* *-*• A • I » * < . ♦ ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ............" “ ' 11 “ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 111 m 111 : TT L 17 .y j r, rCiOQiUAKl 11. SOME HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Coos Bay which represents ap- other things. W hat we need is proximately 50 miles of addition- this Siuslaw reservg abolished . trackage. borne heavy grad- and give the land back to home- mg is necessary on this part of ¡stead entries and tim ber claims. TO FLORENCE A a IZ T 1 1 m n L " V large force of men 1 Let the settle up. Let it Bqy from a man who is located in the country and if O A K I A N D T A I IF I •5Le'J POyed- Work wil1 ba imkrove and not hold it back th e mov merit or case is wrong, you have some one to Sunday being a very beautiful V t t l t L / U W V A L i r . provided for no few er than 2500 ; Fellow citizens we will have to make a kick to. day, the beach was of course an laborers, it is estimated. A small I awaken and petition our Senators All the W atches ] sell are guaranteed to be in first-class attraction, and groups of pleas­ Oakland, California is carrying force of skilled men also will be and Congressmen stating plainly condition. I f they are not right, I am always glad to ure seekers were to be seen strol­ make good- 4 out what is term ed one of the required. what we w a n t If you never ling upon the long stretch of My W atch Reimiri ng is guaranteed to be satisfactory largest plans for haroor and "W e want to get all the grad­ have been on the tributaries of and prices rig h t I do not charge for a lot of work I ing between the mountains and the Siuslaw in the Siuslaw Re­ sand, or digging clams, when w aterfront improvements ever do not do. Send your watch by the Bea vèr or Mail suddenly many became inter­ undertaken by an American com­ Coos Bay finished this y e a r,” serve then you have no idea, of Boat to vu ested in a rapidly moving object munity. said A. R. Porter yesterday. the homes that are with held coming from the south,, which J FLORENCE eweler Oakland harbor is in two With the right kind Of w eather from the people. W hat is allow­ ORE had a close resemblance to divisions which, however, natur­ we ought to get it done. We ed to them is a Small area, or a - W - H - W I I M 1 I H i W H 1 1 1 1 1 !» Motorcycle Mike” crossing to ally blend into one. These parts will engage all the men we can few acres of land. I believe this the Pacific shore of the United are the estuary of San Antonio, use a fte r we s ta rt our work .lit rob b ing thi s home s ee ker arid States? locally knbwn aS fhe inner har­ agdin. ’ PERSONALS I F. CM WHl not allowing him justice under a It finally proved to be V. C. bor, and the west front. This It is the intention of the South­ time case. Geo. Sehorn was do vn Satur- Gorst, of Marshfield and Shannon west front is the frontage direct­ ern Pacific to have the Coos Bay If any one has any questions to Mitchell, of N orth Bend, riding day. While J. P. Cox was on his re- ly on the bay. The estuary has road open and ready for opera­ Bob Clow spent Sunday in oent trip Eeast he purchased an a minimum width of 800 feet and tion from Eugene to Marshfield ask in regard to the Siuslaw a motor cycle on a test trip from Reserve o: who wrote this article Marshfield to Florence, investi­ Mapleton. ice plant, which is now in San and extends inland from the bay early in 1915. The work from ask the editor of the Pilot and he gating possibilities of an auto Ray David, made a trip to the Francisco on its way to Florence. a distance of almost five miles. Eugene to the Coast range is •V.1 will give you his name. stage between these two points. farm, Monday. Last^year Mr. Cox bought some The federal governm ent a t inter­ completed. The tunnel through SCOOP The running tim e was one hour Mrs. Ralph Lee, of Acme, came w ater front property in block vals in the past 40 years has the mountains has been driven. and forty minutes. five, original plat of Florence, made appropriations and done down Thursday. Porter Bros., together with Mc­ Chas. Frazier and Ed Walker, •Mr. Gorst came here to confer Miss Tena Beck, of Rock Port, 1 from the Harbor-Sound Invest­ construction work on the estuary A rthur Bros. & Co., of Chicago, who have been logging on Lake with George Fisk and to make ment Co., upon which he will in pursuance of a well-designed are doing all the work west of was in Saturday. creek moved to Florence Friday. arrangem ents With him in regard erect a building this, year to be plan of providing shipping the mountains. In addition to Geo. Montgomery, came down to a schedule. These gentlemen used for cold storage purposes facilities on th a t waterway. the grading, much of which is Sat ¡Fday, on business. For Sale—Two w ater front expect to oarry passengers with and the m anufacture ice. The work of the federal govern­ heavy, nearly twelve miles of lots close in. Price $2500. See P. J. Cline, of M apleton/ was their auto service and make the The capacity of the plant will m ent on the estuary has been trestle work is necessary and C. L Wayman. the city Thursday. run between the Siualaw and j be large enought to supply the devoted entirely to providing anc several concrete bridges must be Coos Bay in four hours. Airs. E. B. Miller was over | demand for ice by the Siuslaw m aintaining the deep This latter construction water b u ilt FOR SALE;—Some fine resi­ m the lakes Saturday. m arket for several years. channel. The federal govern will prevent the road from being dence property close to church Mr. and Mrs. Joe SaHey came m ent does not undertake to open to use this year. FOR SALE and school house in Mapleton, down shopping Thursday. participate in Xhe work of actua 276 acres of the best kind o f Ore. Enquire of Mrs. Riley Mills and son Roy, construction of the wharves anc dairy land on tide w ater land on GEO. B. CAMP. shore line jm provem ents. Dur spent Thursday in Florence. the Siuslaw river, good house H. Elliot of Portland, register, t. In conversation with a person, ing the last 10 years the federa Snap in Ranch—I f taken soon. four rooms, good barn, 400 fruit ed a t th e Bay View Monday. who has recently arrived on the governm ent work on the estuary Some stock, cleared land, close tre es all bearing, 200 acres clear­ river, the subject of titles has been carried on continuously, ed will be sold a t a bargain. Will W, & K eo- Having seen in your paper, the to school on county road, 160 sell as a whole or any amount was brought up. The person re­ there being none of the lapses in Mapleton ca lie dd’.vd Saturday acres. See J. K. Lowe. appropriation and suspension of Eugene Guard, and Register at above 40 acres. Inquire at this C. A. Finer, o(' M a 'k to n , was marked th a t he had never m et work th a t marked the early different times articles concern­ so many captains in any one registered a t the Bay Vie .v F ri­ place as he had here, and offeree stages of this development. The ing the classification of land in day. TH E as an explanation th a t no doubt final result, so fa r as the estuary the Siuslaw National Forest, will E. (J. Wort rj lake, o f Fiddle SQUARES it was because Florence was a is concerned, is summed up to­ say I do not approve o f the work creek, came in on business Mon­ being done in some parts of it. DEALER I « day in a governm ent channel ex­ seaport town. And speaking of day. One of my friends has a letter tending from deep w ater in the captains,-one of the late recruits. THE BEST GOODS—LOWEST PRICES . ' Miss i.-ylvia Morris, of Maple- proves to be Johnson Pofter, bay to about 3 3-4 miles inland, from the Forestry Departm ent ton made a Sunday visit to F lor-1 which is shown by a neat little with a width of 500 feet and 30 a t Washington, which states a New Goods a Sp.ciaHy S e e in g Hand Goode a'Neceeaily From man can take all agricultural ence- tide book presented to him by a feet depth a t low tide. .______Boar this in mind; my ffnnHa . r . S. A. Freclov and ■■ if?, left ¡friend. The book has embossed the end of t his channel along the and up to 25 per cent and all and the price the c leapcst, quality of goods 4ered or Portland Monday, go.ng out in gold letters on its cover. Oakland shore of the estuary the agricultural land is subject to ’ - \ J ... Drain. ‘"Captain J. P. P o rter” . governm ent has dredged a chan­ lomestead entry. There was no COME AND SEE ME ACME, OREGON nel 300 feet wide and 25 feet restriction to timber. Chas. Kelly1 a rd w ife are Jam es C? Parker, sheriff, deep, extending a mile and a If I remember right the people visiting with Mrs. Kelly’s mother yestsrday formally announced sunt a petition to congress asking ►on Fiddle creek. q uarter to the eastw ard end of his candidacy for Lane eounty them to open the Siuslaw Reserve the estuary. From this eastward Hazen Johnson. Melt Coburn sheriff, to succeed himself. He to settlem en t Did they do it ? end of the estuary a canal ha.« and J. C. Beck were down on is the second to announce candi­ I should say n o t They tried to been dredged by the estuary and business Saturday. dacy on the Democratic ticket. prevents desposit of silt th at make the people believe they Mrs. Geo. Elliot, le ft for her On his petition, P arker states would naturally accumulate. So have on a bluff. home Monday, a fte r a short stay hat he will, if elected, ‘‘enforce Why do the F orest officials perfect has been the work o f the with Mrs. Geo. Coium. all laws with strict im partiality;” engineers in this regard, th a t the limit some of the applications "To Mrs. Herman Larsen left Tues­ but he has not drawn up his , annual cost for m aintaining the ju st a few acres? It makes no F A N C Y A N D S T A P LE day for M srshfield where Mr. oiatform, other than to state channel, five miles in length, was difference how level the land is, and Mrs. L irsen vill reside. hat he will conduct the office ejtim ated last year a t $12,500. if there are a few trees on the JO E MORRIS JR, M A P LE TO N . R J. W. I ntall and M v k H. with efficiency at a minimum land, they will send the report Effects of the governm ent Savage, o i P ortlan d , ca ne in cost During his past term he work on the estuary may be per­ back, statin g there is too much Tuesday on 141c beach stage. aas established a ^wide record ceived when the statem ent is m erchantable tim ber on i t or the Claud Cole, of Jackson Mich, about the state for capturing a made th at before the federal land is in such a condition it can­ who has been h ere for toe past hum ber of im portant criminals. engineers began, boats draw ing not be farmed. month, left Frida for Eugene. A particular ciaim of thé sheriff’s more than two feet of w ater Say did you ever stop to think Mrs. M artin O.sou, of Dead­ force is th a t there have all during could not enter this Harbor a t low what a homestead would amount wood, left -for home M onday B arker's term been at least three tide. This estuary, or Oakland to a poor man, a fter &'l ihe valu­ a f te r a short, vie.it to Florence. Ixiot leggers in jail a t all times. inner harbor, is perfectly land ation is taken aWay and nothing Robt. J. Lewis ca ne in from Ih e re are three in jail a t present. locked, is protected from winds luft but old Hr stum ps end tree He has sucessfully cleaned up and from sea swells, and has a 10D8 for h.‘ n io toil his 1 3 a way. Portland, Tnursday to superin­ bootlegging in Eugene R egister maximum tidal range of about Why if utere was so ne valu­ tend the erection of the new six feet and a minimum of about ation th a t he could disp >«e of, it vi*ter tank. “ Most Everything for a Little Less” A. Demangear, representing four feet would help the poor hom : seeker D. H. Robinson arrived in the Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co, of to clear the land for cultivation Florence last week and has taken Milwaukie Wisconsin, came in and would be a blessing, T.i a j osition as bookkeeper with Saturday to rearange the Tide say a fte r the tim ber has 3 • Tide W ater Mil« Co. W ater Mill Company’s plant. taken-off, then the lancf will b Al »Hite an^j v ife who have opened for settlem ent. A not; •; I P. J. Peterson and R. W. Mc- Portland, Feb. 7—This morn- chance for a man w to toll >llrt his II Id • 1 . Le. P h e l l p s , I - / ----------- ----------~ ~ L. Geo S cn n ed er k i t Thuroday, M F Melvin of’*■ inionian Employ- 1or the best part of. it away bt f for their home a t Coqui e. r j . . Gamm „ _ a h has « -.m ni. moans . for suppor ...... ent for for more more than than 30iki 3000 m..n men h he ample „ vuq me. London Oregon, P. M. of . m m ent will be provided about March 1 Capt. Larson, accompanied by .Gardiner, S. E. Drew and wife ing his family off of his n-, n j Ed M orns and Earle Leppert, of Camas W ashington, Joe Slem-I by the operation of a single Port­ stead. Having lived in a left.. Friday e v e n u g fo r Coos j mons, Robert J. Lewis, D. NM1 land concern- th a t o f Porter country till of my life, 1 Know Bay m the Coast, towing two Robinson and John .A- Sawyer Bros., railroad contractors. th at it tik e s several years to Porter Bros, are arranging to clear a farm for cultivation. a a r r * d *" w ere re g e u te e d a t the Bay View resume work an the Eugene-Coos What benefit are we receiving off field Saturday mom;ng. f ’rtirsday Bay line of the Southern Pacific of our Siuslaw fo re st Of course between Acme and Marshfield we get a certain per cent of the and on the Tenino cutoff o f the t'm ber sales but th a t is not a N orthern Pacific south of Tacoma. ! comparisoij to w hat we would re Both of these projects, which have ceive if it was taxed. This idea FLORENCE, OREGON “ been under way for several years, of a Reserve to keep the capital E. S. DYER, Mgr. have been idle on account of the ist from controlling all the tim ber winter raina. is a fake, for when it is sold it C EM ENT, LIME, BRICK Porter Bros, have contracts for is most generally sold in large S E W E R PIPE a n d DRAIN T IL E approximately* 100 m iles of the tracts. Who buys it? Why the House and Store Plans Drawn to Your Ordter SouUiern Pacific’s Coos Bay line capitalist on short notice for an me price vou and have been Working on ft for I have studied thia out "and can buy thema^eady made. two years. Grading on the first have talked with the Forest Six-inch Sewer Pipe for Chimneys X afh ( 50 miles west of the Noti tunnel officer but have not y«t been able was completed last year. SALESROOM to see how we are benefitted. Behind Millinery Store As soon as weathei; conditions One Forest officer told me this permit, work will be taken up on was one of the finest oountries in OFFICE WITH MONROE REALTY COMPANY that portion of the liny between the world to grow timber. Then, Acme and the northern v n j o f it must be a good country to grow ! M r. M an When You Buy a Watch I motor cycle comes FROM MARSHFIELD F. B. C A R S O N -P- Ue