WILL GIVE BOAT SERVICE ON LAKES BETWEEN FLORENCE AND G ardiner i We’will carry passengers aero« Clear flake, Ten Mile lake anc Five Mile lake day or night Fare across all three lakes. One P»“ enger $5.00; two passengers ♦¿.50 each; over two passengers $2.25 each, For other informa- t,0J2 i^S^tC^nsjejiaon. Bros. 515 IL tSpecial boat| serv lakes at reasonable"prices. ► tales of honey and tar from WEST AND EAST. Wm Lee, Paskenta, Calif, says, It gives universal satis­ faction and I use only Foley’s Honey and^Isr Comoound for X . i 5h?,dren-” . E- C. Rhodes,! Middleton, G a, writes, ‘T had a racking lagrippe cough and final­ ly got relief taking Foley’s Hon- ey and. Tar Compound. Use no other in your family and refuse substitutes. I Burns Down Before insuring BROWN Chinook and Royal Chinook -SIMONDS SA are one o f the articles __ • ..11 high k- l grade hardware. on our W e sell O ur n cusfc , .** appreciate good goods. LEGHORNS to S h o ^ o u I have full blooded Brown Leg­ horn Chickens and will sell a set­ ting of 15 eggs for $1.50 to first class. Robert Bay, Box 12. Florence Or. 5 C A e S™ - *«* Proven tO U‘ S * 7 t S tem P«rad. . ,y p 01* ^ “ d «>"~tJy fitted Is the price I can give on some ranches I have listed. Their not far out o f the way, either, close to railroad and a county road on all I | I have ajnumber of small tra at reasonable prices. Also some lakeside and city 1< and several good city reaidenc for sale. You will find me at the B j View Hotel. 11 11 11 11 1 MELVIN G. MILLLER J. K. LOWE J. Pourtales For Sale. I 320 acrers, good house, 3 barns, ! Q uCk! m',t,h 8hop’ outbuildings, 13 head of horses, harness, 6 head of cattle, 21 head o f sheep, chick- I ens- P’K. 17 stands o f bees, farm ' I machinery, two mowers, hay I rake, two plows, cultivator, gar- J den plants, one good two seated I hack with top, 8 million feet of i second growth fir timber, 40 J I acres under plow more can be » plowed, household goods and all go at Five thousand ($5000) if fl taken soon. Have to chamr* cij. ffi mate. Inquire o f A. D. orD . O. If Beers, Reed Oregon. ■ THE HARDWARE MAN| F lo re n « , Oregon a Minute! 1 A Superb Double-Disc Recotd almost 280 acre Siuslaw ranch, im­ proved, one tract 180 acres timber, some town lots in Maple- ,ton. Also a five-room house, ror price and terms see p. E Jackson, Mapleton, Or. Heating stoves at Pourtales the Hardware man. SHBUff NURSERY thomasa . Stock and Dairy Ranches Y ost ft son Apples, Pears, Peach Cherry, •PnmesjPlums. Vari Small Fruits for Sale. Write £ . Business Chances STAGE LINE . Agentîfor - r Horticultural Fire Relief Insurance Co. pro AS CHEAP AS HOMESTEADS’ MONROE Florence, Oregon t T y T FOR SALE Place your insurance with us before it is too late Real Estate , • Delightful drive along the Sea Shore. Stage leaves Florence . for Gardiner. This is the connecting link from Drain, Ore- gon, Southern Pacific fc ™ “ to.e°r$R