THE SIUSLAW PILOT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1914. WILL GIVE BOAT SERVICE ON LAKES BETWEEN FLORENCE AND GARDINER We.'will carry passengers across Clear flake, Ten Mile lake and Five Mile lake day or night Fare across all three lakes. One passenger $5.00; two passengers $2.50 each; over two passengers $2.25 each. For other informa­ tion phone Christenson- Bros, 616 —H. Special boatf service on lakes at reasonablejprices. Do Not Wait Until Your House Burns Down Before Insuring Place your insurance with us before it is too late M ONROE J. K. LOWE Florence, Oregon TALES OF HONEY AND TAR FROM WEST AND EAST. Wm. Lee, Paskenta. Calif, says, “It gives universal satis­ faction and I use only Foley’s Honey a n d jia r ComDound for my children.’’ .E. C. Rhodes, Middleton,' Ga , writes, “I had a racking lagrippe cough and final­ ly got relief taking Foley’s Hon­ ey and Tar Compound. Use no other in your family and refuse substitutes. i BROWN Chinook and Royal Chinook 5IM0ND55A are one of the articles we bank on in our store. W e sell high grade hardware. Our customers appreciate good goods. The makers guarantee the Simonds Saw free from all defects. They have proven to us what we want (to show you. First — This saw is evenly tempered, properly ground, nicely polished and correctly fitted with apple handle. Second— It “ hangs ** just right Third— And most important it is made of Simonds Steel and therefore has the right saw material ira it for holding a cutting edge through hard usage. When buying an edge tod don’t buy cheap goods. Pay enough to get good quality steel LEGHORNS FOR SALE I have full blooded Brown Leg­ horn Chickens and will sell a set­ ting of 15 eggs for $1.50 Guaranteed to be first class. Robert Bay, Box 12, Florence Or. AS CHEAP AS HOMESTEADS Every man. whether carpenter or not. should own at least one good saw. Come in any time and aea the Simonds Saw . i Is the price I can give on some ranches I have listed. Their not far out of the way, either, close to railroad and a county road on all of i t Better investigate this. Good land and runs from|$6.00 an acre up. . « I have ajnumberof small tracts at reasonable prices. L • Also some lakeside and city lots and several good city residences for sale. You will find me at the Bay _____ ___ *_____ ▼ IB MELVIN G. MILLLER 320 acrers, good house, 3 barns, blacksmith shop, outbuildings, 3 head of horses, harness, 6 head of cattle, 21 head of sheep, chick­ ens, .pig, 17 stands of bees, farm machinery, two mowers, hay rake, two plows, cultivator, gar­ den plants, one good two seated hack with top, 8 million feet of second growth fir timber, 40 acres under plow more can be 1 plowed, household goods and all go at Five thousand ($5000) if taken soon. Have to change cli­ mate. Inquire of A. D. or D. 0 . Beers. Reed Oregon. THE HARDWARE MANI F lo re n c e , O regon W ait a Minute! Look Here! A Superb Double-Disc Record almost 280 acre Siuslaw ranch, im­ proved, one tract 160 acres timber, some town lots in Maple­ ton. Also a ’ five-room house. For price and terms see P. E Jackson, Mapleton, Or. Heating stoves at Pourtales, the Hardware man. SIUSLAW NURSERY THOMAS A . YOST Stock and Dairy Ranches A SON Apples, Pears, x Poaches, Cherry, Prunes.fPlums. Variety Small Fruits for Sale. Write for list and prices. Business Chances ...... D elightful drive along the Sea Shore. Agent for Horticultural Fire Relief Insurance Co. Stage leaves Florence daily for Gardiner. This is the connecting link from Drain. Ore­ gon, Southern Pacific Stenrout to Florence ’ Willjplay on COLUMBIA or VICTOR machine I Standard Size— Unexcelled forfQ ualityand Durability Som ething Unusual—Don't Mias I t StandardjCdumbia Double-Disc Records. 66 cents. Others from 75c to |7.Bi Remember they play on Grsfonolas or Victrolss