VOL. PILOT FLORENCE. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY <2* 1913 NUMBER 17 LETTER FROM THE ACTING r Since Mr. Frphmader's claim in­ volves a question of title the decision' rests with the Land Office of the Interior Department and not with the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture. The question as to whether.the land bore any timber had no bearing on Mr. Frohmader’s Tena Beck, daughter of Mr. June 13,-1913. claim, and the Forest officers and Mrs. J. C. Beck, of Rockport, Editor, The Pilot. Florence, Or. have never had any doubt or was united in marriage, to Jason Dear Sir: Copies of articles question as to the honesty of Mr. appearing in the Pilot on April Mr. Frohmader’s purpose in Ward, Monday evening, June 20, 1913. 30, in which reference is made applying for homestead. The4-^--<; Just after the Beaver had left dived several times without suc­ Guests began to gather early in to the homestead claim of Bert Forest Service has no objection |0jRibert’s wharf at Acme last | cess. Grappling Hboks were sent the evening; coming on the boats for, and large fishhooks tied to F. Frohmader, have been brought to Mr. Frohmader’s homestead; Monday morning, a man was lines were used. About 30 min­ that make regular trips between to my attention. I have made a to put the statement more Mapleton and Florence. Later seen to fall into the river. Soon utes after the accident the body careful examination of the record strongly, th,e Service "would like special boats from many points liter a telephone message was re­ was raised to the surface, the coat in this e ise. and this examination to see him secure Lis claim, and on the river, bringing friends, ar- ceived in Florence saying Ray having caught on _a, fish hook clearly discloses that a misunder­ has done all it could, by means , , . . * * u . u- rived until there had gathered a Saubert had drowned at Acme. that Frank Saubert was dragging standing exists as to the part ? f J al ° " ‘ble reP° rtS’ 10 he’P h' m 'W e number to witness the c er- in the water. It had drifted with A. Louk, manager of the Sius­ which the Forest Service had in secure it. emony. law creamery, was standing on . the tide about fifty feet upstream. the decision on Mr. “Frolunader*s It may l»e that the claim might When all was in readiness. Miss the company’s dock, watching Attempts to revive the young claim. Because of this mis­ be found subject to homestead Edithe Yates, seated at the organ some ducks swimming in the man were not successful. understanding, 1 am glad to place entry under the Act of June 11, played Lohengrin’s Wedding river as the Beaver came down., Ray Saubert has been subject to before you the following brief 1906. but in the absence of an March. . _ n t* COlilfl ¿VI r. caUUPri Stcliifl' statement of the cas >. Y rn t wrH- application by Mi'i "FroTrma'tef to I Rev. T. A. Yost entered fol­ ing on the wharf with two other it is thought he was suffering appreeiate it if you will give it the District Forester at Portland, 1 lowed by Sena Beck and Paid meh nearby He says that Ray from one of these when he fell in the same prominence that you Oregon, no examination of the | Bernhardt, who acting as Ig-Wes ’ approached quite close to the the river. have the articles in the April 30 tract has been made to determine , maid best man, * ushered the The body was placed in charge much publicity as pHsible jn issue of the Pilot. edge of the wharf and fell, with whether it is of the character j bride and groom beneath a tlewjr his hands in his pockets, striking of Roy Lowe, who prepared it for order th at T there may by a Tnat portion of th e' Siuslaw contemplated by this Act. I bell, where they were prOnoune-' the water at an angle of about ourial, and the funeral services genera. KUo,»'¿edge-of t n e se --rs-a Forest involved in this use was Very truly yours, , 'e l man and wife in. an impres. 45 degrees. The young man whs conducted by Rev. John Drumm splendid .prizes throughout- the. inetuded in the withdrawal of - - A. F.-’TOTTER. Isive ceremony by Rev. Yost. a good swimmY-j- and Mr. l.ouk were held Wednesday afternoon, County. • ActingJ’brester. March 2, 1907. On May 2, 1910, The bride wore a beautiful A l not realize at first that any­ with interment- in the Masonic Thanking you in advance for soon after the survey of die ,white messaline'dress and carried thing serious had happend. cemetery. your courtesy in . the m atter, 1 lands, Mr. Frohmader nM^e a shower boquet of roses. When he did, he ran around to­ Ray was bopi In Acme and beg to remain ' application for the lands enwrac- The .bridesmaid, who was a wards the store to give warning. has lived there most of the time. ed in his homestead, stating that Cordially yotff-s, sister of the bride, wore a white The two men who were standing He was 24 years old on the 2d day he had established residence oil M. J. DLRYEAU dress and carried a boquet of His parents. Dr. clhse to young Saubert were Jog of last May. Manager,_ June 1, 1905. His application pink roses. Safley and Ed Meacham, and and Mrs. Saubert, pioneers of was allowed. The ForesfBervice The bride has lived on the Siua- they rushed down on the lower Acme, are both dead. He leaves has never made anv report upon law since she was a little g irir“ four half brothers, George Sau­ dQck to get a boat. his claim that was not favorable. The large pump that was her parents, whoare well known Charley Saubert heard the bert, of Spokane, Wash., Charles, I have before me a copy of a brought in some time ago has residents of this section, coming shouting and running from his Tom and Frank Saubert, of Acme, report by Carl H. Young, Forest been installed and was tried dfft here dbotit 15 years ago. place of business plilnged into one sister Mrs. Ermie Earhardt, ranger, approved by Anson E. Sunday morning. The groom is a young man who the river in an effort to save and two brothers Lloyd and Roy A petition carrying 39 names Cohoon,1 supervisor, dated Sep­ IX H. Colttrre the mill wright has lived in this vicinity several his brother. He and Billy Fisk Saubert. of legal voters of the town of tember, 17, 1912. It was favor­ in charge at the plant finished years and is at present in the Florence was filed with the City able in every respect, and recom­ the last part of the intake pipe employ of the Point Terrace Mill attended. Rev. John Drumm recorder, Mon day,.calling for the mended that the entry be allowed. and make connection with the Co. took the chair in absence of Rev. referendum on Ordinance No. 85. The action in rejecting the river where they expert to get The bride received many beau­ Wall who was laid up with a This ordinance is the one that entry was based entirely upon their water supply for fire pro­ tiful and useful presents as gix»« - ■ severe cold, and presided with prohibits stock from running in the claimant’s statements in his tection. Sunday the tanks were will tokens oi the many friends. 'great effecency. the city limits west of Howard final proof, in which he fet forth all filled and sprinklers used and Early in the evening the guests Delegates from various Sunday, street and south of PacificAvenue. his residence on the land. The hile working in the mill the system worked, nicely. wore tailed to a larga oarn, just It takes, five per "Pent of the decision made by the General bert Thom was severely schools took part. The speakers The pump is a Fairbanks- newly u n it, where tne d»».- ha I on the program were Rev. voters to make a petition legal Land Office, wjjich held that Mr. injured and rendered unconscious. More make and in size is 16x9x12 be. i p.ep i: c 1, a id mad - merry 0 one saw Mr. Thom ,at the Drtimm, Rev. Thos. A. Yost, and as there w re 39 names Frohmader’s application should inches, with a capacity of 750 with in isle a id dancing. signed, while 51 v-»t -5 were cast not be allowed, was because the gallons per minute, or it can e but he. yvas found in ah un- E.-F. Arnold and others. A boun.eouj wedding banquet It is the aim of the Sunday last election, tne petition will be claimant's own statement under consious condition laying on the throw three good streams from was sein ed d ¿ring the evening, conveyors that take* the refusf schools to make this convention effective ami will b »Id the ques­ oath demonstrated to the Land 1 1-8 inch nozzles when used and it w ii n -u ly m': I light when from the edger to the saws an annual event of much profit tion up until next April. Office that his residence and the direct and is fed from a 10 inch th< se who ha«i bj, .i p • • ;?nt, with Of the 39 signatures on'~tbcr' amount of cultivation before the intake pipe. where it is cut into slab wood. and importance. happy faces aid vi iiing the He was taken to a doctors petition 28 were men and 11 land was withdrawn from entry The pump hou is '/»c Led just th e n wly weds a I .»ossible joy, women. office for treatment and from was not sufficient to give him east of the black l '.h h »u »e an I began to depart. ? there to the Bay View Hotel. valid claim to it. These facts , was speciall; bn for the pur- l’he young peop.e ./ill build a It seems he was endeavoring are set forth in more detail in a [»ose. r si i ~i_i . . j . k .»> : where they to clear-t^ie edgings from under letter from the Commissioner of It also ha f ■ * c >n:i *c’.ior- the table, where they had be­ A number of old timers got of Uhe General Land Office of to attach to ti?.- ,i-,-p -11.; i -. come clogged and felt a stick hit togather a n # called on Wm. Ajiril 7, 1913, a copy of which ‘drilled, ant^vvhen the new task, him on the band. He started to Morris at his home on Main street. was sent to Mr. Frohmader. In j which is being erected wiil- b* Capt. and Mrs. Herman Larsen this action the Department of j connected so to pump water. L L .E S BASKET raise up to see what had happen­ The occasion being the 78th returned from San Francisco the Interior proceeded in accord­ This tank will supply the drink­ BALL TEAMS ed when he was struck on the anniversary of his birth. The evening was spent in tell­ Wednesday morning. The wed­ ance with the requiremints of the ing water and be used as an head and dazed, he then thought ThereJs- considerable interest he had better get away from the ing stories of early day’s on the ding occurred in the metropolis law and the Forest Service took emergency supply incase of fire. being taken in basket ball by the .of California on Saturday, June Siuslaw and conversation. Mrs conveyors and tried to. This no part in it. The tank is to be 16x24x12 feet ladies of Florence just now. Mary Rath and Miss Elsie Under­ 28th 1913. was the last remembered until It should be recognized that and will be ten feet from the Since the games between the The bride, who was Mrs. 4 wood served refreshments just ined consciousness, ground. High schools of Florence and Dwyer, has been a resident of the Forest Service and the ay the young man was before his friends left! Workmen have also driven General Land Office are two sepa­ Mapleton, several ladies who Florence several months * Mr. Morris came to the Sius­ en to the hospital at Mapleton rate organizations, in different piling paralell with the wharf were attracted by the exercise Capt Larsen owns’ the Hollen­ law 30 years ago and went first is reported to be getting Departments Agri­ just east/of the mill, leaving a possible in playing the game de­ up the North Fork. The nex.t beck property situated in the- Federal nicely. logway 24 feet wide. A double year he settled on a homestead east part of Florence and they culture and Interior the former thickness of heavy planking has cided that if possible they would near Mercer lake, proving up will make their home there for charged with the administration been driven down and a retaining organize a ladies basket team, and later selling out. He then the present' He has been looking of lands within the National wall made extending about 170 and as a result about a dozeb of SIUSH W CREAMHW moved to Florence where he has after dredging contracts on the Forests," and the latter with feet out from the mill, and the them are enjoying practice games INSTALLS COOLING * PLANT continued questions of title to these lands. Siuslaw nearly fi year. every evening. to live. space between the wall and the Those who took the initiative The Siuslaw Creamery has, re­ May he live to enjoy many bank will eventually be filled add­ Cqrrected to read for the Siuslaw were Mrs. Joe Slemmons and ceived a 2 1-2 ton compressor more anniversaries. i l u e for Flort•nee ing to the yardage room on that Miss Edith Yateaand the results " " b a r One hour after and is putting in a cooling plant side. H IG H T I D E S LO W T ID E S have been very successful!. It will be connected with the p.lll. lit . 1 n.m . in . lit . a.m . lit. n.m . The dock now is completed 1 0 :0 0 9.1 Tu«-.. J u ly 1 . . . 5:91 0.1 4:14 ■4.0 LETTER TO PUBLIC < Tu<-.. .In ly 1 . . 1 1 9 « tl.l butter room and the ripener. 5 :1 0 4.0 over 900 feet and while is a good 1 0 :5 5 9 .4 W - l .. J u ly 2 . . . 5 :4 * «1.7 W w l.. J u ly 2 . . 1 1 :5 5 0 .5 0 12 3 .9 12:41 11.9 T h u .. J u ly 3 . . . 0 H 1.3 Several other improvements FROM THE EUGENE large one, is sometimes tasked 7 419 3 .0 0 .0 1.0 1 :2»t 7 .2 F r i., Ju ly 4 . . . 7 :1 7 f r ; . . J u ly 4 .. 0:<»l CHILDRENS DAY AT have been made recently, one of O:3O 9 .« 2 :OS 7 .5 S n t,. «inly •’» • • • *910 - 1 .7 ’ 7 :5 7 321 S n t.. J u ly 5. , to its full capacity. COMMERCIAL CLUB S ;5 0 341 2:51 7.H S u n .. J u ly <1.. . * :4 4 1.5 S im .. .In ly •(. . 1 :1 7 9 .5 which is an entire new cement The oil tank bfing erected up­ 9 :4 4 2 .0 EVANGELICAL CHURCH .Miiii.. J u ly 7 . . . 9 :2 * -1 .1 3 :3 3 s .o M nn,. J u ly 2:O> 9.1 | o >42 2.3 .1:03 s .5 T u *.. J u ly * . . . 10:11 tl.4 T u * « ., J u lv * . . 4 :1 * * 1 floor. The old one was poorly Editor Siuslaw Pilot, stream from the dock is being 11 :43 2 .0 W - ( f . J u ly J».’. 0 .3 7 .S - W*42 1.2 1 » • • • • 1 r h a r .. Jiil» TO. . r>:<*> 7.1 *4 covered this week. F ri.. J u ly 1 1 . . . 0 : 5 0 1.0 1 2 :35 1.9 l-'ri.. J u ly 1 1 . . * .5 0 : 2 4 0 .4 Childrens day program given by 1 :32^ Dear Sir: Through the- efforts S n t., J u lv 1 2 . . 7 :4 4 '0 .0 0?4* 2.7 S n t.. J u ly 1 2 . . . 2911 1.1 7 :4 2 0 .0 2 S » i 3 .2 H.O S u n . Ju ly 1 3 . . . 3:01 0 .0 the Evangelical' Shnday school u n ,. J u ly 1:1. . Just as the Oakland had cast of the Promotion Department of S .M'«n.. 3 : 3 9 3 .5 9::iO 9 .0 M um. J u ly 14 . . . 4 :1 3 0 .0 J u ly 1 4 . . 1 0 :1 3 tl.l ; FIRST ANNUAL SUN- thé ‘ Eugene Commercial Club, Til«-«., J u ly 1 5 . . 1 1:14 0 .3 1 0 :2 0 9.1 T u *.. JulyurSS. . . 5 :0 * 0 .5 1:9 1 3 .7 off from the dock Saturday to be last evening declare it was one 5:4 1 3 .7 W.*d., J u ly 1 0 . . . 5 :5 * <».*» J u ly 111. . 12910 0 .0 1 1 :0 * 9.1 lightful they ever towed out, one of the crew had of the most delightful LLSCHÛÛLX lUt'llililK .two special uriaea have hern aft F W r ell.. 1.0 7 :1 5 3 .5 0 :0 3 0 .0 F ri.. J u ly I S . . . listened to. The church c was i.. J u lv l h . . 1 :2 4 7:21 7 .0 his hand caught in a block and cured for the Lane County Fair. S « t.. J u lv 1 9 . . 0 :3 1 7 :59 321 S n t.. J u ly 1 0 . . . 7 :5 * o .s 1 :5 7 7 .2 crowded, some standing and quite badly injured. - The boat i first annual convention of The Northern Pacific Railroad Sun.« J u ly 2 0 . * 1 :0»> s .5 2 :2 * 7..T Sun.,- J u ly 2 0 . . . *:3O 0 3 * : 3 7 i 3 .2 »V . tvv4’ ii-« » .. J u lv 2 1 . . 1 :4o 7.4 many turned -away. Fine sing­ was made fast again while the i Sunday schools in the Sius- has given us a $50.flu, eight day Tu»*»., J u ly 2 2 . . 2:2 1 7 .« 3 :2»1 7 .5 T u *.. J u ly 2 2 . . . 9 :3 0 0 .0 “ 9 :5 4 ’2 .0 9:51 1.2 1 0 :3 5 2.7 7.1 W *