ri,u n w ise h, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER SUPERVISOR Y SCHOOL REPORT OF DISTRICT NO. 5 instructor that has come to our valley has been sent from this o th er vacancies as they may oc- i school. Our population and fi- cur at that ofiîCe,. unless irs h a ll be decided are. too small to enablejis he in terest of the to induce lecturers to comt to us service to fill e -icaucj by re- to add to the broadv education in s-atem ert.. The ùrr pensât ion ot our voung people as in more of the postm aster a t this office favored sections, hut these con­ wae $895.00 for the last A scàl! ditions have not deterred our yeav. J. ot J University from sending to us ; construction f o superintendent r . ^ r t e r » Z 'a n d on-the d a t t \ f ‘ Mea8Urelw^ a v e been taken ‘ * » a. . • . three different members of its H enry Copenhagen. contractor, the exception. ( w T ' 0" ' w,th .¿or the work and two more Annual Report of Schools in • school .reduced from 39 in 1911 to tacuity to lecture for us at (was in Florence last week • i excePtioa. th at in a sta te boilers will be install»^ Supervisory District No. 5 Lane j 13 in 1913 various places in oyr district From them we iJarhed that ± 7 ’ T ^ ‘« '« i b y a the T i^ Water Mill Co’s plant County Oregon. ! this year alone. Along the lines the tunnel near Gardiner was • (8tatute to of full age for all The school work shows a m ark­ Muiuiner was in purposes a t 18 ye8r8, wom ei>48 W ith a battery of seven boilers . . _ _ m in e r w as m No. of school districts 36. ed improvement in the following , of organization and adm inistra- about 600 feet a t one end, with a and the auxiliary electric moters i tion of Schools, or of High School Average size of districts 21 1-2 respects:— force of 150 men working, on it years of age on the date o f ex­ the milT will then have power sq. mi. amination will be admitted. Ap- (a) Punctuality and regular I methodology the University is as from both sides. endttgh for all purposes. anxious to aid us as her sister Total valuation $2,253,506.00 ity in attendance. Copenhagen Bros, are working I ¡)l‘Ca.n ts must reside within the A new system o f cut off saw« Average valuation of nine (b) Definiteness of aim of school in A griculture or Domestic a steam shovel and have a fo •ce 8“?p1hed by ^e^poat- operand |by fa ."pneumatic con. Science and Art. Some of our of over 75 men at work Th^v ?ffice f° r wh,lch the ex»unination wealthiest districts $192,858.00. both teacher and pupils. of over 75 men at work. They troller will be put in. A resaw Total school census (1912-809) (c) Fewer classes and more best teachers come directly to us have completed four miles of is announced. The examination will also be operated by elec­ from these institutions or are 1913, 923. thorough work. is open to all citizens of the tricity and will be located at the grade. Average school census in towns (d) Closer aad yet more under their instruction by mail. Several other stretches of the United. States who can comply west end o f the mill. (1912-75) 1913, 72. - " rational adherence to the course It would be well for us to con­ work will be taken up soon by >yith the requirements. A hog is in operation and — --— ‘ sider both schools as our own | contractors wh, Average school census in rural of study. Application forms and full in- who are just finish •nd profit by either or both « . i contractors n g ï ï S ? work furnishes fuel in the shape of districts (1912- 16) 1913, 21. (e) A more painstaking effort mg their work between Acme formation concerning the require­ Kro“nd 8l*bs, which is conveyed cording to our needs. At any “ " No. lapsed districts reorganiz­ on part of pupils in preparation menta of the examination can be and Noti tunnel. to the fire room, mixed with the ed 1. rate we cannot fail to acknowl­ of work secured from the postmaster at saw dust and fed to the furnaces edge our indebtness to them for No. of lapsed districts remain- r lorence, or from the U. S, Civil The obvious reasons are as as desired, the surplus being help whenever we have called postmaster xamina * ing at date 2. Service Commission, Washington, follows: carried by flume to where a part upon them. ' , D. C. No. District High Schools 2. a (a) Keener interest in school of the tide flat is being filled There are many other school No. districts that have added improvement among patrons ant Applications should be proper­ Another flume is being built Some time after tap announce­ conditions good and bad which grades above the eighth 4 ly executed and filed with the and will carry what slab refuse board members, and a demant are too obvious to even the casual ment of the resignation of Wm. Commission at Washington within No. of teachers employed dur- i for better teachers. is not used as fuel out to the tide observer to need a mention in Kyle as postmaster of Florence ing year 40. 7 days before the date o f the ex­ flats east of the mill, where it (b) An increase of approxi­ a notice was published of an ex- We are yet far No. teachers with college or mately 32 per cent in teachers’ this report amination, otherwise it may be will be used to make more yard normal (raining(1912-6) 1913, 11. salaries, thus securing better short of the standard we should a mination to be held at Marsh­ impractical to examine the ap­ room, * * attain, but there is no reason for field on September 13, 1913, at plicants. No. teachers with 4 year high teachers. A conveyor will soon be built which time candidates for the our remaining so, and we may school training (1912-8) 1913, 20. U. S. Civil Service Commission to carry fuel from the hog to the (c) Increase in average num­ positions of postmaster of Flor- hope for a great advancement No. teachers with no experience ber of months of school during electric light p lant.' during the coming year if we e nee and Glenada would be ex- or training (1912-19) 1913, 4. the year and fewer changes of There are many minor improve­ work for i t amined. Just why the 'place t No. schools with terms longer teachers. ments going on about the mill chosen was Marshfield instead of Respectfully submitted- ' than required 6 months (1912-5) (d) More comfortable and continually which figures quite a the home tow ns-was a source of GOLDIE VAN BIBBER, 1913, 10. sanitary school houses and. fumi-1 sum of money expanded in the much guessing. School Supervisor. Minimum salary (1912-$35) ture provided. , H. Young has received notice total. These are not usually 1913, $45,00 4 ' axviv wvruve vo tne •DartmX r n-V * Wrote.to the th a t SuP®rv‘sor A. au. E. v Cohoon •— — u n w n has n as noticed ”but mean a great deal Besides these general reasons, PHrtment, calling Câllincz Af.tant-isiv« 4^ resigned rpui tm ori as on head J „_* ii department, attention to Average salary (19J2-$43.25) of the Siuslaw there are various specific the distance. Explaining fully National F o r e st- Mr. Cohoon toward increasing the output of 1913, $57.50? . t instances in which public spirit­ the mill and placing it on a per­ _____ the advantage-of having the ex- has been __ _ No. schools that have become supervisor of this na­ ed individuals have given in­ manent basis. Gilmore & Son have .bout com- Z M r t t h l l “ o L hre8‘ standard ifKtwelve points, 6. tional forest '«* for five years and valuable assistance in promoting No. school houses not more * m Z w e * ^ : «** the plans for the betterment of pleted the work » than two years old 8. the district forestry office in t h e A n e „ ml. No. older buildings\fairly good 7 schools. Time and space borbid Portland In the department of launchblarge a detailed acknowledgement of No. schools not wholly satis­ ► Silviculture. . Thi. W illb. , great help >» ” these favors. But we cannot About 3:30 Sunday the large factory 5. I Supervisor Roy Harvey will be the matter of space for the hand- resist mentioning the~eyer repdy scow belonging to Johnson- 13^a st'’booIs very unsatisfactory CLASS POSTMASTER Placed in charge of this Forest. assistance of some o fth e friends some building, adding tw88ion announces that on National Forest, and two years job to move the scow from where done gratis by the “ West” in well lighted 8. the date named above an exami- ago was promoted to supervisor 1912 and by the “Pilot” in 1913. will be crowded this year.’ it was stranded and launch It In No. buildings with reasonably o f Deschutes National Forest Forjthe Summer Industrial Course Married—In Portland Wednoa. pH ^on w'^ be be'd at Florence, the river for $1600. heating or ventilation 10. He has been with the Forest Ser­ given in June many of the Flor­ day, September 3d 1913 Mrs ' Eight weeks ago he began ’ * re.8uit of wbich it is vice many years. No schools supplied with com­ -n<1 ence women contributed sewing work and Ida Canaday and Mr. John Safley.’ * ™ ke. certifica«on to Hr- Cohoon „ be Z L S * at the end o f three thre* fortable seats for pupils and machines and various articles for ia retiring that the road around 1H. • h#d 4 ° n the north bank o{ • teachers, 21.. , Mr. and Mrs. Safley arrived in Cope Perpetuo in nlmMt « 3 2 w h e ^ T » 1“ “ “ W"‘ the No. schools (item 28) furnish-! the camp. -- The building which Florence last Saturday. added 100 percent to the appear­ -o _ a cost — o. of $7000. . ed wholly or in part during last at Also the in­ wnere it was repaired prepara- ance of the school exhibit at the two years, 17. tention to immediately start on tory to putting it in the river. Carnival this year was given During this time it was pulled No. schools equipped with the construction o f a telephone rent free the schools by Mr. W. I out of the surf and moved across globes, maps, dictionary etc., 10. HIG H T ID E S line by the way o f Cape Perpétua. H. O’Kelley, and the lumber; , ».m. Jit. the sand 7000 feet by rollers. pm . Ht. No. schools with good libraries od .. 1 . . . 0:111 i Hep. 1 0 .. Last week Contractor Knudson ' No. schools with no deed to shown to our schools each year, to Setit. 21. . •< Hep. 20. . promise stern. Length about 47 say nothing of the generous gifts „ Hep. 2 1 .. • Sept. 22. . site recorded 19. returned from Portland and put feet, beam 12 feet, draft 4 feet, his force to work again. .'Pm., Sep. 2 2 .. Sept. 2:!.. 5:OO 7.7 Tu-.. Sep. 2 3 .. A Average size of deeded school of time and effort on the part of Sept. 2 4 .. 0:3T 7.« and estimated to carry 25 tons. cable was fastened to the’North "'ed.. Sep. 24.’ . several teachers whdm the d is­ Sept. 25. . grounds 1 A. S:O5 7.7 Thu.,’'Sep. 2 5 .. Sept. 2G .. They have already purchased a 0:17 S.1 Fri.. Sep. 2 0 .. jetty and another cable 2000 feet Se i it. 2 7 .. No. school grounds fenced, trict has been fortunate enough 10:17 S.4 Sut.. Se,i. 27. 24 horse Automatic four cylinder long anchored up the beach' to to secure. S e,>t. 2S. 11:11 S.7 making trees and flowers possible S e , It. 2S. . ! Sept. ÿO.‘ .'.',11;'42 gasoline engine and have it ready hold the scow off the jetty. Besides the helpfulness of in­ Sep. 20. . . 5. Sep. 3 0 . . . to install. dividuals there have been two The scow was taken through No. school grounds cleared HIGH TID ES other great educational bene­ LOW T ID E The Jackson boys have, with nearly 1500 foot o f surf before ».ni. lit. Pin. Ht. and improved 5. " ’eiC.' I S-t. 1 u_.m. Ht. 0:40 s.(( 12:5*1 0.0 factors, to the school population Thu., the exception of the keel and the tug Robarts fastened a line. f d„ *s t 1 • 7:15 O.s p.m. u s-t. 1:3s s.3 1:15 .0.« No schools with walks to road Thu., ( s t. •7:51 1.4 ¿:14 0.5 of this section, namely, the Ore­ f r i., (s-t. keelson, cut and sawed at their Mr. Knudson was on the front of Fri., (S-t. s :34 2.0 and out buildings 6. 2:5T| 0.1 Hut.. ::(:! 0.5 has stood ready and willing to aid Û .-- » '.I 7:25 7.1 The ribs are made o f selected ed from water breaking over i t " . (1 . (8 t. * . . l: 4 l 0.7 No. schools with limited sup­ 2 « !• t.H *:35 7.1 Thu. (Nr ft.. us in solution of all problems, in 2:44 0.7 Swells were running quite heavy 3:17 3.4 yew wood and are. placed 6 0:35 7.2 Frl.. ply of watef carried some distance 1 0 .. 3 :40 O.s 4:1« 2.8 1 0 3 4 ' 7.4 Hut. OcL 1 1 1 ¡ .. 8cho°l and help out jn co n n e riin n inches apart at center. The at the time but no one was hurt. .. . . IO * ' 10:57 SO 5:00 2.1 11:** 7.4 Him.. ÍM . 1 2 .. rom a pure source 9. * s t . 1.3.. - .' l l with any line of work or instruc­ 5:4.1 I.« fenders are made of natural crook He left Mondayjnorning satis- 11:40 7.4 Mon. O t 1 3 .. ~ Tue.. 4. hed by streams th a t. flow «.0 7:51 7.2 Frt.. the Knights of Maccabees, is to College Faculty. 2 4 . . . ; Sut., (s-t. 2 5 .. 1:55 0.7 2:3*4 3.4 the ribs. 0:07 725 » «« 7.5 HoU. ' ft™ 1 sijrin«s "ear to and be- 25. i (S-t. 2«.'' O„s 0 .40 s.2 1041« 7.7 3:.Ki 2.4 1* the State Commander of Equally helpful has been the Sun.. 4un..