COMPLETE LIME Dr. Lund, of Mapleton, came up the beach from Coos Bay, ant Gardiner Friday. Mrs. Sarah Cassidy left this week on a visit to her sister who lives at Gardiner. LOGGERS', DRIVERS’ Miller and Daniels, of the Bay C. W. W estcott of Kalamazoo, View hotel, have taken out the AND CRUISERS’ SHOES FANCY A N D S TA P LE Michigan, came in Thursday, to old wooden hood over the range, visit his cousin, H. Fish. and replaced it by a galvanized JO E M ORRIS J r . M A P LE TO N , ORl E. B. McNair, of Coos Bay, iron hood which carries the came up the beach on horse back, fumes directly out through the Mrs. J. C. Ward, and Miss going through to Ocean View. PERSONALS Î Tina Beck were in town Saturday. James Neely, brought his young roof. The dining room has had a — R e v .--H. L. Pr a tt, mad e a trip -SO ntoD r..X ietv^. Edward s S at- dividing screen placed aerossone —- w i n ‘townKriaSy up the North Fork Wednesday. urday, returning home Monday. end, behind which the regular from Mercer. C. A. Johnson, returned from boarders will be furnished with See W indow Display C. C. Behnke, left Wednesday, __ H. Cline, was in the city Mon­ Florence, O r e g Ion for a short trip up the North Junction City Tuesday, Mrs. their meals family style. day on business. The partition between the Johnson and son will return soon. Fork. Rufus Johnson, was down on Henry Bergman, left for home A,berta Knowles, of Ma- parlor and dining room will be Miss Alberta business Friday. lursday after a visit with his pleton- came aown Friday to visit reduced partly, and the parlor Thursday A. W. Stonefield, of Big creek, parents. her brother Archie and other re­ will be used for a grill room, where a cashier will be placed to came in Monday. Dr. Chas. Johnson leaves for latives. receive all money coming from A letter in answer to the Allen Porter, was down from February 14 was celebrated by Gardiner Friday and will be gone i H. D. Coe, of Coos Bay, and the dinning room. resolutions of the Acme-Mapleton Mapleton Saturday. the people of the North Fork Wesley Whittaker, of Mapleton, two days. It is the intention of the wagon road was received last by having a Baskst social and Chas. W. Lyons, came down J. A. Wilkinson and Lloyd were registered at the Bay View management to make this hotel week by the secretary of the dinner. Over sixty people had Thursday, from Walton. Biglow were down Thursday from Wednesday. first class in the way of service. mass meeting. It reads as gathered at the Grange Hall by Edkin Weatherson, came down Mapleton. W. R. Stalter, of Vancouver, follows: ten o’clock a. m. A Grange bu­ from Mapleton Saturday. Washington, left Friday for Chas. Mande, of Portland, was siness meeting was held for the Henry Holden, of North Fork, registered at the Bay View, home, after a short visit here .. Feb. 9th, 1914. first hour and then the baskets with friends. was in on business Saturday. Mr. R. C. Wygant, - Thursday. wer^sold, netting the sum of $50. Bert Martin, of Fiddle creek Martin Connaly, of Porter Florence, Oregon. Geo. Chapman and Billy The basket bringing the high­ was in Florence for a Saturday Worthington, of North Fork were Bros. & Connaly, came in from Dear Sir: est price, being $10. was that Jof Portland, Or.. Feb. 13.—Re­ visit the camp Sunday, expecting to in town Monday. I have received your letter of Miss Kinsey, the Minerva school pairs to the barge Erederick, be­ locate in Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Christensen longing to the Tide Water, Mill February 4th, enclosing the teacher, and was reported by an Mrs. Frank Knowles, made a Ray Vanderberg was in Flor­ Company, of this city, and bad­ petition and resolutions passed enthusiastic young North Fork were Saturday visitors in Flor­ trip to Mapleton Wednesday, for ence on his way home from ly dammaged by running ashore by the Florence meeting in re­ lady to have been "bought by ence. a short stay. Tsiltcoos lake where he has been near the entrance to Yaqnina gard to opening a wagon road Capt. Wetzel, “the North Fork visiting several months. After the baskets (were Bay, will be made by Anderson & between Mapleton and Florence. Sport. - Mrs. 0 . L. Hanson and son Crowe to whom the contract was I will present this matter to aold dinner was eaten and in the Howard, of the Light house, le t The work of putting the the Court this morning. ( Feb. afternoon the following program came in Friday. Mrs. Hanson sea-going barge in good condition 9th.) was given: returning home Sunday. I had supposed that all along A Grange song by Miss Lin- is being started at the Oregon Percy Cox and H. F. Curtis, drydock. The contract is ex­ the people of your vicinity under­ gren, Mrs. Peterson, Miss Agnes - * left Friday for Portland and pected to be completed in twelve stood that the Court desired to Haring and Miss Kinsey. Reading ( “ Unity’7 Mrs. P*.’ Seattle, to purchase a line of or fifteen days. • • • h L aa get as full an expression as posi­ -* groceries for Percy’s new store. The Frederick is to be equip ble o f what the people of your tenon. Recititation ( “Thiatiee”) La^ - - A Philgreen and wife, left ped with a jjgpv keelson, and 1 vicinity wanted. The proposition to take the Vaughn Bigelow. _ Monday, for an extended trip to big portion of the bottom of the Duet (Instrumental) Mias “ M ost E v e r y th in g fo r a L ittle L e ss” out side points. Mr. Philgreen hull aft will be renewed. She is cash for the road has not been is connected with the Harbor- to be recalked and considerable decided upon by the Court, and Lingren and Mias Agnes Harm«" Lecture ( “Some people talk other work will be done to her. we have received no money from Sound Investment Co. the railroad company on that too much’’) Mrs. Eugene Ife- Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brynd, Temporary repairs were made Comack. account made a trip to Mapleton Friday, down the coast to permit of her Duet (Vocal) Mrs. Peterson I write you this because I am to meet Mrs. Chas. Watts, of Eu- wing brought to Portland. With- and Miss Alfreds Lingren. told that some people claim that | gene. Mr. Watts is expected to n three or four days, the tug the County Court has received , Another Grange Song. Roscoe, owned by the same com­ arrive shortly and it. is possible The day’s festivity was ended $75,000.00 from the rail road pany» will come' up from Flor­ they will locate h ere/ company and expended ¡tin o t h e r with ■ dance in the Grange Hall ence for a general overhauling, R®v. W. - V. Wall, returned parte of countv. which was well attended and Thursday from a two weeks visit t is announced she will tow the »arts o f the county. Please let me know if the peo­ thoroughly enjoyed. Frederick back to Florence, with his relatives at Tacoma, ple who signed the resolution coming on to Florence after Mrs. where the company owns a large John Hedler. of Leadville, Col­ which you sent are all the people sawmill plant Wall who was staying with Mrs. who were at the meeting, and if orado, arrived in the city Tues­ Frank Knowles during Mr. Wall’s they'are not all, please let me day, to look over the country. absence. ............. What was supposed to have know about how many were at Wm. Kibbler, and family who been a serious conflagration in the meeting, and whether there ■ H-H' I I H I | | | | | | | | n | 1 | have been on the C. R. David the dental office of Dr. C. P. was any opposition to the resolu­ ranch at Rockport, moved to Johnson one day last week, tion, about how many voted for Chris Beck’s ranch near Point proved upon investigation to be, the resolution, and if any voted Terrace, Friday. Mr. David and only the doctor serenely coloring against it, about how many there family may move on to the ranch hie new meerschaum pipe, which were. themselves. M an and W ife was presented to him by the girls Please let me know if there is H. B. Rankin, supervisor of of Florence high school basket ball any difference o f opinion at Flor­ to run the Siuslaw National Forest, and team, just before the last game ence in regard to thia matter. B o a rd in g H ou se C. T. Beach, deputy supervisor with Glenada. The doctor aho Yours truly, arrived in Florence Sunday on a am proud of dat pipe too, ask IttE WATER « 1 COBRA« ; Helmua W. Thompson, him and see. ” k tour o f inspection of this forest. (Signed) County Judge. Cleaned, B locked and Retrimmed They left Wednesday on their ♦> h i u i i l e e i e n i i m i t » way to Waldport. - ’ Herman Smoak, arrived in Florence Friday, coming up the beach from Gardiner. ' Mr. Smoak has been on a two months visit to the East, where he visit­ ed his mother and other relatives in Chicago. He left the first of the week for Fiddle creek, where he will do some carpenter work FL O R EN C E, OREGON for Wm. Chamberlain. E. S. DYER, Mgr. GROCERIES IMPROVING THE W.L Doughs HOTELSERVICE Howard Dress Shoes Shoes Chippewa and Cutter A Full Line of Boys’ Shoes Î W o o le n M ill S tö r e HAS RECEIVED REPLY GRANGE HOLD MEETING FROM COUNTY JUDGE SATORDAY AT PORTACI BARGE FREDERICK IS ON THE DRY DOCK Kellqggs’ Corn Flakes, pkg - - 10c Buena Vista Com (Iowa standard) 10c BlueLawnorGoldenElk Tomatoes 10c FRAER BROS, Mapleton, Oregon Pride Florence We do Cleaning and Pressing of all Kinds WANTED A G e n ts H a ts Special Bargains In Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Located in the J. K. Lowe Store Siuslaw Building M aterial Co. 4 CHAS. LYONS W . SEEK OFFICE OF , CaW nYCM M ISSIONER CEI^ N J , LIME, BRICK S E W E R PIPE a n d DRAIN TIL E ' House-and Store Plans Drawn to Your Order on short notice for same price you, can buv them ready made'* Six-inch Sewer Pipe for Chimneys .Lath - SA LESRO O M I ’ Behind Millinery Store OFFICE WITH MONROE REALTY COMPANY Chas Lyons, o f Walton, was in Florence Thursday. He is visit­ ing friends and relatives on the lower Siuslaw. Mr. Lyons is a native son of Lane county and is a well > known farmer. His friends have persuaded him to make tile run for county com­ S P E C IA L NOTÉJ— P a r t o f e v e r y d ollar you spend a t missioner and he has announced h om e cornea b ack t o y o u iff through the press that he will. so m e w a y . D on ’t ♦ fo r g e t w e Hbt o n l £ m e e t b bul u t BEAT all c a ta lo g In a conversation he says he offers. C om e a n a i se e . will make no promises, but will just do the best he can if he re­ ceives the nomination and is elected. The people of Western Lane county nojdoubt w fllfw «™ Bp to Mr. Lyons, as those who known him well, believe he is fitted for In the New Building the office. Next to the Woolen IIII1 Store J ared Scott I sûsl THE BEST pOWf)S -LOWEST PRICES New Goods a Specialty , Bear thia io mind; my i :«nd thajprica the chaa - * « » COME AND S B — * — z » Second Hand Goods s|Neceasity J are the beet ■__ quality of goods i ibuAJ OREGON A fter the Holidays is Clean-up tim e and to make room for the new spring lines we have m ade special close-out prices on certain items in all lines throughout the store ■ 4 It Will Pay You To Look Over Our Specials and Supply Your Need Now «• 1»