THE n ilk L A W 4 T H E SIUSLAW PILOT Published, by PILOT, WE V &. 1914 GOOD TIMES HAVE Expensive Luxuries THE SIUSLAW PRINTING COMPANY 8 . S. HUSTON............. .............................„ „ . ¿ ¿ E d i t o r - Published every Wednesday ut The Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street., Teach economy. That is one of the first and highest virtures. It begins with saving money. —Abraham Lincoln,, Entered as second-class matter March ■ 20, 1913, at the potsoflice at Florence, Oregon, under the act of March 3rd. 1913. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year in ad van ce.......... ..................................-....-11.60 This Bank Will Pay Your Taxes call or mail your statements to us. GETTING READY The year 1914 is going to be a year of great progress for the Siuslaw. No foreeen condition can present rails being laid to Mapleton- the head of tide in the early part of' the summer and a few weeks later they will be at Acme and train service a fact waves a paw, and refuses to take any more. The condition of the Siuslaw bar this winter Some scientist may yet attempt to prove by such indicates that results have been obtained and experiments that the monkey has grater will not less than 18 to 20 feet of water y^what will power than the human race, and in this at least be maintained from now. there was ho evolution. Small and large industries areat the present •V- time either actually establishing themselves or -------0------- are being planned for. Ensign Roy H. Davis, who entered the navy The Tide Water Mill Co., at Florence is doing in 1905 and has held the rank of ensign since an immense amount of improvement work and June 1911, has resigned, and his resignation spending thousands of dollars to have their has been accepted by Secretary of Navy Daniels, plant in a condition to cut a maximum amount and in doing so he has departed from the general of lumber. policy of refusing to permit Naval officers to The Siuslaw Boom Co., have invested a large I eave the service for outside ^ employment amount of capital in preparing for future lum­ The young man leaves the navy because his ber industry of the Siuslaw. salary is not sufficient to support members of his While this winter a cessation of activity has family who are dependent upon hin\ for a living. been apparent, yet there have; been continuous This is an exceptional case and rather an ex- and steady endeavors on the part o f several ceptional young man. A young man who will and 80 that S e y . sacrifice what is ^supposed to be an attractive could secure in a position — ------- better results artd hr -------------+ cfieerT after working six years to attain it, and to take advantage of the better transportation gives it up so as to better earn a living for de­ facilities to be offered by the railroad and Sius­ pendent relatives, shows a character that should law bar. develop and be a credit in any branch of govern­ ment service. Oregon should be proud of this young man. " -------0------- > A Paris physician has secured possession of a Mrs. C. Brackett Bishop, of Chicago, will tour monkey that squired the cocaine habit from the world to collect babies of all races, and will association with its owner who was a woman. raise them all on a farm together to prove the Watching her use the drug the animal finally theory that “blood doesn’t tell”. This is just a learned its use, but the monkey seems to know variation ol women’s disposition to make you more than members of the human race who are believe “ black is white” . drug fiends, for when he has had enough he COME. SMS ■ D. T. MAHBR NOTARY PUBLIC * -awin' The First National Bank The first month of the new Oregon Fire Relief Association year has been marked by a decid­ o f McMinnville, Oregon ed easing up of the money mar­ Office—-City Hall^Glenada, Or. ket the world over, and by re­ vived activity and steadily grow­ ing prices on the security market, CUSICK J. MAHONEY; by increased industrial activity ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR and improved general business AT LAW OF EUGENE, OREGON in this country. Good times are Florence, Oregon no longer coming; they have W e lc o m e A c c o u n ts come, almost with a rush. As to D. E. SEVERY , the money market, discount rates s m a ll o r la r g e U. S. COMMISSIONER have been reduced in every im NOTARY PUBLIC portant country of Europe ex- ------ -FloreneeiDregen------------ ■eept-Franee, and-even there the open market rate has dropped w. g . u r u and the Bank of France is ATTORNEY-AT-LAW^ strengthening its position. Rates are now at as low a level as pre­ Eugene, Oregon vailed before the Balkan wars and it is predicted that the Bank Capital, surplus and Undivided profits $310,000.00 of England will soon make a H. E. SLATTERY further reduction. British con­ LAWYER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sols have risen to a price nearly Room 3 and 4, Beckwith Bldg! up to that prevailing before the Cor. 7th and Willamette St. Balkan war. Eugene, Oregon Added to this world-wide im- j Milinery and * provement are causes peculiar to JAMES W. FORD, JR. the United States which have Fancy Goods « « ENGINEER, SURVEYOR inaugurated a period of con­ FLORENCE, OREGON « TIMBER ESTIMATOR fidence, resulting in easy money, « a rush for investment and in­ * * * * * * * * * * * * , Florence, Oregon dustrial activity. The settement CHAS. P. JOHNSON o f the tariff and currency ques­ DENTIST tions has been followed by a R. C. WYGANT reassuring message from Presi­ Office upstairs in Brynd'Building ATTORNEY-AT-LAW dent Wilson as to the trusts and Florence, Oregon railroads. Financiers,and large- Bond - Securities - Investment scale manufacturers breathe free- iy lfter”! ^ ^ s ^ Z ^ to Florence, Oregon - 4 % ..... LaneCounty State and Savings Bank On Saving Accounts and Tune Deposits MRS. KANOFT j MISS EDITHE B. VATES the policies -of the Administra­ \P 4 A N 0 MRB. ALLA D. QUMMOS{ tion. Legislation and adminis­ at Mapleton —Monday afternoon tration are putting the relations Cl GRADUATE NURSE and Tuesday of .business with the law on a Hospital Accommodations Acme -Wednesday "' References sound economic foundation, re­ Glenada- SaturtttyJ lieved of doubt as to what men Studio-Residence of John Yates Glenada, Oregon Main Street may expect, And investors Florence, Oregon promptly respond by letting loope OLSTE AD AND THOMSON their capital. M. VERNON PARSONS PAINTERS' ANQ We are entering upon one of PAPERHANGERS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW the biggest buying movements VARNISHING in the history of steel-making in 12-13 Beckwith Building Satisfaction Guaranteed the United States, and a long Eugene, Oregon Headquarters with Lowe A Baldwin spell of normal, sound prosperity for the whole country. Within North Fork Grange, No. 492. Meet* sixty or ninety days the steel - '2nd Saturday of each rqpdth at 10 a . m. During the lector* hour everybody in­ mills of all the Pittsburg dis­ Driectory of state, county, city officer vited to attend, worth Master, Hana. trict will be running almost and and lodges. M. Peterson, secy, Nellie E Beterson possibly quite to their full STATE. D. of H., Siuslaw Lodge No. 28— capacity. The Psychological Governor—Oswald West. Meets the second and fourth Thursday Secretary of State—Ben. W. Olcot. moment for the complete re­ Treasurer—Thomas B. Kay. evenings of each month. Visiting mem­ sumption of full activity in all Supt. Pub. Instruction—R. Alderman. bers cordially invited to attend. Mae Sanborn, C. of H .; Isabel Severy, Re­ lines seems to have arrived. Big State Printer—W. S. Dunniway. Attorney General—A. M. Crawford. orders are already given, or in Supreme Court—T. A. McBride, F. corder. Moore, Robert Eakin, W. M. Ramsey I. O. O. F., Irene Encampment, No. contemplation, in almost every Charles L. McNary. 42—Meets in I. O. O. hall in Florence branch of the steel business. Judges Second District—J. W. Ham­ the second and fourth Friday of each L. T. Harris. Already the effects of the im­ ilton, Prosecuting Attorney—E. R. Bryson. month. Members of this degree are cor­ proved situation in the East are dially invited so attend. J. W. Tanner, COUNTY. C. P.; S. J. Seymour, Scribe. felt in Portland. An increased Judge H. W. Thompsnn. amount of capital is offered for Commissioners— Wm. Hawley, R. J. O. E. S:, Vesta Chapter No. 73—Meet* in Masonic hall in Florence on the loan on mortage, and lenders are Hemphil. Clerk Stacey M. Russell. second and fourth Thursday evening in now xrilling to accept rates one Sheriff - J . M. Parker. each month. The attendance of all vis- Treasurer- S. W. Taylor. per cent lower than a couple of ng members is earnestly solicited. Mrs. Assessor—B. F. Keeney. months ago. The Union Pacific’s School Sup.—E. H. Moore. ' Mae Sanborn,; w - M. i Mr« Mary B* Surveyor—C. L. Collier. Young, Secretary. large contract for freight cars Coroner -W. T. Gordon. M. W. A., Ocean Wave Camp No. promises to start a revived de­ Justice of Place—J. U, Goude. ■ 7869— Meets each alternate Saturday mand for lumber. Abundant CITY OFFICERS. evening in Woodmen hall, Acme. Vis­ rain in the wheat country promis­ President Carl H. Young iting brother* are invited to attend. G. Board of Trustees -G. T. Sehreoder, es large crops, even in districts R. MUM, V. C.; N. G, Wilson, Clerk. A. O. Knowles,{Fred Meyers and D. E. which often suffer from drought Crutcher. R. N. of A., Camp No 2666, meets After the revival of productive each alternate Saturday evening in Recorder—D. E, Severy. Woodmen hall. Acme. Visiting Neigh­ business and conservative in­ Treasurer—J. W. Bergman bors are cordially invited to attend. Marshall—G. D. Morey. vestment from stagnation we Clara E. Mills, Oracle; Rose Costello, CITY OF GLENADA. may expect enterprises connected Recorder. with construction and develop­ R. A. Lowe—Mayor. I. O. O. F., Maple Lodge No. 139 • Councilman—First ward, C. E. Har­ ment of the country; in which wood, S. E. Low; Second ward, O. L. Meets every Thursday evening in I. O. Oregon is deeply interested, to Wisdom, president of council; J. G. O. F.hall, Mapleton. Brothers in good standing invited to attend. JakeJCamp, be taken up. This is forecast Wisdom. N. G.; F. Whitaker, Secresary. by a Philadelphia correspondent Recorder—Ed. T. Maher. Migon Rebekah Lodge, No. 106 - Meet* Treasurer —N. B. HuH. of the New York Evening P ost first and third Saturday evening-, »t 8 Marshall—Geo. Colter Jr. who in commenting on the Presi­ o’clock in I. O. O. F. hall, Mapleton. So­ Surveyor— F. E. Monroe. dent’s message says: phia Nichols, N. G.; Anna Saunder, SECRET SOCIETIES. Secretary. The feeling is that these utter- A. F. and A. M., Florence .Lodge Nc.. aeces, coming simultaneously 107— Regular J 'communication oa first K. O. T. M., Acme Tent No. 89— with world-wide relief to the and third Thursday evening*. Sojourning Meets the second and fourth Monday monetary situation, will induce brothers in in good standing are invited of eaeh month in I. 6 . O. F. hall, Flor- pleton at 8 p. m. Visiting Rights are long deferred industrial plans to to attend. J. ,P. Cox. W. M .;C . H. always welcome. R. C. Wygant, Com.; Young, Secretary. be resumed- not suddenly, but Frank Smith, R. K, __ L O. O. F., Sunset Kebekah Lodge gradually and steadily, and with No. 114—Meets in OddFellows’ hall, Flor­ International Longshoremen Associa­ increasing confidence. ence, the first and third Thursday even­ tion—Meet* first and third Fridays of The revival shows that busi­ ing* in each month. Mr*. Annis Morey, month, 7:80 p. m. at Rita hall. C. W. . McLaughlin, sec. tree.; Arthur Titus, ness depression is mainly due to N. G .; C. D. Morey, Secretary. I. O. O. F., Heceta Lodge No. I l l — chairman. “a state o f mind” and that a meets every Wednesday evening lodge new state of mind exists, where hall, Florence. Brothers in good stand­ CHURCHES. confidence has replaced doubt ing invited to attend. J. U. Goude, N. First Presbyterian church. Rev. John and hope has replaced fear. G .; M. Morris, Secretary. Drumm, pastor—Sunday school-10s. m., The clouds have broken and are Woodmen of the Work)—Meet* first preaching service 11 a. m., Christian blowing away, permitting the and third Tuesdays of each month in I. Endeavor 8.30 p. m, evening service 7:30 O. O. F. hall. Visiting WoodmeD wel­ bright sun of prosperity to shine come. R. S. |Hueton, Commander; D. p. m., mid-week service Wednesday evening 7:30. Keeidence ¡at parsonage over the land with steadily E. Severy, Clerk. on Lincolon street, opposite school house. growing brilliance.—Exchange. United Fishermen of the Pacific— Evangelical church, Walter V. Wall, ’ OHFiaAL_DIRECTORY. A BARGAIN Three Acres Beaver Dam Land On main river. Private boat landing; fishing privileges; can be irrigated if wanted, but not necessary, small house a n d w ell. T h is is o n e o f th e fin e s t lit tl e p la c e s on t h e S iu s la w r iv e r a n d is t h e v e ry b e s t o f so il; w ill r a is e a n y th in g , A g rea t p la c e fo r tr u c k g a rd e n in g . A c c e ssa b le to a ll m a r k e ts ; n e a r school i n d c h u rc h . A M ONEY M AKER, Further Particulars Upon Request «9 Harbor-Sound Investment Co. FLORENCE¿OREGON ■ ¿¿f* Siuslaw Local meet» the last Monday in each month at Ola Myriad’s place at The besfstock ranch in western 10 a. m. Visiting comrades invited to Lane County |for sale. Inquire attend. George F Point Terrace, Oregon at this office. pastor—Sunday school JO a. m., wor­ ship 11 a m„ junior C. E. 2 p. m., young peoples C. E. 7 p. m.t preaching 8 p. m., Tuesday evening prayer meeting 8 p.m . Parsonage some., of Main and Howard.