•i T H E S IU S L A W PILOT W E D N E SD A Y, FEBRUARY 11, 19U Win COMPLETE Wait Until House Before Insuring Place your insuranc with us before it is too late »an francisco, Feb. 7. P er­ mission to issue bonds in the sum $55.000,000. bearing interest a t five per cent and m aturing in 20 years, was asked of the state rail­ road commission today by the i Southern Pacific company. Of this am ount $29; (XX); 000 are for refunding short term notes alreadijssued and the rem ainder ■for. b e tte r m e n t ■ and a d d itio n » . Inasmuch as $21,500,000 of the original issue was also for better­ m ent and additions, the total proposed expenditure for this j purpose will be $47,500,000. . I Among various items of im­ provement which the company i stipulates as specific reasons for asking this permission appear | the following: Complete construction of Will­ am ette Pacific railway, $2,989,- '075; Colusa and Hamilton rai’l- ! road, $643,854; Fernly and Lassen j railroad, $2.065,840; Willamette Valley Electric lines, $1,425,478; 1 Sunset lines construction, $709- 366. Another item for construc­ tion of the Sunset lines amounts to $1,512,676. W ithoutspecifying where they are to be located, the company sets aside $1,019.780 for station buildings, grounds and other transportation service improve­ m ents; $56,721 Tor dock and w harf property, $191,200 for fu el and w ater stations; $241,369 for bridges, trestles and culverts; $1,222,561 for additional main tracks; $272,856 for shop build J ings, etc. BROWN C hinook and Royal C h in o o k 5IM0ND55A w e one of the articles w e bank on in our store. W e sell high grade hardware. Our customers appreciate good goods. , , T h e makers guarantee the S im on ds S a w free from all defects. T h ey have proven to us what w e want *to show you. saw is evenly tempered, properly ground, nicely polished and correctly fitted with apple handle. — ‘ Second It “ hangs ** just right TA/rd— A n d m ost important, it is m ade of Sim onda . ?e ®nd therefore has the right saw material in w t l ho,ding a cu thngedge through hard usage. ■ W hen buying an edge tool don’t buy cheap goods. P ay enough to get good quality steel. Every man, whether carpenter or not. should ow n at least one good saw . the Sim on ds S a w . Cornel in any time and see LEGHORNS FOR SALE I have full blooded Brown Leg- horn Chicken» and will se lla set­ ting of 15 eggs for $1.50 Guaranteed to be first class. Robert Bay, Box 12, Florence Or. J, K. LOWE For Sale. 320acrers, good house, 3 bams, blacksmith shop, outbuildings, 3 head of horses, harness, 6 head of cattle, 21 head of sheep, chick­ ens, pig, 17 stands of bees, farm ) machinery, two mowers, hay 1 rake, two plows, cultivator, gar-' den plants, one good two seated hack with top, 8 million feet of second grow th, fir timber, 40 acres under plow more can be plowed, household goods and all go a t Five thousand ($5000) if taken soon. Have to change cli­ mate. Inquire of A. D. or D. O. Beers. Reed Oregon. 280 acre Siuslaw ranch, im­ proved, one tra c t 160 acres tim ber, some town lots in Maple­ ton. Also a five-room house. For price and term s see P. E Jackson, Mapleton, Or. H eating stoves a t the H ardw are man. Florence, Oregon L. J. Pourtales r ilE HARDW ARE MANI Florence, Oregon Wait, a Minute! Look Here! A Superb Double-Disc Record almost Pourtales, The best stock ranch in western Lane County for sale. Inquire a t this office. SIUSLAW NURSERY THOMAS A. YOST & SON Stock and Dairy Ranches Business Chances Apples, Pears, Peaches, C herry,‘Prunes, iPlums. Variety Small F ruits for Sale, Write for list and prices. BARRETTS’ Delightful drive along the Sea Shore. Agent for Horticultural Fire Relief Insurance Co. Stage leaves Florence, daily for Gardiner. This is the connecting link from Drain, Ore­ gon, Southern Pacific enrout to Florence Will play on COLUMBIA or VICTOR machine ’ S tan d ard Size- Unexcelled for Quality and Durability} Something Unusual—Don’t Miss I t StandardJColumbia Double-Disc Records. 65cents. t Others from 75c to Remember they play on Grafonolas or Victrolas FLORENCB OREGON