2 THE other news for the prices to be had. If you don’t think so, let us prove it. Heaters from $2.25 up Sash and Doors at Bottom Prices Harness and Fitting Our Spring Stock of Plows, Harrows and Cultivators „— are .here .............' . . . F E N C E —we have it and can price it to suit you IF ITS HARDWARE --------- _ HULL has it ThePathto Profit . The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or shop|is too well recognized to require discussion. If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few more Magda lamps- in your store and show window and watcn results, You also profit by using electric lights in your home. Electric Light is most healthful, safest, most con­ venient ana the most economical light in the long run Florence Electric Company IS HERE TO SERVE TOLL ' BREVITIES ' Hardw are Hull, Glenada, Ore­ gon. Wood cutters tools a t Pourtales. Furniture or rugs, ¿he idea g ift- See Alles Furniture Co. For Sale—I No 2 Kenwood stum p puller, cables, grab hooks, lines at a bargain. In good re­ pair. See C. W. Curran. Flor­ ence, Or. . ----------- M otor All kinds z...----- boat supplies. cut and threaded to order. At Pourtales. All kinds of coupling. Florence — Supply Co. AGATE GRINDING Joe Slemmons traded lot 9 and the north half of lot 10, block 2, J. A. Peterson has added an- town of Mapleton, to Ben Martin other arbor carring another disc for lot 3 on the w ater front next and polishing wheel. He is now to Noffsinger’s Boat building prepared to do agate grinding eatablishment. The trade was for the public. Call and see him. made February firs,t. next to Carson’s Jew elry store. I j - j - x —J-.: Norman Hanson, son of Hans Hanson, of Glenada, had the m isfortune last Friday to g et his left hand caught in the cogs of a feed chopper. He was brought to Florence and Dr. Geo. P. Edw ards found it necessary to am putate the part of the boy’s second and thirdfingers. The Price will be Right and You will be Satisfied. Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed and 10 acre tracts rail road—2 miles Florence. _ Soil first class covered with alder, has w ater front, c«il into launch off End, and it only takes At minutes to come to Florence. New railroad runs through land. Some trails comes to road, the land is well situated to plat for town or small g ar­ den and poultry tracts. Get in on these a t once if you wish to g et som ething th a t is sure to bring you a p ro fit— 250 acres 1 1-2 miles from Glenada on Clear lake. Public road runs through land. Price $125 Ask for what you don’t see A (. 0 O 1) P Exclusive Agents Thompson’s Glove Fitting Here are three Popular Styles We Have Others The Glenada Five Hundred Club which meets every S atur­ day, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Monroe last week. The ladies’ prize was awarded Mrs. E. S. Dyer, the gentlem en’s prize w ent to Chas. McMorris, while E. R. Mummey secured the consolation offering. Lunch was served during the evening. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lowe, Mr. and Mr. Roy Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mummey, Misa Jennie Miller, Mr. Chas. M cKorris and M r.F . J. Monroe. Ix)t and small 2 room house. five blocks from post office. This cheap only $250 We Garry Everything K |R 1914 2AZ v »A a # CQKKTX Style 1152 - Style 1243 A V t-nrnw » ’ coment. Style 193 Corset Waists *• for Misses and Ladies We carry several other makes of Corsets priced from . .. $1J If you order by mail or phone give number style and size ,2 lots in Buck Skin Bobs camp on Tsiltcoos Lake, 90x200 f t best in the camp price gw 30 acres in Porter acre tracts at Eugene, price only -$1.200 40 acres near Glenada some w ater front fine land; can ~~ ,, buy this cheap. ' H £ ' . ' ..A -T;-l ■'» / / • . >4 /.». <■. F /» -a 4 • 1 V a FOLGER’S COFFEES is a staple article.. We have it in 1 and 2’/ ? cans also in bulk R-K-R STORE “A Good Place to Trade” - General Merchandise FLORENCE, OREGON C. L. WAYMAN, at Pilot Office, Florence. Or. Wo Give Quantity and Quafib • For Sale or Trade. with 18 feet, with the exception of one spot close in. This was 12 feet, and so located he said that if he had kept a little farth er north he might have fouhd more water. It is expected th a t the extension of the ’atty will scour this and keep an 18-foot channel to sea. • . p- Pipe FEBRUARY 11 . ims A decree of divorce was grant* ed Feb. 5th to Mrs. Catherine When you think H ardw are ” '7 7 nV"wCri.?e thin ko i Hull,Glenada, Or._____ i . ... ington. In is was made upon an Piling to sell," C. L. Wayman, ' amended complaint. The axes sold by Pourtales are Pilot office. * .. . . . . warranted. Furniture repaired, rehnished The Rustler, came in Sunday or reupholstered—M attresses For Sale -F in est building lQt w ith a full load of freight. ! made over Rugs Renovated in Glenada 50x140, close to Glen­ 8tove pipe 15 and 20. cents a t Alles Furniture Co., The new ada Hotel, overlooking the ocean : »tore opp. Blacksmith shop, Pourtales. Siuslaw bay and beautiful towns The Tillamook arrived port of Florence and Glenada price Buy your M attresses ¡ and m u i I ----------- •;----- — — ••• in v«*- Couches at Florence Supply Co , Saturday with a good sized cargo $175.00. Call or address E. F. Repairing done. f°r Florence Owing to the in- Arnold, Glenada. Ore. «UBlru. Qw.Hk - u u crease in freight to be handled, “ “ r : ° / ; he , I p n c e . to suit th, buyer. report, , ho > pro^ The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard l a r k ’s baby, took place Thursday morning, Rev P ratt conducting the service at the Masonic cemetary. WEDNESDAY. The Glenada Commercial Club reorganized with thirty m em bers on Tuesday, January 27th, a t which tim e they elected the fol­ lowing officers, President, R. A. Lowe; secretary, E. R. Mum­ mey; trersurer, C. E. Harwood; board of governors, N. B, Hull, W. S. H atch and C. E. Harwood. A t this meeting resolutions were unanimously passed favor ing county division. The club meets every Tuesday .evening.and.at,itslast meeting- February 10th, it instructed the press committee to correspond with the clerk of each school i district in the western p a rt of the county, asking th a t a public , m eeting be called to elect dele- ! gates to attend a general m eet­ ing a t some place to be d é sig n â t-, ed later, to discuss methods to secure county division. at Glenada - The Best Range w— ---- -------------- _ ----------- PILOT GLENADA COMMERCIAL CLUB REORGANIZES Who Said So HULL SIUSLAW * (»onera) Insurance I’ E. C. WAV MAN »