___ ____ Who Said So HULL at Glenada T h e B est R a n g e i A i ’tA V It c e s t 0 , b e h a d - J tm - don t think so, let us prove i t Heaters from $2.25 up Sash and Doors a t Bottom Prices Harness and F ittin g Our Spring Stock of Plow., H arro w , and Cultivator, are here F E N C E -w e N a v e it and can price it to suit you IF ITS HARDWARE ‘ H U L L has it PH gL G<*Pe t& h e Rita Theatre Sat­ urday night and see “What Hap­ pened to Mary.” The regular meeting of the Priscilla Club will be next Friday afternoon with Mrs. L. J Pourtales. Mrs. Ernest Crutcher and daughter Miss Ruth, have'moved into the apartments vacated by Capt Erickson, over the Woolen Mill store. Hear the Florence Male quar­ tette 4n an evening o f song Fri­ day Feburary the 20th. Frank Smith., di rector and Mine Edith Yates accompanist Reta Theater. 60 cents admission. The state game and fish com­ mission have reorganized with oyd H. Bityur, as chairman, Geo H. Kelly, M. J. Kinney, C. H Evans and Harold Clifford, they have moved headquarters to Salem. Geo. Fisk expects the wheels fcr his auto truck to arrive on the next trip of the Tillamook. They are especially built, being! 60 inches in diameler and have a ' tire surface of 12 inches. For Sale at a Bargain—1 black horse weight about 1400 lbs., ■ * " . gentle and true to pull. 1 good farm wagon 3x9 wide tire,—1 set The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or I of double harness in good repair shop;,8 too well recognized to r e q u i r e S ^ °F Call or write, Neil Grindall. If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few The Glenada Card club was « X ,S “ S “ i n i c " r i t o r i a ”d show window entertained by Mrs. John Bailey, Saturday evening. Five hun­ dred was played until eleven i You also profit by „sing electric lights in your home. ©clock, when an elegant luncheon i wax served. Mrs. Frank Mon-*’ Electric Light is most healthful safest mAa+ venient and the most economical light in the long? roe and Mr. E. R. Mummey won' the first prize and Mrs. E. R, Mummey won the consolation prize. IS HERE TO SERVE YOU - “Bill” Guernsey, who ism ak-i mg a hike from Portland to San Francisco down the coast ju rived j J BREVITIES I in Florence about two o’clockf BORN • /■'--- — — w — = --- T- — '--------- -♦ Wednesday afternoon. He will J Hardware Hull. Glenada, Ore­ On Saturday, February 14th, make a write up o f his trip for gon. 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Otto the Oregonian and will syndi­ — Norman Hanson’s hand js re­ Eichler, of Acme, a daughter. cate stories of his experiences ported to be healing nicely. for Eastern publisher. ‘‘Bill’* is On Sunday, February 15th, When you think Hardware 1914. to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. some traveler and has already1 think of Hull, Glenada, Or. left one companion by the way- ( Wisdom, of Glenada, a son. Buy your Mattresses and side. Couches at Florence Supply Co Wood cutters tools at Pourtales. _ Repairing done. ~ ^ ,nF to sell, C. L. Wayman, There will be a social dance Pilot office. given at the Odd Fellow’s hall in The boys of Glenada gave a Mapleton on February 28th. dance Monday evening, at the Stove pipe 16 and 20 cents at Glenada pavilion. All those Pourtales. present had a good time. Mike Brown is recovering his irzl t tables, a k l . , . and' j other'wii'e . « . . card im- P\Irchased Iot 58 proving his place of business ® J?’ ers 8 •ddition to Flor­ id T business. ence, Thursday from Mell Miller ave Leppert will be laid up at and will build a bungalow his home f o r . few days, having? p * run a 20-pennv nail in his left T * ™ ™ changes every Wed- foot, j nesday and Saturday night at foot. 'the Rita Theatre. Show starts For Sale—I No 2 Kenwood 7:30 p. m. stump puller, cables, grab hooks, Supervisor Rankin, of the Sius- lines at a bargain. In good re­ law National Forest says the pair. See C. W. Curran. Flor­ Lane county court has Baid that 5 and 10 acre tracts—new —1 ence, Or. rail road 2 miles from they will complete the road work Motor boat supplies. All kinds Florence. Soil first class, as previously agreed at Cape At Pourtales.'“ covered with alder, land Perpetua. has water front, can step Pipe cut and threaded to order. A successful masquerade ball All kinds of couplins. Florence into launch off land, and was given at Acme last Saturday blipply Co. it only takes 20 minutes to night The M. W. A. Hall was come to Florence. New The regular meeting of the crowded with many unique and m j C .. . WM * Ul '•■'led tne i ," vruwueu wun « . t u m « unione and railroad runs through land. u t e s t i n g ’ —— , „«o laueu Some trails comes to road, to order at the residence of Mrs. who attended say they enjoyed the land is well situated to Robert Lowe, Wednesday after­ the evening immensely and plat for town or smalLgar- noon. Fifteen ladies were pres­ would not have missed the oc­ den and poultry tracts. ent and a very enjoyable time casion. The Beagle orchestra Get in on these at once if was had. A dainty luncheon knows how to please the dancing ycu wish to get something was served by the hostess. public. that is sure to bring you a profit— Lot and small 2 room house, five blocks from post office.’— This cheap only $25, 260 acres 1 1-2 miles from Glenada on Clear lake, i ^ c road runs through $12i Ask for what you don’t see ^•and. Price The Price will be Right and K2 J o ts in Buck Skin Bobs camp on Tsiltcoos Lake, You will be Satisfied. 90x200 f t best in the camp Pnce - „ . j3,K) 20 acres in Porter acre tracts at Eugene, price only $1.200 40 acres near Glenada—some water front fine land, can buy this cheap. Thé Path to Profit Florence Electric Company ~T Exclusive Agents Thompson’s Glove Fitting CORSETS Here are three Popular Styles We Have Others Style 1152- 1243 J ,C0MCTV Style 193 C o r s e t „W aists __ - .for Misses and Ladies We carry several other makes of ' ■ Corsets priced from . .. $1 25 to tv Ifiyou order by mail or phone give number style and size Wanted- Man and wife > to run Board- ing House fide Water Mill Co. For Sale or rade. We Garry Everything . Groceries. Furniture, Hardware Dry Goods, Flour and Feed Wm.KyIe& Sons Go We Give Quantity>nd Quality C. L. WAYMAN, at Pilot Office. Florence. Or. General Ir _ - E. C. WAY1 FO LG ER ’S CO FFEE •S a staple article. We have it in 1 and 2% ca ' . also in bulk . ) R-K-R STORE “A G o o d P la c e to T r a d e ” General Merchandise — FLORENCE, OREGON _