THE Vj VOL. I. FLORENCE. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 13. 1913 NORTH FORK CARNIVAL IS A SUCCESS are with us again. Coultf you have been on Fiddlecreek last Sunday morning you would have ■ noticed that the telephone wasj unusually busy and had you rub­ bered, which of course you never do, you would have heard such expressions as these, “ Yes, w e’re already to start.” “Is Rachel going?” “ You had better go, Johnnie will be there.” "Will, then^be room’in the boat for us?” “Are you going to take your bath-r in c suit?” s u it? ” “ “ Are A rp you vnn sure there ing is no danger in crossing Jhe lake if I let William Henry go?” I “Do bring plenty of that salad you make so divinely.” “ Yes, ! Gill will be there to make the coffee. ’k NUMBER 23 w . E. Gonzales W ell Fitted For N ew M in ister to Cuba FACTSABOUT MARRIED AT REGISTRATION HIGH NOON That voters who registered in A very large number of friends 1912 can cast their ballots at the That the people who live upon and relatives gathered at the the North Fork know how to do special election this fall without home of Mayor aud 'Mrs. R. A. i re-registering, and that new re­ things, especially in the way of Lowe, of Glenada, last Wednes­ registrations in 1913 will give the entertaining was conclusively right to vote in spite of the fact day to witness th e marriage o f demonstrated last Saturday by that the Day bill specifically pro­ their eldest daughter Bertha the manner in which they man- vides registration qualifications, Lovelle to Mr. Alfred Laurence naged their big Street Fair and Carnival. is the ruling made by Attorney- Grover, of Woodburn. Promptly at high noon the General Crawford and contained One naturally associates carni­ young couple decended the stair­ in a letter written by him in re­ vals, street fairs and such like way and were met at the foot by with cities and towns. We nat­ sponse to a request from County the Rev. John Drumm and to the Clerk Russet Mr. Crawford urally think that in order to ne­ strain of Lohengrin's wedding says: gotiate such an entertainment march played by Mrs. E. R. “You wish to know whether one there must be streets. There Had you heard all this your Mummey, they proceeded until are no streets on North Fork, curiosity would have been aroused can vote who has registered in they stood beneath a beautiful 1913 under the permanent regis­ neither fire there any towns, yet and you would have followed the people who live there deter, up the clue and would have met tration law, the same as a per­ arch o f evergreens interwoven with white flowers. The bride mined to have a Street Fair and the jolly crowd at lower Fiddle son who has registered in 1912. Carnival. They did not engage creek bridge where three motor “Replying, I would state while wore a dress of white silk net the law calling the special elec­ over messaline and carried a an expensive and elaboratly o r boats and seven row boats w ere! tion stated in terms that electors shower boquet of white roses. ganized Carnival company, but in waiting to take them across The bridesmaids who wore could vote on their 1912 registra­ pulled of their coats and went to the lake and down the outlet to dresses o f white voile and car­ tion, I do not believe it was in­ work. The result of their labors the beach. Nearly every family ried boquets of pink sweet peas, tended that persons could not was a Carnival replete with all on the creek was represented and were Miss Elnora Lowe and Miss sorts of the kind of attractions a few from the lake and Maple vote at that election who might Edna Hansen. Attending the have registered in 1913. I be­ that help to make an affair of creek were among the party of groom were Bert Scott and lieve the intention of the legis­ this sort succesful. 50 or more. A picnic dinner was George W. Jone^. lature was to save the people the Among the manv concessions partaken of before crossing the The beautiful ring ceremony trouble of re-registering for this were shooting gallery, negro ba- sand to the surf. Just a spread was used by Rev. Drumm in special election, but all of those bies, diving negro, chute the’ of good things on the ground uniting the young people. who should happen to be regis­ chutes, merry-go-round, vaude- and a cup of Gill’s best coffee, An elaborate wedding ’dinner tered under the new registration ville show etc.. Everybody Everybody seated tailor fashion was served to the guests after law are entitled to vote. seemed to have the carnival spirit and furnished with an appetite the ceremony, while in the even­ Registration is not a qualifi­ -and bent upon enjoying the oc- such as a morning on the lake ing a dancing party was given. cation for election but a mere casion to the utm ost . » can supplyyou with. I have not Many useful and handsome regulation, and as elections are Capt.-Al. Miner’s launch the studied the fashion plates suffi- presents were given to the bride free and equal any one who is Pearl was chartered for the oc- ciently well to risk a description E G O N Z A L E S , ed ito r o t th e S ta te. C o lu m b ia , a C.. to p e r as a happy remembrance of the casion and »with a large scow in of the bathing suits in evidence tlc u la r ly w e ll U tted for th e poat o f m in iste r to C u b a , w h ic h a p p o in t properly qualified as provided by occasion. m e n t he r e c e iv e d from P r e sid e n t W ilson . N o t o n ly w a s h is fa th e r section 2. article 2 of the Consti­ tow ttfok more than 200 people in the surf but I will say that Mr. and Mr. Grover left Mon­ a n oted C u b an g e n e r a l an d p a tr io t w h o fo u g h t fo r y e a r » fo r P o h * - . tution is entitled to a vote at the from Florence. People from all they clothed a . jolly care free day for a visit at Woodburn and H* h,! “ •d* “ ’tUl’7 ot the along the Siuslaw and North bunch of youngsters, and a ffew hibu/' p u b lic H e w a s b rou gh t up Im bued w ith h la f a t h e r s s p ir it o f lo y a lty to th e election this fall whether regist­ Portland. Later they will go on Fork attended and the estimate who were not so young either, C u b a n s a s a p eop le. H e K n ow s th e co u n tr y an d Ito p r o b le m s It h M id h e la ered or not. Of course, if an the Breakwater to Marshfield elector is not registered, he number was five or six hundred. Some who were too sedate or tim on fr ie n d ly t e r m , w ith P r e sid e n t M en ocai a n d m any o t h e r , o f th e n e w r w l ^ a could be required to sign Blank where Mr. Grover has a position After an excellent dinner orous to play with Neptune on and they will make their home. F. T. Gilpatrick is going to served in cafeteria style a short his own grounds removed their Eugene, Jiy F. B. Upham,' presi­ “A ” before being allowed ,. to Portland this week to be gone a address was delivered by M. J. shoes and stockings and let the dent, for a senes of amusement vote. Duryea, publicity manager of the Waves kiss their toes and raced week or ten days. The principal thing to be M. D. Scott and wife and their concessions for the Lane county kept in mind in determining these Eugene Commercial Club. He over the sand like care free chil- fair in September. The contracts spoke briefly of the great natural dren.. The return trip across daughter Marian attended thè call for eight amusement shows questions is that every one who w edd ingof Mrs. Scott’s neice, The barge Frederick recently resources of the country tribut- Tsilcoos lake to the mouth of and as many or more “conces­ properly qualified as provided by built for the Tide Water Mill Co. ary to the Siuslaw, and reminded Fddle creek was one to be re- Miss Bertha Lowe in Glenada sions, the Constitution is entitled to a which include such as They had a was brought into port last week the people that in ftrder to devel- membered, the beautiful lake as ast Wednesday. cane throws, “nigger dodges,” vote, while those who are not so fine time and met many old and is now loading with lumber. op these resources, there must be placid and smooth as a mirror qualified have no right to partici­ and-lunch counters. The several Capt. John Wasbust is in com­ concerted e ffo r t.T h a t the peo- with only the ripples from the friends and neighbors among ;he attractions are a merry-go-round, pate in the election.” 80 or 100 guests present. mand and has a crew of two men pie must work to g eth er‘with a boats to disturb its surface, * The If 1912 registration had been a vaudeville show, a picture the­ with him. OLD TIMER. unity of purpose and keep in wooded shores and islands and ater, an animal show, a freak held the only valid one, women The cargo brought in was about harmony. their reflections in the pure clear show, a crazy house, a minstrel would have been unable to vote at ! 400 tons of coal. On a recent C. J. Hurd, of Eugene, late waters, the evening sunshine show and a Ferris wheel. At the the special election, since no wo­ trip to Gardiner, which was the representative from Lane County only served to bring out the lights picture show “ the Pendleton men were registered in 1912,— ; first one made and just prior to gave a short but interesting ad­ and shadows in the surounding Eugene Register. round-Upor the California Rodeo entering the Siuslaw river a car­ dress. Early indications now are that will be shown on the screen, hills. The whole scene so peace­ gó of nearly 700 tons of coal was the Lane County Fair, to be held, ,,UU8e ,8 , After the exercises of the day ful and restful that it seems an The crazy house js a^room which carried. were over, the crowd gathered invitation to all heat oppresed T ^ n^ 1 month- will be a apparently revolves, ineattrac- The attrac The barge was inspected July in the hall for the dance. . And and tired humanity to come and ^ f n r ettek at? ^ CtlOn then eVCrl tions are 8aid to be of a cleaner, : _____ 25th and allowed a master, 1 crew the giddy whirl lasted until5 day­ spend a vacation on the banksof er better and m o T e e ^ F ^ t 1^ * I m° rf rtfined CharaCter than the A Kreat deal interest has and 2 extras when necessary. break Tsilcoos Lake and the beach. hibits in all lines than T* ‘ ° f SUCh sh° W8’ 0660 created late,y by the uae of The beam is 36 feet and 8 inches During a lull in the dance Mr. Try a vacation here and your re­ m o lts in an lines than in f o r m e r --------------- the word “xahniao-e’* . », i in John Patterson entertained with turn each succeeding summer is S T M l S S - ~ width, t . n d l . while i n c h the » , . length is 140 feet and 10 inches, with a regis- vaudeville sketch. inevitable, you cant keep away. Reviewing the events of th'e By this time j you A lumber pas. yea, h » U e„ maki„ / p^ v i s i t , „ i t h v u « are 1 C a asking o n i n ^ what w ild l can be han- day we can not recall a thing that makes the Old Timer so sooonv s snK x . f,raily in f> ren ce could mar the pleasuue o f even j about the lake and beach any­ H° r"’ 8n ^ m e - and. to say the“ le“ c"quite T m 1 e T,dd W ater trans- the most exacting person, and it way? Well, you see the Old portation fleet. It was especially will be long remembered with Timer used to take this same department which ” amu8einenti t [lst' of Eu» ene- is visiting on satisfactory, The true definition builtfor the Siuslaw river. pleasure by those who were lucky trip twenty odd years ago ac­ be rin iTn h, h h CS to| the Siuslaw. He was in Flor- and origin of the word, however. enough to attend. companied by his best girl, and Hiff tP e ' er\ resPvct. The ence last week from Mapleton is given here: In France when The tug L. Roscoe brought the fferent concessions promise and came down again the first of peasants went on a strike they although that best girl has been schooners Oakland and Coquille My Old Timer for more than ConttlXTh L Wlde vanety-1this week- and will be found at ¡used their wooden shoes or “sab Into port Tuesday n ig h t twenty years, when we take this to™ ™ h me « a e / view r n oiei, e wnere those those ots” as they are called to des- • .k , r - w ” •»••y* Sam Terrill is erecting a build­ g the past few days by the needing their eyes examined can trip to the beach it puts a look on The old timer has kept pretty stoy machinery, hence the french ing 14-18, which he intends to ubc Progressive Theater company of find him. quite for some time but this love­ our faces that makes the child­ word “sabotage.” So the word as’ a market and keep all kinds ren wonder what has come over ly summer weather moves him to . ------— ----- ’sabotage” simply means de- of fish and shell fish in season. talk again. Fiddlecreekers have papa and mamma anyway I l o e I i l n I P C . — Corrected to read for the Siuslaw 8troy machinery. Sam is a hustler and has a large x ba>-One hour after for Florence — ------ filled their barns to the last fork-, Guite a number of people from patronage o f satisfied patrons. HIGH T ID E S LOW T ID E S ful with a fine hay crop. Owing tbe Creek attended the picnic on «.m . Ilt. p.m. 41t. The building will be located on I».m. tlt. Fri.. A ue . 1 . . . 11 :57 7.2 11:30) OT, to the good weather our hay is tbe N°rth Fork Saturday, Sut.. Fri., Au« 0 :0 2 .-{.4 Au«. George Schrocder’g wharf at the 1 2:57 7.7 S u t .. Au« ♦l:.M 2.x Sun.. Au«. 0:20 0.0 of unusually good quality. Other Among the number t^ere Mr. and M-»n.. 1:10 s . l su n .,. Au« foot oLWashington str eet 7:4.1 2.2 Au«. 1:10 o.r, > 1 4 x .4 Mun.. Au«. * :1 2 1.7 crops look good and we farmers Mrs. H m. Chamberlain, Lewie Tu«.. Au«. 2 :5 5 . x.O Tu«... Au« The Siuslaw Milling and Man­ 0:24 , Au«: The Tide Water Mill Co. have 3 :1 7 | X.7 Wed., Au« feel assured of plenty of feed for Austin, Mrs. Aldrich and daugh­ t B W m .C . 0 :0 » 0.1 10:10 1 *» Au«. ufacturing Company, a new en­ 4 :2 0 x.7 ff 1} I hu.. Au« 7 . . 10'*-» l 1 i 1 f . r t , 1 1 purchased from W, H. O’KwHy our stock and a surplui to sell. ter Ruby, Harry Worthy-lake? Fri.. Au«. 5 :1 0 XT, Fri., Au«. S . . n -Ô x l.’x terprise on the Lower Siuslaw is Snt.. Au«. 0 :07, X..-, Sat., Au«. I» .. . 0:2 1 l.o ¡ 2 : 0 0 2. lots 6, 7. 8. 9 and 10 in block 10 Perhaps that is one reason that Carl and Ruth Stone and Bert Sun., Au«. 7 :1 0 Sun., Au«. 1 0 . . now ready for business. Stove . 1 :3O O.x l;O4 3. Mun,, Au«. of the original town of Florence. 0 :1 4 Mun., A ii «. 1 1 . . .' 2:1!» 0 .5 we meet so many jolly pleasant Scott. None of them are' home Tu»-.. 2 :2 0 3, Au« wood in 16-20-and 24 inch lengths 0 :1 5 T u ... Au«. 12. . 11 3 '«54*► 0 1 1:1»! 1 people whereVer we go in our yet, - _ - >~»i b*»ncu of W •.x : «:.1X l .t Ä