«a» SIUSLAW $35,000 FOR THIRTY-FIVEFEET WATER FRONT day and a Grand Ball at night. Among the entertainments will be speakers from the Agricultural College on matters of. interest. Minstrel and Vaudeville shows. Merry-go-round for the children. Music, shooting galleries, baby and The city of Portland has offered rack, Kangaroo Court, the Northern Pacific Terminal various other side attractions in- Company $35.000. for 35 five feet i eluding refreshments of all kinds, of river front to add to lands it North Bork will give a horti- has aheady acquired at a big ex- cultural and agricultural exhibit pense upon which to build its during this fair. Municipal Dock No. 1. and the Meals will be served at an Up- Terminal Company have accepted to'date Cafeteria, the offer after assuring itself of Something doing every minute, dock priviledges from the Albers | ^he entertainments will be Company at a cost of 25 cents given at 5 and" 10 cents each and — per ton freight put over their it - is the intention to have a general jollification and gloriou > dock. good time with out making a The Oregonian of July 4th, burden on anyone. says bids for the construction of Everybody invited. Municipal Dock No. 1 will be Come early and see what North , opened July 21st. “The dock will have a frontage Fork can do and have the best on the river of 1075 feet and time of the season. Dr. M u ller. Brazil’s Official • Visitor Here, and D. F. M alon e PILOT CHffiF FORESTER FORGING ON TOVBITSIDSLAW TOWARD MECCA BY C K T H O M P S O N Carrying out the government’s In India where Mohammed is new policy of seeking out what agricultural lands may lurk worshiped the desire of all people within the confines of forest re­ both poor and rich is to visit serves and designating it prop­ Mecca. A few realize this am­ erly so that it may be thrown bition. Those who can’t, have open for actual settlement, Chief only a vague idea of i t They Forester Henry S. Graves arrived believe it to be a place of plenty. in Portland yesterday from They know it to be the place where dreams of success and Washington. affluence come true, therefore at During his visit here he ex­ certain times each day every pects to settle definitely for Mohammedan worshiper kneels recommendation what shall be done with tracts which have devoutly with face to the west­ been the subject of field agents’ ward. They believe that some­ investigations, both in the Sius- where toward the golden setting law Region of southwestern Ore­ sun lies this land of dreams. In India the western Mecca is gon, the pumice lands of central only a dream, a superstition if Oregon, the Deschutes region you will, but is it foolish? We and in the Cowlitz river lands the Rainier forests of Wash - th,nk not’ ^ a u s e it is the extend from the harbor line t o -> tangible something that is ington. ward Front street a distance of AH IN Dll QT SELLS necessary to the peace o f mind 112 feet. For 303 feet it will b e ’ Heretofore the government of the human animal, no matter a two level dock, the lower deck ! has made little effort toward dis­ what his race. Oregon also has being for the accomodation of covering what tracts are suit­ its Mecca, and that Mecca "is Reading of the Siuslaw country river steamers and on the upper able for agriculture. The pros- westward. Some were hardy deck a shed 100 feet wide will in the Siuslaw Pilot convinced pective settler was required to enough to brave, the dangers, Mr. Henry Holden, of Grays Riv­ extend the entire length of the ¡seek out the lands himself, decide discomforts and what not to come structure, On the upper level er Wash., that it was a good whether he could use them for to this Mecca and settle, others be three double Place to live and so he came to there will agriculture and then make his have' come from time to time mechanical ramps or slips Florence about a w eek ago. The application for settlement. since, and we dare to say that electrically operated in being day he arrived he called at this By the new plan, experts of they will continue to come. raised and lowered for the a c-, office and asked about several the forest service will pick out They who came realized their commodation of vessels, on the advertised farms for sale fertile tracts now grown up in dreams after arriving here. lower level there will be single ar*d sa'd he would go look at trees, report them suitable for Some of them continued to dream adjustable power ramp, which them, The first of the week ^Piloto copy r la b i, 1,11. by Amarlona P r e ,, Aaaociatloo. agriculture, and eventually have while they worked, can be used for loading o f dis- he purchased Charlie Fox’s A N Y A m e r ic a n c it ie s w elco m ed tie . L auro 8. M a iler, fo reig n m lntoter of them listed separately from the These dreams are now rapidly charging from sideports of ranch on the.North Fork and was B r a sil an d sp e c ia l a m b a sx a d o r to tb e U n ited S ta ten . o o h is vWIt h ere general forest reserves, throwing materialising, and are long in­ A rriv in g on tb e B r a silia n b a ttle s h ip M inas Ueramt. b e w a s rece iv e d steamers. This ramp js to be wel1 Phased with the Siuslaw and c o r d ia lly by t b e W ilso n a d m in istr a tio n in W a sh in g to n an d th en sta r te d them open for homesteaders from stead of staging to Mapleton over made so that - it can be worked esPec>ally the North Fork. » on bia to u r o f t h e c o u n tr y , v is itin g N a w York. Boa to n . C h ica g o . Suu F ra n cisco time to time. This will include rough corduroy roads and then on a 35 per cent grade on catches , He expects to leave soon for an d o th e r b ig c itie s. H is v is it wan o f a p u rely fr ie n d ly n a tu r e and w a s a re­ land from which the timber has by boat it will be possible to which will automatically attach Hray s River, where he will look tu r n "of th e v is it E llh u B oot to S o u th A m erica w h en ba "w as se c r e ta r y of been sold. speed in over a good railroad in to auto dock trucks. after some interests for about a s ta ts . Dr. M u ller w a s a cco m p a n ied b y D u d ley F ie ld M a lo n e, third se c r e ta r y o f s t a t s . In t h e Illu stra tio n D r M uller le o o too left. Portland is Mr. Graves’ prin­ comfortable coaches. In the construction of the dock month. and then he will return The progress of the WHlamettf cipal stopping place on his 6000 piles will be used and about to make his home here. Mr. system. Two neat signs have ...» . first . . . . Pacific is, considering weather western trip, which is - the Holden also has some city prop­ 2,500,000, feet of lumber. On been painted, one on the water since last falL He expects to 60nations arid other difficulties, the front the dock will be provid­ erty in Florence. tank and one on the front of the remain in the district about a | little short of phenomenal, and ed with ordinary cavils used laundry. week, leaving early thia week we believe that within a year the here, but in addition large cast They find that with the new for the Siuslaw country, where trains will be in operation from iron snubbing posts Will be pro­ Mrs. Funke, proprietdr of the apparatus a great deal more he will decide points reported to Eugene to Florence. vided. A fresh water supply ------- ■ I Florence Steam Laundry, is now work can be turned out and are him by the field agents. Construction and supply trains will be furnished so that vessels Frank Peixley and son, Everett, doing the work in the new build- well pleased with their improve­ are even now operating from Eu­ Andther question is in the may be supplied here. of Eugene, spent a few days in ing. Most of the machinery is ments. gene to this side of Elmira and Cowlitz valley of-the Ranier for­ Cargo masts will be installed Florence this week. Mr. Peixley working smoothly and they are Martin Scharared is now help­ all along thb right-of-way con­ on the upper level, about 20 feet has charged of the county enabled to turn out a larger ing out in the ironing and finish­ est, and I have reports here on struction gangs are mafcihggiant the character o f the lands. I apart, to assist in handling circulation for the Eugene amount of work. ing department and Mrs. Funke hope very much to be able to I strides in the work of grading. freight and electric winches will Register, The equipment now consists of expects to put on more help to settle that question so that we i Bridge steel, cement and other be placed at all door openings. a washing machine, extractor, I keep up with the increased pa- Andrew Olson, who has been can open up lands for entry there. materials are being rut bed to the There will be a trucking platform mangle, collar and cuff ironer, i tronage. This business is grow- I think probably I can make a front visiting his son A. J. Olson in in the rear,” ' steam boiler, 4 horse-power g a s-1 ing and thè ¡proprietors are de- The work in the tunnel is now recommendation without a field It would be a burning shame Florence a week or so left for oline engine, pump and water, serving of success. Portland Friday. He was acom- trip. proceeding more rapidly, al­ for Florence to lqt slip an oppor­ though the” contractors have panied by Mrs. A. J. Olson who wno __ tunity'to acquire ample municipal A similar question is in the the Siuslaw goes to their farm near Coos been unable to get under ground docks for many years to come, bar -One hour after for Florence Siuslaw forest, where I am going at the other end. Steel laying ia Mrs. Terresa^ Alexander, has such as has heen offered it and HIGH T ID E S next week. The classification of LOW TID ES lit. m lit. which can be improved and made rented her home to Averill and Til».. Ju ly 1 > ...¡1 1 u.m. this land and its designation as going on steadily on the grade : 0 3 O.I July 1. i:01 «».1 be down 11:55 ti.5 agricultural or purely forest lands and V " the ® track lracK will WUI soon * available for all incoming and will in a week or so leave for W.-.I., July 2 . July Thu.. Ju ly 3 1.. .1............. July is the point there. As soon a s ' X ^ h ’A Shaver, Fresno, Co. Calif, where go str a ig h t, outgoing freight at the mere cost Fri.. .Inly I 1 .. 0:01 •«.»; July July 5 5 .. . 0 :3 0 0 .0 July the classification is complete, the 8 1 e tunne ’ of maintenance wl^en the owners her son Roy Alexander lives. Snt.. Sun., July »1 .. . 1:17 0.5 July *:5O 3 .0 Engineer Hoey said today that have agreed to give the city the She expects to be gone about Mud.. July 7 f . . . 2:0* O.I . July opening to entry within the T ip -«., Ju ly * « . . . 3 :0 3 K.5 1 0 .4 2 * ? « July the Willamette Pacific is hamper­ four months. use of the water front for 300 forest or elimination from the I* » . . . . 1:02 7.K 11:43 2.0 ed in putting down track through T hur., Ju lv 10 » . . / 5 : o s 7.1 . " 1 1 :42 ’»:55 *.4 Thu.., Jillr l o . 1.2 feet and including streets that James Allison, of Noti, W. B. I ri.. July 11 . . . 0:24 O.4 forest will be taken up. Agri­ 1:4* K.5 Fri.. July 11. 0:50 1.« 12:35 1.0 lack of men. The company will Sat.. July 12 1 .. . 7:11 0.0 the city now control making an Mead of Read, and Mr. and Mrs. L:42 *.7 Kilt.. •Inly 1 2 .. . 2:01 1.1 cultural department experts will 1 :32 Sim.. Ju ly 13 1.. . 0 :0 2 0 .0 «:3* *.!i Kim.. Jiilv 1 3 .. . 3:01 O.I! be glad to get more men and available dock over 400 feet long Merl Tabor, of Lake Creek, were M ,n .. Ju ly 14 1.. . 10:13 0.1 finally determine what lands are 1:30 ll.O Mm. . July 1 1 .. . 4:13 0 .0 send them to the front T up ».. Ju ly 15 , . . . 11:14 0.3 i:2O ILI Tu« .. . 8 :0 * July 1 5 . . 0.5 for the mere construction and visitors in Florence the first of W id., July 10 i___ 1 2 :0 0 0 .0 best adapted to farming and JJ* ILI W..I. . July l»i. . . 5:5* 0.* A giant steam shovel with two T hur.. Ju ly 17 the week. They were on their maintenance of the dock itself !:47 H.* Th if. July I T .. . (1:41 t o which are better fitted for other Fri.. Ju ly IK :24 7.0 Fri., July 1*. , . 7:21 l.'O small locomotives is working with no charge or cost for the way to Eugene where they will Siit.. Ju ly 10 purposes. Oregon Journal. :57 7.2 Sul.. July 111. . ■ > 7:5* -4L* Sun.. July 20 eastward from , Mapleton. All >:2* 7.3 July 2 0 . . Kim., . *:3 o land. »1.3 visit a week or two. « Mr. Graves’ party is expected the activities ‘ vouch for the M<>D- July 2 1. :5* 7.1 Mo,,.. July 2 1 . . . 11:00 O.I Til»«.. July 2 2. We can only appreciate the :2U 7.5 Tin . July 2 2 . . . 11:30 (Ml R. A. Lowe, expects to be W. J.. July 2 3. to arrive in Florence Saturday :57 7.11 \V.i|„ July 2 3 . . . il:51 T.2 r- statement that -within [the year farsighted wisdom of our city ready to give a ferry service be- T hur.. July 2 4. :27 "•* remaining''a few hours. They Thu.. July 2 4 . . . 10:14 1.’* the Willamette Pacific will have F ri., July 2 5. J tt 7.* Fri., July 2 5 . . . 10:31» 2.3 Council in accepting the offer of tween Glenada and Florence next Snt.. will come down the coast Ju ly 2*1. :4* 7.!l K»t„ •In 2»!.. . 11:17 2.H rom become a fpet instead o f a pro­ the property owners in Block 2 week. He has been getting Sun.. July 2 7 . :41 * .o Kun.. July 2 7 . . . 1 :22 1.* ! Tillamook, Mon.. Ju ly 2K. :41 *.2 A l"i‘.. July 2 * . . . 2:31 1.3 1 ject, and Florence, Oregon’s byjcomparing with the efforts and ready to do this for several" weeks T up ».. Ju ly 2 0 . 13 *,5 T „ .-.. July 21». . . .3:3« 0.« W. ih. July 3 0 . FmnV ...u j u Mecca. will be • placed within : 12 *.ll W«L, July 3 0 . . 4:34 0.1 enormous’expense of other cities and announces that he soon ex- T hur., Ju ly 31.. fm i p T ° V? here ea8y reach of th08e d<^ring to Thu.. 31. 5 :2 5 0 .7 to secure Municipal Docks. peets to put a boat on the run. fro^i Eugene recently has ac-1 come. This country tributary to HIGH T ID E S LOW TIO ES n. m Ht. p.m. cepted a position - in the Lane the Siuslaw will give o f its bounty Henry Bergman and wife left - n'.iii. lit. 1 . . . 1 1 :57 7.2 1 1 :3O . Fri.. Io» 1 . . . »1:12 1.2 •» Wednesday for North Bend. County Loan & Savings Bank, to those who will come to partake I Sut., .All«. 2 : ' ., 0 :5 5 1.1 • 3 . . .( 0 - 2 0 (MI ' Kun.. • Allie* 3 . . . 7:37 1.4 They will make their home on Frank is an expert accountant of , _______ - 4 . . J 1 :1»> 0.5 Mon.. Au». S . i i l M i WN 0 .1 ■4Tu*., Au». Coos Bay. Henry has accepted experience. ' _ - n •I. . 2 :52 K.5 3 :3 7 W»d.. Au». 11:40 B. V .u gh .„, Of Eugene, cu b e w. „ "¿Li**'"’ a position as assistant cashier in . 3:4!' 7. K jn.. Ait». 2 4 . . . 10:1* 3J1 ¡t......... I Service, a branch of the Interior Due to increased acreage and un- August to celebrate the opening Knights A Ladies of Security is Mo»,. Au». 25 . . «:4O 5.1 5 40- 7.1» ■Jfitir:’ Au». 2 5 . . . I 1 O I 3.* T u » ..-A u « . 2 «. , *:14 5.3 7 J « 7.0 Tu»... Au». 2 » l ... 1:52 1.0 12:24 Department, and ia here looking usually favorable weather con- of their new lodge home. visiting with the family of H. H. W»«t.. Au«. 2 7 . . . . 0:27 5.* * :1 0 *.2 W»«L, Au». 2 7 - ... 3 JM 0 .« 2:24 up the estates and right-of-way ditions the berry crop in the Eu- It is planned to have a Fisk at Mapleton. . Mrs. Thomp Tim .. A u f. 2 * . . . 110:21 « 4 0 :2 7 * 5 Thu.. An». 2* . . 4 JW 0 .0 3:5 2 .CHARLIE FOX’S RANCH M' PERSONALS WORKING ON THEIR NEW STEAM LAUN­ DRY BUILDING Bay- I ide Tables—-Corrected to read for NORTH FORK GRANGE HALL IS COMPLETED °? uversified program during the ¡will be in Florence next week. F ri., Au«. 2 0 . . . 1 1 :04 7.0 K«t.. i A ii « 30 111:42 7.7 Kun.. Au«. 3 1 . . •1..........1 10:27 0.0 11:21 0.3 : 12:211 S.2 Fri.. Au». 2 0 . . . 4 :5 0 0 .4 Ku»., A u » » . . . I 5 :4 5 -0.7 .Kim.. An». 31 I «.-2AI-0.* 4.5* 5 :5 0 »1:3* matters for several of our Indian gene district is citizens. I large thia year. >. exceptionally