THE SIU8LAW PILOT. WEDNESDAY FTOBOAKT * THE SIUSLAW PILOT Published by ELECTION DATES ARE GIVEN Expensive Luxuries THE SIUSLAW PRINTING COMPANY H. S. HUSTON........ , ......... .................................. . . . .■Editor Published every Wednesday at The Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street., Entered as second -class matter March 20, 1913, at the ||iM>tM)ffice at Florence, Oregon, under the act o f March 3rd, 1913. 1«« Teach economy. That is one of the first and highest virtues. It begins with saving money. —Abraham Lincoln. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year in advance___ ____ ____ . . . ...................... ...,1 .5 0 Secretary of State Olcott has sent to all candidates, county clerks and other persons desiring pamphlets containing a digest of the election laws for use in the coming primary and state elec­ tion campaigns. The pamphlets give the necessary information for the guidance of candidates ■ O. T. MAHER NOTARY PUBLIC First National Bank OF EUGENE, OREGON W elcome A ccounts small o r larg e ' i Voters who register as independents, or who giVe no party preference, should remember that they will not be able to participate in the primary election, for Oregon’s nominating election is con­ ducted through the medium of parties. Voters who.register as Republicans must vote as Re­ publicans, those who register as Democrats must vote as Democrats, etc. Independents and no- party voters have no label under which they may vote in the primaries. The movement for a county division is now well along and as it has not been promoted by Florence, it may convince some people that the Office—City Hall,"Glenada, Or, CUSICK J. MAHONEY; ATTORNEY AND COUN AT LAW Florence, Oregon D. E. SEVERY U. S. COMMISSIONER "NOTARY-PUBLIC The new pamphlet shows Apri Florence, Oregon 10 as the latest date upon which call or mail your statements to us. nominating petitions for mem ^r W. G. v t ri 4 bers of the national committee 1*7~ , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW^ and United States Senators, Rep­ | resentatives and all state officers Eugene, Oregon can be filed. apital, surplus and April 14 is the latest date up- Undivided profits $310,000.00 H. E. SLATTERY I on which county clerks may mail _ LAWYER printed notices of primary nomi­ nating election to the judges majority of the people of Western Lane county Room 3 and 4, Beckwith Bldgl Cor. 7th and W illamette St. are in favor of the proposition. For over four and clerks of the various votingI Eugene, Oregon years this sentiment has been growing until now precincts. April 15 is the latest date up­ people from all parts of the coast section of Milinery and Lane county are uniting in an effort to secure a on which nominating petitions JAMES W. FORD, JR. Fancy Goods and notices of candidates for new county. ENGINEER, SURVEYOR! county, district and precinct » FLORENCE, OREGON ------ O------- TIMBER ESTIMATOR „offices may *be filed with the » « The Poultry show to be held Friday and Satur­ county clerk. Florence, Oregon day is for the purpose of organizing a permanent April 23-25, the county clerk CHAS. P. JOHNSON association. If you art5 interested join the shall arrange names of and other DENTIST poultry boosters. If you have no poultry to information concerning candi­ R. C. WYGANT • show, go and see what others have. dates, file in his office and post a Office upstairs in Brynd‘Building ATTORNEY-AT-LAW % duplicate therein and proceed Florence, Oregon forthwith to have official ballots Bond - Securities - Investment Telegrams state that an American syndicate printed as provided by law. Florence, Oregon have offered Huerta $1,500,000 to resign. This MI8S EDITHE B. YATES Day before primary nominat­ 1 ooks like putting a premium on revolutions for ing convention, or May 1, county PIANO the purpose of getting to be president of Mexico. clerk is advised by attorney MRS. ALLA D. QOMMOlJ Classes at Mapleton—Monday afternoon GRADUATE NURSE general to • close registration and Tuesday _____ ' Hospital Accommodations Acme -Wednesday “ “ “ books. The County Judge of Crook county accuses References Glenada—Saturday; May 4, county clerk shall des­ t he sheriff of stealing the Tax rolls. Is this an Studio—Residence o f John Y ates Glenada, Oregon ignate voting places and fill all Main Street argument against the saying, “There’s nothing vacancies on board of judges and Florence, Oregon in a name?” . . clerks...... OL3TE AD A N D THOMSON a ------ May 9, latest date before prim­ M. VERNON PARSONS PAINTERS AND A pup has been delivered through the parcel ary election upon which clerk ATTORNEY-AT-LAW' PAPERHANGERS post Lucky he wasn’t sent to Florence, or he shall deliver to sheriff voting VARNISHING 12-18 Beckwith Building supplies for various voting pre­ would have had all the bark rubbed off. Satisfaction Guaranteed k n cincts. • Eugene, Oregon Headquarters with Lowe A Bald May lc, latest date upon which North Fork Grange, N s. 492. Ma the sheriff shall take charge of 12nd Saturday of each modth at 10 voting places_ designated by J Driectory o f state, county, city officer During the lecture hour everybody in­ county court. vited to attend. worth Master, Hans. May 15, date upon which county and lodges. M. Peterson, secy, Nellie E Beterson STATE. clerk shall close ) registration D. o f H ., Siuslaw Lodge No. 28— Governor—Oswald West. books and of primary nominating Secretary Meets the second and fourth Thursday o f S tate—Ben. W. O lcot Treasurer—Thomas B. Kay. evenings o f each month. Visiting m em ­ convention. Pools open at 8 a. Supt. Pub. Instruction—R. Alderman. bers cordially invited to attend. Mae m. and continue open until 8 p. S tate Printer—W. S. Dunniway. Sanborn, C. o f H .; Isabel Severy, Re- Attorney General—A. m . Crawford. m. Judges, at their discretion, Supreme Court—T. A. McBride, F. ¿order. may adjourn at 1 o’clock for one Moore, Robert Eakin, W, R am sev I. O. O. F ., Irene Encampment, No. Charles L. McNary. hour. 42—Meets In I. O. O. hall in Florence This Bank Witt Pay Your Taxes A call has been extended to every women in this vicinity to meet next Friday afternoon for the purpose of organization. It is stated that the object of the meeting secure a united effort by women for the improvement of them- selves and their environments. At present there is no such organization of general scope in this community. Many things áre not advanc­ ing now because they lack the encouragement and support from the women, It seems that to secure the successful accomplishment of these it is neccesary that women should help through an organization. With a voice in public questions matters through the ballot, their influence will be felt directly in the governing of city, county, state and national affairs, and they will soon feel a stronger interest in solving some of these prob­ lems by a personal contact. A local organization for the purpose announc­ ed is necessas-y to any community and it can be made of great influence for betterment. Ore«°" F l * R’ lW Association o f McMinnville, Oregon 4% ' On Saving Accounts and fim e Deposits Lane County State and Savings Bank **************** « KANOFF OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. A BARGAIN Three Acres Beaver Dam Land On main river. Private boat landing; fishing privileges; can * be irrigated if wanted, but not necessary, small house a n d well. This is one o f th e finest little places on th e Siuslaw riv er and is th e very b e st o f soil; will raise an y th in g , A g re a t place fo r tru ck g ard en in g . Accessable to all m a rk e ts; n ear school and church. A /M O N E Y M A K ER. Further Particulars Upon Request Judges Second D istr ic t- J. W. Ham- the second and fourth Friday o f each ilton, L. T. Harris. Prosecuting Attorney—E. R. Bryson. month. Members o f this degree are cos- The boys and girls of Oregon dially invited so attend. J; W. Tanner, COUNTY. who will earnestly strive to make C. P .; S. J. Seymour, Scribe. Ju d ge—H. W. Thompsnn.' themselves proficient in potato Commissioners—Wm. Hawley. R. J O. E. S:, V esta Chapter No. 79—Meets growing, raising corn, vegetables Hemphil. in Masonic hall in Florence on the Clerk—Stacey M. Russell. or pigs, sewing,, cooking and Sheriff—J second and fourth Thursday evening in . M. Parker. each month. The attendance o f all via- A baking, or in keeping farm and Treasurer—S. W. Taylor. ssessor—B. F. Keeney, u ng members is earnestly solicited. Mrs. dairy accounts may find them­ A School Sup.—E. H. Moore. < M ss Sanborn,; W. M.; Mrs. Mary B< Surveyor -*C. L. Collier. selves entitled to a reward well Young, Secretary. “ worthy their best efforts. The Coronei— W. T. Gordon. . M. W, A., Ocean W ave Camp No. Justice o f Peace—J. U. Goude. Asrricultural College, co-opera­ 7868— Meets each alternate Saturday CITY OFFICERS. ting with the State Superintend­ President—Carl H. Young evening in Woodmen ball, Ae-na. V ia-, itlng brothers are invited to attend. G .’ ent o f Schools, is planning to give Board o f Trustees G. T. Schreoder, to at least two boys from each A. O. Knowlee/.Fred Meyers and D. E R. Mills, V. C.; N . G. Wilson, Clerk. R. N . of A ., Camp No 2666, m eets county in the state a trip to Crutcher. each alternate Saturday evening in» Retford*—D. E, Severy. Salem for the entire week of the Woodmen hall, Acme. Visiting Neigh­ Treasurer—J. W. Bergman State Fair. In addition, at least bors are cdrdially invited to attend. Marshall—G. D. Morey. Clara E. Mills, Oracle; Rose Costello, ten of the highest scoring prize­ CITY OF GLENADA. Recorder. winners will have all their ex­ R. A . Lowe -M ayor. penses paid on a visit to Panama- Councilman—First ward, C. E. Har­ I. O. O. F ., Maple Lodge No. 139 - Pacific Exposition at San Fran­ wood, S. E. Ix>w; Second ward, O. L. Meets every Thursday evening in I. O. O. F.hali, Mapleton. Brothers in food cisco next year. It is expected Wisdom, president o f council; J. G. standing invited to attend. JakeJCamp, Wisdom. that industrial clubs will be R ecorder-E d. T. Maher. N. G .; F. Whitaker, Secreaary. organized in nearly all the schools T rea su rer-N . B. HuH. Migon Rebekah Lodge, No. 106—Meets M arshall-G eo. Colter Jr. of the state and these clubs will first and third Saturday evenings »t 8, i o ’clock in I. O. O.F. hall, Mapleton. S o - \ . be entitled to bulletins and in­ Surveyor— F. E. Monroe. phia Nichols, N. G.; Anna Saunder, SECRET SOCIETIES. formation and advice o f every A. F. and A. M., Florence .Lodge No. Secretary. sort regarding any line o f work K. O. T. M., Acitke Tent No. 89— 107 -R egularJ ¡communication or first they may decide to take up. In and third Thursday evenings. Sojourning Meets the second and fourth Monday the gardening contest fractional brothers in in good standing are invited o f ekch month in I. O. O. F. hall, Flor- tracts must be cultivated and to attend. J. P. Cox. W. M.; C. H. pleton at 8 p. m. Visiting Kighta are always welcome. R. C. Wygant, Com.; accurate records of every detail Young, Secretary. 1. O. O. F ., Sunset Rebekah Lodge Frank Smith, R. K. q f the work and its results must be kept It is hoped that a large No. 114-M eetainO ddFellow e’ hall, Flor­ ence, the first and third Thursday even- percentage o f all the school LW.fn month. Mrs. Annis Morey, children in the state will take N. G .; C. D. Morey, Secretary. I. O. O. F., Heceta Lodge No. I l l — part in this contest AGATE GRINDING Harbor-Sound Investment Co FLOr.XCE, OREGON - 1 J. A. Peterson has added an­ other arbor earring another disc and polishing wheel. He is now prepared to do agate grinding for the public. Call’andsee him, next to Carson’s Jewelry store. The best stock ranch in western Lane County ’.for sale. Inquire • t this office. m eets every Wednesday evening lodge hall, Florence. Brothers in good stand­ ing invited to attend. J. U. Goude, N. d .; M. Morris, Secretary. Woodmen o f the World—Meets first and third Tuesdays of each month in I. O- O. F. hall. Visiting Woodmen wel­ come. R. S. |Huston, Commander; D. K. Severy, Clerk. A United Fishermen of the P a e ific - Siualaw Local m eets the last Monday in each month at Ole Myrind’s place at 10 a. m. Visiting comraSea invited to attend. George F Alien, Point T a m e e , Oregon |l* ti" y *■! i . . International Longshoremen Associa­ tio n -M e e ts first and third Fridays o f month, 7:30 p. m. at Rita hall. C. W. McLaughlin, see. tree.; Arthur Titus, chairman. CHURCHES. L First Presbyterian church, Rev. jThj Dnimm, pastor—Sunday school 10 a. i preaching service 11 a. m ., Christian’ Endeavor 6.30 p. m, evening service 7:90 p. m., mid-week service Wednesday evening 7 JO. Residence ¡at parsonage on Lincolon street, opposite school house. Evangelical church. W riter V. WsIl L ., pastor—Sunday school ¡10 a. m„ worX ship 11 a m ., junior C. E. 2 p, m., young peoples C. E. 7 p. dl , preselling 8 p. ns., Tuesday evening prayer meeting 8 p. m. Parsonage com e., o f Main and Howard.