THE VOL. I. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1913 state. He represented the Pa­ the same lines that it has been cific University in these contests, conducted in the past, adding to and is student of this school ex­ it a lunch service. Mrs. Walker pecting to finish with the class of has a reputation for serving 1914. tempting and appetising meals Mr. Grathwell hails from Ken­ by those who know her. She will tucky. the state famous for its give her personal attention to the handsome women, fast horses business, and no doubt will make and good whiskey. He is it a very successful one. acquainted with many of the The county road that the rail Q. M. Baldwin came to Flor­ moonshiners and feudists of that ence nearly two years ago. road contractors built around the , .. . ™ ... : section, and is in the fight against Soon after the Saubert building point just above Mapleton was mon sight m Florence, ,s almost liquor of hjg persona, was finished he opened the bak­ opened to the public last week. a fa c t knowledge of it, and the results ery and has built up a good busi­ A corduroy finish is now being As graceful as any sea bird immediately prepared for an up- Word was received just before thathas ever ventured inland Ed coast trip to Toledo, which if suc- before noon that Steele had from drinking i t ness by his genial disposition put on in places. The old road On Thursday evening, at 7:30 and attention to his patrons. He has been closed to travel and n. , v 5„ .nwmiono cessful would give the Pacific Steele m his hydro-aeroplane • . alighted in the surf near Wald­ o’clock in Evangelical church, he has several things in view and crewsare blasting night and day . . ,. . . Coast record to Aviator Steele, appeared on the sky-lme just for over<)ce^n flight in B hydro. port and was towed ashore. Ije, will speak to the people of Flor­ to rush the grade around this expects to remain in Florence. west Of Glenada Monday morning aeroplane. On this trip he keeps had intended to land at that ence. His subject will be “Thel* rocky point place if necessary. The report Legs of the B e a s t” and he in­ at 11 o’clock. From out over the out over the ocean from two to The steam shovel is buisily stated that he had trouble with tends to knock the underpinning engaged building the road bed on ' ocean he came swiftly in, coast- four miles, the carbrators, which caused from under i t ing over a mile across the sand This machine is a two passen- th e Walker place just above. them to come down and fix them. A cordial invitation is extend­ . ’ onj ger one, and holds the record for Teams and equipment are •dunes on the south side, and * . ’ >. A telephone • message was re­ ed to all to attend and hear what ’ . - u • L. ocnn <»rry‘nF passengers, having being scowed from the head of Last Friday morning while C.L dropped from a height of four people at one time ceived by The Pilot Wednesday he has to say.> tide to South Slough, and from afternoon from Mr. Steele that Wisdom was working near’ the feet to a few hundred feet above at g al-Boa. there taken to the tunnel camps Mthe river between Florence and It wa8 put together in North everything was repaired and he slab conveyor he was seen to run o f Baker & Randall. about fifty feet and then fall. Glenada. Bend and is owned by Gorst & would soon start for Toledo. At the Noti tunnel the excatfk* H. N. Richards, thè advance When he->was helped up, he He then brought the machine Rjng of that place. It cost over tion is going on at the rate Of with a long beautiful glide uP |5000 to build. The amount of man, went to Mapleton Monday muttered, “Slab fell on m e,” six feet a . day, with less than a He the river to a position about a oR g a ^ g d wjn last 2 1-2 hours night on the launch Pearl and With the passing of the owner­ then became unconscious. hundred feet o f rock to remove. mile above the mill, just opposite wm drive -t about 1()0 milg3, left Tuesday morning for Toledo ship of the Bay View Hotel prop­ was taken to Dr. Fox’s office and Preparations are being made to by the way o f Eugene. Before where Siuslaw Milling and Manu- The machine ¡8 a Glen Martin erty into new hands, its manage­ received treatm ent work as large a force as can be While the injury rendered him - factoring Co, have their wood of the c urtia type carrying leaving he made a proposition ment will also change. Geo T. handled, every day the weather to return and give two exhibition sawing plant, where with the a gg horse-power gasoline engine, Schroeder who has successful unconscious for a short time, it ease of a sea gull he touched the Itg wing8 are 41 feet fn)m tjp to flights at Florence and take management it for two years will did not seem serious, and in the will permit, and the construction The business retire and John Daniels and afternoon he was sent to his will be pushed with vigor this fall water and skimming its surface ^p The 8tearjng apparatus passangers up. and winter between the Siuslaw circled on the return, nsing o consists of a rudder and elevating men of Florence will endeavor to Melvin Miller, lesses will take home in Glenada. Tuesday he and Coos Bay. was up and around the house, the water a few feet then drop- p[ane8> vidiile over each shoulder raise a purse large enough to charge. This week, Engineers H. P. ping to it again in a wonderful arg 8trap8 that automatically secure the exhibition. If success­ Mr. Daniels has had charge of but suffering from the effect on Hoey and W. R. Fountaine, ac- imitatioh of some water foul in 8hjft’the planes when the operator ful announcement will be made the kitchen since last June, and his head and eyes. It is thought compained by J. P. Porter and flight For a few minutes he ,eang toward either side Theae and special boats run so as many has a great deal of experience in that in a few days he will have Johnson Porter are making a apparently searched for some 8tnip8 control the lateral balance, people as possible can come and the hotel business. Mr. Melvin fully recovered. tour of inspection. At this end The charge made for Miller has been with the hotel as convenient landing place then Mr that the 8ensa. see it. they were joined by Engineer 0. drove up to the edge of the tide tion jn glidihg to aTifeht was one cat rying a passenger is $15, and w clerk for nearly two years. L. Zentner, Fred Baker and Joe flats in front of the West o, ce mogt pieagant experienced several have already signed up. The gentlemen understand the Preston. - — ' They expect to be here the ■ needs of the traveling public and where he^left the machine and jn fljgb£ came ashore. When asked if much fear was first of next week probably Tues­ will give a satisfactory service. E. A. Bean, o f the Eugene Gun When thefirst rumor was o u t, gbOwn by those going as passers day, announcement will be made They have faith in Florence and company, who has just returned that a flying machine had left gerg Mr Richardg who ha8 as soon as possible. believe in its future. with his family from an outing The barg Lawrence, the sec* Gardiner for h lorence, few wou made 8everai flights with Steele, P/yxi» ‘ Hr. Miller who also handles on the lower Siuslaw, says the believe it. Some of t ese go in , ^ j d bjg obaervatjon and ejf. : real estate will continue to give and one which Kruse and Banks railroad contractors on the Will­ have built for the Tidewater Mill the launch Pearl and went to the perience ppoved whfl(, attention to this part of his amette Pacific are rushing the company of Florence, was launch ____ business. sand hills near Barretts s ge migbt f eej a gjjght nervousness ..,4- Q.QA Iiiof oc hou Monday afternoon at the shipyard work of building the grade and landing about 9:30. Just as f they A call from S. W. Gratbwell going over the water, as soon as in North Bend. The barge is he believes that it will be com­ were ready to come back the they rose into the air this left, convinces us he is a good talker. practically the same size as the pleted as far as Mapleton within buzzing ofjthe machine was heard and the question of safety seldom In our estimate we measured him Frederick which is now |n service. a month or six weeks. It is and they could discern it coming marred the pleasure of the ride. by his speed, volume and staying The Lawrence was named for practically completed now, he in from the ocean. From where He had often seen women quietly qualities. A pleasant smile wins says, but there is always a lot of they were could be seen every fold their hands in their laps and you, as he makes his statements Last week a deal was closed in Johnson Porter’s youngest son, finishing touches to put on such movement as it dipped in a fight with no thought of holding on, and clinches them with his argu- which Mrs. A. P. Walker, of the Frederick being named for jobs before they can be called at an angle of 30 degrees to alight enjoy sailing through the air. ment. ~ ~ ” 1 Mapleton, bought the Home Bak- his oldest son. There is a couple complete. on the river. As to what others think of his ery in Florence from O. M. Bald- of weeks’ work orvtjie Lawrence ... Announcements had been made “ If the bridges were in”’ said yet before she will be ready for As it flew through the air just that as soon a a a new supply of ability, it is well to state, that he win. Mr. Bean this afternoon, “the above the water, gulls scatter­ oil was secured and the machine won all Oregon Oratorical Con- »Mrs. Walker came down Mon­ service, steam wenches having railway company would be able ed rapidly in many directions, inspected Steel would leave on his tests held this year under day and took possession. She to be installed. to operate trains from Eugene to The completion of the Law­ screeching with fright as they way. The school children were auspices of the colleges of the will continue the business along Mapleton by Nov. 1. or earlier, rence' will practically clean up went,' but - - soon ------ , — - - - returned to - get given liberty, liDeriy, m at m ey m ign that they might but there are severaldarge spans the big work that Kruse and acquainted the gréât white j ggt thg bengfit Qf an object leg8on ---------------- ^Corrected to ------ read --- for ---- the Siuslaw Banks have on hand now unless to be built besides innumerable b>rd- Stores were closed and the whole bar—One hour after for Florence some new contracts are secured smaller ones, all o f which will This event of course was e town of Florence massed on the u.m . H t. p.m . H t. H.U). H t. l*.m. s o o n .T h e slump in the lumber, take a great deal o f work and occasion for great excitement river front ngar where- thg M on.. 1 . . . <4:11 14.4 12:57 S.7 M on., S e p . 1 .. 7 :0 9 0 .0 .M 7 :2 4 O considerable time to finish. T u e ., S e p t . 2 . . . 1 1:4)0, 0 .2 2 ... and enterest on the river. Many hjne wag a(. anchor 1:35 ‘ Ü.O p ' i i e . . S,-p. 7 :4h «4.3 5 :1 3 <».5 market is holding back some of W iil. SepT. 3 . . . W eil., S e p . 3 . . 1 :5<) *.* 9.2 h :2 0 (4.3 0:0 1 0 .2 their prospective orders. Robert There are seven large bridges had never seen a flying m a c h i n e ^ 1;35 thg aviator T h u ., S e p t. 4 . . . 2:314 *.2 T h u ., S e p t. 4 . . . 9 :0 0 1.0 2 :57 9.2 0 :5 3 F r i., S e p t. 5 . . . , 3 : 3 4 7.4 , 3:3.' 9 .0 l'r i.. S e p . 5 . . . 0 :4 * 1.* 10:544 Bank is now in San Francisco, across the Wildcat creek, six in actual flight and it P™' ® machine flew upstream/north of S u t., S e p t . < > ... 4 :3 « 41.41 4 :25 7 S iF <..r>~». 41 - IA.«4 t .» 11 ■ -. "T * 1 1 .’» * !s figuring on some new work. across the Siuslaw and one across S u n .. S e p . 7 . . . 1 1 :32 . 3 .3 S u n .. S e p t. 7 . . . , 5 :5 2 *1.(4 treat to all, for those who had town circ|ed rose ar/ startj 5 :2 5 M on.. S e p t. * . . . 7:2<» 5 .* M on., S e p . * ... *1:3*1 * .o 1 :0*i <4.0 1 2 :4 5 In addition there This year has been a very good Lake creek. seen flights before, saidlit was flew far down gtream T u e ., S e p t, 14. . . * Ï H U « .(4 T u e ., S e p . 0 . . . 2 :1 0 44.5 7:51 7.* 2 :1 4 ■ \Ve*l, S /p tT 144. . . 0 : 4 7 J L 5 are several across the Long Tom W eil., S e p . 1*4. * :5 0 7 .* •4c25 (4.3 •: 3 :3 3 one, but will not equal last sea­ the prettiest exhibition they had Spruce pojnt wherg hg circ)ed T llll., S e p t. 1 1 . . . 1*4:34 Wl* 0:5*1 *.<4 T h u .. S e p . 1 1 . . . 4::«Î 4 :22 0.1 and Noti, this side of the tunnel, son. when the A. M. Simpson, 11:11 7 . \ F ri.. S e p t. 1 2 . . . ever witnessed and felt well re- and returned A north westerl 141:4*1 * . u F r i.. S e p . 1 2 . . . 5 :0 * 0.1 5 :2 4 S u t.. S e p t. 1 3 . . . 1 1 :4 3 7 * 1 1 1 :27 * . l S u t.. S e p . 1 3 . . . 5 :4 0 0.1 which are just now being started. 0 :0 5 Speedwell and Davenport were paid for rushing to H p la c e J her« > in d was blowing too strong and S u n ., S e p t. 1 4 . . . 12:4444 7 .* i S u n .. S e p . 1 4 . . . 0 :2 3 0.4 41:42 i 2:3*1 * .ô The concrete work on all these M on.. S e p . 1 5 . . . M on., S e p t . 1 5 . . . <4:445 S.I4 0 :5 5 , 0.7 7 :1 4 turned o u t Thia year the only they could see the bird-m an*^ wou)d nQt attempt thg trjp R T u e . S e p t. 1<1.. . T u e .. S e p . 1 0 . . . 7:21 1.2 41:444 7.* 1 :0<4 * .2 7 :4 5 1 structures is being done, several large vessel built was the one for W eil., S e p . 1 7 . . . ' alight . , , , might be well to add here that \Vl (l. S e p t. 1 7 . . . 1 :1 5 7.(1 b-22 *.2 T h u ., S e p . 1 5 . . . 7 :4 4 1 .K 5 :1 4 1 u ., S e p t. 1 * . . . 1:414 7.3 *:*>! 2.1 1:4*1 *•4 5 :4 7 (1 large teams and auto trucks being the Chas. A. Nelson Lumber Co., The flight was made from Ed Stee|e hg9 & T F h r i.. F.ri„ S e p . H 4 .. , S :2 0 2.0 S e p t. l i t . . . 2 : 2 5 41.14 2:11 * .5 0 :2 2 < •Sut.. S e p . 2 0 . . ' . 5:4*4 3 .0 S u t.. S e p t. 244. . . 3:44*1 41.4 , 2:41 *.5 and the Akutan, the latter being engaged in hauling the material 1 0 :0 4 II North Bend to Gardiner in 50 year hag never h&d an S u n .. S e p . 2 1 . . . 0: .tn . lit while working in the bam last :15‘ O.* 7:5.3 44.0 “The railway company, where . * 4et. 2 .. 1 :3* 5 .3 • 1 :3 5 0 .0 Saturday. He managed to crawl as advance man for Mr. Stee e, M 3Qon weatber woujd permi t i T M u ^ .f» ct. 2 ... 7 :5 4 1.4 *:4 1 41.7 3 . . . 2 :2 7 7 .7 K ri.. 4 5 t. 2 :1 4 0.5 , it has tom up the old country F r iV 45-t. 3 ... S :34 2 .0 0:.3 0.0 to the house and phone to ■ town arrived on Barretts stage from Tuesday morning at 9;45 Mr. ( H it , ( l e t . 4 . . ' 3 : 2 2 7.1 2 :5 7 0.1 S u t . «4et. 4 . . . ll:T « 2 .0 1 0 :2 5 0 .2 road in different places to make . S uiim 4 5 t. 5 . . 4 :2 3 0 .5 .3:47 * 5 S u n .. up gtream M ugua, T h i g < 5 1 . 0 . . . 0:447 «¡5 5 :3 5 7.1 Thu.'. «5 t. » . . . 1:41 0 .7 2 :0 7 4 .0 was called and Mr. Furnish 2 :4 4 0 .7 3:1 3 .4 ! F r i.. (5 - t. 1 0 . better road than ithaa destroyed. expected to reach Toledo atfnearly for di8tance he tlJrned and I SnL. «5-t. n . . . 0 : 5 0 7e4 0 : 3 5 7 i ' F r i., « 5 t . 1 0 . . . 0 0.* 4 :1 3 2 .* is nqw resting easy. 1 0 :2 4 7.4 . . 10:241 7 .0 Hat.. < 5 t. H . . . ’ 4 :2 7 0.7 5:4444 2.1 The people down that i way are the same time the machine d.d, whè0 he pagge(J Kylgg cannery 5 'un.. ( 5 1 . 1 2 . . . 1 0 :5 7 5 *1 1 1 :0 * 7.4 S u n .. < 5 t . 1 2 . . . ‘ 5:l»s 1.1 5 :4 1 1.« Hon. I. N. Edwards and wife, I M on.. 4 5 1 — 1 3 . . . 11 :•/' 5 .2 4 5-t 1 ru J 5 :4 3 1.4 11:4*1 7.4 M -n . very much pleased with the way 41:14» 1.1 but was overtaken at Florence. , waain the ajr up. ward and out. 1 T in-.. « 5 1 . 1 4 . .'. 11 5 .4 T u e .. < 5 t . l l f l 11:15 I * H:4* 44.7 of Junction city, chaperoned a ’ W ed.. . * 5 t. 1 5 . Ì 2 : Ì 5 5.Ó in which the roads are being re­ . . <4:25 7.4 W e lt « 5 t 1 5 . . . 0 :4 2 2.2 In conversation we learned ward bound. He waved his hand T h il. 7:2 1 44.3 « 5 -t 1 « . . . 1 :0 1 7.2 12:.'K» 5.5 jolly crowd on a camping trip built by the contractors, who T h u .. «5 t. 1 0 . . . , 7 :0 * 2.K 7 :5 3 44.1 from Messrs Steele and Richards in farewell to those gathered to ! F ri.. 4 « t . 1 7 . . : 1 3 0 7.(4 1 :0 0 5.5 F r i., 45-t. 17...I 7 :2 * 3 .0 * 3 i5 <4.1 I S i t .. «5-t. 1 5 . . . 2 : 1 0 0 .7 from the Willamette valley to seem to know just how to build 1£{5 ' *.5 S a t., « 5 t. 1 5 . . . 7 :4 0 3.4 14:444 4 4.1 that they are on their way to ucv M i S u n .. i«efc 1 » . . . * 1 4 3 .7 • - see him nun u off, ii , w was a s soon Dey beyond J -‘iin.. 4 5 1 . 1 0 . . . 3:«44 0.4 14:47 0.44 points of interest up the beach them and just what kind of a road M on. « 5 t. -20. 2 : 5 0 5.4 . . 3 : 5 7 0.1 Toledo to give exhibifion flights Spruce p(|jnt gettjng hjgher g)1 M -n ., '5 - t . 2 0 . .- , *:5-'l 4 0 10:31 0.1 T u e .? 4 5 - t 2 1 . . . J 0 51 T h ”« . < 5 1 . 21 . . . 5 : 0 3 5.14 3 :4 2 5.0 n