THE 8IU3LAW PILOT, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY a¡. U N COUNTY DIVISION «ASS MEETINC Hampon’s - CASH STORE Eugene, Oregon EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN K m « « » and remember we have goods to sell th at sell Hardware, Stoves and Ranges We can fumisn Building Material of all kinds. Doors Win­ dows, Locks, Mouldings, Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper" Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line ’ DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE - . Florence, Oregon Slem m on’s R acket Store 1. O. O. F. Building. Mapletpn, Oregon - A gent C a rh a rrt W orking C lothes C-A-R-H-A-R-R T h a t’s All Nuts All kinds for the trade—also TODAY THE DAY __— A — -— Delivery will be arranged to suit your own con­ venience but action today will insure you abso­ lute satisfaction, and avoid the rush of the busy season later on, y See the new line of Hats and Shoes Prices to Suit your Purse Friday the pupils of the Flor­ ence school will give a benefit entertainment. It is their first effort in three years, and they promise some entertaining feat-1 ures. Help to make it a success! by attending^ Smith’s Toggery “Things That Men Wear’’ T H E R ED FR O N T Mrs. William Kyle entertained and Ed. Kyle were awarded the a • number T of her friends c*v at net her | first prizes and the c insolation home on Lincoln street Saturday prizes went to Cusick Mahonev evemng, February 22. The and Jennie Rice. A programm I - J u e,reuVery Prettily trimmed Iof music re" ^ red by M hTjTnnk m red hatchgts and other appro- Miller and Martin S h e r r o r d w is ¡ decorations. F iv e hundred very much ¿njdyed as was th e 7 was the amusement indulged in lunch which followed, ____ and at a late hour supper was served, the pardners being cho- I The Glenada Five Hundred' sen by matching hatchets. The Club met with Mrs L H Lowe ' bidden were: Mr and Saturday evening. Mrs. Wallace R P a ' v F ' m u ’ MlY S,m° n won the first Prize- while * Averill, Mr. and Mrs. Ru- Mrs. R. A. Lowe was awarded dolph Brynd, Mr. and Mrs. John the consolation prize I"» Bergman, Mr and Mrs. J. P. ' Lunch was served during th e : Cox, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ford, evening and enjoyed by all. and Mrs. M. C. Fox, Mr. and The club will meet next Satur- andoMS k , Da/ e ' day Bt the homeof Mr and Mrs. ? Kyle, Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Leefe, R. A. Lowe Mr. W. H. O’Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. - ------- L. J. Pourtales, Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. William Brynd enter- Irwin Smith, Mr and Mrs. Frank tained a number of her relatives Smith Mrs. E. F. Surface. Mrs. and a few intimate friends Thurs- Chas. Watts and Mr. Ed. Kyle, day afternoon, at her home on Confectionery Florence, : : Oregon Choice Box Surface D rug Store * ? de,ightful to the guests: The Ladies’ Aid, ot the Evan- ! gelicsl church will meet with Mrs. W. J. Knight, who lives on j Adams and 5th streets. Thurs­ day week. ____ , a « » « * * ----- I — « Miss Ather U atkins entertained Growers in the vicinity of Sher- a party of eleven at 500 Tuesday wood received more than $150- I ev2 2 2 g _ _ M i s 3 Jennie Miller 1000 for their hops recently. TH E FLORENCE LAUNDRY Mrs. Minnie Funke, Prop. r ia m ila S treat J. P. cox Florence, Oregon s o c dence of Mrs. J. W. Bergman. Three tables were used and an interesting afternoon was spent at the game. Mrs. Capt Berg­ man won the first prize and the consolation prize was given to 1 If you get them at Y o u r N ew C lothes Tailored-to-M easure A friend of the local basket ball team, which recently re­ turned from Gardiner where it won the game, hands in this tribute with a request to publish it: Florence Basket Ball Team Florence done it, yes we won i t But w e’re not going to brag. Dear old Gardiner, you’re pur pardner Come up some time and chew the rag. Mae Evans. The Auction Bridge Club met S Tuesday afternoon at the resi- Y ou know the kind ’ , y°W choice of Ed,- A t and C a s .e ” Eire Ilne of new and exclusive Spring and Summer Woolens, and leave the order for TO THE FLORENCE BASKET BAIL TEAM Florence Builders Supply Company STAUP & CORUM A mass meeting was called Tuesday night by C. H. Young, ; president of the board of trustees This was for the purpose of se­ lecting delegates to a general? county division meeting. Delegates were nominated and J elected os follows: Geo. P. Ed-1 wards, J, W. Ford, W. H. Weath- aon, Wm. Kyle and R. S. Huston. This meeting was called at the th* Glenada Commer­ cial club, who with citizens of I outlying districts have been stead*, working on county d ivisio n ... It is expected that the general meeting will be called at Maple­ ton soon. Rare Goods at Eastern Prices| See double-page Ad Saturday Evening Post December 6th These Goods have a national reputation STORE ® » » * » ------ -------— - = = . p k g . . - - sLcuiuaru Blue Lawn or Golden Elk Tomatoes. Picnic Ham 75c • • >2,t. • • •FRAER BROS, Mapleton, Oregon “ Most Everything for a Little Less” Work —Cleaning and Pressing — n _____ Call for and deliver all work Rates on Family Washing w Special Work Solicited ♦ * * * * ♦ ♦ * * * * ♦ ♦ **********«*******, B A Y V IE W H O T E L NORTH BEND MAUFACTURING CO. . North Bend, Oregon - manufacturers or Miller & Daniels, Props. Rates » .C ( to $2.00 Meals Md r SASH, DOORS A N D M O ULDING S GLASS— High Grade Interior Finish arte®®Mail * ** ■Riimi * on Application . . Si**’*1 rates by'the week ------ iatHes will be supplied with the Best the Season affords . Headquarters for Traveling Men »• * * M « t « * * * t * M «* ***•**•*•««*•** I