THE SIFSI.AW VOL. I. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1913 NUMBER 24 UNIONSUNDAY _ SCHOOL PICNIC ASUCCESS upon complaint o f Auguat Tel-1 Jacob Hunziker, o f Greenleaf I m - r> : ' 1 t .________ — :—- shaw. who claimed he had lost and A. M. Almasi, o f Blachlev I t ' - v t V ra5e \ East of BerkelX Geo- Stonefield and sister Mrs. £ St*"» ^ » X m em ing his household goods and had seen were visitor, in Florence W eji t X ^ . h e " ^ , " " T * * . “ d K T to teach °" Barretts 8ta* e on ^ e ir waX articles belonging to himself in nesday. F F A linn n# U LC .V rn ’ . and5tk Shades in I out to Medford. Mrs. StauD I Mr, Dole's house. The constable r . ti. Allen, of Marshfield, the Florence public school iiroes fnr mnziinoi » . . P arrived at the Dole ranch Mon­ representing Blake-McFall paper - 1 treatm ent I day m im in g and found the goods Mrs. Gurney, and daughter M r. and Mrs. Chas. Fraer, and company was in town last week A very pretty wedding occur­ Helen, who have been camping Mrs. Louie Fraer, of Mapleton, The Union Sunday School pic- and made the arrest bringing his taking orders. in Florence during the summer were in Florence Monday. M r. red at Mapleton Tueeday, Aug­ held last Friday and was a prisoner in Monday afternoon. T. N. Vankirk, 'of Glenwood, Bonds were not furnished and left Friday morning on Barretts Fraer, was on his way to Port­ ust 19, 1918. when Miss A da great success. E verybody Iowa left last week for home agreed they had a most excellent Constable Morey took the prison­ stage on thsir way to Drain. land and left on the tug L Roscoe M artin, and Percy W hitaker after a short visit on the North were united in marriage a t the time, Over 125 were in attend­ er to Eugene Tuesday afternoon. G. C. H. Moore, arrived in that afternoon. Forte with friends. Evangelical church, in the pres­ C. J. Mahoney appeared as ance, representing the Sunday Florence last|Friday. He has I. B. Harwood, of Eugene, Miss Larsen and Miss Nelson, ence e f a large number o f friends Schools of Florence, Glenada, attorney for the state and R. C. had considerable experience in who has been visiting his son of Marshfield, who are visiting and reiativea, Wygant appeared for Dole. Acme,-Portage and Minerva. with Mrs. Roy Saubert o f Acme, the real estace business and will Charley Harwood, o f Glenada, Mias Edith M iner was brides­ After din n er-a program was have a desk in the Harbor-Sounc left Wednesday morning for were in Florence Tuesday. maid and Lloyd McClain attend­ given consisting o f an address of Investment Co’s office. home. Mr, Harwood lived on ed the groom aa best man. Miaa Otho Roberts, of Roberts Bros, welcome by Rev. John Drumm; Richard Clow and wife, of Clear lake about 6 years ago and Edithe Yates played the wedding and H. D. Smartt, jeweler, of Sunday Sahool experiences, told Mapleton and Miss Frances Clow, still owns a farm there. march; "‘H ere comes the bride” Eugene arrived in Florence Mon­ by Mrs. Haring of the Portage, of Northfield, Minnesota, a neice’ Geo. Camp, of Mapleton was Miss Agnes Sulivan is here and Rev. W alter V. W all united day evening on the Beaver. and L. Ackerly, of Minerva; visiting with her sister Mrs. the young cnuple with a short Struggles, Trials and Pleasures a visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs, Jennie Morgan, France!*“ of Mr. Clow’s returned Monday Bert Patterson, at the jettv. impressive ceremony. from Heceta cape where they Charly Stonefield was in Flor­ „of early Sunday School work by and Jennie Drumm went hive been enjoying an outing. Miss Sulivan is a graduate nurse ence on business this week. A banquet was served a t the Mrs. C. B. Cushman. light house Monday for a and lives at Fairbanks, Alaska. Palace Restaurant and was a Mrs. Alma Rogers, of Portland, visit. Mrs. Mary B. Young was elect­ Joe Fellman, the Eugene She accompanied a lady patient ed president of the Siuslaw Val­ was visiting in Florence Friday. C. L. Gano and wife, of Eu­ furniture man, arrived in Flor­ from Circle City, Alaska, to very enjoyable feature. As the “ newly weds” were on th eir ley Sunday School Association for Miss Maude Pope, of Deadwood gene are visiting on the river for ence late Monday afternoon. Rochester, Minn.; where an way from the church to the the ensuing year. Mrs. Fellman and children was a visitor in town Friday. a day or so. Mr. Gano is m a n -lMrs' operation (for gall stones was banquet their friends showered Plans were discussed and made F. W. Carey, of San Francisco ager of the Eugene C offee' ^rompanied him and they will successfully preformed ¡by the them with old shoes and rice. for a Sunday School convention came in last week on a business House. visit with Mrs. M rs S a r a h Cassidy Sarah Drs. Mayo. Miss Sulivan wil Some amusement was had a t the ' and other relativ'es. at Florence, a Sunday School ral­ trip. , Chas. Harting, Warren Smith meet the lady iiTtime to leave on expense of Lloyd McClain when ly on the North Fork and a great­ Jim Buchanan, of South Inlet and son Ansel passed through Mrs. Ala Gummóe and her the last boat that goes to Alaska he found the ring in his share o f er and better picnic on the sa,me was a visitor to Florence this Florence on a horseback, trip brother Barney Demming return­ this season. the bride’s cake. grounds next year; the employ­ week. north. TJiey are hunting home­ ed Saturday from an outing at M r. and Mrs, W itaker w ill for ment of a Sunday School mission- the cape. Mr. and Mrs McLeod, Miss May Noffsinger, of Maple­ steads. the present make their hqme in •ary to visit and organize the Earl Miller, of Creswell, of Marcóla, who accompanied Mapleton. Sunday Schools of the Siuslaw ton, visited in Florence last Friday. irother of Melvin G. Miller, of them, left the same day for their Valley. home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto A. Kauff­ Mr. and Mrs. Mads Beck, of Florence, George Grey and Carl At this time the organization At a special meeting held last man of Eugene are visiting -in Morris are enjoying an outing on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Legg and Thursday the port commissioners were in Florence asks and needs the hearty co-op­ Rockport Florence. / the Siuslaw. Monday. children, Mrs. R; E. Hurlburt eration of everyone and have ---• — — voted to have a resolution drawn The Florence Supply Co. has Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Cox, left an<* baoy, and Mrs. Geo. Corum up issuing $180.000 Ten and confidence that in the future-as A1 Hollenbeck, of Mapleton, received a fine assortment o f Monday on an extended trip to left Monday morning for points twenty-year bonds. This will in the past this will be readily came down to Florence Tuesday fishing tackle. Better see i t the East. They will visit Percy’s interest on the north beach, have to come up at the next reg given. - ' * morning. — — .... in s ­ parents at Collinsville, Conn. Thon of the golden wedding and vicinity about two weeks men were present at the meeting year it was just a start: next Florence. Mrs. Phelps parents, Mr. and ^or his home last Friday. and expressed a unanimous opin­ er had a deed load of hay. year it will be better. A party from Mapleton con­ Mrs. Jensen, of Rockport was WinS° B We,Js* ' — •• *"*'eman haa beei? a ™em* ion in favor of immediately issu- - ng ' in Florence ~ ' O. E. th C home visiti the" first of E- Bailey and a"d family left £ ' Ortn# T 0,unc’1 " ® “ ,n h,s h° me ‘" M " * the sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knowles. Mr. Wooley and family years "cerK - b f , b X V e ^ / r o ^ i ^ e town ~ several d ^ S e and was who are visiting with Mr. Knowles, and Richard Clow and logging firm*’was In Florence future' The household goods ? mProvernenta >n Florence. ' to^Wnk w m Shing” ^ family went to the beach On last Friday Aug. 15 Post­ la$t week. enCCi will be Pro. and Mrs. E.’ E. DeCou be shipped shipped by by boat. boat Wednesday. master general Burleson t in­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kibler, of Mrs. Smith> action in order to save every item Mrs. John John Perrey, Perrey, Mrs. Mrs. Emma Emma ^"ho ^have*1 Representative Hawley has augurated the new regulations ,, , Rockport visited Florence last~Elliott and children, Willie and Tsiltcoos lake^nearl l'*' if P°88'ble and be ready to ex- been assured by the fourth as­ i.-A. _ _ j ^hildren, i i ....... changing the parcel post ra tes«A , and John Hoffman ^ C ^ 8 , lak* Pear'y a w ee k J Saturdav. ~ Ed Morris lsUtcOOS lake near|X week ' tend the work in a short time and weight limit by mailing} V , *5' . ~ "V sistant postmaster general that left for an outing at the Cape were ,n ^ " W e d n e s d a y on their J ___ , his suggestion for additional mail President Wilson a box of fine bd Harrington, of Mapleton. and Big creek Thursday. Prnm t ? ' * or.k' 11 wil1 be very good news to Georgia peaches. The box, ! *n E*orenc® on business service by boat between Flor­ L. C. Kelley came up the beach beach and^up to th e 'cape, ^ r o f j s e e d e d " 10 k"°W which weighed 17 pounds, with W^dnesda-V- ence and Mapleton will be adopt­ ed soon. Tuesday, having ridden a bicycle DeCou is head of the department National tramp conv,. n c,.ng lJe a postage charge of 13 cents, was Joe Slemmons, of Mapleton, from Eugene around by Drain of mathematics, while Dr Smith hnv h * ™ t ™Tnm}SB'on’ who delivered at the White House ;made a short business trip to A Camping party consisting of and Gardiner. He went on up who wae „aistaM in mathema^ c , ,h T °< early in the day, ;town last Friday. Harry Levage, Esther Levage, The new regulation, which be- i Miss Hazel Gladstone, of Eu- the North Fork on h i. way to tx will next year ,llrds and the win next year be De s secretery to f . rT"irrat<'ry , . i " . e scereiery to fixing of the open season for Goldie Levage, Laura Dahlen and the Alsea country. came effective today, raises the tfene» is here as the guest of President Campbell. killing the same, That the open j Tona Sutton Jeft Mercer about a maximum weight of parcel post Mrs. H. L McKee. week ago with two pack horsea. season for killing ducks and geese packages from 11 to 20 pounds E. R. McCornack and wife Corrected to read for the Siuslaw and other migratory waterfowl They walk over the government and makes certain changes in the left Monday on a trip to Will- bar— One hour after- for Florenc will open October 1 and will last, trail to Saddle Mountain and n i u n 1 iu ta rates. The local delivery rate of amette valley points. LOW T ID E S down len-M ile Creek to the H.m. IK. p.lll. li t . until January| 15. Senator L. E. H.m. H t. -»H t. postage was reduced from five A n y . • 1 . . 1 1 :5 7 • •— 1 1 :3 0 0.5 F ri. A u g . beach and then home, arriving 1 . . 0 :1 ; 1.2 9 :9 2 3.4 Mrs. John Dahlin and daugh- «.»t A u s . 2 Bean received word from A. C. S a t. A u g . 1 2 :5 7 7.7 2. . 0:5.' 1.4 9:5 4 2.S cents for the first pound and one Monday afternoon. . A u s . 3 . . . 0 : 2 0 !♦.»» l : ’Ui * .l ■sun— A u s . 3 . . 1 2! 1 1.4 “ 7:4-’í » 2 .2 ter went to Mapleton Saturday >i"} .. A u s . 4 . . . 1 :1 0 Dixon, who is now in Portland, M uli .. A u g . 4 . . 9 .5 2:1 1 S.4 cent for each additional pound or * :1 * 1.1 S :32 1.7 A petition was presented at the on a visit to her parents. . A u s. 5 . . . 2 : 0 0 9.1 ì ’ii»-. . A u g . and both these gentlemen have 5 .. 2 :55 *.G * :5! 9 .9 9 :2 4 1.1 fraction thereof, to five cents for A u s- •». . . 2 :52 S.5 3 :3 7 *.7 .. A u g . 0 . . 0:»< 9.1 special meeting of the board of 1 9 :1 9 1.1 the first pound and one cent* for . Mr\ A' R; BoMerstpn was.'™'*- . A u s . 7 . . . 3 : 4 0 ".li 4 :2 0 *.7 i h n . • A u g . 7 . . . 1 0 :2 3 9λ 1 1 :1 7 1 9 worked indefatigably for the A u s. * . . . 4:41 9 .9 l i i . . 5:1(1 * 5 trustees last Monday to improve A u g. .* .. 1.S 1 1 :0S change, saying he had seen W .1 each additional two pounds or do" n fr° m the H- Boie camp s,- A ug. 0 . S a t.. A u g. G:<)7' G.2 ' G:07 * .5 0 . . . 0 :2 3 LO 1 2 :9 9 2.7 j by planking about 20 blocks in SlMi. A u s . 10 . . . 7 2!2 O.M L. Finley, who is a member of the A u g. 10, . . 1 :30 9 S 7 :1 0 *.4 fraction thereof. -E u g e n e Regis-1 i ! aplet° n ,a8t Week' 1 :94 3 3 M on. , A u g . 1 1 . . . 2 :4 0 ¿ F . A u s . 1 1 . . . * :5 7 5.H * :1 4 * 4 Florence. Beginning at Joseph­ 2 :2 9 3 .8 commission and he had reported T iw . A u s . 1 2 . . . 3 :5 4 A US. 1 2 . . 10:0!» 9.1 ter. * R. L. Hurlburt, the plumber, 0:1». *.5 3 :39 3 .8 ine on .Lincoln and running to U ’»»<1 . A u g . 1 3 . . . 4 :52 9 .3 . A u g. 1 3 . . 1 1 :0I 9 .5 1 0 :1 0 S.O the matter to his members and 4 :4 2 3 .7 ------------------ ¡left last week for Junction City A u s . 1 4 . , 1 1 : 0 ! 9 .9 1 1 :0 0 *.G i ’liu. A u g . 1 4 . . . 5 :3 0 9 .5 3.1 Front. Beginning at Lincoln on A u.'. 15 . F r i., they were agreed that the pro­ A u g . 1 5 . . . 0:2 1 9 .9 12:21 7.2 o.. n i pt. 1 . . .. O ; ll « .4 “ 12:571 S.7 Men H -,,. J . . 7 :Oli 0 »! 7 :2 4 T u o ., S o p t.. ! . . . • «cp. 2. 7 :4 * 0 .3 1:0»» 0 .2 Wboee deeds, both great and * :I3 : 3 5 ’ 0 .0 a county road about that point. I-. «C|». 3 . . are on ahorseback trip to Fiddt? AVo,l. S e p t. ! . . . 1 :.’><• --.s 2 1 :1 * :2 0 0 .3 0:01 small. 3 0 .2 T h iL /S o p t . •• « c p t . 4 . . . 0 :0 0 1.0 He shiped the men, not so much 1 .. . 2 :3 0 S.2 0 :5 3 2 : 5 5 0 .2 creek and the lakes this week. Are close knit strands of an un­ f r i . , Si-pt. «••i». 5 . . . 0 :4 * "I.* 1 1 0 :5 0 » . . . 3 :3 4 7.4 3 : 3 5 0 .0 because he could not find them broken thread. «cp. 0 . . . 10:34 2 .0 1 Il:5e4: S a i.. Si-pt. ! . . . . : 4 :3 0 0 .0 4 : 2 5 *.7 Frank Condon is back from-an S u n .. •Pt. . ’. .< . 5 : 5 2 0 .0 5 : 2 5 *.3 • «cp. 7 . . . 1 1 :32 .3 .3 Where love ennobles all. there, but because he found ... « c p . Ñ . . . 1 ;(«! 0 .0 on.. h.. ! . . . 7 :2 0 5.-> «:3O *.O The world may sound no trum­ outing at Big creek and other T M in-.. S i-P i. II. . • «cp. 0 . . . 2:1!» 0 .5 - S :4 3 0 .0 7 :51 7.* several here who appeared really pet. ring no bells. .. «cT»; 1 0 . . . 3 :25 0 .3 10. 0 :4 7 0 .5 * : 5 0 7.* L. E. Dole was brought before places of interest on the beach. T A h V u od ., . Ni-pt. T helw ok of Ilfs the shining rsc ■ « c p . 1 1 . . . to need and deserve work. He is 0.1 j 4 :2 2 K ept. I I . . 1 0 :3 4 0 .0 0 : 5 0 * .0 oVd tells; «C p. 1 2 . . . 5 :0 * 0.1 ' Mrs. Morey and daughter f r i . . S - p t . 1 2 . . 11:11 7 .3 1 0 : 0 ! * 1 Justice J. U. Goude court Tues­ using many of the goverment « c p . 1 3 . . . 5 :4 0 0.1 S a t .. S e p t . 1 3 . . 1 1 :4 3 7 .0 Tby love shall chant Its o n day morning dh charge of break­ Elsie went to the cape the first "un.. S e p t; 1 4 . . 12 <»» 7.S 1 1 :2 7 , * 1 « c p . 1 4 . . . 0 :2 3 0 .4 |! beatitudes teams, and is doing the work . « c p . 1 S . . J 0 «5» 0 7 S e p t. 1 5 , . 0 : 0 5 S.O 1 2 :3 0 * 0 ing and entering unlawfully a of the week ,on a camping trip. T .»ion.. After Its own Ufa working. A il» . S e p t. I S . . « c p . 1 0 . . . without contract Engineers 7:21 1.2 0 :4 0 t * 1 UH *.2 child's kiss . «*t>. 1 7 . . . 7 : 4 4 1.7 eil, S e p t. 1 7 . . . 1 :1 5 7 .0 dwelling house and carrying 1 22 * 2 Harry Boring and Fred Grayce 'V estimated.that the work would «Cp. 1 * . . . *:O4 2.1 f h i . . S e p t . I s . . . 1 :4 0 7 .3 on thy alghlng Ups shaU 1 :0 1 * 4 N ep. 1 0 . . . away personal property. He and family returned Thursday F r i., S e p t. 1 0 . . . 2 :2 5 0 .0 2 :1 1 * 5 * :2O 2 .0 cost over $7,000, but by doing it make thee glad. « c p . 2 0 . . . *:4O 3 .0 S a t .. S e p t, 2 0 . . . 3 :0 0 0 .4 waived examination and was from a trip to the north beach. S u n .. S e p t. 2 1 . . . 3 : 5 0 5 .0 2:41 *25 , A »Ick m in helped by thee shall himself, co-operating with th e « c p . 2 1 . . . ! 0 :0 7 » .4 1L 3 :1 * *.3 m ate thae strong. « e p . 2 2 . . . i 0 :4 « 3 .0 M on.. S e j,t. 2 2 . . . placed under $2i<0 bonds. 1 5 .5 t" 4 :0 4 " * 1 counties, in the use of their road H. Beagle and family returned T il--.. S e p t. 2 S . . . 5:0 « » p . 2 3 . . . 1 1 :00 42t Thou sbalt ba sarvad thyaelf In 5 .4 5 : 0 0 7.7 . Constable C. D. Morey left home the first of the week from W e d . S e p t . 2 4 . . . •1:31 . « e p . 2 4 . H 1 12:43 4 .5 4 : 1 0 0 .* every -77-7 7 :5 5 5 .7 0 :3 7 7 .0 apparatus, he expects to complete « * P . Z 5 .. - I 2:3 1 0 .0 '1 2 2 « 4.1 . T h u .. S e p t. 2 S . . . * :5 * 0 .2 *ÍI5 Sundry morning with a search Of service which to man thou « » p . M ‘ . . . the road through the rock for the F r i.. S e p t, 2 « , . , 3 :2 2 0 .3 I 3 : 4 0 32» 0 : 4 * 0 .0 a camping trip up the North 0 :1 7 rendarast. « c p . 2 7 . . . j 4 :2 7 0.1 ‘ 4 : 0 ! 22» S a t .. S e p t. 2 7 . . . 1 0 :2 * 7 .0 warrant and a warrant of arrest Qoast 1 0 :1 7 sum allotted, $6,400 Eugeh'e « c p t. 2 0 . . . I 5 :1 3 0.1 S u n .. S e p t. 2 S . . 1 1 -0 0 *25 1 1:11 5 2 « 12» —Robert Rrowulag. « * p . 2 0 . . . 5 :5 5 0 .2 M »n., S e p t. 2 0 . . . 1 1 :4 2 * 0 0 :2 1 0 .5 Register. T u e .? '« c p . 3 0 . . . ) WEDDING AT MAPLETON I PERSONAL TO ISSUE $180,000 ADDITIONAL BONDS iic a i NEW RATES ABE NOW IN EFFECT Tide Tables— ARRESTED FOR HOUSE BREAKING 9 : 9 9 0 .4 |l 7 : 0 0 - 0 . «