The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, March 04, 1914, Image 1

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foot Blue Ribbon Poultry Netting.
Michal Brown $1.00.
Geo. T. Montgomery ^$1.00.
Mrs. Clara Mills—P la te .'
Saubert— Picture
~ '
The Siuslaw County Division Meet­
ing is announced to be held at Maple-
ton, Tuesday, March'T7tE
remember the date.
Two more business1 building^
The Siuslaw P6ult?y Associa-
that have been planned
by t*on which was formed recently
property owners in Florence a re ; hy a few men who believed that
to be constructed this spring, this Coast country was an ideal
Wm. Brynd who owns a corner Place for poultry, evidently had
lot on Front and Adams street the right inspiration when, they
has his plans nearly completed planned a show, and though it
for the erection of a building looked as if only a few were
with a frontage of 87 feet on taking an interest in the matter,
Front street and covering his the number of exhibits th at were
property. ■ I t will be a two-story
structure and be a wooden build­
M r. Brynd who owns consider­
able business property in our
town, has always been ready to
improve it and put buildings
when it became necessary for
and larger quarters on account
o f the growing business of Flor­
The lower part of the building
w ill be made into 4 business
rooms, while the upper story will
have a hall 60x80 feet, with
several ante rooms, and the
balance will be used as office or
living rooms. '
M r. Brynd has not decided
definitely when he will start the
construction but plans to begin
the work soon
I. A. Smith—$1.50 -
M iller & Daniels Meal ticket
The other building is in the good for 21 meals.
block below and will be put up by
Geo. T. Schroeder, on the lot
where he now has a residence
and the one just east, which he
recently bought
This building
as planned will have two business
rooms on the first floor and the
second floor will probably be
made into a rooming hous^ with
22 furnished rooms.
A m ity people voted down a
city waterworks proposition re­
cently but the m atter is to be
brought up in a more practical
way. .
Central Point is considering a
water system with a pump sys­
tem forcing 400 gallons per m in­
ute through the mains.
Advance Showing
$3 Conqueror $3
Spring Hats
Known the country over as the
Best $3.00 Hat
W oolen M ill Store
See Window Supply
Florence, Oregou
C. H. Tuttle
Bourbon Reds,
It has been decided by the board of
trustees of Florence to follow the usual
custom and hold a Nominating Caucus
previous to the city election. It will be
held in the Rita Theatre at 7:30 p. m.
Friday, March 20th. Printed copies of
the New Charter are expected to be in
the hands of the citizens before this
date and if go it is thought an open
discussion might be had a t that time.
Later announcements will be made.
you Registered?
If not, why
Last Friday night the pupils o f
the Florence School gave an
' entertainment at the
for the purpose of raising funds
for the Manual Training and In ­
dustrial work. The building was
filled, and the program was ex­
ceptionally well carried off, the
youngsters putting in such vim
and snap, that every minute was
full of interest
Following is the Program:—
Song to the Flag-School
. Recitation— “ Not L ik e W a s h -
'nffton,” Thomas Katell.
Rose D rill—Girls o f Primary
D ep artm en t
Piano D u e t t - “Iris ” , by Edna
Bushman and Iris Morris.
Recitation—Ivan Miner.
Recitation -
“ Washington” ,
Frank Averill.
The remainder of the afternoon
was devoted to organizing a Si-
ed uslaw
in which was effected with the fol­
lowing officers elected. 1
President, Vera T . Todd, prin­
cipal of the Mapleton school;
Vice President, C. L. Weaver,
principal of Glenada schools;
id Secretary, Miss Francis MeFar-
n. land, principal of Acme school.
The executive and program
n committee is composed o f the
president, district
and teacher of the school where
i, the association meets. The asso­
ciation will have five meetings in
i, one year, the first meeting to be
at the annual teachers institute.
Any teacher holding a certifi-
e cate and residing in this super­
visory district is eligible to mem-
■- bership. The next meeting will
be held at Acme, at which time
. the details of the association will
- be completed.
Song— “Slumber Boat” —GirU
of Inte -mediate Department
Exercise— by four boys.
TT?5ef eiSBZ ‘5 u ,t L*ke They
Used to Be”, Boys and Girls of
Intermediate Department
Solo— * ‘Rubensteins*
Melody in F ” , Cecil Fteher
. Recitation—“Cynthias’ Calf”
In the evening a Patron-teach- '
era meeting was held a t the '
’ school. The primary and inter- !
mediate grades of the Mapleton
• school giving a very entertaining k1
program. A feature of the even- 1
ing was a debate by High school *
The question was i
“ Government
Owendrship o f J
Railroads.” Paul Robinson and
Beulah Kibbler supported the
affirmative, while Lulu Beers and
Anna Meadows took the negative
side of the question. The decis-
ion was given to the negative.
A discussion on the effect of
county division on the schools,
was led by Joe Slemmons and _
Chas. Fraer, and was offered as
an open question.
I t proved a i
interesting subject and *
many took p a rtin the discussion.
The people of Mapleton showed M
an especial good spirit toward
these meetings and took great ce
interest in the matter.
The Pythian Lodge of Aurora
is to erect a two-story brick block
100 by 100, to cost $15,000.
D a te
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