-2 # ' VOL. I. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1913 FIRST OF YEAR TO BRING RAILROAD TO THE SIUSLAW M. J. Conley, of the contract- to the coast as soon as has been tr&cting firm of Porter & Conley, '«anticipated. This date has been was in Florence this week and I previously given as January 1, reports that their contract was 1913. finished Sunday morning. This I The facts were announced as a coutract covers a st.etch of 15 result of a conference between miles down the Siuslaw, begin­ D. W. Campbell, general super­ ning at the mouth of the Wildcat. intendent of the Souhern Pacific Contracts were let in Portland lines in Oregon, and H. P. Hoey, last week for the erectien of the assistant engineer of the South­ steel bridges on the Willamette- ern Pacific in charge of the con­ Pacific line from Eugene to Ma­ struction of the Willamette Pa­ pleton; the concrete piers for all cific. Mr. Hoey is quoted as Baying the bridges will'be CQmpleted by the end of the month, and the “The laying of the steel depends entire railroad grade between wholly upon the weather, but if I Eugene and tidewater will be the weather does remain favor-! completed within six weeks, able we can push the work very i The time for the com-' Work oh the railroad is being rapidly. pletion of the road to tidewater pushed, and with the weather stands just about as I have told favorable trains will be running you before.” r “ BE A BOOSTER” Do you know there’s lots of people... Sittin’ around in every town, Growlin’ like a broody chicken, -Knockin’ every good thing down? Don’t you be that kind o’cattle ’Cause there ain’t no use on earth You can just be a booster rooster— Crow and boost for all your worth If your town needs boostin' boost ’er Don’t hold back and wait to see If some other feller’s willin'---- Sail right in, this country’s free; No one’s got a mortgage on it It is yours as much as his If your town is shy on boosters You get in the boostin’ biz If things don’t just seem to suit you - And the world seems kipder wrong W h afsth e matter with a boostin’ Just to help the thing along? Cause if things should stop again We’d be in a sorry plight You just keep that horn ablowin’. Boost ’er up with all your might If you see some either feller trying’ i NUMBER 31 T ATHLETICS AND GIANTS EACH WIN AGAME . Special to Pilot NEW YORK, Oct. 8,- The opening game between the New York Giants and Phiadelphia Athletics was wit­ nessed by a re/ord crowd of enthusiastic fans who went wild under the excitement of tbe plays. Seats were sold by brokers a t from $50 to several hun­ dred dollars. Codsiderable freak -betting has been noticed. Some placed bets on who would pitch in opening games, number of games certain pitchers would win, number of games in series, and similar bets. Tuesday’s game resulted in Athletics 6, Giats 4. . • tdnesdayi game, today, Gianfs 4, Athletics 0. Wednesdays LOTS AREBEI BEING JETTY SCHOOL IMPROYI PROVED BY GRADING OPENED MONDAY ¿apt, John Bergman and his Although, experiencing many son J. W. Bergman about two difficulties, and discouragements, years ago built two bungalow the children living near the Jetty homes on First street between now have a comfortable new Monroe and Madison streets. school building to be educated in. For to make some project go. They were built on an elevation One which they may well feel You can boost it up a trifle facing the Siuslaw river. As a proud of and J n years to come That’s a cue to let him know necessary improvement the lots' will help them to remember the 1:30—Intermission. That you’re not a going to knock it, I upon which they built were grad­ reward of perseverance, and 1:45-Sixth and Seventh Just because it ain’t your shout, ed and a retaifling wall of con- ‘stick-tp-it-tive-ness,’ under ad­ Grades Uniform Ex­ But you’re going to boost a little— ! crete made on First street. As a verse conditions and circum- ’Cause he’s got the best thing out. aminations Discusssed. * result of this pioneer work, the I stances. 2:00 Address. “ Industrial Messrs Bergman have ^two This school building is the re­ Education. ” —L. P. Harrington beautiful homes and others have sult of hard work done with 2.45 Intermission. IL—■ oaa bought property facing on this cheerfulness, by those who- live 3:00 Reports of Com-' street with the intentionof builrf- in that neighborhood. Their mittees on School Fair. The teachers of Western Lane I ¡ng and grading. motto is “ We’ll |all' do our bfest, Reports of other Com­ PLANKING ORDERED BY DEPOSIT FUNDS county will come to Florence the W. H. O’Kelly, secretary of no matter how 8mal,l.” Some mittees. last of next week to attend the BOARD OF TRUSTEES IN LOCAL BANK the Harbor-Souud Investment Co contributed financiallfjlandhtKers --;--- —' teachers’ institute to be held here 4:00—Adjournment. and A. Philgren, its vice-presi did the~woriTand erected the E V E N I N G .’ At their last meeting thé com-1 dent, purchased lots between building and made the desks, all Last Monday night was the Thursday and Friday;, October regular meeting of the board of missioners of the Port of Siuslaw Adams and Jefferson streets and 16th and 17th. The following* Address-to school patrons under the supervision of “Grand­ program, has been arranged for L P. Harrington trustees. Various matters came decided to deposit all the funds have built to handsome modem pa” Patterson, .chief carpenter. these two days: (Mqsic to be arranged by Mrs. before the board for action of the port«n the Lane County • bungalows and have spent several The first bill of lumberamount- among which was the passing of State and Savings Bank. C.H. Young. ) undred dollars in grading, ing to 1600 feet went out to sea, THURSDAY— MORNING an Ordiance ordering the improv­ It is gratifying to know that Tl hey have erected a water system 10:00 Music with the raft of logs, which SCHOOL OFFICERS CONVENTION— ing by planking of Washington this will be done, as it keeps the and-by next year these two places broke loose several weeks ago, 10:10—Announcements, commit­ street frojn the south side of money of this district at home SATURDAY MORNING. tee appointments, etc. wijl be pointed out as what can and was a complete loss. Even this as much as possible, and is a be done in the way of making did not dishearten the sturdy Front to deep water. 9:00—Music. 10:20 -Address to teachers An ordinance covering Front compliment to the local institu­ Florence a place —Supt E. J? Moore 9:10—Address, “The Con- ’ of beautiful builders, who had under-taken street from Lincoln to Jefferson tion. structiye Attitude.” homes. 10:50 --Intermission the task of giving their children, As a business proposition our , —Prof. Stetson was read and ordered corrected, Several others have been busy and neighbor’s children a home of 11:00—Address, “ The Study And Tuesday night was/etumed home institutions should he grading and on Madison street Problem,” Frof. Stetson 9:40 — "Standardization of ! learning. patronized and encouraged when­ Mrs. C. L. Wayman, is doing Schools.” - Supt E. G. Moore with corrections and passed. 12:00—Noon Intermission The expense of maintaining At the Monday session Clark ever possible. ji10;10—“Some Modern considerable imprpvetnentwork, the school will be met, by various AFTERNOON McLaughlin was elected Marshal Plans for School Build- prominent of which is the filling 1:00 Music A new sign can be seen in and leveling of her yard. Mrs, means. Last Saturday night a of the town of Florence. - ings.” 1:10—Address The matter of a chàrter com­ front of Sam Terrill^ Fish Mar­ Wayman bought this property of benefit dance was given netting 10:40— Intermission and 1:50—“ Primary Methods in mission was brought before the ket It reads F. P. E. Oyster Harbor-Sound Investment Co. over $20.00, the only expence registration of school Language” —Miss E. Christie board and discussed. The mayor and Fish house. Sam says that about a year ago and recently being the rental of the hall, the officers. . music being furnished by the • 2:00—Intermission “F. P. E,” makes people as* 11:00 Address—L.P.Harrington was authorized to appoint two questions, but he Joesn’t care so moved to Florence. boy» of the jetty and farmers of 2:45—“Nature Study as a members of the council to act on A walk around the residence the vicinity. 11:45 Noon intermission. Source of Material for long as they get interested in his section of Florence will, reveal 1:00 Discussion of Perplexing * on such a board. Other matters famous crabs. The school will be under the Language Work” in connection with such a com­ much improvement work which supervision of the Florence school Points of School Law and —Miss Frances McFarland mission were discussed but is ah indication for the present Answers to Questions. 3:15- Language in the In­ R. F. Averill manager, of the and future growth of our town. Board, who will also contribute action deferred until later. $25.00 per month to wards paying termediate Grades. _________ The question of a city hall and Tide water Mill Co, is contemp- the teacher’s salary. —Miss Grace East ENTRE NOUS CLUB ¡jail is held up on account of stale lating moving from the Alex- c r a p DCCTAIIPANT The school house is a one room ander house to the building, /3,AK 3:40 Relation of Language HOLD FIRST MEETING laws govering such buildings. which has been used by the mill frame structure, with four win­ in the Grades to High vIlA llvuj llAJlVu It is the purpose of the trustees dows affording ample ventilation. School English. for a yard office. k ------ The first meeting of the Entre to pass ordinances covering the — :— « A deal in which the lease. Miss May Merrill, of Portland, -- E V E N IN G « Nous Club was held at the home rest of the proposed planking Address of Welcome ,of Miss Mary Cassid v last Friday just as soon as details can be Miss Bessie Hatch left Satur­ furnishings and business of the called the school to order for the day to teach school on Green Star Restaurant figured has been first time, Monday morning, with Mayor C. H. Young evening. Twenty-young people work out. river. This school is situated under consideration several days, nine pupils and will be its Besponse C, L. Weaver being present to enjoy them- about five miles north of Reed, and Tuesday final arrangements teacher. j selves, j E. E. Otey, T. J. Graham, Oregon. Address “ Opportunities of were completed A very pleasant i Cecil Miller, and O. R. Miller, time was had the Rural School and the , playing-; whist with the usual came in Saturday from Junction, L. E. Dyer, and family, o f1 W. H. Wilson and J. C. Lewis, HECETA LODGE Rural Comwiuqity” on the Minnie Mitchel, having Harrisburg have moved into the «of Portland are the parties buy —Prof. Stetson amount of enjoyable surprises. 1 .0 . 0. F. ENTERTAINS Miss Jennie Rice won the driven to Mapleton and leaving house on the corner of second ¡ng the property and they took (Music to be arranged by Mrs. and Madison streets. charge Wednesday morning. ladies, prize, and Mr. C. Curtis their team there. Heceta'fxxlge No. I ll, I. O. O. C.* H. Young.) Mr. Wilson and Lewis are ex-J I F. of Florence had a very jolly secured the gentlemen’s trophy. F R I D A Y — M O R N IN G Corrected to read for the Siuslaw perienced hotel and restaurant evening last Wednesday evening. The cliffe meets next Friday rT ' î /- l Æk 9:00- Music. A I L i t 1 <11JI C o " ““ bar - One hour after for Florence men and the public will meet with Miss Catherine McHardy, The membership of the local 9:10 Address, “ The Success­ 'f H IG H T I O E S - LOW T ID E with fair dealing and good eats. organization believe in having a.ui. l i t . p.tu. H t. In. U t . ’l>.tn. III. ful School,” —Prof. Stetson Capt. Tabell of the Patsy, in- 'V iiL .' l M . 1 . . 0 :1 9 s .o 1 2 :5 0 0 .0 T VV.’.L < k t. 1 . . . il. 7 :1 F. AT Titus and family took pleasure as well as devoting time 5 0 .* 7 :53 o .o », . . 7:5 1 1.4 9:4C—“ Primary Methods in 1 :3* S 3 'Itili.. I M . 2 ... 1 0 .0 Tim t, 0 . 1 . *:41 0.7 I formed this paper,,before leaving F r i., i h t . over the Star Restaurant 3 years to business, so inviting the 2 :27 7.7 3 . . S :34 2 .0 . 2:1 1 0 .5 0 .0 0 :3 F ri.. O et. Number Work.” Wednesday, that this was his last S ,it.. H it . » . . •» 4 :23 7 1 2 :57 0.1 Sut.. <». t. 4 . . 0 :1 0 2 .0 1 0 :2 5 0 .2 ago, and built up a paying busi­ Rebekahs and a few friends they 0 .5 3 :4 7 S.5 i Sun.. O e t M^iss Elizabeth Christe trip, as he would b« replaced by S u n ., I M . 5 . . 5 . . 1 0 :0 0 3 .3 1 1 :2O 11.1 4 ness and made many friends enjoyed the evening with a pro­ 5 :3 7 O.l Muri.. O it . tí.. 1:4 7 7.0 Al m. Í K r. 0 . . 11 :l 1 3 '* ¡ 2 : 3 * 4.Ì 10:05 -’.‘Applicatioh of School 0 : 5 9 0.1 Tu»’«.. I h-t. 7 . . 0 :0 3 7.4 . . 0 :.i.ì T ile.. < > < t. 0 .5 7 I Capt’t Vahlbusch. while so doing, who they will be gram of vocal and instrumental 7 2 5 7.1 WiVI.. I M . * . . ' S : î 1 0.4 o* t. a . . I l i 0 .7 2 :0 7 4.0 Arithmetic to Home Prob­ 9 :0 7 0 .* *:.'!.*, 7.1 T h u .. O it . t i . . rhu.. O et. 0 . . 2 :4 1 0 7 3 :1 7 3 .4 glad to learn that, Mr. Titus ex­ music and recitations. ÎT5O 7.3 0 :3 5 7.2 1 F r i., < H-t. i o . . 3 :4 0 O.s 1:13 2.* lems.” Herman Smoak; the contractor, S f r . i i l . # . O , n it t. . h I O .. .. 1O:2O pects to stay in Florence, and 7.0 1 0 :2 1 7.4 ‘ S«t .. O e t. i l . . 4:27 0 .7 5 : 0 0 2.1 After the program they gather­ Á.0 10:30 Intermission. Sun.. O» f. 12 . . 5 :0 * 1.1 j came home Saturday and says he S u n .. I M . 1 2 . . 1 0 :5 7 11 :ll* 7.4 5:41 1.0 contemplates building in the ed around a long table that ^as .'L u i.. O it . 1 3 . . 11 :25 * .2 I I : P i 7.4 M on. 1.4 0 :1 0 < H t. 13 . . 5 :4 3 1.1 10:46--“ Arthmetic in the 1 had finished an eight room new T u e .. m t . 1 4 . . 11 ;54 *.4 4 . . 0 :4 * 0 .7 spring. 1 T u e .. O et. 1.4 . . 0 :1 5 1.* loaded to the groaning point, to ir ,.. 0 :2 5 7.4 \V ..| 1 2 :1 5 s.O O et. 15 . . 0 :4 2 2 .2 7:21 0 .3 Grammar Grades.” bungalow f6r Bert Stone, on T h ii.. 4 < M n . l«i. 1:01 7.2 . 1 2 :3 0 'S.* T hu.. O e t. IO . . 7:0 * 2 0 7 :53 0.1 eat, and all did eat heartily. •i i . T fi 1 4SI L'wi —J. J. Champlin Maple creek. \ 1 ;» »»’ C. U. Beers made a visit home r M.. < H t. 17 . . 7 :2* ,».»r * :25 ri.. I M . 1 1 . . 0 .7 0.1 s . s O et. 2 :1 0 a t.. in t. 1 * . . 1 :35 . . 7 40 0 :0 4 Su t.. 1* 3 .4 The members sa^this is only 11:15 Discussion of Methods Saturday morning, returning 3 0 4 O.4 S iili.. O it . 1 0 .. 0 :4 7 0 .0 2 : 0 0 S.7 . Sun.. Í k t. IO . . *:1 4 3 .7 one of such times that they in­ * - s a .4.0 L. G. Macklin? of Portland ' I n . . ' O it . 2 0 . 3 :5 t 0.1 2 :5 0 * L Muti.. 10:31 0.1 and Devices Teachers’ Tuesday to Florence. He reports 5 :0 3 5 9 T u, .. . . 2 :5 5 0 * AFTERNO ON Carl Estepp, came down on the 4:30 .1 .4 1 0 :l« i 7.7 Sun.. O et. 2*1 . . 3 :4 0 S u n .. H it . 2H. . - 9 : 1 9 *.2 1:00—Music. -, 20 0 .4 * * .* • 1 1 :0O 7 .0 'I n , < k-t. 2 7 . . 4 :3* 1 0 W. C, Demesey, of Eugene, t T 'I in n h « .. ., O ( M it . . 2 2 * 7 . . . . , . . 1 1 0 1 :2 Dave Beers is in* Florence to Minnie Mitchel Saturday, with a CIMI 0 .4 :0 * 921 . 5 :2 2 1.3 T u ».. < k t. 2 * 1 1 :5 1 . s .o 1:10 Addresses, “ Funda­ ■ e , 1 1 :4 4 9 .7 OSI4 1.0 0 :5 2 0 .0 W d . < M . 2Í* cam« in Wednesday. He intends W 'il., 1 M .' V O ,. . receive treatment for a severe load of furniture and (wo teams i v - r : 9 .9 7 :3* 1.2 T h u .. o » t . 0 :4 5 2 .0 T ü ll.. I M . J » . i . ‘ O-4O 7 .9 mentals.” —Supt E. J. Moore. to locate here.. _ of horses. case of grippe. 1 :29 7.0 * :25 1.2 F r i.. I M . 3 1 . . . 1:01 9 .9 i F r i..