r a THE VOL. I. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JULY 9, 1913 LOT NUMBER 18 people of the surrounding tow ns and country m ight hear of th e im portant greatness, depth, Width, length, breadth and thickness of the hearts of the people of M ercer.lake. Post-amble "W e the people of M ercer lake in order to form a more perfect union, establish Twohy Bros, are loading a car' l'he Siuslaw forestry service nd litv traB- now has available $2500 more of today with m aterials to ship to­ qudbt>. provide for the common what is known as w - t morrow ov.er the line of the Will­ fence, promote the for USf }n ,avin|f 0ut the am ette Pacific railway to Elmira. sense, and f in i order to -------........ secure the vape Cape re Perpetua , ....... rp e tu a road, which is so I 1 h’.S carload of For the first rim? in historv pleasures of these patriotic meet- badly needed by the residents of niater’- shipped over the new the people of Mercer lake cele­ i ...... and __ i Lincoln- t . ............ . S a” T ' Lane counties on line. Twohy Bros, have a station brated Indep ?n le i ? ? Day. h«t 7 ver n,0T - the coast- T},ia m akes a» at Elmira and will use th a t as Owing to reaso is b e e known to that y e..rb we meet in some se- to|d ^ hich can be use(J f(>r that the base for freighting to the themselves, the celebration was eluded spot a t deal old M ercer purpose. front until the line is completed held on the sixth of July. The lake, to the tunnel. This will not be The additional sttfn-tfcill tie used plans '' were to hoi hold i n n outdoor The regular m eeting of t h e ' Front stre e t from Lincoln to Je f- ¡¡Ians ere to outdoor This was followed by the sing- ¡minetiia tely to increase the force long long, in the event th a t there is a k j, • j clearing up of the w eather board of trustees held last Mon- ferson, W ashington from Front picnic but as the w e a k e r turne 1 ing of patriotic songs, and some and nigh tb out ra th e r inconvenient thev u-hn ...... .. _ j ew . 1,3,1 " orK- 11 is e x p e ct-' , day night was full of interest. to the Siuslaw river, by planking out ra th e r .inconvenient they who were present, gave a few ed[fin is h a large part"of’thenw dU The cut a t Portola is rapidly ” disappearing and work th ere will City Suveyor Ford made a re- full w idth; Jefferson street from were changed to meet the oc- choice selections on the violin, hv next fall casion, and it was held in one of organ and guitar. ___ ~ be fipished in a few days. Th^ port on grades and recommended Front street to’Second street, by th- large ranch housek About one o'clock the ladies UADI CTAU fCI P D D 1T F C line of road is now far beyond taking the elevation of the streets plankiug 20 feet wide; and Gari- At ele\en (»clock all being brought out a munificient picnic Elmira and will » arrive a t Portola of a large portion of the town-be- ner Avenue from Second street rminTii nr nnu » r iv e a t r o r io ia assembled, the program was dinner. r>/v«tv*nn.. ...... ruUKlll OF JU LY about the tim e that Twohy Bros. fore establishing many perma- to Pacific Avenue oy planking 12 opened with the reading of the In the afternoon the sun came ; .finish their work there; so that' nent grades. He also gave the fee5 wide. Declaration by the Goddess of out, and all assembled on th e Several weeks prior to July 4th there w ill-be no need to stop trustees information on the qual- 'O rd in an c e No. 85, known as r ¡v, .«-.ii announcem ents h ad -b een made laying steel until the Noti tunnel lawn, w here they enjoyed thejn- d ty of the w ater of Munsel creek the stock ordinance was passed, “ Wh " °rk "S that Mapleton would celebrate ¡g reached. and elevation of Clear lake, all trustees present voting for it. ....uni !' i i ' ’ " ' ° ■ 1 selves playing old time games. the Nations birthday. The Flor- The the . 11 events, it becomes necessary for part sta tin g an easy fail could be se- B? some m isunderstahding this W , ,, , ? ' " Among ----- ® those who took p' “ ' * in . . . » . . . . ’ » a s w tunnel a iw i a itself‘preseht» »« cured from this lake with a final ordinance was placed on record , J ’T X , °J , lake to the « ^ e several noted,, " n e band. had engaged for greaW8t problem. So far all elevation of about 7o feet for a as having been passed a t - t h e ‘ °" such as ‘The LaJy - th e occas.on and arrangem ents efforts to get under groQnd at reservoir. previous meeting, but the trust- the fol,o" Jng b ‘lndav\ a d6cent of the Lake” ; “ TKe Queen of for a dance and show. the west approach have’-proven , — t i • ... . , - ' . „ » . „ j , respect for the opinions of Cloyer Blossoms” ; The Princess A few days before the Fourth futile on account of the continu- The resignation of Dr. Geo. P. ees claimed it had not been voted ^ omank)nd> lires that they and conflicting rumors were numerous ous rains. The' tunnel js n(W Edwards,, as president o f the ™ and called ,t up • for final shouId d e d a re the causes whicb of W aves” ; . “ Oregon” “ W okas” , queen of W ater Lillies, and the people of Florence could more than 2000 feet under ground board of trustees, w as read and j action. . ’ ] impel them tQ __ . . not learn di finitely w hether there from the e ast end and is pro- accepted. Dr. Edw ards gave as Numerous details of city affairs f ir s t Because the women- i W ™ 8 ,c el? bra> n or K i t i n g steadily, but not very hife reason,that city affairs in te r - , were also discussed and disposed folks had so much cooking to do 'i TQIITPfirtQ I Arc S. stormy weather-on Wed- rapidly, as the diiticultiesjn th e ’ ferred with his professional , of before adjournm ent. that it took them two days longer UN IMLILUUd LAKE nesday and Thurtiday caused wav have been unexpected at uties. C. H. Young was On July» 1st a referendum peti- than necessary, as is generally Each year th e neonle of-Manle I T " ? ? 0 nOt, h° me 9ev Since t i pu'Jo .u .o i of t ie rising of intention o f improving to the citizens of Florence. ” ' ' and the patriotic feeling whieTr ed and the day w assp -nt iu lis *ti- afternoon and evening. re ug mt'on of .Vm, Kyle as iio-t- was grow ing rap. lly am mg th • mg to tiand music, and a picnic m i s a- eon lid 'ruble inter Mt has young people could no longer be dinner, the menu carrying, a niaiiv others and am free to say sup res ;ed. To the Pacific N orthw est g » ■ ■ he-n tak "i in reg.rr.i to who delicious list of dishes, chicken the honor of proCi ling i man t> ".,il b ' a p i i i n t '1 an I a num ber that I consider the action taken Fifth Because th e people o ' an.1 straw berries being quite head the American A ssocia'ion ■ re 'a t ett z-» i j ii tve been by the General Land office unfair, M ercer Lake are so fe.v and far prominent. . • > id . unjust; and wrong. Bert Froh­ between, they feel th a t th ey ” of Nurserym en for the corn'n r l'i.’ .g p o s s ili Those attending re|Mirt a very If andidat >s m ader told the truth about his ought to cal! a great gathering year. . The conventiön of th • To the Editor of the Pilot enjoyable time. ». »»owe, G. association held ir. Portland l i , There appeared in the columns settlem ent and residence upon ing once a y£ar a t least, to take J. •ry. J. U. his claim and was turned down, wa-êk was the fir-* u ■ «il l ; oi i • of your paper last week a letter a censuH of the populatipn^and in­ The Launch Beaver made an , son, Tom W. when by changing one o r two. signed by M r. Potter, assistant dulge in . an annual feast of extra trip to Mapleton Tiles lay organization c ei bel I w *st of >. vV . liuril. the Rocky M i l ,, u words the m eaning would h a v e M flX „ in -r’ . an 1 ât its Forester of the United States, in a ftern o o n ^ {and brought the final Busin ■ion Mo ris, t • »n. Fri 1 ». Sixth which he gives the position of been very much different and no and last T hat the ' >41 *11- i > v V . .1. U. (ìo.ii^ doubt would have passed. morning,_ .kingfon, o; the»Forest 'Service in the Bert Portland, v. i ; ,1,1 . i ií i nlv el I had occasion to lx? in Eugene Frohm ader homestead case. to read for the Siuslaw ed president. T i • i l l n • >i ’ -, ; iy th a t a Since he has mentioned mv this spring and looked over the 1(JC 1 clUlCS“"“ Corrected bar One hour aft» hlorenc? will’lte held in C > . iV desire desir the jersoM.t.iy • t i 1. O i, », name 1 feel free to say th a f I records in this case in the Super HIGH T I D E S 1 irij.i. their friends have sug­ and a t th at tim e a Ht. p.m. lit. str.i ig « dort visors office and was requested to make the ex- visors find th at Mr. I 'l l . - . . Ju ly 1. . . UM»:!- G.l i).iu. in. 10:<»l 9.1 1 T ii... 4:11 I n gested the consideration of their W.-,|„ J „ n will he made to bring th e associa . 1 1 :55 G.5 apiination and report upon this Cohoon approved my report and 1O.55 9.4 \V !.. 5:1U 4.1» Th i.. I-Hy 12:41 O.'J Th’u.. • for its names. G I" !.1> tion to San Francisco claim, and did so last September. Passe(l k on. I £iave every Kri., Iiilv 4. i»:,,| !».G 1 :2»1 7.2 E h .. 7 .i m ::.o S ir.. Ju ly Thik office is Fdurth class and .» t».«: meeting in 1915. • ’ - S 'f., 2:o* 7.7» My report was favorable in every reason to believe th at Mr. Cecil, Sun., July G. . 1:17 !t.5 2:51 7 ’:57 J.fl 7> Suru. the postm aster c iiiies under the respect for Mr. Frohmader. District Forester, also ap- M'.II.. July « « . . 2 3 •* 11.1 • » :*»'» s.O M n .. Oregon is likely to become the T ie » .. July *.5 4:1* s .l the civil s r/ic ? rule. No do 1 lit T ip -.. There was never any doubt in pro'cd. it and passed it on. Mr. W7 I.. July !♦. . . 3:11.3 4:112 7.S center of a great fishing industry 5:05 s.;j ’ W.tL. those who become active candi­ . 5 -n*- 7.1 h i ir . . J u l y 5 :5 5 ’< ’4 mv mind about his e n try - aiicT T ^ o tter s a v s i r tcen t to the In- T Tri.. within the near future if the in­ July 11. ■ . »i:24 G.4 »1:4* S.5 I n .. 1.1» dates for the p ace will have to 7:4 4 G.lt had supposed it was passed for te n o r D epartm ent clear, and I Sur.. July 12. 7:12 S.7 Sut.. vestigations of the Government Suit.. J'|! 13. . . !i -,2 «.(» * :3* *».9 Suu,- take an examination and a patent, and was very’ much sur- hcliev’e it did. M i , , JuTv I . . jtît ïil tl. I confirms the report of extensive H:3O 9 .0 M. n.. Julv choice will be made from, the Tn. Ju ly 15. . . ¡1 :1 4 10:20 9.1 Tu .. •inly prised when I recived notice th a t There are many things that W.’,|„ .July 1C. . halibut hanks off the coast of . 12J »» .lisi 1 l:o * 9.1 W .J.. July ones passing with highest per his entry had been cancelled. may be charged to the Forest T im ,.. July 17. . 12:47 »4.S Th,,.. Julv Lincoln County. A large mirrf- 1'i-i.. July 1 V . . »1:03 11.0 7.0 1 .24» centage. Fri.. . Julv It was on the thinnest kind of a Service, No! some of The officers s.it.. July 11». . . 0:31 *.* 1 :57 7.*’ ber of launches are now being Sat.. July ■ Sun., Julv 2 0 . . 1 :o* *.5 22Í* .7^;- Suu.. July technicality, and no doubt the ot he Forest Service, but this -AI..n,. fitted- out at Newport, on .Iu.’ s.l Rev. John Drumin has been M ui.. Julv decision was rendered by a new case *s «not one .of 4hem and I T ie -»..- J s - v T iu . Julv Yaquina Bay, for the purjiose of exhibiting quite a long scar on W. ,U J j H i W. ,|„ July clerk in trie Li. S. Land office tbe people of this Tin,¡ .. Tub exploiting these recently dis­ his face this week. D in ., Julv We have i i who was follow ing closley printed Vlt’inity will give the Service s.ir,. J I ily I'ri., July covered banks, and those which been ca 'ef 1! n it to ask the cause. Sfft., Ju credit for doing its full duty in Suu^ .Jui;. .instructions. have already started ojieéariorls Sun.. July M....... July 2S. this case. 1 have known Bert Frohm ader a r e . returning to port with T ie ».. iulv * : 43 '».5 T , | h . . Julv' 2!». W. „.. July !»:I2 *».9 W...I .. Julv 30 GAEL H. YOUNG and his land since May 1967. 1 capacity loads of splendid fisji; Thur.. Julv 10:37 9.3 D i,,. . -I'll.' 3 1 . M E T A P H Y S IC S . ‘have had occasion to know more ------- ------ ;— The extent of the banks is stated HIGH T h a i t h e « p irn o f m a n w ill L altor.t this homestead than of A rt Johnson started M onday to be sufficient to supply the P a ­ }>.!>,. H t. • v e r w h o lly g iv e up u ie ta |ib y « lr a l ih. I'ri.. Aug. 1 . . . 11 11 :30 9.5 Fri.. All«. 1. ----- —— — — -------- to motv his crop of velvet grass cific Northw est with fish for ln v e » d a u tlo n a 1» Ju»t a» little t o Sut,. An?. 12:57 7.7 J , Sut., Au«. I h * e x |ie i (,-d a a th a t In ord er not hay. He has al»out 8 acres on Sun.. Aug. 1 years to come. S',,,.. Au«. '3 M..n., Aug. - i í H.4 a lw a y » to l>e b r e a th in g btvl air M.ui. A11«. 4 his North Fork ranch. Tun.. Allg. -2 !■»-» x.O T u-.. Au«. 5 . M A N ’S D U T Y . n v « h o u ld « to p b r e a th in g a lt o ­ 1»:24’ U nder a joint agreem ent of the W.-.I., Aug. ".7 Wed. . Au*. G. 10:10 The electric light plant will be T*1'*1- g e th e r M etn p h yetra w ill a lw a y s T h e dutv o f a m an la to he - 4 : 2 0 *.7 Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Ghtr.. Au«. 7 ., 11 17 U x c fu l'to hla fe llo w m en : If poa- e i l a t lii t h e w orld a n d , w b at'a - 5 :10- * 5 Fr,., Au«. K - shut down forj about a -week. a ,'“ : 0:07 S.5 »11.le.' to Is? u se fu l to m atiy-'t>f *nore. e x la i w ith e v e r y o n e, b a t Sut . Au«. ‘ II. • 1 2»»'» 2.7 rwb-oads, it is announced th a t á 7:1»» H.4 while im provem ents are being '¿/A J','' Sun . A UK. Tn. - I lw m : f a i l i n g 0*4». t o h e u eefu l m o r e e» p e« la lly w ith .«effective new railroad will be built along *:14 S.4 Mun., Atl«. in eii. w h o . In d e fa u lt o f |»uhll<- to h is n eig h b o rs, a n d . fa ilin g made to perm it them giving ',,'g vj. 10:011 »¡.1 14:15 N.5 T u -.. Au«. 1 11. the Oregon coast, construction 2 .. th e m , to h im s e lf, f o r , w h e n be « ta n d a rd . w ill e a c h fa »hi, in It In 11:04 »1.5 10:10 •Ml JW-d., Au«. 13- | longer service. - T h^ A ug’ n . to begin a t the present northern 1 1 4 'i »1 .1» "Tt7twr-w.fr Thu.. Au«. 1 4 .. h elp s o th e r s he a d v a n c e s th e Id» o w n w a y . N ow . w h a t ha» P rl., Aug. 15. Fri., Au«. 1 5 .» ,. H:21 h ith e r to heefl term ed m eta p b y a g en era l In te r e s ts o f m an k in d term inus o f the N orthw estern O KI » G 1 he apartm ents upstairs in the a "’ H»«-. Au«. H . . . I »1:5«: J u s t a s h e w h o m a k e« h im s e lf !<•» Mun.. Au». i S . 7 . 1 7:5» The road will be built up the Im p u M lb le: h e n c e • cr itic o f to h im se lf, b u t tq a ll th o s e to 1:21» 7.1» ' O’Kelley and Geo. Melvin Miller w d i . I'X T«»-.-; Au«. I O .... » : £ ! «I V w h o m h e m ig h t b . v . A ml » k rcmt. tn MyrtU Point, iw Coww' • p u re w i ll B e uwuy l wl, o n e By M r and T l11 "21 1 -'' g;;;«* jj) 0:04 I » f i j S t r S f i j l S i * h lm a f lf a b e tte r la»t 111 tem p ted a n d w h e n o b ta in ­ to County, and will then proceed 3:2» s . l Fri. Am«. .4-44:21 2.3 ed rnuat b e iu v e a tlg a te d an d aub- o n e. so he w h o d e a e r v e s w e ll o f Mrs. Ailes, who have moved in, **•- Au». 23... t-or no 4:»tí ».1 Snt., Au». J .! 0 :4 5 2.» U up the valley of the Rogue River. J o t e d to th e o n tv era a l t e s t b e h im s e lf doea good t o o th e r s by •1:4s ».O i Son.. Au«. .1 0 : 1 * 3.3 and the otherfby Capt. A. Erick- m “” .’. 5:4»! 7.0 ! Mun.. Agg. c a u e e o th e r w is e th e re a re no th e rgry fa rt th a t b e la p rep ar­ . 11:1»; 3.M ' connecting with the So. Pac.4 sell and wife, who recieved th eir Ï!”ù- *"«• ^2 • K .-ll 5..I "SCI 7.0 iT u u .. Au». . 1:52 1.0 m e a n s o f r a ile v ln g tbto preaalng in g w h a t w ill be o f s e r v ic e to '2:24, .4 4 , main ,íne « t G rants Pass. It is !»:27 S .s »:1H X 2 W»d.. Au«. JlJM-.O.H* r e q u ir e m e n t, w h ich m ea n » »oin e m e n .— Seneca household goods on the Patsy its Tim.. Aug? -•» .. 10:21 ’ .W ill »L-I M.t 0 :2 7 S.5 ' T h i i .. Au«. .) 4 UNI Orf th in g m ore th a n m ere th ir st fo r v í 3 2 8tat*d th a t work w’lf begin this 1 1.-©4| JO2f7» » .0 F ri.. Au«. .1 4 :5 0 41.4 last trip and will soon be settled. 11 k n o w le d « « —Im m a n u e l K a n t 11:21 0 .3 Hst., An«. ,1 5 45 -0.7 5:5oi 2 < i present Summer. bn-r.. A i-r. l i . , ’.| . GEO. P. EDWARDS RESIGNS AS PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES $4500 TO BE WILLAMETTE EXPENDED ON PACIFIC NOW TO ELMIRA CAPE PERPETUA MERCER L AKE CELEBR ATES C. H. YOilNG ELECTED AND L W E MENCE DAY AS FIRST OFFICIAL ACT USES VETO POWER ON ORDINANCE 85 ANNUAL PICNIC AN - SEVERAL CANDIDATES iEDEEOR P. C. H. YOUNG ANSWERS LETTER BY ACTING FORESTER rp> 1 • , F- e « « 12:21 V. ».2 ¿ i.« . . 1 G - 2 » ’ O S M.