THE v n r Î 1 ¿ 7 , SIUSLAW PILOT _______________ H.ORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, J H ,Y 2,3, 1913 CHIEFFORESTER GRAVES IN FLORENCE U ismi ET FAIR NUMBER 20 says that he will stay as long M his money lasts. Victor Liaro and family left the first of the week on the .¡mformation and work! has been I ramp for Coos Bay. From there a valuable assistance in securing they will go (o San Francisco and this change of policy. then to Finland to visit relatives .« H irf h, F" rk Fair dite h“ been Some time next year, perhaps If the proposed methods are o for a year or so. settled for Aug. 9th. and it ia in 15 months. Southern Pacific carned out, and we believe they. *. l ,1 ss Ruth Knowles returned E- Thom, who was sent to expected to make this event the trains will run from Eugene to will be, this section will ehjov >° F,or.e!lce Saturday after a few the hospital at Mapleton recently affair of the season. great benefits from the additional J?y ,W’th her sistsr«~ Mrs. The date has been selected ™ . Bay' over the Willamette- A party of National Forest Population made possible by new J . because of an injury received Wells> and other relatives officials in which were, Chief settlers coming while working at the mill, has with a view of having the tide Cacific. The promise of comple­ ---- •_ . in. » at Mapleton. ~ bo^ lwi,> be able to make the tion of the big 4,100 foot tunnel t ♦ Forester H. L. Graves, C. J. Mrs. Lischen M. Miller arrived returned to Glenada, and is im­ Buck, o’f the Astoria office; Mr. proving rapidly. tops both morning and afternoon. within 15 months, which virtual- in Florence last week. She has Free boats will be run from y means the completion of the Stratam, of the bureau of soils, YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY gone to the cape where she will A É. Lowe has rented his Florence and run after the dance road, together with the an­ and Supervisor Cohoon, arrived PtEASANT BEACH PARTY enjoy her annual outing at their residence in Glenada to Mr. and arrangements will be made nouncement of increased opera­ in Florence last Saturday. They Baker, one of the contractors summer home. . • tions for the coming“ winter was had come down the coast from whose camp is ,ocaiea located on on th< the to accommodate those that have brought by W. P. Hoey, assistant A bout 14 young people went to J. H. Cookson, representing - 7 " T Tillamook, and the chief forester the mouth of the river last Wed­ L. Dinkelspiel & Co of San The u ° f the Sluslaw r’ver- to go home earlier. r 01 f oan The f#rai«y arrived last week, Among the free attractions engineer in charge of the new was making a personal inspection nesday evening, where V h° w*tb his assistant, R. for * * ran ci sco, was on the river last When the party arrived, many arranged for, is addresses on several hours they enjoyed the week looking after the needs of deputy Prosecuting Attorney W, Fontaine, returned by auto­ citizens were invited to meet pleasure of the ocean beach. topics of interest to ranchers. E. ° . Imme! came in from Eu- our merchants. mobile from Scottsburg Sunday Mr. Graves at the local ranger’s „ Tbo?? An agricultural exhibit will be after a five-days’ Inspection over were the Misses Frank Whitaker and Carl Wednesday to I°°k after the office. Here Forester Graves Eleanor and Lulu Titus, Mary wven a prominent place and will . u lus . wary Collins of Mapleton left Mondav « U°r case against Capt Swing. reflect credjt on the most fertile the whole line. Operations over personally met all with a C z!S.ldy' N,ta iuu Schroede7- Ather for Gardiner. From there thev 2® W&8 accompanied by Deputy the whole line will be increased strong hand shake, and a look andReba Watkins, and Jenniej will go down the c o ^ t j f a r a ^ H’ Attorney tributaries of the Siuslaw. m magnitude all during t^e win­ into the eyes when he asked Rice Messrs Martin Scharered, northern California The Florence Band will furnish Ifnrnel says that he will have to ter, contractors will be rushed to questions as to how the Forest J. MacKechnie, Fred Porter. ~ r thoroughly investigate Cant music; and foot races, potato the completion of their work service could better conditions. Carl Bergman, Willie Sanborn, G*>. Co Iter, Sr. and his two I Swing case before deciding what races, sack races and greased and up to 2,500 men will be em­ Cri ticisms and suggestions were Dr. Chas. Johnson and Ed Kyle u Grant and Car*yle, arrived action will be taken 1J pole wifi be provided to amuse ployed on the line throughout tne For boys. received with the utmost frank­ The young people built a camp • hom b°m? ejrom "from California Tuesday Leonard Leonard rhw ChriaLmi. .Y ‘ black one too. F. A. Ballard, an minutes. rainy season, for the rock and C. H. Kain, a civil engineer of His visit here was largely Baby Racks, Shooting Galleries , 2 ^ "“t * 8ufficiently W te grinder, has formed a ____ ____ Eugene, arrived here Monday WILL KEEP BOATS „ due to correspondence from C. the Diving Darkey, Kangaroo tk d W *y by w,nter to transfer partnership with Mr.Christensen. H. Young, and he spent several ON SIUSLAW RON i ,, . ma,h They went ■»• out J- o. to captured o n l ^ e n ° Wat W °rk in the Mr. Chas. Hartung, a Clothing hours in conversation with Mr. v a ia v i U I J Rice-Knowles-Rice have just Tsdtcoos lake on business. I ------ , Merchant, of Falls City, Oregon Saddle Mountain, Nickleodeon, Young, relative to this Forest. We are rushing our contract­ C- Young has been in the For received a letterjfrom the Elmore Mrs- Anna McCool, of Reedy Was 8 a visitor to JClorehce JClorer was last moving pictures, and various u ie r u r - flQriMi'iAA. ----------- n __ • other attractions ors as much as possible,” said people in which they state it is , California, is in Florence looking Week’ arr>ving on tffe G. 3n tm will furnish estperv ice 9 years, last four years ", .* .’.......... »»-oie u is, ---- -» ■«» »■» Mr. Hoey Sunday evening upon amusement for all. their intention to keep at least this section oven She ^ rrow from Newport. of that time has been in this ^"Cir over, Arrow Mi , ---- ------ ucen in tnii An exhibit of needle craft and his return. ‘We are doing every- ’lor- °ne b°at on the to the Sius- represents several ‘families who f?artung bad some property i forest with head quarters at. Flor­ desire to locate on homestead« 1 the Chica*° Addition which he curios will be a feature of tning to hurry the completion of ence. He has always declared law river permanently. the line. Work has begun on the * Clarence Bushone who ho' S iTVer 8een but uP°n in»Pec- interest. that the Forest Service was of The letter also states that big tunnel. This is nearly 100 while they have six canneries on been snendi™ ™ h“ tldn, he waa more than pleased A Cafeteria, Japaneese Tea great benefit to the county, but miles arid “ is “ some the Oregon coast, these are well the lakes south of epiSUmm® ’’ ° n W 'th U and wil1 hold it an in- " fin noia as in-1Garden* Chocolate* Shop, ic e n - " - - from " w“* Eugeni Bna me that it should be governed so that supplied and the company has take s ic ^ last Fridlv"'" d"“ Ve3tn?ent or later bring his busi- vestment busi-!cream’ fruit a"d candy stands , °° feet *n lenfirth- Th'« '« the settlers would have every op­ d build. He thinks 7 '11 furnish refreshments for th e 1 arf®8tof th® tunnelson the road portunity to develope homes with­ IV vane care or of 5 » * L *■»«*«• * ’ * im * u r e ana lnner man. , and by the time it is completed all freight placed in the in charge in its boundary and that nothing •II , ---------- appendicitis. will make a city, but believes the A Newspaper will be publish-1 ,gnide and a11 oth««* work but a liberal policy would bring promptly. busy O on i| ine the ed on the grounds. 1 , d be completed that far. - .—j appreciate oppicviaie the me patronage /° b n3on left Wed- »»eu- - peop,e - 9bould get uuoj beneficial results. His retiring They street« and a water system, also, Confetti, horns, squawkers, We have been promised the com­ from the service was mainly be­ of this river and feel encouraged u *y 1morn,n«r for Cooa Bay, straets ba loons etc will keep the young pletion of the tunnel in fifteen sufficiently to state they are now w "ere she will enter a hospital make Provisions for future dock ------ - arc nov cause he thought that he could permanent fixture fixture in in the the trans trans- have an °Peration performed. , wharf room. It is very folks busy and entertain the older months. The building of bridges dor more to help bring about these a a permanent 1_ _ people • of « Flor- _ ones. She was accompanied and making the abuttments is pleasing to the portation business. conditions out of it. » Amos Haring. ence to have business men visit Rest Rooms and a Day-Nursery one work that will requires verv Forester Graves told him dur­ This is good news to the busi­ them and go away so greatly will fill K a p n w r iir be o i’J d * . J ; ? « . ; J*™' men. There « ness men here and will guaran­ S. E. Lowe, of Glenada, left ing the conversation that he pleased. We trust that Mr. babies. ““ three biy bridyes. one acroee the did not realize before what con­ tee a freight service tha£ has Monday, for Eugene and from Hartung will be able to locate Dont forget the Date and UmM “ there he expects to go to Port- ditions e ^ is te i in the Siuslaw long been desired. permantly with us in the near Place August 9th. Portage North ,,nd the lasC acro9s Coos Bay.— Forest, and th ft the policy used Fork. . kugene Regisier. north fork news in the govern i ng, was wrongj By order of Committee. I ------ His personal observation led him . •ha • Onf k read/ or the Smslaw to decide that a radical change j y * Hay between showers bar-O ne hour after for Florence - ~~ SOME THINGS THAT high tioes was necessary. He also stated stated and L bettinR cigars on the LOW TIOES Ih . HRE STARTS IN HAVE A QUEER LOOK J u ly 1 . . . I l : » « fi.J •î.in. Ht that there was but one man weather has become"a natural T " u - ,‘„ l»ni. H t. Till-.. J u ly J I . . J u ly 5:01 0.1 ■ • • • • .»»«J (*.al 4 :1 4 4 .0 W ill.. J u ly 2 . . T h u .. J u ly above him in authority, and he pastime this season 5 : 4 s -0 .7 BUTCHER SHOP — • 5 :1 0 4 .0 Ih u .. J u ly 3 . 1’ri., J u ly • - Ó.-Ói ¡¿G 0 :3 4 1.3 ,, « 12 3 .0 would telegraph from Eugene for Frank Cassidy is back on North S ilt.. J u ly fc'ri.. J u ly 4 . . T . . . 7 To the Public of Florence- 7 :1 7 l.»i . . 0:3»» <».ii 7 :0 0 3 .0 Ltt.. J u ly 5 S u n .. J u ly » I. S :« » 1.7 • • 1 :1 7 «.».5 permission to open the Siuslaw Fork to see the hay placed under ■\inn.. 7 :5 7 3 .3 ringing of the fire bell Come to Glenada and get a drink Min.. J u iy o ' ' J u ly S : l l 1.5 » . 2:<»s »;.»i î out. several with fire extinguishers 4:4»! 3 .7 lt.l The bridge on upper North '•■«I.. J u ly l o . .. J u ly 1 7 . 5 :5 S o . s ence, why you people don’t want 1 .. 1 5 :4 1 3.7 i l l ! . . J u ly 1 7 ..' and a stream from the water J u ly l x . . 0:. A u«. There are many places located mTk'e ^ tto!ns in *he near future, 0 .0 0 :2 4 1.4 > 3 : 3 7 S.7 Wed.' Au». « 5 . . - . , . . 0 S : ;5 4 0 0 0.1 A u «. 7 . . . .3: has a position as Superintendent w J Ik bus,ne88 o r ->U8t »Pite. 1 0 :1 0 1 , 1 4 .2 0 s .7 within the Siuslaw Forest which iMt « ‘7 ° ^ F°rk Gran*e mn.. A u » , i s . . 0 0 : : 5 2 5 5 S S.4 7:2!» <1.1 .2 7.--1M 2 .5 be done in regard to giving Flor- We like,to see men »««t hi ». 1 :4 5 7 .7 lu « -.. A u « . I O . . ; ; Aion., A u«. I M . .. 7 :5 S 0.3 1:21» 7 .» BBys that over loor families could d Wllllng2!SS to U ke 8 P*^- M:13 2 .3 3 :1 0 ' 7.S « m . l M t a r n u i l « r v ice Mr. m,n ,„ d X ™ ‘ T u r ., A u«. 1 0 . . . A c , . » . ..J 2 : 0 3 7«5 S :2 3 O.S M 45- 2.1 3 :3 4 7 .0 T h u .. A u «. 2 1 . . . 2 : 3 s 1- 7 .0 W rd.. A u«. 2 0 . . . S :4 5 1M » 1 7 Î.1» 3 : 5 0 S.1 ^ h e ^ i w ^ r i v e / t o ? CS l r £ ' J ' f inn®ran’ o f «beEuge,e 5i.r. £ McNutt think» hi» company has «»«or and not jump ontoone 'and 1 n .. A u « . 2 2 T h u -. A u «. 2 1 . . . 0.-O4 l.S 3 : i s 0 .5 » : 5 2 1.M 3 :2 S ( s . l I-ri. A .ti«. 2 2 . . . 0:21 2.3 S ilt.. A ll». 2 3 done all pcMibla to deliver th e , I«» the«, g„ l n e X , , 4.-07 0 .0 1 0 :3 5 l.»| S.1 M«t.. A u«. 2 3 . ; . ' „ :1., R-R. PROSPECTS 'CARMVAl ARE PROMISING SJUSLAWFOREST TOBEOPENED “2 m “ IÛ O O IW /» U«. 24 U«. 2 5 as ’•"t-. Au«, an. 5:2 1 >1:40 S :1 4 0 :2 7 10:21 11JM 1 1 :< 5 .4 5.1 5 .3 5 .S 0 4 7 .0 4--4S s .o 7.J « S .lO ft:27l 1 0 :2 7 7 .0 s .2 SJ5 0 .0 il J ïg x 0 :4 5 2.S Mun.. A u«. 2 4 . . . 1 0 :1 h 3.3 A ion.. A u«. 2 5 s * 1 1 :2 » ; ; ;J w j' « rd.. Ì3?24 4 5 -1‘ - 1 3 MH » »»0 O A ll«. 2 7 . . 2 M ... 2 0 ... 1 « .J 1 | »».2 Mun.. A u». 50. 4IMI f , « 4 : 5 0 - 0 .4 5:45-0.7 X L . .[ »l:2S O.M 15 - » 4.4 4 .0 3 .2 5 : 5 0 2.4 O:3M 1.« ^ i.mZ r.ty,X,‘g o T l,k* ' 2 :2 4 3 :5 2 4 .5 m • » « « . b e tte r^ ie e . | FRANK KNOWLES