TEMPORARY B U G S USED AT UNIVERSITY Extension Hall, shown in the into Extention Hall is a specimen accompanying picture, is a crude of conditions all over the Uni ¡¡► etructure op the University o f versity of Oregon campus, where "Oregon campus that the regents less money has been spent during ive been compelled to erect in the last thirty years for build that the increasingly large ings than Portland recently put iber o f young people o f the into a single High School. who are asking for better Every recent appropriation for ition may not be disappoint- new buildings has been defeated, The long continued attacks yet, in spite o f this opposition, have been made on the the institution has continued to ition have cut off appropria- grow, because the people o f Ore­ ton making new buildings im­ gon have continued to send their possible. But in spite' o f the children to it—or the young warfare on the University, the people have come themselves; boys and girls of the state have for the records o f the University continued to come in large num­ show that more than sixty per bers every year, with the result cent o f the students are earning that the old equipment o f build­ their own way, either wholly or ings has been completely over­ in p art flowed. N ew buildings are absolutely r Various expedients to take care necessary to m eet the increasing o f the increasing student body demands for education, and the have been resorted to. Existing appropriations upon which the tia ss rooms have been made to people will vote on November 4th, locatea m tne Umpqua district, vauuu nnu uisci.ssion announces two in the Siuslaw district one a pri$p contest open to pupils of in the Alsea districWand one in the public schools for the best the Tillamook d istrict definition o f thrift and for the Up until October 10th only best story o f typical thrift. Ten three parties were working, but dollars is offered for the best tw o additional parties have been définition - and $25 for th e best put on in order that the exami­ story n o tt» exceed 200 words. nation o f land for listing be Contestants should address S. W. The new barge Lawrence arrived in Florence Thursday from the advanced more rapidly. Straus, 1002 Straus building, shipyards at Coos bay, with a Nearly 760 applications have Chicago. been made, several m aking ap­ The society is now in the pro­ large load of coal and other plication on the same piece of cess o f organisntion with Mr. freight for the Siuslaw. land. This means an immense Straus as chairman of the or­ The Lawrence is 160 feet long amount o f work and is being ganization committee. Its aim with a 10 foot d r a ft She is 20 handled by th e force in the field *** tHwnece national tn n rt as foot longer than the Frederick, and the supervisor o f the Siuslaw opposed to the prodigal spirit of forest in a way that will give the tiroes. Unlike most societies which w as put into commission several months ago. good results. it is not run for profit and is not She is built to carry 709,000 The forest service has expend­ soliciting funf’ . feet of lumber to the San Fracis- ed $6500 on the road around Cape “Thrift,” says tho society ’j m arket Perpetua. This is being built in prospectus, “ means more than J. P. Porter istryin gou t a n ew solid rock and while it will not be saving—it means earning, work as complete as desired this year, ing, planning, increasing as wel idea of his own in the method of loading and unloading Machinery. it will be finished so that teams as conserving. Upon individual A donkey hoisting engine has can pass around. thrift the prosperity and thrift been placed in the stern to han­ A telephone is to be built from o f the nation depends, It is high dle a boom 83 feet long, which is the Durbin Junction along the tinae thatm ore v issy ste m a J c a lly attached to a turn table, allowing trail to Cana) creek down to done to encourage and teach i t the boom to be sw ung from one the Alsea to Waldport and will Thrift is at the bottom o f most side to th e other or lowered at be finished in the spring. o f the commerc: industrial, This season the SiuslawNafion- moral and domestic problems al forest suffered very little from America today.” fires having only three small ones, which, burned over an area of less than 90 acres. BARGE LAWRENCE AND FREDERICK A SUCCESS in DEPUTY SHERIFF DESTROYS TWO CASESOFUQUOR MRS. FUNKE BUYS MAPLETON LAUNDRY Mrs. Minnie Funke, proprietor o f the Florence Steam Laundry, Monday purchased,, from Wm. Wells the Supplies and material used by him in operating the Mapleton Laundry. Mr. Wells has been running this laundry most o f this year, but has had to give it up and move his fam ily to a higher climate on account o f the health o f his little g ir l.- . Mrs. Funke will combine the tw o plants also make some other improvements. A new boiler has just been received. Lumber has been ordered and an addition built for the pump, boiler and engine. A dry room will also be made. This will make a fine plant and enable the pro­ prietor to handle the increasing patronage. FINE FINANCIAL SHOWING BYTHE FLORENCE BANK will. With this loading gear it is possible to do the work much cheaper and faster as the boom will handle a pile o f lumber which is three piles distant from d ie boat without m oving them as w as previously done. The Quarters for the men are built in the bow, which makes them roomy and clean. The Lawrence and Frederick will carry freigh t on return tripe from North |Bend and Marshfield to Fforsnce, transferring freight from the Portland boats at the Coos bay ports. J. P. Porter contemplates either buid'ng a new tu g or going east and buying a new ocean going tug which will ply from Floranee to the larger cities on the coast, and the Roscoe will be used on the Siuslaw and Boos bay bars. * some of tw o or three o f the ,is­ sues, but few o f entire group. The five issues are as follows: Shall an appropriation o f $100-, 000 made by the 1913 legislature, to construct and equip an admin­ istration and classroom building for the University o f Oregon and to extend the -heating pi writ through it, be permitted to stand? Shall an appropriation o f $75-, 000, made by the 1013 legislature for additions and repairs to throe University o f Oregon buildings and to the university’s central heating plant be permitted to stand? Shall the sterilization act, passed by the 1918 legislature, to protect the public from M u tual criminals and moral degener­ ates be permitted to stand? Shall the act o f the 1913 legis­ lature providing a county attor­ ney for each county and fixing salaries, stand? Shall the Workmen’s compen­ sation act stand? The Lane County State and Sav­ ings Bank, which was instituted August 15, 1909, Lhasfhad a very prosperous business from the time it opened its doors to the A Shipment o f liquor that was present tíme. A steady increase brought in on the Patsy this last of deposts has been the result of trip consisted o f an assortment good banking business and devel­ large enough to start a saloon opment o f the community. and created considerable excite­ On October 21 o f this year a ment. With it was several report was called for by the state dozen demijohns and two cases bank examiner, and the report do double service. Basements are for the purpose o f supplying o f flasks. showed deposits amounting to and attics have been utilized- and these new Deputy sheriff Morey investi­ buildings. The $155,723.21. A comparison shows made to serve as new class rooms. appropriations , are 'ex trem ely gated the consignment and found, deposits October 21, 1909, of Classes have been started at moderate, amounting to less than two cases,¡containing six gallon o f $9,972.29; 1910, $42,205.89; 1911, earlier hours in the morning, and two cents on $100.00. Old Kentucky Bourbon whiskey, $63,515.45; 1912, $88,588.74. at later hours in the evening. not marked according to law. The special election upon the This shows an increase o f 76 But the attendance has grown University appropriations, which This was seized and destroyed. p ercen t over last year at the so rapidly that these expedients total $175,000.00, was called by a same time. have been insufficient, and more few men at an expense to the The report also shows a cash room was absolutely necessary. state o f $100,000.00 It will be reserve o f 50 per c e n t The law To m eet the imperative need this held November 4th. One bill requires a reserve o f 15 per c e n t rough board structure was erect­ calls for $100,000.00 for a new An official o f the Western making this bank have 87 per ed. It is small, because there administration and classroom Union Telegraph company was in cent more than necessary. was almost no money available building, the present one having Eugene the first o f October in­ The Lane County State and The Tide Water Mill Company for its construction, but it will been built in 1885 when the total vestigating conditions and work Savings bank has been made a I Frank Hemenway and Wm. have had a large crew o f men have to hold two classes and four attendance was less than two Dugan who have been working necessary in connection with the working on Lake creek, the past depository for the postal savings offices, including the big Exten­ hundred; the other for $75,000.00 stringing of telegraph wire on railroad construction work are week, putting the logs which fund, county funds, and Port of tion department o f the Uni­ for additions and repairs to four in Florence establishing winter from Eugene to Florence along versity, the business of which is other buildings. The levy for the Willamette Pacific railroad. have lain upon the banks for Siuslaw funds. headquarters for a large nuYnber The deposits show a good the past few years in to the creek to arrange the conveyance of this $175,000,00 has already been This company are now prepar­ o f workmen Avho have been em­ , education to all the people made and the money, if diverted ing to begin th ^ wprk of con­ and cleaning the stream out in a healthy financial condition of the ployed on the road bed. They general way making it possible institution and the commuity. through traveling teachers and from the University for which it struction soon and will have have rented two rooms upstairs correspondence courses. was raised, will be spent for their system installed and operat- to float logs into the Siuslaw in the front part o f the Nadeau river and then to the mill at The necessity of crowding four some other purpose, but no one -ing over this route next year. building which will be used as a Florence. offices and two regular classes knows what. This will give Florence and free reading room. An Infor­ These logs have strewn the other Siuslaw points direct con­ mation Bureau and Employment banks of Lake creek for many ; Geo. J. Lockwood after six wanted to see the attorney. Mr. nection with the outside. Office will also he mantained. , years and the work is badly months o f failing health, passed Bean got there a short time Messers Hemenway and Dugan needed. away, at his residence, corner after the old man p assed away. say that many o f the men who The work is in charge o f Mr. Fourth and Madison Streets Mr. Bean wired today that he have been working for the con­ Fraize and is progressing nicely. Monday noon, at the a g e ' of 57 would start for Eugene with the tractors desire to remain close to Mr. R. F. Averill miperintendent years. Captain H. B. Gray, for many remains at 4 o ’clock this afternoon, Ttie Amencan yoc.ety for the work. They have, saved The Amencan Society for of the Tide Water Mill Cd. plant Mr. Lockwood m oled here years a resident o f the Siuslaw j » " d w w » m e Unie tom orrow .' Thrift, »p organization having money during this year’s work ving at Florence expects to make an with his family four years ago, valley died at Sacramento, Cal., 0,(1 captain was aged j f or its avowed purpose the and do not care to go to a largo - - pro­ expection trip up Lake creek, from Spirit Lake, Idaho. and the remains will be brought about 76 years and as far as . town and spend it, but will make motion of thrift by inquiry, edu- and inspect the work. - He leaves a w ife and two sons to Eugene for interm ent At- j9 known had no living relatives Florence and the Siuslaw river residing in Florence and a daugh­ torney L. E. Bean, who has trans- in th’9 P®rt Khe country. He T T 'e r lx a Corrected to read for the Siuslaw ter living in Denhigh North their winter home and be ready acted the old man’s business for was Quite a character-and was when the work starts up again b a r-O n e hour after /or Florence Dakota. z a number o f years is at Sacra- known to everybody in the west- in the spring. NISH TID ES \> L 0 W TIOZ Services w ere h eld > tth e Pres- Ht. mento and will accompany th e ern Part of the country. The iU - 0:4« 12:50 V.’-d , Oct. 1. remains to this city. ®ean family has known him for Thu.,' t£ t.' 7:15, 0.8 ! 7 4 8 1 4 8 __ 145 'Ihu, Oct. 2 .. 7:54| 1.4 8:41 one o’clock. The Modern Wood, committee representing those 2:27 7.7 2:14 Gray was an old-time sea a Quarter o f a century or m ore.— : £ £ Fri, O ct 3 .. 8:34.-2.-0 ft:3 who have already decided to 3:22 2:57 K*t„ O ct 4 .. men, in which Mr. Lockwood Ihl»« 2.« 10:2» captain, but retired from active I EuB*ne Guard. S ub , <>