I INDIAN CREEK NEWS. Who Said So HULt at Glenada The Best Range • . for the prices to be had. If you don’t think so, let us prove it. Heaters from $2.25 up Sash and Doors at Bottom Prices Harness and Fitting lO u r Spring Stock of P lo w s , H a r r o w s a n d C u ltiv a to r s " a r c here F E N C E —we have it and can price it to suit you IF ITS HARDWARE t K |R The fanners are busy plowing, garden seeds will soon be flying R thru the air, the house wives are thinking seriously of house clean­ ing, which are never failing in­ dications that spring is near at hand. «. Mr. Alf. Mann recently pur­ chased a $150 dollar horse from Mr. Walt. Mead. Mr. Mead then purchased a fine large two- year old for the same amount from Mr. Wm. Mead. The dance given Feb. 28th at the I. C. S. C. Hall was fairly well attended, in spite* of the in- clemency u f A. 0 0 0 t) Exclusive Agents •son's Glove Fitting the Weat her,' and was thoroughly- enjoyed by all. Babe Tead and Minnie Mead spent Saturday Sunday in Maple­ ton. H U LL has it Miss Van Bibber visited the schools on the Creek a few days *. . * - ' ago. The rainy weather pre-¡4 vented her going over the hills ' Ml to Five Rivers as she had in" tended, there beinar scarcely a trail, and rough climbing. Mr. Jas. Ozment returned I Thursday from Coos Bay. Mr. Vining, road supervisor from Five Rivers was in o u r1 a neighborhood last week circulat­ ing petition for the the building building of of The trade drawing power of a well litrh te d s to r e n r *ng a a p^ tlt,on for Here are three Popular Styles We Have Others The Path to Profit 4 Í - p LAC I short,-, too we., r e s i z e d r if you have any doubt about it, try and place a few more Magda lamps m your store and show window ana watch results, You also profit by using electric lights in your home. ■*¡8 Li§hA isrno?thealthfu1’ safe8*» most con­ venient and the most economical light in the long run Florence Electric Company IS HERE TO SERVE YOU I K I »' i BREVITIES ’ l!R-K-Rks t^ e 0fifra88 seed at the Hardware Hull, Glenada, Ore-' Tb.e pilipK h»s been driven for in. ’ the ice plant which Percy Cox gom °n hiawater front lot. Stove pipe 15 and 20 cents at IWi" | W. Hurd was reported some- Pourtales. ...... commenced to I wbat under the weather the first M. — M. — Melvin, . tear down the house on the Kyle of the w^ek but is now much im­ properly, which will be replaced proved- ’ them “ ing a direct outlet to Maple­ ton and other ■ oints outside. He received several names, in favor of i t March was ushered in wit weather characteristic, of that month. -May it retire with lamb­ like, behavior. A basket social for the benefit of the Beers school will be given at the I. C. S. C. Hall Saturday evening March 14th. The public is cordially invited to attend and J girls kindly requested to bring i baskets. A dance will be given in connection with it, and a more than usual jolly time, is assured C om e ” MIS SCOOP For Sale at a Bargain—1 black horse weight about? 1400 lbs, by the new Post office building, | Store Is gentle and True to pull. 1 good C. J. Mahoney, will'move his Prepared to deliver goods, farm wagon 3x9, wide tire. 1 law offices, from Monroe’s office purchases made before four set of double harness in good re­ to the rooms formerly used by o clocx will be delivered the same pair. Call or write, Neil Grindall. Dr. Merle C. Fox. day. Italian Rye Grass, Orchard for Sale- I No 2 Kenwood When you think Hardware Grass, Red Clover, White Clover, stump puller, cables, grab hooks, think of Hull, Glenada, Or. and Alsike Clover Seed at R-K-R .lines at a bargain. In good re­ Store. Fl | ®uy your Mattresses and pair. See C. W. Curran, or , Couches at Florence Supply Co- Please Return Hat -A black , enee. Or. Repairing done. 3erhy hat was taken by mistaken 1 Motor boat supplies. All kinds from Brynds hall the night off Alles Furniture Co. received a At Pourtales. the Priscilla dance. Please re line line of beds on the last trip The bab>. (’f Mr. and Mrs. ¡of the Patsv. and they turn E. S. Dyer. are now . 11 Forrest Wh.stman of Acme is on display reported by Dr. Edwards to I m > very sick. - pu , Jr Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed ’ W m.Kyle&SonsCo We Give Q u a n titi) ntfQ unlity * - 'J IN'S •OIOVLFIT CORSETi Style 1152 style 1243 m u te r , CORSETi. , Style 13 Corset Waists for Misses and Ladies We carry several other makes of / Corsets priced from . .. $1.25 to $2.50 . you order by mad or phone give number style and size For Sale or Trade, i I he ladies of the Presbyterian church will celebrate salmon dav Mrs. I). A. Patterson, of th Friday March 1.3th, with a 5 and 10 acre tracts -new Jetty brought her young son to salmon supper in ♦ the li rail road 2 Masonic from. Dr. fox Monday, the doctor put- building. Florence. Soil first class, ting the boy in a plaster cast. ,, covered with alder, land P ipecutandthr.nl i r i for Rent The ranch known A ll f i e Mclxyid place is for rent has water front, can step s V I S’- Siusiaw Boom Co. into launch off land, and it only takes 20 minutes to D ave F v i . h Furniture repaired, refinished come to Florence. New ib # bU‘ 1 a new 8ide' °r reupholstered Mattresses railroad runs through land. walk m front of the restaurant made over Rugs Renovated— Some trails comes to road, west ol the hotel. Alles Furniture Co., The new the land is well situated to Mrs. David Kyle took Miss ' store opp< Blacksmith shop. plat for town or small gar­ Jennie Bowen's place in the Programs changes every^ Wed- den and poultry tracts. schoolroom Monday and Tuesday, nesday and Saturday ijight at Get in on these at onfce if Miss Bossen is suffering with I the Rita Theatre. Show starts you wish to get something tensihtoh 7:80 p. m. that is sure to bring you a profit— I r Lot and small 2 room house, 1 five blocks from post office. This cheap only $250 250 acres 1 1-2 miles from Glenada on Clear, lake. Pjtblic road runs through land. Price - $125 Ask for what you don't see The Price will be Right and 2 lots in Buck Skin Bobs ~ camp on Tsjltcoos, Lake, You will be Satisfied. i 90x200 ft. liest in the camp pri<* $3oo ,20 acres in Porter acre tracts at Eugene, price only $1.200 40 acres near Glenada some water front fine land, can I buy this cheap. j We Cai *ry Everything ' THOMS ITTING* * C. L. WAYMAN, at Pilot Office Florence General insurance" E. C. WAYMAN w . .¿?ö~ ■ 1 FOLGER’S coffees IS a staple article. We have it in 1 and 2y2 also in bulk R-K-R 44 A Good Place to Trade General Merchandise FLORENCE, OREGON cans