THJB SIUSLAW PILOT, WEDNESDAY V FEBRUARY 1& 1814 o c Mr?. J. V. Berpni Etfertaias hearts and winning the prize for A very interesting and enjoy- doing able valentine whist party was A ^ ‘tehea* *n d * £ n* T T given by Mrs. J. W. Bergman at was bidden. Helen O Kelly find- her home last Saturday .afternoon.! th* h* * was ™ de, q“een of X : The decoration scheme was in! ,\alent‘T D*y’ wh,Ie Lafayette red and white, and were beauti- D™m^ found the spear and was ful and appropriate in their e f f e c t ' ma e ing Valentines Day. Ke"wpTes'_anff Tiearts~were also f T h e favors were pink and w h i t e baskets. conspicious. Lunch was in the form of Four tables were used, des­ sandwichs shaped like hearts ignated by Kewpies, and the with a pink spear through them, score cards were also decorated and pink and white cakes. with Kewpies. The last thing at the party was Mrs. David Kyle was awarded !a fishing pond in which all the first prize, while Mrs. L. J. i children were able to catch i Pourtales secured the consola­ ; remembrance. tion prize. Those present were, Mrs. E. ! The children who were present F. Surface, Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Mrs. thoroughly enjoyed the day and Irwin, Mrs. Irwin Smith, Mrs. L. entered into the spirit o f the Val­ J. Pourtales, Mrs. David Kyle,' entine party with great interest. CASH STORE X. Eugene, Oregon EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN Happy New Year and remember we have goods to sell that sell THE FLORENCE RACKET STORE Mrs. Capt. Bergman, Mrs. E. F. Mis? Nellie Miner Eotertaine? Leefe, Mrs. H. F. Ayerill, Mrs. Miss Nellie Miner, entertained J. W. Ford, Mrs. J, P. Cox, Mrs. fourteen of her .friends with a Frank Smith, Mrs. W. H. O’Kelly valentine party Saturday, from Mrs. Rudolph Brund, and Miss six to eight-thirty o’clock. Mary Cassidy. Evergreens and crepe paper was abundantly and artistically Children’s Valeafat Party arranged in the parlor, where An interesting children’svalen- games were played, and a lunch­ entine party was given in honor eon wast served consisting of of Thomas Keteil Jr. and his class­ cocoa and cake. Florence Builders Supply Company Hardware, Stoves and Ranges We can furnisn Building Material of all kinds, Doors, Win" dows, Locks, Mouldings, Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE STAUP & CORUM , _____ Florence, Oregon I. 0 . 0 . F. Building. Mapleton, Oregon A g en t C a r h a r r t : ■ W o rk in g C lo th es Nuts.. All kinds for the trade—also Some Candies Y ou know the kind | If you get them at cox C o n f e c tio n e r y Florence, : s Oregon cu stom - ta ilo r in g at a price tk ey can afford to pay are genuinely en tk u s- laatic over tk e faakions and exclusive w oolen s in tk e Spring lin e o f Ed. V . P rice & Co. Largeet tailor« ta tke w o rld of G O O D made - to - order I f yo u 'll com e in to d a y , select y o u r pat» tern and leave y o u r measure, w e ll arrange d eliv ery o f tk e fininked garm ents to su it y o u r o w n convenience _ Smith’s Toggery T H E RED FR O N T ¡FLO R EN C E, O REG ON Choice Box S ta tio n e ry WILL DEVELOP BRICK AND TILE INDUSTRY Spelling Bee at the Beers school- house Friday evening. We hope by these, to encourage good spell­ ing. E. F. Arnold, of Glenada, had The usual good time was en- several epecimens of elky. w*’ic h ' joyed at the Janceat the L C S. he ™ ehowmg m to w n J Mt ; c H>|| Fn(1 ht A , week. T h e« had been baked m i cn>wd indund formed a company to develop 0, „ , thia product and will soon begin week