V THE SIUSLAW PILOT, W EDNESDAY, Beliving that poor spelling is the worst drawback in the other­ wise good public education, County Superintendent Moore is N ew Goods aSSpecialty Second HandjGoods’aJ N ecessity planning to improve the ortho­ Bear thia in mind; my goods a re the beet money can bnX graphy o f the children o f Lane and the price the cheapest, quality o f goods considered county, To do this he will in­ augurate a series o f five old- COME AN D SEE *ME ACME, OREGON fashioned “spelling bees” in each school, the whole series term inating in an elimination contest for th e championship o f the county. For this final contest the best la now open and ready for I speller from each grade o f every Bp.. • ' ■ t , - •— ■ school in the county w ill/ be designated as a delegate ano will go to Eugene to contest for prizes OF ALL KIND for his grade. The prizes will be gold coins. - / Suits made to order, Ladies* dress goods Superintendent Moore says that All work guaranteed. Call and give us a trial to satisfy yourself! about 75 per cent o f the failures in the eighth grade examinations and for teachers' certificates, are due to poor spelling, and he thinks THE BEST GOODS—LOWEST PRICES PANITORUM Cleaning and Pressing 1918. THE DEMAND FOR HIGH GRADE Hardware Tools, Cutelry, ¡Motor BoatJSupplies, Etc. is becoming greater on the Siuslaw by men who realize that , “ The Best is the Cheapest” STILLETTO TOOLS are even in temper, nicely finished and arejabsolutely warranted The StiHetto Pliers are made for business KILN DRIED FLOOR AND IN1FRI0R Prompt Shipment—Write ror Prices NOTICE TO PUBLIC. A SON We have sold all our furniture stock to the Alles Furniture Co. Apples, Pears, Peaches, AH account» due will be collected Cherry, Prunes, Plums. Variety by the J. K. Lowe Furniture Co. Small Fruits for Sale. . Write for ' / J. K. LOWE list and prices. R. L. LEGG BROWN LEGHORNS Marine Engine for Sale—Three FOR SALE and one-half horse power Fair- I have full blooded Brown Leg­ bahks-Morse Marine engine for horn Chickens and, will sell a set­ sale at a reasonable price. This tin g o f 15 eg g s for $1.50 is a new engine. Write to Lloyd Guaranteed to be first class. Broder, 388 east Eleventh. Eu­ Robert Bay, Box 12, Florence Or. gene, Oregon. J. K. LOWE HERE IS JUST WHAT YOU WANT Some'lnside acreage for platting 160 acres on .Tsiltcoos lake $25.00 per acre. 160 acres on Clear lake, beauti­ ful shore frontage: Price $30.00 per acre. A snap in a business lot on front street, for $1,600. 2 fine large lots in Millers add. Lots in Glenada, the ideal lo­ cation for beautiful homes. Commanding a panoramic view o f Florence, Pacific ocean and the Siuslaw Harbor. Large lots, good soil and the purest of water. A Summers Resort of its self. Get in how and secure a home. Price from $50.00 to $250 a lot $10.00 cash $10.00 a month. Garden Tracts. F. E. & F , J. MONROE, Florence, Oregon. AS CHEAP AS HOMESTEAD’S Florence, Oregon Is the price I can give on some ranches I have listed. Their not far out o f the way, either, close to railroad and a county road on all o f it. Better investigate this. Good land and runs from .$§.00.an.acre up. I have a number of small tracts at reasonable prices. Also some lakeside and city lots and several good city residences for sale. You will find me at the Bay MELVIN G. MILLLER Stock and Dairy Ranches Well boring. Job work o f all kinds done. Please leave orders with Florence builders Supply Co. JACK BECK. Business Chances • Agent for Horticultural Fire Relief Insurance Co. The great variety o f the StiHetto Hammer is well known it has the ring The StiHetto Chisel has the ‘»tuff* in it and holds its edge] The StiHetto A uger Bits made after the Irwin pattern are the »cleanest, fastest auger bit you can StiHetto A xes have the true temper, are hand made and are evenly finished l • , • We carry a good line of Guns and Ammunition AIL equipment necessary to fit out a boat to comply with the Also the extras needed for your motor boat North Bend Mfg. Co THOMAS A. YOST 89. The StiHetto Bench Hatchet has the temper and hang Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Frames Veneer Paneling and Stairwork SIUSLAW NURSERY OCTOBER law Columbia Dry Batteries, fresh Stoves and Ranges, Stove Pipe, Roof Plate. Galvanized Pipe. Etc. > Buildets, Hardware, Pipe Fittings, Galvanized Iron L. J. Pourtales TH E HARDW ARE MAN Florence, Oregon My Prices are my Best Advertisement Columbia Have arrived a t last and a large supply of Columbia Records Columbia Records play on Victor Graphophones. Two-faced records at 65 and 75 cents each. We have needles to run on any disc graphophone a t 15 and 25c cents per box of 300. Come in and hear the Columbia Graphophone..Some­ thing new. We have the L > Delightful drive along "the Sea Shore., Stage leaves Florence daily for Gardiner. This is the connecting! link from Drain, Ore­ gon, Southern Pacific enrout to Florence .Stage Fare - $2.05 i STAR MAKE OF PIANO . For sale. Agency for the Singer Sewing Machine. Repairing done and supplies for any make of Phone- graph or Graphophone. ' J. K. LOWE CO. *1A