'H r , +++-H 4-H U l l i I I I | n | h -H SlUoLAW PLIOT, -I-H WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1914 Samuel wLeT rt’ / he as needs in on II business Monday, a Ï horse chief. W. H. Kibble, Ivy Morris and Last Friday the.county court " Mrs. E. P. Waite, came down on Buy from a man who is located in the country and if j finished the selection of judges the Beaver Friday. the movement or case is wrong, you have some one to ' and clerks of election. Monday Geo. Johnson, returned, from make a kick to. Portland Sunday, walking down they had selected for all preeints All the Watches I sell are guaranteed to be in first-class outside of Eugene and Spring- condition. If they are not right, I am always glad to 11'th e beach from Newport. | field, making a list of over 400 on • make good. Edkin W eatherson, was in the ; names for precincts. My Watch K?nairing is guaranteed to be satisfactory city Saturday leav,ng on the For the Eugene and Springfield and prices r ig h t I do not charge for a lot of work 1 Beaver ,n the a fte r noon. p red n cts tWQ do not do Send your watch by the Beaver or Mail Boa; ! . « x i Miss VanBibber. Alberta pointed. In this way it was ex- J Knowles and Vera Tod, ofMape- peeled to be able to handle the J FLORENCE eweler ...... ......... .. . . . ORE . . . T U,n were in the city Satur>iAy- election returns with more speed ,M. i- Mrfl- W altgr , Rryn/i ,aniL .littu la n d .s a lis f^ k u i, = daughter left ' Wednesday for There are 24 precincts in Eu- WILL GÎVE BOAT SERVICE Eugene where she will visit her gene and Springfield, necessita- DIED PERSONALS ON LAKES BETWEEN parents. ting a force of nearly 300 judges FLORENCE AND H. L. McKee, of the Browns- an‘l clerks. Ed J. Shaw, of Seattle came in The 22 day old son of Mr. and GARDINER ville Woolen Mill Store, returned fhe county courts states thai Mrs. J. G. B?ck, aeridjntiy Saturday, lost the end of the d r it fiog»r on Johnie Morris, was. in on busi- Wednesday from a business trip they will remove the name of any Mrs. Leonard Lark, died Tues­ to Portland person who does not desire to day night. He will be buried her right hand..F riday, hiving nesa Tuesday. We will carry passengers across Thursday. serve. February 11 is the last day caught the m?mb*r in t ie wash- .... „ . , Clear lake, Ten Mile lake and Frank W hitaker, returned Mike Hogan come in from the ing machine, Dr. S J w a rls was which such protest may be filed. i Five Mile lake day or night Thursday from an extended trip . - - - - - - ■ — —— cape yesterday; called. For Sale—Five and 10 acre Fare across all three lakes? One through California, and other ' , ° ng the elect,on otficials Dave Safiey is out again look­ nntsidp FOOT PAINi ;;i i . y C ut selection are 42 woman. Those tracts fruit land three miles passenger $5.00; two passengers outside points. ing in fine shape. Frank • F e r g u j'i, f Maple who will act in precincts west of South of Glenada on Clear Lake $2.50 each; over two passengers Geo. Mitchell, returned from , P. E, Jackson, Tom Neely and the summit of the coast moun­ 2 miles from railroad. The finest creek, met with a c a n e in Thurs- Five Rivers Judges: W. M. fruit farm. Call on or address H. Special boatj service on P o rt Commission. falling a large tre «, t i e ax it.-il- *day from Mercer Summers, Rep.; J. T. Vining, C. E. Harwood, Glenada, O-e. lakes at reasonablejprices. Mrs, Robert Lowe, and daugh- In d .; J. H. Day, Rep. Clerks: ing him over the ¡ns ¡na ing a John Gibson, was down on te r Mrs. Al Grover came up from W alter Taylor, Dem.: H arry L .very painful c it. D •. E . .cards business Saturday. The axes sold by Pourtales are TALES OF HONEY AND TAR Tuesday. Mrs. Prindel, Rep. Scott Prindel Rep 'was called an 1 som h a l him Miss Tina Beck, was a visitor Marshfield FROM WEST AND EAST. " Grover will visit in Glenada. Florence Judgea; MarionMor- warranted. rest,ng easy‘ in Florence Saturday. < Wm. Lee, Paskenta, Calif, C. H. T u ttle’s little daughter, ris, Rep.; Wm. Brynd, Dem.; A rock slide occurred Friday ° f Mapleton who has been very sick fo rfh e J. O. Goude, Clerks: F. E. Mey- For S ale—Two water front says, “ I t gives universal satis­ was in the city Monday. p ast week, is reported by O r ers, Dem.; W. J. Kyle, Rep. lots close in. Price $2500. See faction and I use only Foley’s a t the quarry, causing a rock to Honey and jT sr ComDound for Marion Morris is again clerk- E dw ards as very much improved. Overton Dowell, Dem. C. L Wayman. fall upon "an A us.ria :, cutting a my children.” E. C. Rhodes, hole in his head a-id nurting his ing a t Kyle & Son’s store. Glentena -Judges: Layfayette Passengers on the Siuslaw, Middleton, Ga , writes, “ I had a eye, . He wai Draught u the A W. Stonefield, of Big creek Monday were Miss Edith Yates, Boring, Rep,; ColmbskBaldon. _FOR SALE: Some .fine resi­ racking lagrippe cough and final­ Bay View h >te! a i i u i'Vix was vas registered a t "the Bay View Rev. Yost, Chas. Kelly, Jack D em .; Sidney Porter, Soc. dence property close to church ly got relief taking Foley’s Hon­ Monday. called to a tte .il ni n Daniels, P eter Anderson and Clerks: Archie Richardson, D em .; and school house in Mapleton, ey and Tar Compound. Use no BOY INJURED AT P i, AY. ' Miss Francis M cFarland, of son Bert. Wm. Southerland, Rep. ¡Joseph Ore. Enquire of -* other in your family and refuse ' Fowler, Rep. GEO. B. CAMP? While the boys at the school Acme, was a visitor in town C. D. Thomas, of Portland, L. substitutes. were p fa y in ; s.n.iney Monday, Saturday. G len ad a-Ju d g es: G. R. G ibbs,; C. Kirby, of M apleton, and A. one of the s.i:n i ,*y bl-icksjstruck Wm. C. Wise, of Frisco, was DeLong, of Heceta, were regis­ R ep,; W. 0 . Austin, Rep.; C. H. Delbert L • / 1 <• j . i i „> chin, and registered at the Bay View tered at the Bay View hotej Tuttle, Ind. Clerks: E. T. Ma­ cut a paint'd! g uh. her, Dem.; J. A. Austin, Rep.; Saturday. Tuesday, j " unuel Leppert, Rep. Jarred Scott, was down Thurs­ H erm an—Judges; W alter L. THE BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES day, and while here he bought a Mead, Rep.; Ben Jeans, Dem.; horse from Chief McLaughlin W. M. Casterline. Rep. Clerks: -N e w Good s a Specialty [The supposition itrth u tfm bought A A Ss con d.IIa i nl Gojdd a NwWaaily- I it for road work a t Acme. ,or>. Rep . j p Ozement> Dem. thia in m i . i d ; my K,xxla m e the best money can buA ! J. Clark and wife, of Myrtle Heceta Judges: Mike Hogan, and the price the cheapest, quality of goods considered Point; E. B. Martin, of Portland; H e p .; Robt. McCrae, none; J. G. COME AND SEE ME Ray Winston, of G ardiner; B. Monkhaus, Rep. Clerks: G. ACME, OREGON Church, of San Francisco; and Stonefield.; D em .;W m . Smith, E. Cropthwait, of Marshfield, Rep .; J. S. Meacham, Rep. ♦3> were registered at the Bay View * Lake Creek - Judges. Levi hotel Wednesday. Berkshire, R e p : R . E. Lynch. Miss Ruth Crutcher, Miss D ejn.: Marion T. W heeler,; R ep.; Leanore and Lula Titus, J. L. Clerks: Bryan Parker, Dem,; MacKechnie, C. P. Johnson and Clem Lamb, R ep.; Chas. Pope, M artin Sharrard, chaperoned by Rep. Mrs. Frank Shackleford, left L an e—Judges: Isaiah Slay- Friday morning for a visit to the ter, Rep.; W alterBlachly, Dem.; FANCY AND STAPLE light house, returning Monday, W. P. Drugg, Rep.; Clerks: E. reporting a general good Pme. J. H arrington, Dem.; A. L. Tay- J O E M O R R IS JR. M A P LE TO N , OR lor, Rep. ;S .t M. Horton,. Rep. A Mapleton Judge*: Joseph .'•orris. R, , A A. R- lien beck, ❖ Rep.; J. !.. CSmpbei Dem.; Dem. ; ) 1 see by the bills which the ® 'c r *• pionship. It is very apparent Hughton. Mound Judges: Geo. Liiet, ! th at the Florence m anagem ent are not very fam iliar with a th ­ R ep.: S. C. LewiP, Hep.; Frank AtS t A A A A ♦ ♦ le tic etiquette or they would not Holland, Dem .; Clerks: J. Dor: :, D em .; Dan Mickles, R ep.; J. make this assertion, » W arthen, Rep. With two team s playing as Siuslaw Judges: J . I). L ': Florence and Glenada have been, it is custom ary to arran g e A spe- pJirey’ B ‘P.; M. Foster, D .; cial series of games for. a cham- Ad R :>;• Ciorri*. rticn- pionship. In this-case it has not ar(^ Farming, D em .; Warren been done and each gam e must Crow, R p .; I rancis Ozmeut, be considered separate and not BeP- pertaining to a championship Walton Judges: C. W. Lyons, series, - Rep.; J. A. Nichols, Soc.; Fred If Florence wishes to arrange ^ urcam P. B^P-Clerks: P. Rieves, such a series Glenada will ^ e p IJem,; J. E. Garble, Rep.; A. E. !=-■-!! come the opportunity and will W hitaker. play a t any tim C the only stipu- ~——— — e. * lation being th a t the deciding Snap in Ranch If taken soon, game shal£ not be played in the Some stock, cleared land, close FLORENCE, OREGON halls of either Florence or Glena- to school on county road, 160 E. S. DYER, Mgr. da but in a ball stran g e to either acres. See J. K. Lowe. team ,or on an outdoor ground. ________ ____ H erbert L. Thom C EM EN T, LIME, BRICK Motor boatsupplies. All kinds Coach of Glenada Teams. SE W E R PIPE a n d DRAIN TILE At Pourtales. House and Store Plans Drawn to Your Order AGATE GRINDING on short nr*i*e for same priee vou ~ For Sale—Finest building lot Cleaned, Blocked and Àetrìmmed can buy them ready madej, J. A. Peterson has added an- jn Glenada 50x140, close to Glen- Six-inch Sewer Pipe for Chimnevs , Lath other arbor carring another disc a(ja Hotel, overlooking th e ocean SALES ROOM and polishing wheel. He is now giuslaw bay and beautiful towns Behind Millinery Store prepared to do agate grinding of Florence and Glenada price OFFICE WITH MONROE REALTY COMPANY for the pub!,c. Call and see him, $175.00. Call or address E. F. next to C a n o n ’s Jew elry store. ArnoId Glenada. Ore. LARGE FORCE ON ELECTION BOARDS. Mr. Man When Y ou Buy a Watch W oolen Store Home of Oregon Made Products Florence, Oregon B. C A R S O N SEVERAL A C O D E S Ï OCCUR pas ; f e j days Jared S c o ttiin Wa C O M PLETE LINE GROCERIES ome thing Interesting T SHOULD NOT BE DECIDING GAME. We Wish You a Happy and Prosperous New Year FEAER BROS, Mapleton, Oregon Green Ducks AND THEY ARE HERE oung Siuslaw Building Material Co. TEe Pride Florence We do Cleaning and Pressing of all Kinds Gerits Hats Lócàtèd in the J. K; Low« Stbre