X»-. THE SIUSLAW PILOT, WEDNESDAY V FEBRUARY 4. 1914 M. VERNON PARSONS against every bill which I thought was uniust, and supported and voted for every bill calculated for the betterm ent of moral con­ ditions: and I am proud of my tz ■ —— . Formal announcemeht th at he record in the legislature. will this year seek the republican “ I favor the passage of a law ; ■+ nomination for the state senator- placing the log boom companies ; H ! ship from Lane county was made under regulation by the State Eugene, Oregon ; -!; i yesterday by Attorney M. Vernon Railroad Commission, so th a t y Parsons, who represented the ’their charge?~and services may I.VERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN •j county in the lower house a t the be regulated like other public è ......... .. ? 1913 session of the legislature. utilities. J- In making known his decision, “The long distance telephone f-'ÿ-'î- T h at depends upon — - __________ ■ ______ — — — Mr. Parsons gave out the follow­ and telegraph companies will W H O makes them. If ing statem ent: ■- w nrobablÿ hear from me again if “ I expect to be a candidate for ..l am alerted .to the w & you want the best yo u L3W-»'- *• the Republican nomination for Partially through, my efforts in the state senate from Lane the legislature the United States can possibly get at a price county, and I feel th a t my record ha^gomrflenced a suit against the within your reach, let us as a representative a t the last principal telephone company in session of the legislature is suffi­ i the northw est to prevent it from send your measure to our Showing I I character cient evidence to the people that monopolizing all the telephone famous Chicago Tailors, ai interior ' I stand-Tor such legislation only I business in the northw est and as is calculated to be of benefit thereby throttle all com petition.” to the people. “ I worked and voted for the minimum wage bill for women BORN T h e clothes will be cut with the individual and girls: introduced and secured customer in mind, W i t throughout with an idea In Florence, on Thursday, Jan. the passage of the County De­ pository bill, which brings to {he 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corum, of permanency, and guaranteed to fit and satisfy county revenue enough to cover a daughter. in every respect. , the expense uf th e county trea­ Bom to Mr. and Mrs. C h arles1 surer’s office. This I believe is Delivery will he made at your convenience. the only revenue producing bill Tuttle, of Point Terrace, Febru­ Hardware, Stoves and Ranges ary 3d, a 12 pound daughter. I that passed the legislature. We can furnisn Building Material of all kinds. Doors, Win! “ I prevented therailroads from The m other and baby are doing dows, Izicks, Mouldings, Paints, W allPaper, Building Paper, grabbing the county roads for well, but Charley is still w hist­ Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line railroad purposes without first ling. DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE compensating the people for them. STAIJP& CORUM - * . Florence, Oregon “ I have a few ideas on legisla­ ¡FLORENCE, OREGON THE RED FRONT tion which I believe the people w ant and should have, one being . Ground-hog day w as celebrated the tftate publication of textbooks, * with sfinshine on Indian creek. so th at the great’ question of text Looks like six weeks more winter. book g ra ft will be done away Fine w eather th e last few days with, and*! believe under such a measure the children will get and you can hear the farm ers their ttext books approximately scouring their plows for spring 40 per cent cheaper than they do plowing. * Cecil Kirby of the Kirby Bros, nOw, This has proved to be a fact in California a t least. The camp came over Thurday with- These are the best working clothes bought by man state owns its printing plant and a crew of men and w ent down today. Try thcpi, you ask for one no other does its own printing, and why the creek to roll in the rem ainder Their line of gloves are also carried in stock. . not print and furnish the text of their logs th at was left on the Full line^ff GIL C W T H IN G -and RURBER BOOTS+| Our prices haqe been reduced on every article in the “ M ortgage notes should lie Mr. and Mrs. William Caster­ S u rfa c e D ru g S to re house until March 1 s t z exempted from taxation; and I line visited with ,\fr. and Mrs.- Get the benefit of this sale by trading here. would like to see a loan fund Ralph Taylor Sunday. We deliver goods anywhere on the river. > created for the Agricultural A new addition containing the Rare Goods at Eastern Prices TRY US ' --£ 2 'j; x _ L College and the University, so tearing up of the side walk at See double-pace A.d that deserving young men and Acme by county court has been Saturday Evening Post wom en, although poor, could added to Tompson road prim er ________ Deoember 6th borrow from this fond and repay and Mr. W. A. Mead departed S l e m m o n ’s R a c k e t S t o r e These Goods have it with interest a lte r their educa­ for Eugene to purchase one. a national reputation 1. O. 0 . F. Building. Mapleton, Oregon tion has been completed. This is ' Mr. Clyde Mead left f o r Eu­ ( a day and age of education, and gene Tuesday where he expects J in order for the young men and to purchase some music for the wojpen to be equipped to compete new dances he has recently intro­ with others in the future they duced. must have an education, the op- Miss Mabel Wilson was a visitor ' portunity of an education should to th e Tabor home Saturday ' be placed a t the door of every evening and Sunday. ~ boy and girl regardless of w’hether Dave Beers made a trip to J. (or not their parents are wealthy J. Wilkinson place, so he claims, I or poor. “ The workm en’s compensation but was seen talking to a young Don’t act should be amended so as to lady by the way side. believe he was there. give proper protection to the em­ For sale one good second hand ployer as well as to the employe, (and so as to apportion the cost Moose. Inquire of Tead. ' of the risk according to the haz­ ■Mr. Gibb’s cook was seen ards of the particular business in going up the road Saturday after- j Mrs. Minnie Funke, Prop. which one m ight be engaged. noon and Sunday evening. | H a m lin S treet As it is, the extrem e hazards get Wonder where he was going. their insurance too cheap and th e! Mr. Babe Mead is very busy (lesser hazards, such as the lu m -' these days. He spends his Sun­ All kinds of Laundry W ork-C leaning and Pressing Rates on Family W ashing her industry have to pay too days in the black-smith shop | Call for and deliver all work Special Work Solicited much, - Jn my opinion as the learning the ferrier trade. workm en’s compensation act now There was an old fashion stands it is drafted in favor of spelling m atch at the Reed school ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ A * * * *#• the extrem e hazards, such as 1 house Friday night. There will electric railroads, quarrymen, | be another in two weeks. Come structural iron workers, persons * every one and bring your primers. » You know the kind | employing electricians, etc., and Having seen an article in your operates in such a way th at the paper conserving a mass m eeting cost to the logger and mill man is more than his proportionate for county division. Will say the Meals 35c and 50c Rates $l.Ct to $2.00 hazard. | people of the upper county “ “ The tax laws should be chan g- would be very much pleased if it Special rates by the week * ' ed so th a t half of the taxes can would be held at Mapleton, and * Tables will he supplied with the Best the Season affords * they were notified in time so all I be paid in the spring, when they » H eadquarters for Traveling Men # could attend. are' needed, and the remaining N ext week I will w rite an * » » ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ * * ♦ * ♦ * » * ♦ * * ♦ ♦ * ♦ * * ♦ * * * * half paid in the fall: no penalty being placed on the last half of article on the Siuslaw National the taxes until the same become Forest look for i t -S C O O P due, with a penalty on the "first half if not paid when due. This FOR SALE penalty should not be more than NORTH BEND MAUFACTURING CO. 276 acres of the best kind of 8 per cent annum, which would North Bend, Oregon equal what the county has to pay dairy land on tide w ater land on the Siuslaw river, good house for money plus two per cent MANVFACTVRBM OF which is the amount of interest four rooms, good barn, 400 fruit SASH, DOORS AND MOULDINGS l it gets on county deposits as pro­ rees all bearing,¿200.acres clear­ GLASS— High Grade Interior Finish tailed on Application Prie iMai ed will be sold at a bargain. Will vided in my depository bill. “ I voted for every bill which I sell as a whole or any amount thought was ju st and right and above 40 acres. Inquire a t this Hampton’s TO SEEK NOMINATION FOR STATE SENATOR W hat Constitutes Good Clothes? CASH S T O R E - Ä H appy N e w Y ear and remember we have goods — to sell th at sell j ,, THE FLORENCE RACKET STORE Ed. V. Price & Co. Florence Builders Supply Company Smith’s T ogger y “Things That Men Wear” WHO IS WHO ONJNDIAN CREEK We are Exclusive Agents for the Carharrt line of W orking Clothes Choice Box Nuts.. ST O R E All kinds for the trade—also Some Candies T H E FLORENCE LAUNDRY : BAY VIEW HOTEL: ; Miller & Daniels, Props. If you get them at J. P. cox C onfectionery Florence, : • Oregon ‘ a*'». *