THE PILOT VOL I ACME-MAPLETON ROAD CONSIDERED BY u u17 1]r 1 NUMBER 49 CARNIVAL I HASSMEETING IS CALLED WILL RESUME FLORENCE WINS ......... . THIRD GAME 01 ROAD SOON [B A LL I f weather will permit, con­ Last spring the Mapleton and struction activities on the will- Florence High School girls were amette-Pacific railroad between both presented with a Basket Eugene and Coos Bay w ill be re-1 The people of lower Siuslaw H. O ’Kelly and Jared Scott were Ball by the girls of the U. of O. sumed within, possibly, three country, living along the river appointed to d raft resolutions to A® a result, a series of three between Mapleton and ‘Acme, urge the building and completion weeks or a month, involving the demand that the Willamette of the road between Mapfeton early employment of upwards of Fames was played the Florence team going to Mapleton for the , Pacific Railway company rebuild and Florence. 2,000 men. A t present virtually first game and winnings decided the county road that it destroyet all construction is at a standstill, The meeting adjourned at 11:45 victory. The second was played in building its grade between to meet at 12:45 and hear the re­ as it has been for six weeks, ex­ There will be a mass meeting of the in Florence a few weeks later to ‘ those two villages. cept for the construction o f steel port of the committee on reso­ assist in raising Carnival funds citizens of Florence and vicinity, held bridges and underground tunnel Attorney W. G. Martin, rep­ lutions. / . es1u ,tinF in » tie score. in the Commercial Club rooms on Friday work. resenting the residents along About 1 o’clock the meeting I he third game was played on the Siuslaw river, presented was again called to order and the Attempts to rush the work evening, February 13, 1914, a t 7:30, Carnival day and after a hard the m atter before the county resolutions passed. The meeting through the winter were a failure for the purpose a f receiving the report court this forenoon. H. P. Hoey, was then adjourned subject to because of impossible climatic tussel Florence won and was engineer in charge of construc­ the call of the chairman. of the general committee for 1913, and conditions, and now contractors presented with - the Champion pennant tion, J. L. Buell, right-of-way are looking forward eagerly to an for the purpose of electing a committee To The Honorable County Court, When school opened this fall agent, and Ralph E. Moody, early start, with every day of And The Board O f County only two members of the champ­ for 1914. Let everybody make a special Southern Pacific attorney, were delay costingfchousandsof dollars. Commissioners, Eugene, ion team reentered Tor practice effort to be presen t present in court when Mr. M artin The slides and the storms that Lane County, Oregon. but sufficient good material was made his demand. The court effectually stopped all work this C. H. YOUNG, found and the girls reorganised. has taken the question under winter has moved the tim e for A t a public meeting held at the Eleanor Saubert was again elects President Board Trustees. advisement operation of trains to the coast Commercial Club Headquarters, ed Captain and Dr. Chas. John­ When the new railway grade in Florence, the matter of com­ from Eugene from the present son coach. Soon after the Glen- was built last year it covered the pleting and restoring the County time to late in the summer, bu ; „ a F id * • ‘ •rted to practice with wagon road right-of-way almost Road between Mapleton and beginning nex$ fall the routing H erbert Thom as coach and erec­ entirely, and it is now impossible Florence was discussed, a fte r the of passengers to Marshfled wil ting Gladys Mitchell captain. to traverse the distance between election of M r. I. B. Cushman, will be through Eugene, instead The first game between the Mapleton and Acme with a team. as Chairman, and R. C. Wygant, of through Dram and Roseburg, two teams was played Nov. 25th Several months ago the railway as Secretary, the Plans are under way at present following with Florence winning, although company offered to pay the resolutions were read and adopt­ fo r a passenger and freight Glenada played a splendid game county the sum of $15,000 for the ed: — service from Eugene to Acme by considering the short time they road or those portions of it de­ rail, and from there to Coos Bay WE, the undersigned tax­ had practiced and their un­ stroyed in the building of the payers, residents and business by stage. This will change the fam iliarity with the hall and ' railray grade, but the offer was men of the Siuslaw Valley, present stage routing from Coos showed good material. The never accepted. When the peo­ spectfully request and petition on the lower side of the railroad Bay to Allegany or Gardiner and second game took place in Glen­ ple 11T.I1M living in territory affect- thence out by way of Scottsburg *"c in tne me territory ailect- your Honorable Court to Compel wherever practicable. ada on Jan. 80th, and as the ball ed heard o f the offer they at oncQ the Willamette-Pacific Railroad, Drain, to continue n w th and Be i t further resolved:______ Urged not. to accept am»an+ 1* to open,_lay onon lav out and construct __ x__ x a urged the court not it, to ■mailer than strike the railroad at Florence we respectfully urge and demand arguing that the highway de­ wagon road consisting of at least that the County Court shall cause I t will reduce 60 to 70 miles regulation site the game was « scramble, only giving the strong­ stroyed was worth fa r more than a twelve foot right of way and to be constructed, a bridge six­ mountain stage trip to 40 miles er a chance to w in. The Flor- the amount offered. an eight foot grade or crown; teen feet in width, across and along the beach. enca girls could not do any good The railroad men present at where the same shall be within I t the weather will permit, over the tide flats, along the line passing so were badly defeated, the meeting with the court this the right of way of the said Rail­ of the County Road survey Porter Bro., Grant Smith Go. stated H. P. Hoey, assistant The third and deciding gam* forenoon emphatically declared road Company. engineer in charge of the Coos through the Town of Acme; and Have Leased Water _ was played last Thursday even- that they were not willing to re­ Bay line, “ we shall prepare to T H A T , whenever the «aid that a bridge be built across the ing and a fte r a hard and cloae Front at Glenada build the road, but that they wagon road leaves the said right North Fork on said road survey, continue track laying in less than contest Florence again proved to would pay the county for that of way of the Willamette Pacific and that said road and bridges a month—posssibly in three have the best team by winning Authentic information was re­ weeks. which they had destroyed. They Railroad, the said Railroad be put in proper condition for As I understand, the two games out of a series o f ceived in Florence Monday that contractors are also prep a rin g to declared that there was not company shall purchase of the travel from the point where the three. . Porter Bros, & Grant Smith Co. much of a road there in the first abutting property owners land Willamette-Pacific right o f way commence operations again very The largest crowd of the year has leased water frontage and a early, and will place a big force place little more than a trail, and sufficient to construct and main­ crosses the Siuslaw River above had gathered in the hall and at piece of tide land belonging to of .men at work very soon. that they do not feel that they tain the said wagon road. Acme, to the Town of Florence. 8 o’clock the game was called Wendling Johnson at Glenada are justified ~ in putting their T H A T , the maximum grades to We are looking forward at and would erect a w h arf and company to the expense of giving he permited shall not be in ex­ this time to the operation of with Dr. Johnson and H erbert Thom alternating as referee. the people of that locality a fine cess of nine and one half per warehouse on the property. trains to Acme or Mapleton late Prom start to finish it was a highway in its place. The railroad contractors are cent, and that the said wagon next summer, and I do not doubt closely contested game and the anxious to begin their work as Attorney Moody, Right of Way road shall be so opened, laid out, that beginning next fall, the x x v m j i i i c j t muuuy, m g n to i way »nan oe Agent Buell and Engineer Hoey | and constructed throughout the »oon as possible and this move is Coos Bay traffic will be out teams fairly wall matched- Altho to facilitate the landing o f con­ through via Florence over the the Glenada centers proved the presented the matter of straigh- entire distance from a point stronger the Florence forwards tening a street in Mapleton be­ where the said Railroad crosses struction material and camp sup­ new line.” Robert J. Lewis, a contractor plies for the work between the fore the oourt this morning be­ the Siuslaw River above Acme, An effort was made to com­ were more accurate in basket The first half ended fore the road question came up. to w««iu n e c tin g with witn the County of Portland, arrived in Florence Siuslaw river and the Umpqua plete the construction of all bridge making. and eon connecting ast week and immediately put a river. w ith the score 8 to 7 in favor of I t had not been fully determined Wagon Road at Mapleton. foundations last fall, before the w h p f h o r n r n n t a __ . T U A *P crew of men to work on the con­ Florence. The game ended with whether or not a certain street The Elmore people have a con­ rains set in. The grade is com­ T H A T , the said wagon road struction of the tank tower upon Glenada 9 and Florence 15. over which the new railroad pass­ conform in the main to the sur­ tract to transfer railroad con­ plete between Eugene and Acme, Eleanor Saubert, forword for es is really a public highway.— vey as outlined and established which the Tide W ater M ill Com struction supplies and have put and with the bridge foundations Eugene Guard. by Mr. Zentner, the Engineer in pany’s 250,000 gallon reservoir the Tillamook on the Portland- in all necessary to the completion Florence, played a fine game, Siuslaw run to take care of this o f the line would have been to proving a speedy player and charge of this section of the Rail­ will be placed. MASS MEETING DISCUSSED THE Eight concrete bases w ill be increase. And i f necessary to road construction, save and ex- have pushed the rails ahead, accurate basket maker, making 8 RIVER ROAD used to support the frame work meet the demand will supplement . cepting one certain point o r place i throw up the steel bridges as field goals and; 5 out o f 7 free In response to a call for a mass in and around the Point Terrace which spans the reserve water the Tillamook with another boat. they were reached, and then goals. Lucile Watkins, forward, meeting to be held in the Com- Mill and Lumber’ Co’s, plant and tank built last year. It is expected that construction continue, ballasting, and laying also played a very good game The concrete bases have been of the w harf will soon begin, so mercial Club rooms, Tuesday the Old Rock Quarry at Point steel. Under this plan n ils considering it yas herCfirst try ­ morning, February 3d, a large Terrace. That at this public poured and are ready for the aa to enable the work south to be would have reached tidewater by out and making 2 field goals. The height o f the started as soon the weather con­ Goldie Levage and Doan Cham­ number of up-river and Florence meeting a committee o f three frame work. now. tank will be about 75 fe e t i n ' T , ' Fathered shortly after consisting of Messrs Martin ditions ad m it But the weather interfered. berlin centers, showed a good The mill started Monday to ° n° , T _ Noffsinger, Tom Neely, and The road bed is now practical­ B ^ecame • physical impossi­ determination to win, while Reba On motion of J. C. Beck, I. B. Jarred Scott, was appointed to saw out timbers for the tank ly completed to Acme and ready bility to freight cement over the Watkins and Esther Levage Cushman was chosen to preside, confer with the said Railroad tower, and is also sawing other for the laying o f rails, but be- Siuslaw wagon roads after the proved such strong and persistent while R. C. W ygant was select-1 Engineer and M r. J. C. Beck, material for the improvements t ween the Siuslaw and the Ump­ rains commenced, and the bridge guards that Glenada had little ed as secretary. qua rivers are two tunnels to foundations were not completed. chance to score. for the purpose of determining, now under construction. From the time the meeting dn, i f possible, a more feasible! Janie and Ada Colter played complete and this year w ill see Then heavy slides buried the was called to order until it ad­ S. W. Taylor, republican, also forward for Glenada making 4 the contractors busy rushing this grade in eeveral places, and by route across and over that one journed a lively interest was point filed his formal petition as candi­ section. good field goals, but were un- the time these were cleared, the taken. date for county treasurer to 18c- i 'ortunate in throwing free goals T H A T , the said Willamette- ground became so soft th at fu r­ On motion committee of three only making 1. Lily Fox and ------- a --.... www VIMCV IAUIIU Pacific Railroad Company shall ceed himself. He has served in The Priscilla Club will meet ther work was literally impos­ consisting of Tom Neely, Martin provide turn outs, or places this position two terms, and is with Mrs. L . J . Pourtales next sible. Sdna Hansen as centers put up a New preparations are Noffsinger and Jared Scott were I practicable for loads or heavily , well known about the county. strong fight and made it lively' Friday afternoon. >eing made to commence work appointed to look into the present laden wagons to pass, at distances again as early in the spring as for their opponents. N ita Han­ °f proposed road Hear not greater than one quarter of sen and Bertha Mitchell, guards possi ble. —Register tuC Point I Oint, Terrace O QU7 mill and a — f t . a . . • . the saw did effectual work. a mile apart; that wherever it see if it could not be changed. shall be deemed necessary the W ith a capital stock o f $641, FE B R U A R Y Resolutions were adopted^urg-' said railroad is to construct and FE B R U A R Y the Corvallis Cannery, operated The Roecoe, returned to the A. r. m . mg the construction of a read piaintain for the period of two H IO H W A T » LOW W A TB K A. M. by the Benton County Growers’ Siuslaw Monday towing the F. M. Data 1 h. m. 1 ft. I h. m. from just above Acme to goin. years, a plank decking, or sur- Data I h. m. I f t I h. m. I f t Association, did a business of Coquille, with a cargo of powder. IS 1:40 8.6 158 the road that is now completed facing for the said wagon road fhunday Thursday 12 7:60 $65,000 in 1918. The establish­ 1.6 8.11 Friday 18 2:16 &» 2:19 t to o ■ n r tin t h a ln u r -J XX-X - * • Friday 18 8 5 9 1.0 8:41 a point below Mapleton. ment packed 17,850 cases of Saturday 14 2:66 arid that further the- said wagon 9.2 8:18 Satarday 14 951 The boys High School basket 0.7 >58 16 >56 fruits and vegetables, making 88 9.2 On motion a committee con road is to be constructed above Sunday 4:12 Sunday 16 1058 0 6 10:12 Monday 16 451 ball team, will leave for Gardiner 8.0 6 5 2 carloads of 86,000 lbs. each. Monday 16 1150 0.6 1150 sisting o f W. H . Weatherson. W. high water ms rk in all places and Tuesday 17 6:44 8.7 6:49 1 Tuesday 17 on the 21st of this month to play G,’? ^ recdved approximately 12:41 WadneadaylS 6 5 0 S4 851 1 Wsdn«sdayl8 o.-ot 1 5 158 $12,000 for raw material. the athletic team there. WILL BUILD WHARFAND WAREHOUSE AT WORK ON TANK TOWER a T ID E TABLES