» i T -* I I ‘ ' —L- T H E SIUSLAW PILO T Publiahad by K a. T. MÄHER NOTARY PUBLIC THE SIUSLAW PRINTING COMPANY R. S. HUSTON Oregon Fire Relief Aeeociation of I f e l f inn ville, Oregon Editor Office—City Hall, "Glenada, Or. Published every Wednesday at The Siualaw Pilot office WaKhington street., - Teach economy. T hat is one of the first and highest virtures. It begins with saving money. —Abraham Lincoln. firemen oi ro rtia n d do not come within purview o i the eight- CUSICK J. MAHONEY hour law because'they are officers, Entered as second-class matter March 2Ó, 1813, at the ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR potsofftce at Florence, Oregon, under the act of March and pot laborers, the state^su - 3rd, 1913. AT . L AW - -------- OF E U G E N E , O R E G O N preme court last Tuesday d ire c t­ Florence, Oregon ed th a t Mayor H. R. Albee, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Welcome Accounts arrested on a charge of working One year in advance D. E. SEVERY them more than eight hours a small or large U. S. COMMISSIONER dry, be released from custody. NOTARY PUBLIC Incidentally the Court held th at PAYING TAXES. call or mail your statem ents to Us. Florence. Oregon were it conceded th at policemen The Morning Register has this to say about and firemen were laborers, the t h e meth od o f c olle ct i ng t a s os -t his b*** h » ! -not b ren TintatPfí," To? neither toiled more than eight ATTORNEY-AT-LAW hours a day. Eugene, Oregon Mayor Albee was arrested by Capital, surplus and Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff. Undivided profits C ity A ttorney W. P. LaRoche H. E. SLATTERY people who need the benefit of sued out a write of habeas corpus LAWYER menta. for th e mayor. —- — Room 3 and 4, Beckwith Bldg nijiuiiK large pare or m e money to He unused in “ Giving the term ‘laborer’, the Cor. 7th and Willamette St. the hanks for months. The s ta te ’s disburse­ most, extensive definition ap­ Eugene, Oregon deferred payments. The s ta te ’s bills are not al ments are not all made at one tim e any more plicable, it is not believed th at a due a t one time, any more than the *Fiills of a M ilin e r y and than the disbursements of the average individual. I fireman or a policeman, employed JAMES W. FORD, JR. private business house. Semi-annual o rq u arter- in Portland in services which he Therefore, there is no occasion for keeping large F ancy G oods ly collections would enable the state to meefcthe EN GINEER, SURVEYOR amounts on hand for a long tim e before they is ordinarilyy required to per­ FLORENCE, - OREGON dem ands that are made on its treasury ju st as TIM BER ESTIMATOR are nt eded.- Annual collection of taxes means form for it, is made a laborer easily as under the present system. the needless removal of money from the channels within the m eaning of th a t word, ’ Annual collection of taxes works no hardship of business. Florence, Oregon said the court.—Eugene Guard. on the man who has plenty of money in the bank, CHAS. P. JOHNSON Under the present Oregon law taxes may be for he would as well pay a t one time as a t an ­ DENTIST paid in halves, but a penalty of one per cent a R. C. WYGANT other. But it is not the man with plenty of month until the last day of August, at which Office upstairs in BryndJBuilding ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ready money who needs to be considered. It is Florence, Oregon the one who has difficulty in raising the the cash We have been informed th a t to pay his taxes, and could make good use of the Bond - Securities - Investm ent o th er half of his money th a t will lie idle in the recently a new organization had Florence, O regon. MISS EDITHE B. VATES treasury, who needs to be considered when tax been formed a t Acme. The pur­ PIANO. pose and principles have been laws pre made. MRS. ALLA D. GUMMOBj kept a m ystery, but the name Classes at Mapleton—Monday afternoon GRADUATE NURSE- and Tuesday The proposition of a fair was discussed by “ Benevolent O rder of Box W hit- Hospital Accommodations Acme Wednesday “ tie rs’’ has been given out. quite a number who attended the Poultry Show. Thus on the last day of August he will have to References Glenada -Saturday,' G reat interest seems to center Something of this kind would give an opportunity Studio Residence of John Yates pay #52.50, or a total for taxes and penalty of Glenada, Oregon ceremony. . , Main Street *.... for showing the products and resources of the in its--F initiatory $102.50. On the deferred half the sta te charges Several members who have been Florence, Oregon Siuslaw. W^.shbuld have one. interest at the rate of 12 per cent a year, while OLSTE AD AND THOMSON taken into to the order report- it the average bank rate is only eight per c e n t as very shacking. M. VERNON PARSONS PA IN TERS AND This is a further hardship on the man who for The first-poultry phow was a decided success No regular place for m eetings PAPERHANGERS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW some reason or other may not be in a position to and much praise is due those who initiated the has been designated as yet, but . VARNISHING borrow at the bank, and it is this very class of 12-13 Beckwith Building' project. if you should happen to be look­ Satisfaction Guaranteed Eugene, Oregon ing in an-A cm e business house Headquarters with Lowe’A Baldwin and see some one of-i-U citizens, f North Fork Grange,' Wo. 492. Meets who was quitly sittin g in a chair, 2nd Saturday of each’modth at 10 a. m. suddenly attem pt to rise as if to During the lecture hour everybody in­ address those near him, and g et vited to attend. worth Master, Hans, so warmed up in his speach th at M. Peterson, secy, Nellie E Beterson This Bank Will Pay Your Taxes i Lane County State and Savings Bank D. of H.. Siuslaw Lodge No. 28— Three Acres Beaver Dam Land and sometimes a foot, you can rx certain he is ju st entertaining under the “ Good of the O rder’ as a new m em ber of th< Benevolent Order of Box Whit tiers. This was proven when last week a prominent citizen of Acme, whose initials happen to | be “ C. C. C .” was caught en ter­ taining a few friends in ju st such a manner. Some say he was shocked, others th a t he was just given a touch o f high life, but he asserts th a t he was nearly electrocuted. Supt. Pub. Instruction R. Alderman. State Printer—W. S. Dunniway. Attorney General—A. m . Crawford. Supreme Court—T. A. McBride F. Moore, Robert Eakin, W. Ram sev Charles L. McNary. 7 Judges Second District—J. W. Ham­ ilton L. T. Harris. Prosecuting Attorney—E. R. Bryson COUNTY. Judge H. W. Thompsnn. Commissioners Wm. Hawley R J Hemphil. Clerk--Stacey M. Russell. Sheriff -J. M. Parker. Treasurer -3. W. Taylor. Assessor -B. F. Keeney. School Sup.—E. H. Moore. Surveyor-C . L. Collier. Coronel— W. T. Gordon. Justice of Peace—J. U, Goude. CITY OFFICERS. AGATE GRINDING On main river. Private boat landing; fishing privileges; can be irrigated if wanted, but not necessary, small house and well. This is one of the finest little places on the Siuslaw river and is the very best of soil; will raise anything, A great place for truck gardening. Accessable to Further Particulars Upon Request President Carl H. Young Board of Trustees—G. T. Schreoder, A. O. Knowles, ¿Fred Meyers and D. Ek Crutcher. Recorder—D. E, Severy. Treasurer—J. W. Bergman prepared to do agate grinding Marshall—G. D. Morey. for the public. Call and see him, next to C arson’s Jew elry store. CITY OF GLENADA. R. A. Lowe—Mayor. Counci lmen -F irst ward, C. E. Har­ wood, S. E. Low; Second ward, O. L. Wisdom, president of council; J. G. Wisdom. Recorder—Ed. T. Maher. Treasurer—N. B. HuH, Marshall—Geo. Colter Jr. Surveyor—F. E. Monroe. FLORENCE, OREGON ' SECRET SOCIETIES. ‘ k »1 m e connaence as shown by the election. I have ¡8 confidence in ie office and be- -e succeeded iu unty a faithful meets every Wednesday evening lodge inistration of its haU. Florence. Brothers In good stand- A t least I have ing inviud to ,ttend- J- u - G°ude, N. th a t I have had IG“ ,M’ Morr<*' s~ r8t"y- .... - pe and believe * orkiu M- t- .i . i and third Tuesdays o f each month in I r th is service I j o . O. F. hall. Visiting Woodmen w e t / The best stock' ranch i Lane C o u n ty jfo r sale, a t this office. f < A. F. and A. M ., Florence^Lodge No. 107- Regulari conimunication oa flrat andthirdThursdayevenings. Sojourning brothers in in good standing are invited to attend. J. P. Cox. W. M.; C. H. Young, Secretary. L