tr i VOL, I. PILOT FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. 1913 RANDALL & B A K E R l H H H M M CONSTRUCTION FORCE MAKING HEADWAY £ . NUMBER XB church the same amount for in­ ( present cared for the injury, and surance, and an occasional cold biscuit handed from the back door for charity. Go on with A shingle mill is soon to be ; your silver tongued lectures Mr. added to the industries of Flor­ Johnny Mason, while hauling Bryan. ence and the Siuslaw. The loca hay last Saturday Tor C. C. Beck, tion has as yet not been settled fell off the load and broke his upon, but thè parties interested right arm near the elbow. He have options on several sites in was brought to town and the Florence and will decide in the fracture was reduced. near future. At an adjourned meeting of the The power used will be elec­ Elmer Lowe had his right City council ot Glenada contracts tricity and the- plant will use hand injured by dropping a cant were let to clear six streets in the eight or nine men besides what on it Tuesday morning. He original plat of the town, running force will be necessary in falling works on the pony saw carriage north and south, starting at at the mill. Colter street on the south and and getting timber to the mill. SHINGLE M ill TO BE M C A ia A T F W R E N C E i^ “ "' to H j H AU CENTURY ANNVERSARY CITY OF GLENADA TO CLEAR STREETS Half a century ago Mr. Winsor Wells and Miss Charlotte E. Stafford were united in marriage at Kankakee, Illinois. Last Wednesday evening there gather­ From camp No. 1 on the Sius­ barn. The survey went through ed at the home of this pioneer law river to camp No. 5, near his wood shed. couple, in Mapleton, a l^rge num­ Timbers and material at Maple ereek the Randall & Baker ber o f relatives and friends to present' are being towed up force is busy with construction celebrate with them the annivers­ South slough to the dike and work. They keep close to 400 from there hauled on wagons to ary of that happy even t north to the river. men on the job most of the time camp 4. What a pleasure to witness G. B. Southmade. employed at Numerous bids were in and the and are increasing the number. these two who for many years the mill, twisted his ankle the Camp N ol. have over 100 men at "Daylight” will be seen council in some cases let the con­ have met the struggles and trials first of the week and had to take work. At No. 2 there are about through the Noti tunnel on the tract when bid on to the owner of life together, and who on the a lay off several days. 75 men and a force of over Willamette-Pacific railroad 24 of abutting property. fiftieth anniversary o f the oc­ Mrs Morris Beck of Rockport, It is the intention of the Coun­ at No 3. The two tunnel camps miles west o f Eugene within 10 casion ‘ gather their children and was seriously injured in the right No’s. 4 and 5 have a combined days, at the present rate of cutt­ cil to improve all the streets in hand Monday. She was taking a grand children and in their pres­ force o f nearly 125 men. ing. Only 107 feet remain be- this part o f Glenada in the near gun from the wall to change its ence reconsecrated their lives to future. The contracting firm of Randall teen the heads, at either of each other. . location when in some manner it City engineer F. E. Monroe & Baker consists of R. N. Ran­ which may be heard the picking Last Wednesday Mrs. Kather­ was discharged. The shot pene­ The = lawn was beautifully dall and F. C. Baker. This firm of the drills at th e further end. has nearly completed the survey trating the right hand between ine Langschofft and her grand­ decorated with evergreens and also has contracts in several However, 290 feet of cut re­ of the city to establish the per- the first and second fingers, it daughter Esther Stevens were in­ Japanense lanterns, a special other places and Mr. Randall Fs main to complete the whole tunnel mant corners and has put in was feared that one or both of vited to take supper with one of feature being the bower o f ever­ in tne state of Washington now the' heads being less than one monuments at the intersections the fingers would have to be the neighbors. Shortly after they greens and golden glo w s Be- of each block. Viola avenue was looking after interests there. third the whole depth of the amputated, but it is-now believed left home a large number o f their nerth thia the bride and groom | Mr. Baker has moved his family tunnel. The tunnel though, is taken as the base line. A map that w both will be saved. Dr neighbors in Glenada went to attended by Miss Sophia Nicolle will be made and proceedings Edwards to Glenada and is looking after expected to be competed early in was called and the the home of Mrs. Langschofft and Lester Odgen, acknowledge their business on the Willamette October. The completion of this taken to make it official. The and renewed the vows they had wound was dressed. It was very and took possession. Pacific. Joe Preston is super­ tunnel means the completion of occasion was thé anniversary of for fifty years honored and painful and it will be some time Geo. H. Colter has just made intendent of construction for the the first 30 miles of railroad, the the birth of Mrs. Langschofft, cherished. Rev. Walter V. Wall before it heals. firm, and incharge of the camps Twohy Brothers’ contract on the a sale of 67 lots in Glenada to on August 20th and Miss Esther in pleasing words refreshed their Stevens on August 19th. *re Leo Brayden at No 2; Roy j new Southern Pacific branch Portland parties. The transfer Sunday evening about 9:30 p. minds with the ceremony o f About 50 people had gathered Bean at No 3; Walter Carey at building from Eugene to Marsh- was made the 18th of August m. L. L. Deitz started to cross yesterday, the happiness and No 4; and Ed Morrison at No 5. field. The grades are virtually and includes a block of water Washington street from the and gave the two a genuine sur­ pain of the passing years and the front property. This looks like prise when they camq home pleasure that was and is to be One of the most prominent: complete to the tunnel, and part a Southern Pacific deal and corner at Bay View Hotel. He shortly after 8 o’clock. features of these camps are the < pf the bridges bqilt The rails for them. was hurrying and just as he'was means much for Glenada. The evening w u spent in­ sarfitary conditions and w ater' are laid nearlyfthe entire' distance going to step on the side walk A delicious luncheon w a s J. C. Elint took a spin down systems. While the most im- and Twohy Brothers are rapidly caught "on the wire and was formally with games, conversa­ served and greatly enjoyed, by the plank road Monday morning. portant department is the mess, turning o ff their crews. thrown on to the side walk. He tion and refreshments. all. A large number o f presents No serious damage done. Mrs Langschoff w u presented From all reports these seem to be Porter Brithers have virtually received a deep gash in his chin, were given, the most prominent ’ There are five new houses be­ and was stunned by the fall. with one dozen silver tea spoons, -giving satisfacton and Mr. Baker completed the grades between being a gold ring from Mr. told us it is his hobby to keep Noti and Acme, near the mouth ing erected in Glenada now.-- Mr. Deitz is a carpenter em­ and Miss Esther Stevens with a Wells to Mrs Wells. - the best cooks he can g e t of the Siuslaw on Tidewater, and It is-no unusual sight to see ployed by the Harbor-Sound In gold chain. Charlotte E. Wells was born in Among those present were: While making a hurried trip ' w’th the completion of the Noti an automobile on the streets at vestment Co. He was taken to S t Lawrence County, New York over these-cam ps we had the funnel the opening of the new this place. Dr. Edwards office where his Mr. and Mrs. Nichols; Mr. and and from the age of five years Mrs. N. B. Hull and daughter. pleasure of meeting Harry I bne tidewater hangs entirely Glenada is fortunate in having injuries were dressed. Mrs. Gummoe, B. H. Demining, moved with her parents to Il­ up on the construction of the Wagner who has charge of the x many fine springs within the city linois. E. D. Southmayed, h « d mill-1 Mr. „ 2 , and “ a Mrs. “ "J,, Baily, “ r- *"d mess house at No 5. Mr. Wag- bridges. Indications point to the limits. They will be a big ad Winsor Wells was born in Erie . Wright at Tide Water Mill Co. i ! ” ' R’ Mummey Mr. and ner has three helpers and feeds opening of the new line to tide- some day. plant, yesterday sustained what f*” / S ? county, Pennsylvania, and when over 80 men. His kitchen has water by Christmas,as promised Geo. H. Colter, has rented the at the time seem to be a Colles L * tJ p ? h“ ’ W‘8; at the age of three years his par­ has water piped into it and is »* —------ ------— Glenada Hotel to Joe Myrea of fracture. He w u on top of a f c , ? ^ and ents moved to Illinois. _ quite convenient in every way. San Francisco, who has opened it flume, just built to carry the T gh u N,°r*’ lMr8’ Hans Han’ On August 20, 1863 they were He buys the beef on foot and , to the public. This makes it surplus material Trim, the hog to f c nj“ d X ^ l , married and soon after moved butchers them for the camp. more convenient for those who from Kankakee, 111,, to Lamont, where a fill is being made, when Kn° wle1 L 9 ’ Mr. Wagner has moved his fam ily, . . . _ « to the camp and has built a heat f J f 13 rep?rted tbat H' G’ CamP‘ want to stop on the south side the supports gave wayjandjhe fell M ' Mich., where Winsor Wells en­ ¥ r M? ‘ H of the river. The hotel is so little house. , J*11’ a steam boat man from receiving a severe injury to his p L , . i p B arker ’ M rs - listed in the 10th Mcchigan Cav­ located that a beautiful view of kt j • . . v . i Laqenter, Wash., who was a right w rist He was taken w the * ? an8’ „Mr3 F™ k alry volunteers, serving two the ocean and river can be had No 4. 13 at the entrance recent viaitor w y , gj , o f Dr. Fox where Dr. L. J w Haye8’ Mr8’ years. from its porches and is a very office to the tunnel between South va|ley p|ace the fif L H o,, . h o I, in charge a , | ^ e » Mr. and Mrs Wells lived in slough and Maple creek and is ger lloa, a n „ .. „„ the „ „ pleasant place to stop. Johnson, Rockford, Mich,, 11 yeare, and located on the Kneaper ranch. from Map,eton t0 G) . Leona Smith, Mrs Landschooft moved to Colorado where they The length ,s est,mated at 221» This „ intended a9 , |ink d Corrected to read for the Siuslaw | Roland Stevens, Esther Stevens, lived three years, they then came feet. In prepanng for the direct service , „ m E bar-O ne hour after 1er-Florenc| Susie MarëhàÜ? Abbie" Marshall, to Oregon and later took up a HIG H T ID E S intrance the earth is.being loaded , he new , Westlake, on and'others. n .m . lit. ii.iu. Ht. homestead on Lake creek a tri b- and run down a slight incline to Tsiltcoos Lake. E rl., A u«. A u g. 1 . . . 1 1 :51 7 .2 i. 1 1 :3 0 0 .5 utary 2of the Siuslaw, becom­ S u l.. A u g. 2 A u g. 2 1 2 :5 7 7.7 where it is dumped from the S u n .. A ug. 3 . A u g. 3 . . 0:21 i».G An Auto service from Glenada 1 :30 s . l ing pioneers of Western Lane cars. A horse then pulls seyeral to Westlake will complete the A u g . 4 . . 1 : ll 9 .5 Almi., A u g . 4 . 2 :1 4 S.4 Tm -.. A u g. 5. . A u g. 5 . . 2:01 9.1 county. . » 2 : 5 5 s.O cars back at the time. The dirt chain. Wi-,1.. A u g. O. .. A u g. <1 . . 2 :5 2 r>K,5 3 :37 S.7 T h u ., A u g. 7. . A u g. 7 . . 3 : lit 7 .0 Several years ago they sold the 4 : 2 0 S.7 is used to fill and level a place A u g . Ñ E ri., A ug. S. Capt Campbell announces KTs 5 : 1 0 - H.5 i 4 ’ 0 .9 X«,* L x home place and later bought Joe Morris Jr. of Mapleton where the camp will be enlarged S u l., A ug. I». Atrjf. . .- H:O7 0 .2 O3>7 N.5 intention to keep the "Charm” S u n .. A ug. 1(1. A u g. 1 0 . . . 7 :32 5 .S 7 :1 0 S.4 j recently purchased the Hotel property in Mapleton where and a framing ground will be M on., A ug. 1 1 . u g. 11 . . . H :57 5 .S H :14 S.4 on this run until the completion T il - . A A ug. .Tin-.. A ug. 1 2 . Siuslaw, of that place from they have built a residence, 1 2 . . . 10:00 O.l 0 :1 5 S .5 established as the work proceeds. W o,I.. A u g. 1.-1. of the railroad when he will take ., A u g . 1 3 . . . 1 1 :0 4 0 .5 1 0 :1 0 S.O Frank Sander. This hotel has F. P. H u lett has charge of the ÍZA ug. 1 4 . . . 1 1 :4 0 0 .9 T h u ., A u g. 1 4 . Five children are living and 1 1 :0 0 S .0 the boat to Tsiltcoos Lake where E ri., A ug. 1 5 . A u g. 15 . 1 2:21 7.2 been finished and opened to the were all present at the celebration timber and culvert work at this she will be operated. S u t., A ug. 1 0 . A u g. 1 0 . . . 0 : 0 0 KO 1 2 :5 2 7.4 S u u ., A u g 1 7 . public nearly a year and has Fred Wells, o f Mapleton, Mrs. A u g. 1 7 . . . 0:25 M.4 camp. 1 :'2O 7.0 M on.. A ug. I S . . A u g . i s . . . <1:55 K 2 1 :4 5 7.7 proven very popular with the Dahlin of Mercer, and Mrs. Ona T u o.. A ug. 111. A ug. 1!». . . 1 :2!< 7 .9 ' This winter the contractors ex- j 2 : 1 0 7.S WoîL, A u g. 2 0 . . A ug. 2 0 . . . 2 :0 3 7.5 3 :3 4 7.11 traveling public with Kennedy & S Phelps of Merce?. pects to work night and day and T h u .. A ug. 2 1 . A u g. 2 1 . . . 2 :3 S 7 .0 3 :5 0 s .l E ri, A .u g. 2 2 . I Larsen, as proprietors. . . 3 :1 S A ug. 2 2 . 0 .5 3 : 2 * s . l rush the job. Eleven grand children are liv­ Su t* A ug. 2T{. A u g. 2 3 . . . 4 :07 0 .0 4 :0 3 S .l The furniture and fixtures ing and were all present except Sun.. A ug. 2 .4 .. A ug. 2 4 . . . 5:21 5 .4 4 :4 * s .0 Comp No 5 is just over the hill j M on.. A ug. 2 5 . . A u g, 2 5 . . . 0 :4 0 5.1 5 : 4 0 7 .0 which were owned by Messes. one, Secretary of State William T uo.. A ug. at the south entrtmee on the g- 2 0 . A u g . 2 0 . . s ;1 4 5 .3 7 :0 3 7 .0 W o,I,. A ug. ' Kennedy & Larsen were also Furgerson place and will have its J.enn'j1^8 Brjan in a three paged A u g. 2 7 . . !»:27 5.H S ; 1 0 S.2 It is the wish of their friends T hu., A ug. 2 S . . ; 4 AMI A u g. 2 S .- . 10:21 0 .4 0 : 2 7 S .5 I sold to Mr. Morris. force increued right along. ,!8’n statement in the Monthly E rk . A u g,— 2W to -!~4:5!, A u g. 2!». . 11 : understand that Mrs. Tk „„ j / ui .• • , j Commoner tells why he has found Sun.. A u g . . ' I I . . . Í 0 : 2 s - A u g. 3 1 . 12:21 S .2 many more happy years to enjoy The sound of b lu tin g is heard ;* ». , u I Morris will take charge of the , • . , . it necessary to supp ement his their beautiful home on the Sius- from many points of construction official u: . ♦ LOW T ID E S HI GH T ID E S I hotel and we know that t h e . ,gw river l • l . jp u.m . l i t . p in . l i t . ■ .ID. H t. P-m. H t. on . the nght-df-way and j • is a con- omciai in part income. fo,|ow3. His statement ent* M on.. Hop, Mor.» 1 11.1 1 o i i o . «CTI 1 . . . 7 AM» 7 :2 4 0 .0 public will have the best possible h T u o.. Sop. 2 . . . 7 : 4 s 0 .3 T u o ., S o p t. 2 . . S :1 3 0 .5 1 : I, h! They .m ount to m oreth .n i6.800 S u n .. S o p t.' 7 . M on.. Sop. 5 . . . 1:0»; 0 .0 will remain somé time. Mr. M on.. S o p t. S . T u o., Sop. pected that it will all, be com- ru>r „ „ j *k_ » l F . Tu«'., S o p t. I». I » . . . , 2:1!» 0 .5 Kennedy will remain on the Sius- ____ , - i " 'o d .. Sop. » . . . 3 : 2 5 0.3 W,-d. S o p t. I o . pleted in the later part of Novem- Ua^est a r e h v n T ’ ° U^ . 1 . . . 4 :2 2 o . l T h u .. S o p t. 1 1 . law for the present. 10:34 p t . . , 1 0 : 2 * 7.« somest and best built homes in the town secure water riirhta Will go- -between his house and- who growl $12 00 per year-for sfin 5 :1 3 0 . 1 i . 11 0 0 M.3 lltW'KT Sun.. on MÓ6.. 5:5A, the city. Coos Bay Harbor. , Clear lalté and Munsel lake. w . : l1 i» 2 - - H THIS WEEKS RECORD SEVERAL ACCIDENTS l6o DOUBLE SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY 1 NEW BOAT TO PLY ON THE SIUSLAW Tide Tables— ; JOE NORRIS HAS BOUGHT HOTEL SIUSLAW CHURCH CHARITY AND INSURANCE COST $ 6 ,8 0 0 U f COMMERCIAL CLUB , IN SPECIAL MEETING at T u -.. 0 .4