4 )L. I. =F r SIUSLAW ¡T WORK NEARLY FINISHED ON THE W. P. ROAD BED ‘ DWR] S . ■ spent a few pleasant hours in I more or less as an experiment. { ANNUAL PitNIv fRIPit The market immediately snatched IT , , 1 upall the cannery would offer. 1 n ^ nder l,he ai'M>ices of the indicating that this will be a per- 1 a* p ,p*n8 association. the an- manent method of handling the l " Ua pi.C^ , was.b:’ld last M a y ­ berries. The cost is but a fraction August 29th, with a good atten- lof that of canning, and th e , *‘ anee> YOUNG PEOPLE M Y AT NOON chat with our friends and neigh­ bor., who are interested in the dairy business, a basket dinner and a cup ol hot coffee was relish­ ed by all. The ice cream sent! * by the Hazelwood people of Port- A land was more coy than ice cream ! .. £ % , — h° m*l * edd,nfif h° me °C and - - - Mrs. John Morris, of Duncan Prof Potter, in charge of, the usually is, Generally show a dime ' process notonly makes the prod- Inlet, when their daughter and the ice cream will cross the uction cheaper to ship, but lacks department of annimal husbandry Agnes was united in marriage bar, but such was not the case in the heavy amount of capital tied at-the O. A. C.. spoke on the sel­ with John Hunsaker at twelve > The grading part of the W ill-, in charge of this stretch is rush-, up in th-e cogt of cannjng The ection o f the dairy herd and dem­ this instance as the Str. Patay o’clock Wednesday, September 3, amette Pacific between Eugene I mg it to the end. He stjll h a s, $17tD00 Bhipment 7 500 onstrated the points by compar­ on which it had been shiped did 1013. The bride and groom took and Mapleton will soon be finish- som<; country road work and rip- poUnc|s of berries. The cost of ing two cows that were selected not come into the harbor until . .1 rapping to do betore moving to evening. Probably it has reach­ their place unattended beneath a Long stretches of level canning is a very large factor. for the purpose. bower of evergreens and sw eet his other contract north of Gard­ H. M. Peterson, of the North ed a destination ere this and peas, from which was suspended bed are seen from the stage iner, and has cut the^number of At present the stock canned this Fork gave a talk on co-operation some one has enjoyed the treat. a white bell. Miss Edithe Yates Only finishing touches are his construction camps from five year, aud stored at the cannery in thoroughbred dairy stock. Mr, Potter and wife of the O. A. ready for shipment, represents played the wedding march. The and when these are taken to two. At the noon hour a basket din­ C. was with us and Mr. Potter $30,000 in the cost of canning ceromeny was an impressive one the contractors will turn Porter & Conley’s contract be­ alone. The future of this in­ ner was served and enjoyed by talked t^gfjon the selecting of with Rev. Walter Wall officiating. dairy cowa. Mr. Montgomery their work over to the railroad gins at Porter and Wilson’s and dustry seems unlimited for Ore­ all, though minus the celebrated The bride was attired in a dress J arid Mr.-Safley each had a very runs below Mapleton to where gon is virtually the only state Hazelwood ice cream. company? of silk marquisats over white In the evening at Acm0 the handsome jersey cow on the the Scappeli Bros.' are a t . work. which grows loganberries. messaline. She carried a shower The small tunnel is finished Mr. Potter pointed Modem Woodmen and Royal grounds. The dirt work on this is finished boquet o f white roses, and wore and the contractors broke to Mapleton and the contractors Neighbors gave a danco which out the good and bad points of some genuine orange blossoms. through the Noti tunnel last are rushing the county road work was Ieagely attended. These these animals and gave us dairy-" An elaborate wedding dinner organizations are very popular men considerable valuable infor­ week. The dirt work to Maple­ o^er the point just above Maple­ was served and enjoyed by all and always prove to be good en- mation. We hope to have Mr. ton is practically completed with ton- so they can blast the railroad ) u present Potter and other people from the two pieces of rockleft. ’Between bed out of the rock without inter­ A deal in which H. B. Gray tertainers. O. A. C. with us again in the I Many handsome and useful As an aftermath of the picnic ' ? 'the Noti Tunnel arid Lake creek ference. sold his property on Front street presents were received. Crews are rushing the concrete , The Scappelj^Bros. have their was made this week. The sale J. E. Dunn, of Portland, repre­ future. We farmers are quite The young couple went to - piers and abuttments for the grade work also nearly completed was closed by the J. K. Lowe senting the Hazelwood Creamery interested in the work of the O. Mapleton in the afternoon, and steel bridges. A rock crusher is and it is only a m atter o f a few Realty Co. The purchaser A. J. Company, who arrived too late A. C. many of us in the past have intend to go to Klamath Falls to located at Tilden ropk and crush­ weeks until there will be a con­ Parker will make some tempor­ to take part on the program, ad­ been sending our sons and daugh­ visit Mr. Hunsakeris parents. ed. rock is ¡furnished ¡from this tinuous road bed ready for the ary improvements at present and dressed a gathering at the Por­ ters out to the Universities and They will return later and reside it »for .two bridges. A con- rails, with the exception of use the building for business pur­ tage Saturday on “The Dairy Normal schools scattered over) at Mapleton. e crew is working just be­ bridges, from Noti tunnel to poses. Later he expects to make Herd as it Appeals to Me. ” He our state, few of them ever came ) back to the farm. These schools low Wild Cat creek while another Acme. changes of a more substantial suggested tnis country was the natural home for the Ayreshire seem, like our centrifugal cream 1 1b on Wild *Cat near the small One pleasing feature of this nature. He will leave this week tunnel from which they get rock. railroad building is the good for Marshfield where his family the famous dairy stock of Scot­ separators to leave but the skim mjlk on the farm, scattering the About sixteen teams and two work done .on the county roads now lives, and move them to land. That they should endeavor cream of our young people among The following article was taken to run into better blood. To auto trucks are carrying cement by the*cdntractors. These have Florence to reside. the professions and trades and a from the Eugene Register'and is H. B. Gray who sold the-prop- preserve a card in the stable back from Mapleton to the bridge been so constructed |that if the of eaeh cow, noting the amount ^ ua> n iness life in the towns and important to ¡the people o f this locations above Lake creek. county would do the same class erty has been a business man of of milk and butter fat abtained, citie? _ We expect better things PSJCt of Lane county. The auto trucks running night between each stretch, and keep Florence for a long time and is a from the O. A. C. we expect Fifteen thousand/ dollars was and if they did this the “star and day. He has it up, the Siuslaw would have pioneer of the Siuslaw. them to send back to the farm at offered by the Willamette-Pacific' boarder” would be eliminated friends will be inter- , _______ iciius who wno win ., , . -----, ” Just below Lake creek the the best mountain road in Lane many least a fair proportion o f the railway company to Lane County ested in whatever he undertakes , Î" the dairy herd He also grade is wide enough for three county. young people we intrust to them, yestereay for eight miles of told tnem of the necessity of tracks where it passes through a The Eugene papers quote in the future. preserving food, with the silo, instructed in up to date methods wagon road between Acme and K . .townsite that has been platted. Johnson Porter as saying the in farming and dairying so as Mapleton. The offer was not ac- for winter dairying. ' ’ P orter,& P. w .l__ contractors ___ grade will be completed between Wilson, v« take vonc these iucsc a c re s we we u i a , cepted, but the whole matter was acres Old The first of this week he made to have cdmpleted their work with Eugene and Acme within 30 days. Timers have rescued from the defered one year. a similar^ talk to the people of Mrs. M. J? Varney and Mr. the exception of a small piece of While this date may be a little, wilderness and making of them* The road in question is one Maple and Fiddle creek. Goldy Collins were united in work at Rainbow rock which will early, there is plenty of evidence beautiful modern farm homes built from the rock quarry below be finished this week. Joe that the contractors have rushed marriage at the residence of FIDDLE CREEK ITEMS such as any state might be proud Mapleton to a point one mile east Robt Bay, on the North Fork. 'orter who has been personally | tbe work with great energy of. of Acme about five years ago. it The ceremony was preformed The Old Timer and wife have Rev. Drum and wife will visit was originally intended to be ex­ by Rev. Walter V. Wall and j been on the bay several" days"™ took place ¡Monday' afternoon., a pleasure trip, to see the dentist, on Fiddle creek a part of the tended to Florence, but has never Mrs. Collins is the mother of you know winter is coming soon week and Mr. Drum will preach reached that place because of a _ _________ 1 - _ * ll . bridge needed across the wide to us on next Sunday. Mrs, Robt Bay. ’T'l_ The couple will and provisions may be scarce North Fork, and some additional Mr Worthylake and Mr. Austin live at Crow, Oregon. back in the hills so he has had As the regular meeting of the rock work. Monday afternoon while haul­ what few teeth he had left ex­ have given a fresh coat of paint board of trustees was Monday ing a load of flooring with some A year ago the Willamette- On the last trip o f the Patsy, to the residence and barn of Wm. tracted. night, and a legal holiday, they boxes piled on top, Geo. Lewis Pacific appropriated it for its eleven feet of water was found Chamberlain which adB greatly met and adjourned until Tuesday fell and was run ¡over by his We attended the Dairy­ right of way along the Siuslaw at half tide. to their appearance. evening. man s picnic near Acme and wagon breaking both bones of river, making an agreement to A. V. Gibson went to the bay At this time the city engineer, the left leg just below the knee. settle for the road, either by con­ on business the first of the week. who had been instructed to run a structing a new road above the Mr. Lewis was sitting on one 9 orrec^e d ‘i’ read for the siuslaw J. L. has his ------------- new bun railroad, or by purchasing out jfcvel to the lakes north of town of the boxes when the front b a r -O n e hour after for Floren c 1 x Furnish n j ----------- HIGH T ID E S galoMwell underway. The frame right the old road, before Sept. 1, reported about 83 feet, elevation w heels of the wagon struck the LOW T ID E S » .m . H t. pm . H t. I.III. lit M«m., S e p t. p.m . l i t . I is up and most of the roof on. I . . . 0 :1 1 0 .4 ||1 2 :5 7 ¡ * .7 at Clear lake, on.. Si p. 1913. L . . 7 :0 9 -4 1 .0 cross walk in front of the build­ T up .. Sppt. « . . . | 1 :0 9 0 .2 1 :3 5 9 .0 T M in-.. 7 :2 4 0 .0 S ep . Tom Miller is helping Mr. 'h :1 3 0 .5 The council passed an ordiance ing occupied by the Woolen Mill T W h w u ., l. S S e e p p t. t. ! . . . 1 :5 9 * .* 2 :1 3 9 .2 W M ., Si p. The meeti ng yesterday between 9 :0 1 0 .2 1 . . . 2 : 3 0 S .2 :5 5 9 .2 T h u .. S e p t. 9 :5 3 0.4» ! Furnish with the carpenter work. Ralph D. to prevent stock running at large Store and Alles Furniture Co. F r i., Sp ilt. 1 .. . | 3 :3 4 7.4 3 2 :3 Moody, o f Portland, 5 , 9 .0 F r i., Hep. 1 0 :5 0 »1.3 S ilt., S e p t. »1.0 4 :2 5 * .7 B. W. Dorsey we understand attorney for the Willamette- in certain parts of the town. S a t., Hep. 1 0 :3 4 2.»! 1 1 :5 4 0 .5 The box was turned over and S u n .. S e p t. ’ ! . . . . . . ' 5 4:3»! :5 2 »1.0 5 :2 5 *.3 Hun.. Hep. 1 1 :3 2 .3 .3 on.. S e p t. is soon to commence work on a Pacific, H. P. Hoey, chief en­ » . . . 7 : 2 0 5 .* <1:30 s.»» The limits begin at a point Lewis fell in front of the wagon T M ile M on.. Hep. 1 :0 0 0 .0 12:4*i .. S e p t. » . . . * :4 3 0 .0 7:51! T J» T ile ., Hep. good dwelling house of modem gineer and W. IL Fquntine, as­ 2 :1 4 where Frasier street meets between the horses and then W ed , Sept, 10 0 : 4 7 »1.5 * :5 9 7 .* W ed., Hep. T h u ., S e p t. 11. 1 9:34 0 .0 9:5»! s.»» design. T im .. Hep. sistant engineer of the railroad, wheels. F r i.. S e p t. I S . 11:11 7.3 1 0 :4 0 h .l Pacific avenue and runs south to beneath the wagon 4 :3 f I'ri., Hep. 5:»»* <».l 5 :2 1 2.7 1 1 :4 3 7 .0 Let the good work go on. Fid- 1 1 :2 7 * . l and the county court was that ships channel in Siuslaw river, Those looking on expected to S S u u n t.. ., S S e e p p t. t. 1 1:1. Hat., Hep. 5 : 4 9 0.1 »!:»».- 2 .3 4. 12:t»O 7.H Hun.. Hep. 0 :2 3 0 .4 »1:42 1.9 dlecreekers are improving their arranged under the terms of the ice along river channel to see the man killed, but besides A ïoli.. S e p t. 15 . 0 : 0 5 *.<» M on.. Hep. 0:5»5 0 .7 7 : 1 4 . 1 .5 T u e . S e p t. I li. 0 :4 0 7 .x farms rapidly and it is geting to former agreem ent T ile ., Hep. 7:21 Pacific avenue intersects a few bruises the injury was the W eil. S e p t. 1 7 . 7 :4 * 1.3 1 :1 5 7.0 W ell., Hep. 7 :4 4 * 1 1 1.9 TI111.. S e p t. 1 * . 1:4!» 7.3 be a pleasure to ride up or dpwn thence east on Pacific fractured bones. T h II., Hep. Action was deffered^ by the *:»M * :4 7 9.1» F r t.. S e p t. 11». 2 :2 5 0 .0 F r i., Hep. *:2O »».* 9 :2 2 the creek and notice the pleasant lue to place of beginning. 3 :0 0 0.4 Dr. Hoy, who has charge of S u t.. S e p t. 2 9 . court for one year, in order that Hilt., Hep. *:4O Ì 9 4 M 9 .7 S u n .. S e p t . 2 ) 3 :5 0 5.!» Hun., Hep. comfortable looking farm homes. it may obtain the sentim ent o f 9 :0 7 1 9 :5 7 »».* An ordinance was passed to Dr. Mearl Fox’s office, was call­ M on.. S e p t . 2 2 . 5:0 1 5 .5 M on., Hep. 9 :4 0 J 2 4 » 9 9 .9 9 :3 1 5.4 —OLD TIMER T ile ., Hep, the prope» ty owners and resi­ 11 .-oo prohibit the discharge of fire ed by telephone and was soon , T W lle ed .. . .S ÿ e e p p t. t. 2 2 4 3 . . 7 :55 5 .7 W e d .. Hep. ; J 1 :1 9 »».* z T h u ., S e p t. 2.5., with the injured man. He was * :5 s 0 .2 dents concerned. The court will T im ., Hep. arms within the same limits on 2 _____ :3 1 0 .0 2:3 5 ! i.. S e p t. 2»!." 0 : 4 * »1.0 The North Fork people, pro­ carried home where the fracture S F u r t., 3 : ä »».3 3 Mil either order the road replaced, * 3 S e p t . 2 7 . 1 0 :2 * 7 .0 the east and north as far south 4 : 2 . 0.1 4 :4 0 gressive at all times, indulge in 1141»! * .3 ' was reduced. S u n .. S e p t . 2 * . 5 :1 3 0.1 although the new road will not 5 :3 5 f» Jackson street M on.. S e p t. 21». 1 1 :4 2 * .0 a progressive charivari Monday have the water level grade, or it 5 : 5 5 0 .2 0:2 1 It was a very painful and un­ «í:3»4 0 .4 7 :0 * The trustees ordered plans to •v ‘ night. They made noise enough will give the district the money HIGH T ID E S be drawn for a two story build fortunate accident and will be LOW T ID E to make one think there had been n.m. lit. n.m . H t. some time before Mr. Lewis will paid by the railroad for use on its n.in. H t. p .m . H t. ing 24x40 to be erected .on the Wed.. Oct. 1 . : . 0:1!» k.<» 12:5«! 9.»» Wed.. forty weddings instead of only . . . I 7 :1 5 ♦,.* 7 :5 3 0 .0 be able to use hts leg. Tini., »»pt. 2 . . . l: 3 * i k.3 1 :35 9 « own roads. A year haa been ! . . . 7 :5 4 1.4 town property on first street. *:41,-4».7 two. Fri., » x-t. 2 :1 4 9 .5 1 . . . 2 :2 7 7.7 . . . * : 3 ! 2 .0 9 :3 0 .0 taken in which to gain thia better It/provides for a jail, engine 4 . . . 3 : 2 2 7.1 2 :5 7 9.1 . . . 9 : » 0 2 .0 1 0 :2 5 A party consisting o f Mr. and understanding of the sentim ent ♦ JIM., ’ U. 4 :2 3 0 .5 3 :4 7 * .5 >,vr 1 0 :0 9 3 .3 1 1 :2»1 bbuse and city hall. » M on.. »k-t. 0 . 5 :3 7 »1.1 4 47 7 .9 . . . 1 1 :1 4 , 3 .* Mrs. R. B. Alles, Mr. and Mrs. o f the people concerned. - - i X l i ' i . »k-t 0 : 5 9 0.1 «¡:»n?; « * t . 114»* 7.4 1 0 :5 7 . . . 5 : 0 * 1.1 5:41 1.0 O’Kelly, Miss Jennie Miller, Mr. bungalow. It will be erected on 1 1 :2 3 *.2 11:4«! 7.4 5 :4 3 1.4 0 :1 0 mercial value with a good de- Tu’“..' 1 1:51 * 4 •• 1 0 ; 1 5 1J» 0 :4 * Í 2 Ü 5 and Mrs. Frank Smith and G. C. lots 66 and 67 block 10, Millers The Florence public schools mand, we print the following 41:25 7.4 *41 ’** 0 : 4 2 2 .2 7:21 0 .3 12:39 * .* 1 5 14»1 7.2 H. Moore went to the beach Sun­ part to Florence, on Garginer 7 :0 * , 2 .0 7 :6 3 0.1 ill open Monday September 15th from the Eugene Guard to show Vri“." » i t ? 1 :G«I * .* 'I 1 :3 9 7 .0 :2* , 3 .0 — *••251-0.1 day. They enjoyed the day 2 : 1 9 0.7 1 :35 * .* _ Avenue and Second street, by A J. J. Chaplin as principal of what can be done with them. 7:41* 3 .4 9 :0 4 0 .1 X ‘t; 3 :0 4 0.4 2:91» * .7 * :1 4 3 . W 9 : 4 . 0 .0 washing their feet In the salt 0 . Knowles, high school and -Miss Jennie 3 :5 7 2 :5 9 Marking the beginning of the * :5 3 4 . 4 f 10:31 *4 S - 0 . 1 54« 3 :4 2 * 0 1 • X I. 9 :5 1 4.3 wster^ and digging razor back The trail up Knowles creek and 1 1 : 4 0 0 .4 # 7 ,0 0 0 « x ? ' m .- principal of the grammar industry in Eugene, 7 .5 1 1 «rl«t »1.0 4:51 1 1:21 4 5 p h ,|ffren proved to over to Turner creek is being 7 :2 5 0.4 »1:22 7 .2 1 Assistant teachers will worth of dried logan berries w en ? 0 .0 1:»»* 7 :5 } 7 .2 * : 2 0 0.9 1 2 :30 0 .7 lias Grace E ast in charge of shipped from the Eugene Fruit be the ladie s man of the crowd, used a great deal now. ' From 9 4 t7 7.5 '» 4 « Z-5 : 4 ' *"t- 0 .0 3:3»! 19:9»! 9 : 4 9 * 2 7 .7 . * hT’b T f ii! ° nf u?,!led - P 0" to to 10 go over it every day. 1 :3 9 3:49 0.9 8, and 5 grade, and Miss Growers Association Cannery Mon?. n»t 11 4 » 7 ,9 ’ \ 1 0 :2 * *.* 4:3* 1.0 5 :2 0 Elizabeth Christlb in charge of yesterday, build firts, watch the coffee and 1 It saves lover 10 miles enrf 2*. 1 1 :0 * 9 .3 11 51 * 9 1 5 : 2 2 1,3 ~ «:OR- 0 . 4 billed for Chicago. w-7?' <*y 2» 1 1 :4 4 9.7 0 :0 4 K t » 1 5 2 -0 .9 primary department run all errands, which he claims seem s,to be greatly appreciated The drying of logan berries was 7hl» ’ '* « 0:4»» 7 9 * 1 2:23 9 .9 > 7 0 : 1 5 2 .0 7 : 3 * - 1 .2 F r i., O r t. 3 1 . , ♦ :2 9 7.0 1 :9 1 - 9 .9 1 F was a great pleasure. 7 :2 3 2 4 ; * : 2 5 -1 .2 by those who are g o in g o t H t o t . H. B. GRAY SELS ras FRONT STREET PROPERTY WANT W PEOPLE MARRIED PASS NEW GEORGE LEWIS F E U STOCK ORDIANCE UNDER LOADED WAGON MCI D m .. Tide TaBles— GOOD MARKET FOR DRIED LOGAN BERRIES 4 5 #