4 THfc o i U o LAW THE THE SIUSLAW PRINTING COMPANY R. S. HUSTON............... ...................Editor PILOT, WEDNESDAY others interested in having a building erected, for the use of such work, will be successful. The work that has been turned out by the pupils of this departm ent have had much m erit in the past, and promises great benefit in its develop­ ment. ------ O---- — If several years ago, some one had told many people who lived in the west and were fam iliar with the cattle and sheep industry, th a t they would live to see m eat shipped in largexjuantifies to the west coast of the United States and British Columbia; he would have been ridiculed. Yet meat is being shipped here now, with indi­ cations of a large grow th of the business. FEBRUARY BEFORE SENDING TO CATLOGUE HOUSES READ THIS TWICE B J). T. MAHBR---------- THE NOTARY PUBLIC First National Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnville, Oregon BANK The following ten command­ Office--City Hall.^Glenada, Or. V . . . ments are offered for the guid­ ' . V • ance of catalog house patrons: EUGENE, OREGON f CUSICK J. MAHONEY 1. You shall sell your farm Entered as second-class matter March 20, 1913, at the • •. products for cash whenever you ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Ppotsoffice at Florence, Oregon, under the act of March Srd, 1913. can, but not to us we do not buy 4 (//Interest os all Saviafs Acconib i _ AT LAW * /OTimeDeposits beginning Jai. 1,19b from you. . Florence, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 2. You shall believe our s ta te ­ One year in advance__ ______ . . . . . . . . ___ ____ ; ___$1.50 ments aiuLbuy all you need from D. E. SEVERY us, because we w ant to be good Accounts’of all sizes welcomed U. S. COMMISSIONER OUR NEW CHARTER to you although we are not Capital, surplus and . ---- o -J- NOTARY PUBLIC profit . , . $310,000.00 A charter commission consisting of eight busi- That eight-hour law is causing some excite- porsonally acquainted with you Florence. Oregon 3. .YftU shall send the..monay- jj'M iim iif Florence., haw.gong rartifuUy over .m a n t m a yo rs , po li ceme n, fir em en a propped new charter that was drawn up hy commissiotiers, and other salaried workers. We *n a‘^ ance give us a chance to W. G. \ t f i <1 Prof. Don C. Sowers at their request, and they say let them have’ it, somebody should, and the J " e ®°°^s ‘rom the factory ATTORNEY-AT-LAWJ have pronounced it a good one for the town. boss never will be able to work less than sixteen w'1" / our money; meanwhile, CLEAN-STRONG-PROGRESSIVE They have presented it to the Board of Trustees, hours a day. - j you W1" have to wait patiently Eugene, Oregon __ ____ ja few weeks, as th at is our —- ----- who will look it over and then submit it to some **************** d . , . , I business method. attorney-for judgem ent as to its legality. It H E. SLATTERY Bank clearings show an increase of business, 4. You shall send the money « * v ill then he printed and each voter furnished u ? ric g Jan u ary ly l4 - This indicates that ¡nydvance to give us a chance LAWYER ♦ * *• w ith a copy. Could there be any better method * the finances of the country are better and will | to g et the goods from the factory * user! to get a town charter? Reserve your judg­ * Room 3 and 4, Beckwith Bldg continue so, unless pessimistic crookinga play a w ith your money; meanwhile, * Cor. 7th and Willamette St. ment of it until you have an opportunity to read M i l i n e r y and hold-up game on “ good times. * Eugene, Oregon you will have to wait patiently it over carefully, and then if it does not suit F ancy G oods' ------ Or----- a few weeks,as th a t is our buss- * you in every respect, do your best to find cause # A young woman living in Portland tried six ness method to support it. JAMES W. FORD, JR. FLORENCE, OREGON times before she succeeded in committing suicide. ------ o ------ 4. You shall apply to your ENGINEER, SURVEYOR If she had made as many trials, real earnest nearest city to aid you in build­ * * * ♦ > * # > * * * The Morning Oregonian of January 24th says: TIMBER ESTIMATOR ones, in trying to live, the result would have ing good roads so you can con­ “ To test out the question w hether the city been differen t > veniently get the goods from the through the mayor is violating the eight-hour Florence, Oregon CHAS. P. JOHNSON depot, for we do not build coun­ -------O------ law, by requiring firemen and policemen to DENTIST It is reported th a t recently a Wall street try roads. work more than eight hours a day, Mayor 5. You shall buy church bells' R. C. WYGANT syndicate cleaned up $550,000 in ninety minutes. Altoe will submit to arrest this morning at 8:15 Office upstairs in RryndjBuilding and church fixtures from us and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Easy to figure how many dollars a minute, but o’clock. The arrest will be made by State Labor Florence, Oregon we will never know how many people were also forward the money in advance, Commissioner Hoff. ,, The Labor commissioner for for this is our business m eth­ cleaned-up. Bond - Securities - Investm ent a t least is consistent; you coulden’t get him to MISS EDITHE B. YATES od. and you shall collect from Florence, Oregon make th at arrest before 8 a. n t o’clock under the business men in your vicinity PIANO any circumstances, and if he didn’t find the The Eugene Daily Guard put one over 1 h c , M much Hinney, aa you etta b * - mayor befO'ielPiK nr; he would have to wait un­ ground hog, and saved the day*.' “ Scoop” b Montlay afternoon MBS. ALLA Di <ÍÜMMOB¡ , the benefit of your church as it Classes at Mapleton til the next day. and Tuesday the game by getting up early and putting GRADUATE NURSE an is against our rules to donate for ------ o------ Acme Wednesday umbrella over th a t hibernating anim al’s hole. Hospital Accommodations Glenada Saturday J building country churches. Many pictures of the tango dance make us References ---- -O----- Studio Residence of John Yates 6. You shall buy your tools think of the antics of flies caught on a piece of Main Street Glenada, Oregon While they do not expect [it the eight men from us and be your own mech- tangle-foot fly paper. N ext year it m ight be Florence, Oregon who have served as a charter commission arc anTc in order to drive the mech- “ The Tangle-foot dance.” entitied to our thanks. anics from your v icinity,for we OLSTE AD ANDTHOMSON ------ O------ ----- O— — v | wish it so. - M. VERNON PARSONS The pupils bf the Florence .public schools are PAINTERS AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW’ PAPERHANGERS very much interested in the manual training de­ A Poultry Show is announced for the 27th of | _ 7. You shall induce your neighbor to buy everything from VARNISHING partm ent. It is to be hoped th at the teachers and February. Gets your birds ready. 12-13 Beckwith Building Satisfaction .Guaranteed _ iu sT ’a s w e have room for more Eugene, O r e g o n money the less mopey there Ja Headquarters with lx>w« Baldwin in your community, the sooner North Fork Grange,’ No. 492. Meets we can put your local m erchants 2nd Saturday of each modttrat 10 a. m. out of business and charge you During the lecture hour everybody in­ any price we please. Driectory of state, county, city officer vited to attend. worth Master, Hans, 8. You shall look often a t the and lodges. m . Peterson, secy, Nellie E Beterson beautiful pictures in o u r’catalog, STATE. \ D. of H., Siuslaw Lodge No. 2S— Governor - Oswald West. so your wishes will increase, and Meets the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month. Viaitirtgmem- you will send in a big o rd e rs a l­ Secretary of S tate- Ben. W. Olcot. Treasurer—Thomas B. Kay. bers cordially invited to attend. Mae though you are not in immediate Supt. Pub. Instruction R. Alderman. Sanborn, C. of H .; Isabel Severy, Re­ need ot the goods, otherwise you State Printer—W. S. Dunniway. corder. Attorney General— A. M. Crawford. m ight have some money left to I. O. O. F., Irene Encampment, No. Supreme Court—T. A. McBride, F. 42—Meets in I. O. O. hall in Florence buy some necessary goods from Moore, Robert Eakin, W." M. Ramsey the second and fourth Friday of each your local merchant. Charles L. McNaryf- 9. You shall have the mer­ Judgvs Second District—J. W. Ham­ month. Membersof thisdegreeare cor­ dially invited so attend. J. W. Tanner, chants who repair the goods you ilton, L. T. Harris. C. P .; S. J. Seymour. Scribe. Prosecuting Attorney—E. R. Bryson. buy from us. book the bills so O. E. 8:, Vesta Chapter No. 73 -Meets you can send the money for his COUNTY. in Masonic hall in Florence on the labor to us for new goods, o ther­ Judge H. W. Thompsnn. second and fourth Thursday evening in wise he will not notice our influ­ Commissioners Wm. Hawley, R. J. each month. The attendance of all via- Hemphil. ng members is earnestly solicited. Mrs. ence. Clerk—Stacey M. Russell. Mae Sanborn, J W. M.; Mrs. Mary B« 10. You shall, in case of sick­ Sheriff -J. M. Parker. Young. Secretary. ness or need, apply to your lo­ Treasurer—S. W. Taylor. IL W. A., Ocean Wave Camp No. cal dealer for aid and credit, as Assessor B. F. Keeney. 7869—Meets each alternate Saturday School Sup.—E. H. Moore. we do not know you or care to— evening in Woodmen hall, Ae.ne. Vis­ Surveyor—C. L. Collier. Inland Grocer. iting brothers are invited to attend. G. Published every Wednesday at The Siusluw Pilot office Washington street.. MRS. KANOfF OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ( Wanting AS CH EAP AS HOM ESTEADS’ We are in communication with a large number of people who are interested in the Siuslaw, among these maybe the fellow that wants your property. We can make you acquainted with each other. Is th e price I can give on some ranches I have listed. Their not far out of the way, either, close to. railroad and a county road on all of i t v B etter investigate this. Good land and runs from|$6.00 an acre up. I have a*numberof small tracts a t reasonable prices. Also some lakeside and city lots and several good city residences for sale. You will fihd me a t the Bay View Hotel. MELVIN G. M ILLLER STAGE ¿"7 FLORENCE, OREGON CITY OFFICERS. President—Carl H. Young Board of Trustees -G. T. Schreoder, A. O. Knowles,|Fred Meyers and D. E. Crutcher. Recorder — D. E, Severy. Treasurer -J. W. Bergman Marshall G. D. Morey. CITY OF GLENADA. R. A. Lowe—Mayor. Councilmen—First ward, C. E. Har­ wood, 3. E. Low; Second ward, O. L. Wisdom, president of council; J. G. Wisdom. Recorder—EM. T. Maher.' Treasurer -N . B. Hull. Marshall—Geo. Colter Jr. Surveyor—F. E. Monroe. SECRET SOCIETIES. R. Mills, V. C.; N. G. Wilson, Clark. R. N. of A., Camp No 2656, meets each . alternate Saturday evening in ’ f Woodmen hall. Acme. Visiting Neij dg^w' bors are cordially invited to atter env Clara E. Mills, Oracle; Rose Coateljoi Recorder. I. O. O. F., Maple Ixxige No. 139 Meets every Thursday evening in I. O. O. F.hall, Mapleton. Brothers in good standing invited to attend. Jake.Camp, N. G .; F. Whitaker, Secresary. Migon Rebekah Ixxige, No. 106—Meets first and third Saturday everting-. »t 8 o’clock in I. O. O.F. hall, Mapleton. So- phia Nichols, N. G.; Anna Saunder, Secretary. K. O. 'T. M., Acme Tent No.’89— Meets the second and fourth Monday of each month In I. 0 . O. F. hall, Flor- pleton at 8 p. m. Visiting Rights are always welcome. R. C. Wygsnt, Com.; Frank Smit£, R. K. International Longshoremen Associa­ tion—Meets first and third Fridays of month, 7:30 p. m. at Rita hall. C. W. McLaughlin, sec. tree.; Arthur Titus, chairman. A. F. and A . M., Florence Lodge No. 107 Regular] ¡communication oa first and third Thursday evenings. Sojourning brothers in in good standing are invited to attend. J. P. Cox, W. M.; C. H. Young, Secretary. 1. O. O. ., Sunset Rebekah Lodge CHURCHES. No. 114- - Meets in OddFellows' hall, Flor-. C o n n e c ts w ith B o a t at ence, the first and third Thursday eVfcn- First Presbyterian church. Rev. John F lo re n c e ings in each month. Mrs. R. A. Lowe, Drumm, pastor-Sunday school 10 a. n. N. G.; C. D. Morey, Secretary. preaching service 11 a. m., Christi 4 Boat leave« Florence at 8 o’clock a. m. I. O. O. ., Heceta Lodge No. I ll — Endeavor 6.30 p. m, evenfhp Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. meets every Wednesday evening lodge p. m., mid-week service Leaves Mapleton at 1 o ’clock a. m. hall, Florence. Brothers in good Stand- evening 7:30. Residence ¡at pajg,^'1** Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays < ■ ... . . , H , .. 1 i inft invited to astend. S. C. Morris, N. on Lincolon street, opposite school ha Stage leaves Junction City, Mondays, G.; M. Morris, Secretary. • Evangelical church, Walter ¡V. Wednesdays and Frida)«; Uaves Woodmen of the World—Meets first Mapleton Mondays, Wednesdays and third Tuesdays of each month in 1. pastor—Sunday school 10 a. m., wor­ ship 11 a m., junior C. EL 2 p. m., young and Fridays. O. O. F. hall. Visiting Woodmen wel­ peoples C. E. 7 p. m., preaching 8 p. m., come. R. S. Huston, Commander; D. Tuesday evening prayer meeting 8 p. m. W h it t a k e r B ro s , P ro p rie to rs E. Severy, Clerk. Parsonage come of Main and Howard. K. A. MAPLETON-DEADWOOD Harbor-Sound Investment Co. .Coroner -W. T. Gordon. Justice of Peace—J. U, Goude.