W alter of blood. ing and is g ettin g ready to build way is best, some of the clause« l U i , first basket, receiving an ovation. Brand and Melvin M iller; sub, Burial will be held Thursday, an addition to his Livery and with ih e local Masonic lodge in Feed Stables. In this half neither side devel­ Russel Gilmore. charge, and will take place from oped much team work, but lots Hans Hansen is buildings four- wodd K 5 £ S d ?UitS probab,e that the new charter The Gardiner team before leav­ the residence, where services room addition to his house. o f ginger was in evidence. The ing gave the following communi­ will be held at one p. m., pro­ score was a close one and ended disliked just one or'twb pa'rto"6 Y e t l f John Nicholson, ’ of Tacoma, cation to show their appreciation ceeding to the Masonic cemetery and J. A. Robinson, of British 8 to 7 in favor of Florence. The rooters were inclined to o f their treatment while in Flor­ for interm ent Columbia, bridge ¡builders are The deceased is survived by now in Glenada working on the give visitors a good share of en­ ence. Flore" “ We the undersigned members his wife, one son, two daughters, w harf and warehouse for Porter couragement and acknowledged their appreciation when a good o f th e Gardiner Basket Ball team two brothers and two’sisters who Bros, Grant Smith &Co. wish to take this opportunity of mourn his taking away. play was made. J. P. Ozment, who has lived and it is recognized by many th at it givra noPDra c t^ ’ The second half opened with thanking each and every mem­ A sketch of M r. Hurds life w ill on Indian creek for several years, ] spirit but it was soon evident ber o f the Florence team and the be published later has leased the Glenada Hotel and that the home boys were finding Florence public in general for will open it about the 15th of themselves and working to­ their unequalled hospitality, their March. He is overhauling and to b e accomplished sportsmanship, and the gether. Gradually the score was fa ir refurnishing some of the rooms. people is worthy o f consideration and there are m inclination to show a visiting run up until the second h alf re­ A new range will arrive soon and other good points that will be discovered when team a good time: sulted in 31 to 12 in favor of Flor­ re installed. M r. Ozement has voter has an opportunity to study the charter for h h £ ence. C liff Perkins had experience in this line of While the play was quite rough, ‘ Vaughn Perkins work before and w ill soon have But the one thing that makes it of great value and the contestants maintained a J. W. Graham the hotel in first class shape. Posable for the people to secure what the maioritv good natured rivalry that was Nelson Hogan Among other thin gg parties are i “ “ X I\ the P?wer of referendum and the last clause of commendable. Tom Lillebo the charter which reads as follows: ' clause of N either team has had much' When the Lane county school now here to put in a cigar store Jim Smith and pool room, and a building A r t W l- T h is charter may be ammended by a maioritv district boundary board meets opportunity to meet opponents in Paul Bernhardt vote of the qualified electors o f the city o f Florence* Monday at the court house, it w ill be put up tor this purpose • contests and because o f this the just acroes from the Glenada will be to consider petitions ask referee was inclined to be lenient ing the formation o f five new hotel. in the m atter of fouls and only Float houses have been con­ school districts on the lower Sius­ called them when he thought it structed on Tsiltcoos lake, and law and the reorganization of most necessary. W ith a charter membership of nine others, which it is claimed will be used for mess and bunk out in the discussion on t h e __ The low rafters were a source about twenty an Internationa have outlived their usefulness louses for the railroad construc­ o f land plaster. Lime is indicat­ o f annoyance to the Gardiner Union of Steam and Operating and now the centers of population tion crews. ed in many cases instead. team and no. doubt proved a Engineers was organized last have changed, leaving large I t is a mistake to feed cattle Handicap to their playing. The work of clearing the right- Saturday. I t will be known a * areas without a school. This, of-way fo r tbe tramway form without knowing whether you The Florence team shows No 554 and will meet theHRrst the petitions state, work hard 4 Testing good material and the boys have* the Porter Bros. Grant Smith & have a boarder or n o t riday of each month. Some Ships 0*1 man * what m ight be a great t eam if ______ louse m Glen- n, 7^- “ ®xPen8»ve (pensive Officers elected were: Presi­ Saturday night the drag ada to the lakes, began Monday n feedlng on® or two boarders. some o f the children to go as they could devote the time to dent Marion ---------- Sweet; vice presi- was broken into and a quantity . much as 11 miles to school, and practice and were to meet oppos- of merchandise was taken, con­ some of them not at all. sisting of 19 fountain pens, throe The petitions has been brought kodacks, three ounces of cocaine, »E u g en e by Miss Goldie Van -- —-w »Vil IJJ- s . tu n l. y upon it. The building win "be sibber, who fo r two years has 30x50 two stories high. The low creased from 50 bushels of corn and cash to the amount o f ten been supervisor o f 35 school dis­ to the acre to 226 bushels in one dollars in small change, »y ? two er part will be used as a res­ checks, one payable to Heceta year. tricts west of Noti and reaching taurant, while the upper story Rotation o f crop« and the value °dge for 926 and one to Mra. to the coast * will be made into aoout eleven o f certain forage crops according M innie Funke fo r 94.60. In a short history o f the situa­ rooms and furnished fo r lodging, The entrance was effected to the conditions were mention­ tion, Miss Van Bibber explained The building will be located a t the through a rte r side window o f ed aa increasing the productive­ yesterday that when the districts east end of the plank roadway. the store. ness o f the farm. were first formed 25 years ago M r. Wohlander commenced to A short history of the develop- 14 M>pears th at th e parti there were very few families in Krade the lot and prepare for ment o f scientific agriculture was '®*rtiee were after the dbpe i that territory and hence the areas building Monday. ven, from the farm diary o f ^*e merchandise, aa it given, included in the districts were I t is reported th at two new George Washington to the present taken from where I t , placed behind larger bottles, and w uime, passing through the be any schools at all. Now all ¡ in Glenada fill/, T _ a in Glenada. One for Joe Porter o f analysis of the soil by the not visible, half a box o f match of this has changed. More and the other for Wm. K eir. botanist, the establishment of bad been used, and le ft on the families have located in the The office building fo r Porter state agricultural stations, to floor, and counter in the hunt for country. Dairying has scattered them throughout the many fertile Bros. Grant Smith & Co. is com county experiment stations, it. pleted and carpenters are now farmers institutes demonstration valleys of that section and the N O R T H FO R K IT E M S train, to the last step called the, families are now facing a situa­ working on the warehny^ tion where they must either give H . G. N ute is planning to county agricultural movement A km * up their homes and move to a build a two-story 6 room resi which puts a man in the field to N orthFnrt, get in touch with the farm er Æ ^ î a u S school or the children must go dence. 40 F,0rw’8®- many miles to school, a n d -in a Seven different parties want study his needs, his problems, at .p o f them remained with first hand. This last step is prov- Kreat many cases, even this can business rooms in Glenada. Who friends in town over Sunday, not be done. will build store rooms to re n t ng everywhere the ideal way of w hile the returned that »ringing scientific knowledge to Two years’ experience and evening. the help of the farm er abd Lane ■ui _ 18tudy *n that section has con vinc- S ee W in d o w D is p la y Sunday a beach trip was enjoy. ■ M o r e n c e , O re g o u ed Miss Van Bibber o f the need county expects great results from «1 by a party o f N orth Forkera. I of this change and she seeks now ' his method. The benefit derived Geo, Chapman has cut about rom it depends not so much on to make a sensible redistricting 150000 feet of cedar logs on the the expert as upon the co-opera­ to make an education possible for ____ Hans Peterson place and is now a irth e children of the lower Si us- The’ Willakenzie grangers and tion of the farm er with him. running them to tide water. The next meeting of the grange , other farm ers in the district be. One district, she explained, is tween the two rivers were inter* will be an Arbor Day celebration A. A. Meadows and faadly, 15 miles across and the school Jested to hear from our county on March 7. -R e g is te r Feb. 26th. who have been living on the Bay IDGGERS’, DRIVERS’ house occupies ju st one corner of agriculturist, F. W. Rader Sat- place, moved to Acme last week. The Beaver, brought a scow of AND CR SHOES ih d a ^ ea>WhiCh mean8 th>t the iurday even in g -h is intentions as North Fork Grange w ill-m eet lumber down Saturday for the dren from an opposite comer to the assistance he is able to next Saturday at the Portage - - --- - - - - - wppuoiMi corner w assistance he is able to new buildings at Glenada. The hall. m u st travel rrflVPl an o n almost prohibitive, __ I — ” productive- us The lecturer has an inter. must give in the increased Jfc . ------ —- • • • ■ r a v s W I S IIV I lumber came from Point Terrace. distance, familiaa h hsvo nt f our nur aoU. a«n u t - idea u __ is to . distance and four families ave, ness "ess o His no^pent their children to school j out the leaders for each dis fw n io k The cuttin* in tn ct and work together to de- 4 \ the larfire actio n , should velop them to the utmost A it be done at this time, would good many mistakes have been TO CHANGE BOUNDARIES 01 DISTRICTS ENGINEERS FORM ' ‘ ASSOOAHON DRDC STORE M ARKED Advance Showing I $3 Conqueror $3 Spring Hats Known the country over as the Best $3.00 Hat W o o le n M ill S to re W .L Douglas Horvard Dress Shoes EXPERT RADER TALKS ON SOIL Chippewa and Cutter Shoes W o o le n M ill S to r e See W in d o w D isplay j °°I s 2 sides 2 ? of the d is tric On °PP°*ite and made M here " as h> an other sections t— Morning r. Rader expert, can Rveglgter. A. W. Stonefield, o f Big creek F lo r e n c e , O re g o n came in Monday afternoon. ■V assist assist in in rnnwdvinos remedying them. It is a mistake 0 use » fe rtiliz ­ er without knowing ju st what it ia for. This point was brought Friday 19 Saturday M 3qnd«y 16 Monday M Tueaday 17 WedneadaylB