C O M P LE TE LIN E GROCERIES FAN C Y AN D STAPLE i J O E M O R R IS M A PLETO N ---------------------- • JR . O R . SlffiLAW,NEEDS manufactories of Eugene, came in Saturday in the interest of the W. p. road. C ¡ef McLaughlin and C. D. . Morey returned from the County ! seat Saturday where they attend­ The ‘teady progress of the Call fo r tS d ed the J. I. Lewis trial. g ,iailroafl brings us nearer each A. P. _____ Austin. _____ Seattle: C. Hansen. j J. . i. eT ancipatio”; xiansen, j. Williamson. WlU.cMnou! J G. ' Keller a11 of Ocean’ viTw’ Up j ’ and ? ° ° n. the markets of the Corkey, Gardiner, and M. M. ™untr-v W‘H be brought to the Marsh, of Mapleton registered at °°r ° productive Siuslaw the Kay View, Thursday. ¡C°" ”try' JohnHedler. who came in here whwe lain ! 3.toreh<)use a few weeks ago and purchased Iso sellreU ih eJ. N. Davis ranch on North ( barriers will i— ” atllral w. Chamberlain,'* of Fiddle Creek, was in town Tuesday, on Ralph Taylor of Reed came m business. Tuesday. Captain J>&on, of the Beaver, f e r t ^ n d on the Pats)' nt I .,.1,1 • ' soon disg org e its X A - X m L a n ,i .sou Jesse 4i x, l a , .K ir, hidden wouRiy, in the city Tuesday. ‘ \ .Thursday. . • 'vilk- Colorado. Thursday. ... weaitb. and add to tlld », His, I the coiwtrys Mike Hogan, came in oñ busi- H. Judell,. of San Francisco brother-ip-law 'and family will n L commerce a sum which ' I •ss Thursday. . - and G- A. Lawson, of Shedds run the ranch ! me pioneers, never dreamed of. came in Sunday. ' L P « „ l «„i,;ii ♦ , , „ 1 w,th me close of each dav we Sam Miller returned from E u-, ’ ♦ I ----- ««»irum, oi tne of roint hch.Herstrom, the Point we set* the shining Irn .d A fL i ^r race Mill (’n w»«. ... ....... i____i. ?ne Tuesday. Mell Miller, and Frank Condon Terrace Co was in the citvi brought ..... linif u hands of steel PERSONALS — -• v x LAUNDRY Mrs. Äfinnie Funke, Prop. H a m lin Street li ? work' Work^ CI“ "'"K .n d Pressing Special Work Solicited““ ™ t a "” ly Wa3h'"l NORTH BEND MAUFACTURING CO , N orth Bend, Oregon MAMUFACT«SBRS OF SASHtinS°?S.AX|? A1()l;1 PIN G S ______ _ _ ______ E ,w M J Sweet of P oint Terr- came down Friday . _ 3 up t h e S h F r i d a “ Bl‘n' ' ' A‘ Rosenberg and H. M. Ken-1 they have been cutting the lum intervene f F lnty the few The mining country of the It u, n " de? communities ' dall left Wednesday for Portland, ber for Porter Bros, buildings at I complete t h e ^ ' a r t e r ^ o ^ * f ^ n on t'he market t h L n d u s t n ^ r o m m i t ^ r f°‘ they will walk out Glenada and the t \ arteiy of com- for all of these good« an,i tu . Ul*striai committee to form- Glenada the and South the Bl lumi. lumber ' " • J- «» |pla„king « ± ™ for ° F! merce - I over T whicl; • Stataw "J ± a S , S , L • * — ! » ’ ««* • « « ! • Hdk which wi" wil) ">" roll * the Siuslaw «.untry country has t th» H. J. McDiarmid. of Bandon J plankinK' the South slough road. many products of the Siuslaw material ' H beneficial to such a programe was registered at the Bay View j — ----------- COThlry' ■ • I With the coming of the railroad ,result in K^at benefit to the C. C. Cushman and wife, were Monday and Tuesday. HAVE RENTED e magic touch of the railway the Alaska market is m«d S,.U? aw ^untry, which we all in the city Thursday. siuslaw .cc«»lb,e; a n ? “ „ T i Wsh J. B. Campbell, of Eugene, a RPVNn’C hATV X y ST " t " ? 6 ■ bull, --- up. Lloyd Biglow, of Appleton, millwright has accepted a position MUIW □ IRJIK valley from a pioneer, to an in -, tween the producer and CORRESPONDENT me down Thursday. “'“ ^ ^ •M iiiC o . ■ Eiinory & Co, of Astoria, who rial community, and many sumer would certainly eniov Airs. L C. Saubert and son operate the gasoline schooners new enterprises will soon spring (very prosperous business FLORENCE-EUGENE Jack are visiting with Mrs. E. B. ( Tillamook and Patsv.have rented Thisaueana pPup,» w llH , i X T h Z S ' X Z i E. J. Hinchey, of Portland, (the warehouse and dock at the J LINE me into Florence Sunday. come to help us develop the ( is no\y exported in bulk to New I loot of Washington street from . Df B; of Elgin Illinois Miller over at TsilcoosYake. o i l . CT.ew That the work of building the country. It also means more England, i Wm. Brynd. there to be manufactur­ Western Union telegraph line is visiting H. Nute of Glenada. w p » j t r> j - i This will give them plenty of capital will seek investment in N. C. Hinkson of North Fork r 8"d (dockage and more warehouse profitable enterprises, and many ed into garments and hosiery from Eugene to Florence and shipped back to us at a profit to came down to the city Tuesday ' F' Engle’ ° f San Francisco- industries will be added to our the transportation companies and Marshfield will soon begin is evi­ r „ p ., y A uesuay came up on the stage Tuesday. denced by the fact that the com­ Monday. - . — ------- - ..u.ui P ^ te io u “ £ C- Geo. M o u t h y ! S g manufacturers. Eastern Milo Johnson left Friday for S v 0" ’ E‘ P’ Waite- and w - D. pany is now shipping a large the new industries they will have to handle A Woolen mill here would be number of pole8 to this city. this am Among creasing obnt'oPfreight^hat1f" ™ ' - c„untry. Bliss, Idaho, where he will' visit d°Wn Saturday to year. greatly needed here are those de­ of great benefit to the owners The wire for ..he line has been relatives. ' attend the Poultry show. Rice-Knowles-Rice have been signed to manufacture packages and people alike. It would be .lere for several weeks and it is Mrs. Samuel Leppert and AR Ballard-? f Auction City, the local agents for about seven and wrappers which will be put one more manufacturing plant. e x p e c te d ^ [nwlators and er >ss family moved back to the firm p 2 ’ Byder’ Baker JOre,i0n' «• months and have received notice up and shipped out. Manufacturing is what built up arms will be shipped here ne and C- E. of the proposed change in the fol­ Chief among these new in- New England; Englnnd; and is the i agent The ne w line will ba built along living in the Morri i house, owned S<,Uir3 °f Chehafes- Washington, lowing letter: —---pian to plant to iw»»ich is holding it up now f?rn k k8^ COOP! i rage the Willamette Pacific railway - o -- -K .«ww, and furnish butter tub« ___up now. tubs and salmon by Wm. Kyle ' were registered at the Bay View enables them to draw their and will be used by tha railway hotel Saturday. Astoria, Feb. 24, 1913. and crout barrels. JvUStinencc from the whole world. , company for tha operation of Rice-Knowles-Rice, We need a fruit and vegatable The.six New England states Florence, Oregon. cwnery, and have the finest raw comprise an area slightly larger t-ains as well as for the trans- •aission of co n nercial messages. We wish to thank you kindly material in the world for that than the state of Oregon; with The' building of this line will be for handling our business duri lg purpose; and could keep a can­ the people of the the past year, and for assisting nery running steadily for miyiy not a tenth of its natural re­ A’alcomsd sources; yet look at the disparity Siuslaw 3?untry as well as the us in establishing our navigation months each year. ’ in wealth and population. business in Florence, also for This industry would require a There, they depend upon manu- piople yx t.e Caaa Bay citiei. I he Siusla w country never has your patronage and the treatmsnt box factory which in turn would facturing. Here, we dengnirf ad tdegraph line aM th ^ dine. we have received at your hands. upon exitorting the bulky raw o.v beffigoperaiel to Marsh kid since doing business with you. now wasted; thereby giving material. »/ way of Rosebutg dnei not We are expecting to take over employment to many citizens and Needless to say who wouk J vays give good service. The the Bryn J dockr .about the fir t contributing to the general pros­ win in such a race. Puildingof the line along tha rail- j