The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, September 17, 1913, Image 1

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Monday morning between 8:30 smiled and said it held no terrors
for him.'
and 9 |o ’clock ¡boys.
all sizes,
Miss Jennie Bossen, principal
from the wee tad of six to the of the grammar gt ades, is new
jaunty high school chap, and starting on her third ytar with
girls with their hair still put up the Florence schools. While she
"pig tail style” to the Miss who assumes additional responsibili-
i« . w ill prepare tiea this year’ 8he returns with
in another
strong interest in the work and
her graduation oration, were determination to get the best
seen to be gathering towards possible results.
Miss Grace East, who has the
one common centçr, the school
building. The usual excitement intermediate grades, comes to
•prevailed among them.
Some Florence for the first time. She
were all smiles and expectancy, will give instruction in music and
while a few of the little fellows drawing in addition to other
looked as if they wished for just studies.
Miss Elizabeth Christie, of the
a few more “vacation days.”
department, is also start­
At the school house were groups
first year with the
o f children playing and talking or
She is en­
promenading, while eveywhere
prevailed the interest o f| the thusiastic and has plans for much
work with the small pupils.
first day of school.
The school house has been new­
Soon after nine o’clock teachers
and pupils were busy with the ly paintedj which adds greatly to
work of enrollment The record its appearance.
The first few days will be de­
shows 63 registered in the gram­
mar grades, and 23 in the High voted to organization and review
School, making a total of 86 work, as the books for exchange
enrolled. This number will in­ have not arrived y e t E. F. Sur­
creased during the next few face the druggist, who handles
weeks, as quite a number of 1 the books in Florence, ordered
children are expected to enter i them just as soon the basis of
exchange was settled and lists
a little later.
He is disappointed in
Prof. J. Chaplin, superinten- [ made up.
them sooner, but
dent of the High School is enter­
they were ready
ing upon his duties with a zeal
and interest that indicates a year for shipment and waiting at
qf substantial work.
In speak­ Portland for three weeks. They
ing of number enrolled, 23, he are expected on the next boat
Haslett at her Thanksgiving
dinner serves strawberries
stead of cranberries. „
This week the ranchers are
bringing in the -early apples
prominent among which are the
The questionpf where the depot
famous gravenstein variety. E.
would be located at Mapleton has
Nicole and H. H. Fisk, of Maple­
been settled- According to re­
ton, brought in some nice ones
liable ¡information it will be
Saturday which were soon sold
established in that part known
It might be well to say '
as Coast Land Companys Addi­
here that there are a few of our ■
tion to Mapleton, at what is
farmers who take care of th eir1
fruit trees and get results that | known as Railroad Ave, and
Water Street, about 250 feet from
Some time when the
the water front and nearly the
value of the Siuslaw is recogniz­
same distance from the south
ed as an apple country no orchard
edge of what was the original
will be neglected. The raising ¡
town of Mapleton. Lots 1, 2 and
of fruit will be a study, and the
3 block D being used.
necessary care given it, where
This addition consists of 10
now can be seen neglected fruit
acres that was first purchased
and trees.
V "
from Richard Clow by Ralph
While fruits of all kinds -are
Hunt w hilehe was locating the
easily and abundantly grown in
this country, it does not take survey and right-of-way that
second place when it comes to was afterward sold to the Will­
amette Pacific, this piece was
vegetables. The farmers of the
Siuslaw river, North Fork, Fid­ reserved and finally platted as an
dle creek, Maple creek, the lakes, addition to Mapleton and is now
north and south, while notas yet owned by the Western Coast
raising in large quanities for the Land Co, with headquarters at
market, always have plenty of 504 Selling Bldg, Portland, Ore­
the finest for their own table use. gon. Lots in this addition are
And these products compare in held at $150 to $300 and $400 on
quality and size with the best the water front
Railroad Avenue located on the
grown anywhere.
western edge of the addition is
to be used as a right-of-way.
This was 100 feet wide but has
recently been extended to a width
■ *
of 200 fe e t
A. J. Parker who recently
The railroad company will grade
purchased the H. B. Gray prop­ and fill and otherwise improve
erty is now raising the building, the streets and property that it
putting in a new floor and side owns for depot purposes and with
walk and otherwise improving i t the coming of these things this
He announces that he will fit it beautiful spot at the head of tide­
up for a confectionery store and water on the Siuslaw then will
pool hall, and expects to open it soon be a model little city.
to the public as soon as he can
finish the improvements con­
This is a fine business location
and no doubt Mr. Parker will
This week papers wère made
soon build up a good business.
out closing a deal for the Bay
Grandpa Holenbecfc w as in 1 View Hotel property, in which
town last
week, acting as Mrs Mabie B. Slemmons, of the
chaperon to ar party of several Florence
Racket store
young ladies from up the river; | purchaser.
The transfer is of one of the
The members of the Ladies
Aid of the Evangelical church most valuable pieces of water
met last Thursday, with M rs.1 front property in Florence and
Johnny Morris on Duncan Inlet, while the price is not given out
It was the regular business meet- for publication, it reaches five
ing of this organization. A real figures.
good time was had, with about
Mrs. Slemmons intends to make
15 members present.
I some improvement soon, but just
what they will be is not at
present settled.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schroeder
bought this property nearly two
years ago and have conducted the
hotel, giving satisfaction and a
popular service. Just what they
will do when they retire is un­
certain at present They have
interests in several other places,
but may decide to continue to re­
side in Florence.
With a crew of twelve m,en and
one donkey engine the Kirby
Bros, are putting logs in rapiely
at their camp on Lake creek. They
are using four men on the line, and
one day last week they put in 156,-
009 fe e t
The largest days work; known
on the Siuslaw up to that time
was 123,000 put in one day last
winter, at the Bowlin camp on
just below
Before the time had passed for the main river,
filing remonstrances against the Meadows.
improving by planking as pro­ -K irb y Bros, entered the logg­
posed by the board of trustees ing business as contractors using
this last time remonstrances donkey engines, about four years
were placed on file with the city ago. Their first large day was
recorder against that part to be 106,000, but since th at time they
improved on Lincoln and Main have on several occasitns put in
112,000. These boys are hustlers
go into the woods themselves,
, The remonstrance on Lincoln
every phase o f the camp
street is from Josephine street
personally superintend­
to Front street and was filed
September 11th, 1913.
The ing the operations.
property and signatures are Geo.
W. Evans, for School District
No. 97, lots 9,10, 11 and 12 block
7; Mrs. Sarah Cassidy lot 7 block
7; Jennie M. David, lot 8, block
7; C. B. Morgan’ trustee Masonic
A very pleasant afternoon
property, lot 8 block 4; A. F. was spent at the McHardy Studio
Hurd, lot 6 and 7, block 4; H. D. last Wednesday, when sixteen
Chamberlain, lot 5, block 4; 0 . ladies were present with Mrs.
C. Stanwood part o f lot 9, block H arvef L. McKee as guest of
4; Francis E. Holden, part of .lot honor.
9, block 4; W. H. Weatherson,
Refreshmentp were served in
lot 6, block 6; Mrs. W. H. a dainty and delightful manner
Weatherson, lot 5. block 6; W. during the afternoon.
H. Weatherson, trustee Presby­
Two contests o f skill were
terian church, lot 4, block 6; enjoyed. In guessing, Mrs. H.
Jennie M. David, agent lots 1, jfc L. McKee won first prize, while
and 3, block 6;
— in the button hole contest Mrs.
The remonstrance on Main C. H. Young was declared the
street improvement was filed best.
September 13, 1913, with the re­
corder and represented by the
following property and signa­
Mrs. G. R. Mills made a trip to
ture: C. B. Morgan, trustee of
Masonic property, lot 8, block 4; North Fork Sunday to gather
C. F. Stonefield, part lot 1, block fruit. North Forl( can certainly
4; Barney Burnett, property on produce fine fru it
south side of street; Sarah
Mrs. J. Scott is on the sick list
Cassidy, lot 7, block. 7; Geo. W. just now. Nothing serious we
Evans, lot 6, block 7; Leonard hope.
Christensen, lot 7, block 8; Chas.
Roy Saubert’s new house is
David, lot 6, block 8; Walter H. progressing nicely under the
Safley, lot 7, block 9; Chas. R. supervision of Mr. Gaither, the
David, , trustee
Evangelical carpenter. It will be the nieest
church, lot 6, block 9.
house in town.
These remonstrances represent
We notice that fish are a little
only a small portion of the im­
more plentiful now and the boys
provement ordered and we
are making some very good catch-
the Siuslaw understandjare filed with the be­
Some are even catching gas
'bar—One hour after for Florence lief that the required |number
boats. Ask John Costello about
LOW T f í) E S
of signatures on any one street
p.m . H t.
11. 111. l i t
li t .
it. He can tell you.
1 2 :5 7 *.7
M on . S e p .
1 ..
7*09 41.0
7 :2 4 0 .9
will be sufficient to prevent the
1 :3 5 • » .0
T u e. S e p ,
2 ..
7 :1 * - 0 .3
* :1 3 0 .5
School opened Monday with a
2 :1 3 » .2
W ed . S e p . 3 . .
H :20 0 .3
»4 )1 0 .2
good attendence.
2 :5 5 9 .2
T hu. S e p t. 4 . .
94X1 14)
0 :5 3 0 .2
3 :3 5 9 .0
5 . . . 9 : 4 # 1.#
F ri.. S e p .
1 0 :5 0 0 .3
Mr. Risley now travels With a
4 :2 5 *:7
0 . . 1 0 :3 4 2 .0
S a t., S e p .
1 1 :5 4 0 .5
Capt. Safiey has placed a new
5 :2 5 *.3
horse power. It seem s that
0 :3 0 s.O
whistle on the Minnie Mitchell.
1 4M! 0 .0
1 2 :4 * 3 3 )
7:51 7 .s
T u e. S e p .
» . . . 2 : 1 » 0 .5
2 :1 4 4 .0
his work must be lighter, for h e.
* :59 7.*
W ell . S e p . 1 0 . . . 3 :2 5 0 .3
3 :33 3 .7
did use about a three horse power
9:5)1 s.O
T h u . S e p . 1 1 . . . 4 :2 2 0.1
4 :35 3 .3
1 0 :4 0 s . l
C. W. Curran, recently sold when he went across the river.
F ri., S e p . 1 2 . . . 5 :0 * 0.1
5 :2 4 2 .7
1 1 :2 7 * .l
S:lt„ S e p . 1 3 . . . 5 : 4 » 0.1
<1:05 2 .3
and shipped to S t Helens, Ore­
Su n.. S e p . 1 4 . . . 0 : 2 3 0 .4
0 :4 2 1.9
Mr. and Mrs. Elix Johnson
i 2:3,0 s.O
M en. S e p , 1 5 . . . 0 : 5 5 0 .7
7 :1 4 1.5
gon six chickens of the Cornish
1 :00 S.2
T ile .. S ep . 1 0 . . . 7:21 1.2
have come back from their honey­
7 :4 * 1.3
Indian Game strain, receiving
1 :22 S.2
W ell . Sep. 1 7 . . . 7 :4 4 1.7
* :1 4 1.0
moon trip, and taken up their
1 :4O * 4
T hu. S e p . 1 H . ..
* :4 7 0 .9
each for them.
2:1 1 s .5
F r i.. S e p
abode with Mrs. Johnson’s father
2:41 h.5
S a t.. S e p . 2 O . . r *:4O 3 .0
0 .7
Overton Dowell, Jr. who at Mr- Jeff Harney.
Papa Jeff
4 4M * J
M »n. S e p . 2 2 . . . » :4 0 3 .9
1 2 :0 0 0 .9
present is a game Warden, has wears a broad grin as he walks
5 :00 1.4
T ile .. S e p . 2 3 . . . 11 410 4.3
0 :3 7 7.0
W ed. S ep. -2 4 .. . 1 :1» -O.K 1 2 :4 3 4 .5
been appointed to the position of along with his ‘ new son and
S:G5 7.7
T h u .. S e p . 2 5 . . . 2:3 1 O.G
2 :3 5 4.1
water bailiff, by R. E. Clayton, daughter.
9 -1 7
1 0 :1 7 *.4
S a t.. S ep . 2 7 . . . 4 :27 41.1
4:441 221
fish warden of Oregon.
11:11 K.7
S u n .. S e p t. 2 * , . . 5 :1 3
attractive store of this company.
Furniture will be shown as you
have never seen it before and
Mr. Alles announces some sur­
prises in bargains at his Red Tag
sale which will be in full swing
’ The furniture stock of the J? by next week.
K. Lowe Furniture Co. was
bought by the ^.lles Furniture
this week the deal being closed
on Monday, This addition to
the stock already on hand makes
About 40 young people were
Mr. Alles quarters somewhat
entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charley David on Lin­
The J. K. Lowe Furniture Co.
coln street- in honor of Roscoe
firm name will be changed to the
Hurd and Ray David, Roscoe
J. K. Lowe Co. and they will
left last Thursday to attend the
make a specialty of musical
instruments and sewing machines 1 ,„n’) er* y of Oregon, while | - .Mnn.. S e p t. 1 . . . I 0:1
1 » .4
Wednesday was the anniversary T u e .. S e p t. 2 . . . 1.1 4XJ
» .2
have the exclusive agency of the
of Ray’s birth, and the party W ed. S e p t. 3 . , . 1 : » M.M
Siuslaw and Umpqua rivers for'
. . A _ .
-T h u ., S e p t. 4 . . . 2:31 ' *.2
the Singer Sewing Machine. , » “ “ ?°;nt » " " r'
F r i., S e p t. 3 . . . 3 :3 4 j T.4
S û t., S e p t.
G. . . 4 :3( 0 .0
They will also handle picture
*■>'"formal tune waa enjoyed S u n .. S e p t. 7 . . . 5 :3 2 0 .0
s . . . 7:21 5 .S
j during the evening, with con­
frames and framing work.
T u e .. S e p t. » . . . * :4 3 G.G
7 0 .5
K. Lowe established the furniture versation games and refresh­ T W h e u d ., , S S e e p p t. t. 1 1 1 » . . . . . . 1 9 0 :4
:3 4 <1.9
ment. The refreshments were l'r i.. S e p t. 1 2 . . . 11:11
7 .3
house in 1910 and the business
a specialty and consisted of S u t.. S e p t. 1 3 . . . 1 1 :4 3 7 .0
has been built up until the firm
S u n .. S e p t. 1 4 . . . 124X1 7 .*
apple pie smothered in ice cream. M on., S e p t. 1 5 . . . O:O5 S.O
wa3 enjoying a good patronage.
T u e . S e p t. 1 * 1 ... O:4O 7.S
Releasing the furniture, stock ■ The guests gathered about 7:30 W efl. S e p t. 1 7 . . . 1 :15 7.G
the evening and reluctantly T h u .. S e p t. 1 * . . . 1 :1 » 7.3
will permit them to devote their
2 :2 5 0 .»
entire time to the lines they will took their leave shortly after S n t.. S e p t. 2 0 . . . 3 3:GG
*50 5 9
eleven o’clock.
M on.. S e p t. 2 2 . . . 5:01 5 .5
continue to carry.
T u e .. S e p t. 2 3 . . . 0:3 1 5.4
appreciate the patronage given
p D ftn n rr«
W ed . S e j.t. 2 4 . . . 7 :55 5 .7
T h u ., S c p t « 2 5 . . . H:5K ♦1.2
them in the past and desire to
^»•4* G 9
S u t.. S e p t. 2 7 . . . 1 0 :2 * 7 .0
give better service and greater
S u n .. S e p t. 2 S . . . ll:O O *.3
satisfaction in the lines theyoffier
M on.. S e p t. 2 » . . . 1 1 :4 2 * 9 .............
to the public in the future.
At this time of year it is an
R. A. Alles, who is at the head unusual thing in most countries
H t. p.m .
of the Alles Furniture Co. opened that the climatic conditions will W e d .. • M . 1 . . . • a.m
0 :4 » S.O 1 2 :5 0
1 :35
this business in Florence last permit of raising strawberries in T h u .. (k -t. 2 . . . 1 :3* * 3
2 :1 4
F r i.. I Art.
3 . . . 2 :2 7 4.4
June and has enjoyed a fine abundance in the open. Here in S u t., O c t. 4 . . . 3 :2 2 7.1 2 :5 7
3 :4 7
n ., (k -t.
5 . . . 4 :2 3 0 .5
patronage, He has had a large the Siuslaw valley and vicinity S M u on..
O c t.
G . . . 5 :3 7 0.1
experience in lines connected this is possible and some of the ') U ca.. (k 't. 7 . . . 0 :3 » 0.1 0 :0 3
7 :2 5
W ed .. O c t. M. . . *:11 0 .4
with wholesale, retail and manu­ farmers are having strawberries T h u ., ( k t. » . . . » 4 )7 « .* * :3 5
9 :3 5
9 : 5 0 7.3
facturing establishments.
For on their tables until Thanksgiv­ S F a r t i., ., ( (k k t t. . 1 1 » 1 . . . . . . 1O:2<¡
7.(t • 1 0 :2 4
11 :O*
S u n ., ( k t . 1 2 . . . 10:57
over twenty years he had been ing and later.
1 1 :4 0
M on., ( k t . 13 . 11 2 5 H.2
engaged in this line of work and
Saturday we were favored T u e ., ( k t . 1 4 . . . 1 1 :51 *.4 Í 2 : Í 5
., ( k t . 1 3 . . . 0 .2 5 7.4
has become familiar with every with a box of large strawberries, T W h ed
1 :01 7.2
1 2 :3 »
u ., ( k t . K t . . .
side of furniture business. He much nicer looking than the F r i.. ( k t. 1 7 . . 1 3 » 7 .0 1 4»;
1 :35
S .lt., ( k t . I S . . . 2 :1 » 0 .7
has a large shipment coming, average commercial fruit during S u n .. . ( k-t. 1 » . . . 3 4M 0 .4 2 41»
2 :5 0
t . 2 0 . . . 3^>i 0.1
and this with what the combined the season. These were raised T M in ón.. a.. ( ( k k-t.
3 :4 2
2 1 . . . 5 :03 5 .9
stocks furnish will put him in a by Mrs. F. P. Haslett, and her W e d . ( k t . 2 2 . .
T h u ., ( k t . 2 3 . . . 7 :2 5 0 4
0 :2 2
position to meet the furniture £on, P. F. Haslett, who have F r i.. (k*t. 2 4 . . . H:2O 0 .9 7:51
» 4 )7 725
Í k-t. 2 5 . .
desires o f the Siuslaw people with about nine hundred vines on S S u a t..
n ., ( k t . 2 0 . . . 9 : 4 » S.2
quick service and satifaetion.
the home place on TsiRcoos lake. M on., ( k t . 2 7 . .
1 1:51
T u en .. O nt. 2 * . . . 1 1 :0 * 9 .3
Some very pleasing displays They were of the late Magoon W ed .. O c t. 2 9 . . . 1 1:44 9 .7
u ., (k -t. 3 0 . . . 0 : 4 0 7 .9
1 2 :2 3
will be found at the neat and variety and very delicious. Mrs. T F h r i.,
( k t . 3 1 . . . * 1 : 2 » 7 .0 1 14)1
T ¡de T ables—<*m?“ “ for
u vln t IKUUuLlu vr
• •
H t.
» .0
» .0
7 .9
s .o
7 .2
7 .2
7 .9
9 .9
9 .9
M un. S ep . 2 9 . . .
T ile ., S e p . 3 0 . . .
W eij.
T h u ..
F ri.,
S a t..
M on..
T u e,.
W ed.
T h u .,
F ri..
(k t.
< * t.
(k t.
( »et.
( k t.
(k t.
• k t.
« k t.
• k t.
S m U • k t .
Sun.. ( k t .
Mun.. • M .
T u e.. • k t .
W ed.. • k t .
T h u .. O c t.
F r i., (k -t.
Su t.. ( k t.
’ Sun.. • k t .
Mun.. ( k t .
T»ie.f • k-t.
W ed.. < k-t.
« k-t.
1 F r i.. I k t
S a t., O c t.
i Sun.. (k -t.
M u„ . <k t.
T u e .. (k it.
W ed . • k t ,
T h u .. < M .
F r i., O ct.
5 :5 5
0 :3 0
0 .2
0 .4
a.m .
H t.
1 . . . 7 :1 5 •).*
2 ...
7 :5 1 1.4
3 . ^ 4 H j J44 2 .0
4 ...
0 : 1 0 2 .0
5 . . . 1 0 :0 » 3.3
0 . . . 1 1 :1 4 3 .*
7 . . . 0 : 3 3 O ’,
*. .
1 41 0 7
» ...
2 :4 4 0 .7
1 0 . . . 3 :4 0 o .s
1 1 . . . 4 :2 7 0 7
1 2 . . . 5 :0 * 1.1
1 3 . . . 5 :1 3 1.4
1 4 . . . 0 :1 5 1.*
1 5 ..
0 :4 2 2-2
io ...
7 :0 - 2 0
1 7 . . . 7 :2 * 3 .0
1 * . . . 7 :4 » 3.4
* :1 4 3.7
2 0 . . . * :5 3 4 .0
2 1 . . . 9:51 4.3
‘2 2 . . 1 1 :21 4.5
0 :4 * OO
2 4 ...
1 :5 5 0 .7
2 :.V> 0 .*
3 4» 0 .9
27. .
4 :3 * 14)
2 * . . . i 5 :2 2 ' 1.3
0 :0 1 1 0
3 0 . . . 0 :4 5 2 .0
3 1 . . . 1 7 :2 3 2 4
5 :3 5 1JI
0 :2 1 0 .5
7 :0 * -O S .
p.m .
7 :5 .3
* : l l 0.7
0 :3
1 0 :2 5 -0.2
1 1 :20 0.1
1 2 :3 *
2 :0 7
3 :1 7
4 :1 3
5 4 )0
5:4 1
0 :1 0
0 :4 *
7 :5 3
» 4 )4
3 .4
0 .7
0 .4
i:O * 4.2
2 :3 0 3.4
3 : 3 0 2.4
4 :3 9 1.4
5 : 2 0 0 .4
04X h - 0 .4
0 :5 2 0 .9
7 :3 * 1 2
* :2 5 1.2
Ray Vanderburg received an
injury to his right hand last
week. He had a sack needle in
his coat pocket and while reach­
ing upwared the needle tore
through his thumb.
A. J. Dexter, of Earl, is at
the Glenada Hospital, where he
is having his arm treated. He
had to have it lanced.
dnughter Mrs. E. L. Dexter, of
Marshfield, is with him.
country is
represented at the Oregon Agri­
cultural college, as far as we
have heard, by five young people.
They are Miss Eva Walker and
Edwin Hartley, of Mapleton;
Bert Scott, of Fiddle creek; Miss
Olive Behnke, of Florence, and
Harry Levage, o f Mercer.
The Game and Fish Commission
at its last session voted to raise
the bounty on wild varmints.
Cougar from $10 to $25, Timber
wolves from $15 to $25, BobCats
from $2 to $3.
Mrs. Myra Gibbs of Acme was
in Eugene yesterday to enter in
the county fair eugenics contest
her baby. Mrs. Gibbs traveled
a distahce of 60 miles over rough
roads to enter her baby in the
show. Eugene Guard.
Supervisor Goldie Van Bibber
is sending the bulk o f the ex­
hibit that was made by the school
children o f her district at the
local F air to the State F air and
will be able to send any work
that is received before the last
week in September.
. »