THE WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY U 1914 pounds pressure was installed. New valves and „fittings of the best make were used in making the connections. Capt. Robert Jones brought The Florence Male tjuartette the tug in, but left on the L J consisting of E. C. Wayman, Roscoe for Portland where he Frank Monroe, L. J. Pourtales , c o ,, -----*---- ~ will take charge of the Geo R V a t s / , Dyer’ w lth .M,ss Edith Vosberg. which runs b X e e n Yates as accompanist, under Portland and Nehalem maeke’rmeiO rn fir J ” "" I L’ make their first appearance m ) in on the Robarts and has token Blorence on Friday February command. CASH STORE |i PILOT, «F L O R E N C E MALE QUARTETTE WILL OVE MUSICAL FEB. 20TH Hampton’s Eugene, Oregon tt 8ÍU8LAW EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND “WOMEN t ’ i .... ■ H Johnson.Anderson Co. iettv The quartette will be assisted contractors who own the tug by several of our local musicians. expended a considerable sum to j'selection™™™*" & ™ i b° a J™* claf"? Condi’ — 1 ' T and remember we have goods to sell th at sell Hardware, Stoves and Ranges We can furnish Building Material of all kinds, Doors, Win' dows, Locks, Mouldings, Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper* Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE - 7 —— ........ .... five were appointed to canvass A permanent organization was a» slogans and present their se- formed, and Robert Clow, J. C. lection of three to the club Jor a I Beck and Joe Slemmons were vote. selected as delegates to attend a The vote showed a majority in general meeting of soon to division, be called j of favO r o f »Florenc? ” 1 n the interest county Undeveloped Wealth. ” As Florence, Oregon TUG ROBARTS ARRIVED . IN PORT SATURDAY The tug Robarts arrived here Saturday morning from Portland after an absence of over a month. The tug boat was thoroughly To Mr. and Mrs. John Shultz, overhauled, and a new boiler of Maple Creek, Tuesday, which has a steam test of 175 daughter. S lem m on ’s R a ck et Store I. O. 0 . F. Building. A g e n t G arharrt W ork in g C lo th es S O C IE T Y C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T Nuts .All kinds for the trade—also Some Candies You know the kind I Good Clothes? That depends upon - W H O makes them. If can possibly get at a price within your reach, let us send your.measure to our famous Chicago Tailors, Ed. V . Price & Co. The clothes will be cut with the individual customer in mind, built throughout with an idea of permanency, and guaranteed to fit and satisfy in every respect DeSvny w l be mode at rov iiiimiih i Smith’s Toggery “Things That Men Wear” TH E R ED FR O N T ¡FLO R EN C E, OREGO BORN Mapleton, Oregon T h a t’s A ll this was offered at the meeting and after the contest closed, no re­ ward was given the one suggest­ ing i t Constitutes ~ you want the t i nn f o r s ervioo durin g t hiw m»»». MAPLETON HOLDS - “NEW COUNTY” MEETING Florence Builders Supply Company - — SIUSLAW COMMERCIAL CLUB CHOOSE SLOGAN THERORENCE RACKET STORE STAUP & CORUM i'.'o ' " ^ — ’— t ------- ■ — r r - -Ib is musical organization has On ’s work - been rehearsing for some time ip I their preparation for their first musical event, and promise some­ thing o f merit in the way of entertainment. At the regular meeting of the Commercial Club Monday night thejslogans offered in competition for the prize were read. None seem to be what the club desired Tuesday evening the citizens so the members present were re- o f Mapleton held a meeting at Quested tn the Slemmon’s Racket Store and , m° re’ W hat T ^ j S S g L 1* f a te j a a w« * 1 »M u rganizations is the Tuesday frosting and holding five candles Auction B n d ,e Club which had uf the » m e color AvenTl t T J 7 ^ R F'I ’ t™ ° “ "dl °< >«d< =.n Four taw7 *y *f,ei? 00n- dy- The favors were amal) dolls ve™ deH.“ H u 7 Z t 2 t ',M *an‘l , ' <‘reT i in " d ,n d ” hite “ d tier B o a i '°" ta “ ™ Ad' - much to their j o , each little girl tion B r J g , wM ,„ w e d . Mrs. jw «, given one to earr, home Rudolph i firynd winning highest Br A fter a happy afternoon the honors. , guests dispersed wishing the A dainty luncheon was served, hostess many more birthdays. during the afternoon. The mem­ Those present were; Bessie Hud­ bers present were: Mrs. Capt J. son, Vera Kyle, Verbena Morris, Bergeman, Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Mrs. Lorie Hindshaw, Beatrice Grice, E. F. L e e fe ,. Mrs. Mearle C. Babe Grice, Dorothy Drumm, Fox, Mrs. Irwin Smith, Mrs. Lily Drumm, Esther Surface, David Kyle, Mrs. John W. Berg­ Geraldine Catell, Emily and Edna man, Mrs. J. W. Ford, Mrs. W. McCornack. Fotheringham, Mrs. Rudolph Brynd and Miss Mary Cassidy. The first valentine party of the w - Choice Box Surface D ru g Store Rare Goods at Eastern Prices ! See double-page Ad Saturday Evernng Post Decern beF 6th These Goods have - a national reputation ST O R E season was given Tuesday even­ Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 4. - ing - by Miss Grace M Sl ,n East in ner her Mrs. L. J. Pourtales entertained coxy apartments on Washington at an afternoon party, comtoli- street. menting her mother, Mrs. CMas. Five hundred was played af- Babcockof Northfield, Minnesota, fording much enjoyment. The Five Hundred was played at four brat prizes were won by Mr. and ta les, Mrs. J. W. Ford, winning Mrs J. McCrae, the second prizes tnepnze. At 4:30 a very delicious by Miss Bossen and Mr. C. J. Ma- Mrs. Minnie Funke, Prop. luncheon was served. Those honey. Luncheon was served Hamlin Slraat present were Mesdames, M. C. by the hostess, assisted by her Fox, J. W. Ford, T. J. Hudson, mother Mrs. E. J. E ast Call ° f k?und7 Work—Cleaning and Pressing ! I. A. Smith, E. F. Surface, Wm. Call for and deliver all work Rates on Famil? Washi, Brynd, Rudolph Brynd, Dave Mrs. T. C. Säubert, enter­ Special Work Solicited Kyle, Wm. Kyle. E. F. Leefe, tained the Sunshine club of Acme tv n a v A — * mi —j u o n i n e l i u u o í n e m e D. Crutcher. Eaton, R. C. Wy- Thursday afternoon. About Rant. J. P. Cox, W. S. Irwin, J twenty-five ladies were present W. Bergman and Frank Smith. coming on a special boat The » affair was in the nature of a » Mrs. W. H. O’Kelley, enter­ thimble party with a social good » tained Saturday evening in hon­ time enjoyed by those present or of Miss Ruth Crutcher who ( offee and cake was served by * . » has spent the past six months the hostess. I Rates $X.f; to $2.00 visiting in Florence and will Meals 36c and 50c soon leave for her home. A very unique Birthday party Five hundred was the enter-, 8. ^ , riast was givenf,last week at the home , Special rates by th e > ee k t“ n"S “ "I Mr8' D*ViA “ “ «*<£ * Tables will be supplied with the Best the Season affords M r r I m \ R B' At es’ and' aU8p,ces of the Evangelical La- * Headquarters for Traveling Men Mr. C. J. Mahoney. Luncheon die’s Aide society. Each lady was served, after which many invited celebrated her own birth- • ♦ » » ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * * * * * * * ♦ * * ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ » » ♦ o^ th e v ^ T tlOn rendCred bj’ h " " ™ * th ' lctro1*-___ ponding to her years. After a J******»*****»»»*»***„M