ALONG COAST Cutter The Florence Male Q uartette a LOGCERS’, DRIVERS’ V. C. Coret and Shannon Mitel - 1 ™U8ica> organization appeared be- AND CRUISERS' SHOES eli returned yesterday from a ! Fl°rence audience last Fri- I FANCY AN D 5TAPLE motorcycle trip to J Gardiner, day in concert. The members of this quartette M A DI C T A M w h erePa rtia la rra n Kements were J O E M O R R IS J R . I*' rAi L t - I k J IN , k J H made for inaugurating a through are C. C. Wayman, 1st tenor; — ----------------------------- W ' auto stag? lirite between Coos F. E. Monroe, 2nd tenor; L. J Pourtales, 1st bass; E. S. Dyer. C. C. Walts, of Buenos Ayres. Bay flnd th e Siu8'aw - personals V South America, arrived in Flor- The motorcycle trip was made 2nd bass; fra n k Smith, director; and Miss Edith Yates- aceQOb H.Pthp.M g h ---------- without much diffin ——— —--------- - .... Chas. NeadftU le ft f o r E u g e n e i ence thia week on a .visit t e —R , • ........ . J. Pourtales. ' culty. Their act ial running time, pariist Sunday. * The following entertaining See V W IZ* in d J o __ w r-x* D is p la y Mell Miller. Frank Condon and It T R. T. Smith, of Maple creek Clark McLaughlin were called to T ? * n.d f ks’ ^ as an hour programme was offered: came Monday. _____ ___________—. A A in M iner W t r p p | „ p Eugene Sunday, as witnesses . in «««u *"d uve m " inutes - u t e s on on tne the tn tn p p up. Y uartette—L itte Peew eet A. A, Miner, left for Qoos Bay the Lewis,case. one machine carrying the two. on any road, or roads, to make Solo Some Where a Voice is on a business trip. tv j . The Principal trouble was in Calling, E. C. Wayman. them passable. Carl Miller, of the lakes was 1 f 2 ^ turn*d crossing Ten Mile creek. They If it is necessary to go in debí Solo -A d rift, Frank Smith. over Friday. ’ ; ? T P° r t and f n d a y ’ wh/ re he report th at the mouth of Ten $100,000 as Lincoln county has Piano Solo—Martha, Miss Je n ­ The 'Eugene Guard recently done to g et needed public im­ nie L. Miller. Miss Jennie and Olaf Rice, wrote an editorial evidently for provements, then we em­ Solo—A Toast, E. S, Dyer. made a tn p to Mapleton, Satur- A T. Vanderpool and wife. Gorst and Kinney lost t h Z a^to" the purpose of discouraging the phatically state th a t we will try Solo Rose of My Heart, F. E. y' and W. W. Harrold, recently of mobile in i t movement now on by citizens of and will even double this amount R. E. Smally and Geo. Hill, re- Waldport, moved down from The plan is for George Fisk to Monroe. Western Lane to have the rather than be neglected by a Solo— My Gypsy Sw eetheart, County divided. turned from North Bend Thurs- j Mapleton Friday and will build operate the auto stage line from county court, th at is located ko Frank Smith. day- in block 45 Chicago addition. Florence to Gardiner. H e ish av - Several letters in answ er were far away and has or shows no Q uartette—Cotton Dolly. written and sent to the manage­ W. Simpson, of Corvallis, w as| John Heblen, of Leadville, ing a federal truck equipped with Q uartette—Moonlight on The m ent of th a t paper. One w ritten interest in the needs of the Sius­ istered a t the Bay View Sun-1 Colorado, has bought the Davis sixty inch wheels with tires twelve law valley. Lake. by Florence citizens was publish­ • ranch on the N orth Fork. Con- inches wide for the run. A boat We would heartily appreciate Comic Song - The Boys of Lill- ed in the Guard. It reads as Jack Gilmore, came in Satur- sideration is $3000. It is under- service will be m aintained to aloo, Frank Smith. >our support in this movement of follows: day, and says his foot is g etting stood th a t Mr. and Mrs. Davis carry passengers a cross the Ump- jours, to obtain needed public im­ Solo—Clover Time, Frank Mon­ on nicely. will return .to N orth Carolina qua and across th<* Siuslaw. provements, and an equable con­ roe, assisted by Q uartet. Florence, Or. Feb. 10, 1914. V. G. Gorst and Je rry Kinney J. A Madsen, of Portland was soon- sideration. We assure you and Comic Song—The Infatuated Editor Eugene Guard: registered a t the Bay View Visitors in the city Saturday are to operate the line from Coos Frenchman. Frank Smith. the people of Eugene- and the We the undersigned citizens Willamette valley, th a t the Sius­ hotel Friday. were, Miss Francis McFarland, Ba-V to the Umpqua. They wil Solo Garland of Roses, E. C. and business men of Florence, law spirit is to strengthen the J. W. Pixley, a representative Miss Agnes W eatherson, Mr. and have a boat to carry the passen Wayman, assisted by Quartet. wish a few lines in your paper, of the Eugene Register, came in Mrs. Sam Seymore, C. H. Tuttle, ^ ers across th e Bay a t Empire ¡commercial and friendly relation­ Q uartette—Pale in The Amber to answ er an editorial which ship existing between us w hether Geo. Montgomery, Jessie Yost, and autos to bring them from W est Wednesday. appeared recently in your paper, ¡the county division question W. H. Kibbler, Frank Saubert Empire to Marshfield. The plans C. D. Morey left Saturday for The quartette in their selec­ under the heading, “ A Wrong now provide fo ra six-hour sched- comes before the people or n o t Eugene, havipg been called on and Mrs. Geo. Sehorn. tions were enjoyed, while the Move, relative to Florence wish­ 1 Those registered a t the Bay u‘e between Coos Bay and Flor- Respectfully yours, the J. L. Lewis case. View hotel Tuesday, were L. F. enc,e ' The tim e will have to vary solos were gffeatly appreciated by ing to be a county s e a t ' GEO. T. SCHROEDER, the audience. Percy Cox and H. F. Curtis, We can emphatically state that Younce, Bandon, £. L. Jones, with the tide, but it is belieyec ER N EST S. DYER, Mr. Frank Smith in his no action whatsoever has b»en returned Saturday from a bua»- i Myrtle Point, M. S /S m ith , Ban­ th at they can make th e run on R. C. WYGANT, character songs were a feature taken, by any individual, body or ness trip to Portland, i don, Dr D. Briggs, Portland, one tide without difficulty.— FRANK SMITH. of the evening. organization to make Florence a A rthur Titus, returned home FI M. Flecher, z Portland, H. W. Record. WM. BRYND Miss Jennie Miller in piano county s e a t Saturday, a lte r a visit to Port- i Farrington, Portland and H. E. selections was received with - W hat the citizens of Florence land and out side points. I Folsom, Coos Bay. ACME SCHOOL NOTES. pleasure and applause. want, and in this they* are sup­ Snap in Ranch—If tsk jn 3o>«. This musical organization ported by all the residents of tne Some stock, c le a n ! land, close Officers elected for the Stan­ dard school, club are: School worked hard for several months Siuslaw Valley, is BETTER to school on count/ roal, 160 Captain, Leonore Carle; Treasur­ to present this evening of music ROADS, and MORE OF THEM acres. See J. K. Lowe. to the people of Florence, and F ro m p a st experience we fjel er, G ere H arringion; Secretary, T h ? Portland T degra.» are to be sure th, * Ida Sanborn; Librarian, Jose­ C /) i J J a a - • vn!iil:.i; b io /, a? GO» success. plished by a county or^anizition phine Sonthw orth; Reporter, E d­ winch went a d rif; : i Decern ?er, The stage of the Rita was very in western Lane county. ward Sanborn. baa been located in Banifield W hether the county seat shall P erfect attendance for Ja n u ­ prettily decorated; the furniture being furnished by the Ailes be in Florence, Glenada, Acme, Creek, Vancouver Island, a disi ary, Raymon J Lee, Della M ont-1 Furniture Co. or Mapleton, is not a t this tima a t mce of 350 nrvles fro n wher ? it jgomery, E lberta Benedict, Peail question before the people; but made its escape. A rrangem ents Saul, Nicholas Saul, Vernon w 11 be made for bringing it to county division is. Douglas, Dorothy Hew itt, Verne Carl V, Oglesby, of Eugene, the Tongue Point depot. We deplore the condition th a t Louck, Bud Southworth. Edna was again chosen as head of the now exists with us in the m atter --.asaii1--- 1 mu Hew itt, John Louck, Pearl Carle, I re patrol in the western p art of of roads, and cite you to the -» h - h - h - ì - h - h - h i h m u Hazel Montgomery, H arry Sey­ Lane county for the W estern ACME INCIDENT. They have mour, Carl Conrad, Josephine Lane County Timber association. Southworth, Leanor Carle. Vivan The appointm ent was made a t a but one road which was allowed to deteriorate to such an extent I Douglas. meeting of the association in th at it was closed as dangerous. Visitor^ on Lincoln’s birthday P o rtla n d -o n e - day last week. Also the wagon road from Maple-1 were: Mrs. Bian, Mrs. C. C. Telephone lines will be built and J^Ian and Wife Cushman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ben­ trails will he constructed along ton to Florence has been taken in the greater part as right-of-j to run edict and Mrs. A. Louck. the lines employed by the nation­ way for the railroad, no sub- Boarding House Prize for best composition on al forestry d e p a rtm e n t H a wil l a titu te o r redress has been given Lincoln: F rst prize. John Louck. have about nine men under TIDE WATER HILL COUPANT himju®. and lastly a t no time has second prize Hazel M ontgomery. this summ- there been sufficient money sp en ti Ciean-up day Friday the school ♦+< -H- I 'M I I I I I I I I H Cleaned, Blocked and Retrimmed house floor was scrubbed and oiled. A Full Line of Boys’ Shoes -Woolen JVfiH Store FLORENCE CITIZENS ANSWER EDiïORI A l Tiiè Pride Florence W e do G leaning X and P ressing o f | alLK inds Î WANIÏD e n ts H a ts Located in the J. K. Lowe Store 4 ► I AN ANNOUNCEMENT There will be a Musical given by the pupils of Miss Edith Yates, a t the Rita Theatre, March sixth r 7:30 o’clock. Siuslaw Building M aterial Co. FLORENCE, OREGON E. S. DYER, Mgr. CEM ENT^LIM E, brick S E W E R PLPE and drain tile House and Store Plan , D raw n, to Your O rder on short notice for same price you can buy them road” made Six-inch Sewer Pipe for Chimneys .Lath SALES ROOM Behind Millinery Store OFFICE WITH MONROE REALTY COMPANY , I «I I ■■ fared Scott THE SQU S QUAREj D EA 1JER2 THE BEST GOODS—LOWEST PRICES New Goods a Specialty Second Hand Goods s|N ecessity B « r a r f .i e ce*t& _ cheape«? quLi^ o f ^ S T e S n J S i » ^ and the price 0 0 M B AND SEE ME E. S. D yer and C. W. Curran are putting ahelving in P ercy Cox’s confectionery store. It will be used for th e stock of groceries recently purchased by Mr. Cox while in Portland which arrived on the Patsy. He has a fine line of goods to offer his customers. T -------------------------- - MAflETON-DEADWOOD STAGE C o n n e c ts w it h B o a t a t F lo r e tíc e Boat leaves Florence a t J o ’i k x i a . 'm. U onU yt, WedneadsysaMl'pridnya. Leaves Mapleton at 1 a » Tuesdays. After the Holidays is Clean-up time and to m room fo- the new spring fines we have m special closeout prices on certain items in lines throughout the store I'- 1 Supply Your Need Now SPECIAL NOT. dqtfar yoy spetti « t home comes Itfdk to you in leway. Dbn’t forget we not only meet but brat all catalog offers. Come and see. Stage leave* Junction CM] Wednesdays Mapleton Mondays, and Fridays. W h it t s k e • B ro a , P r o p r i u m ACME, OREGON Special Bargains In Furniture, Rugs, Etc; N exU o ^ U e Wooten*Mill S te ri 1