T i l ? J tl H i F FLORENCE, OREGON, W EfrNESIM Y, JU N E 25, 1913 roL . fStephen Morey was the son of CIIICI AIV DAV AnPBTTKlfl than six thousand acres of land Marshal C. D. Morey and son-in- ulUuLA W D A I »>■ level enough for railroad ¡tracts law of Mr. ahd Mrs. Wm. Poole, lies in one body suitable for of Florence. factory and residence sites. The whole community sym­ With the railroad now under con­ pathize with the relatives in struction completed Eugene and (By Geo. Melvin Miller) there sorrow and regret, the un­ The School of Domestic Arts all other Lane County towns will California and Washington owners took kindly to the enter­ fortunate accident that resulted be connected directly with the established here this summer h a /e b o th gone far ahead of prise and helped the people to Saturday afternoon between in death to the young man. Pacific Ocean while all the cities has proven a success and those Oregon in population and wealth enlist Congress in providing four and five o’clock» fellow- who managed it feel greatly en­ chiefly because these states had funds for the work. Now that and towns of Southeastern Ore­ couraged by the results. workmen of Stephen Morey at good natural harbors attracting harbor'work is well along rail­ gon will find Siuslaw Bay their the mill were horified to see him The enrollment has now reach­ ocean commerce and trans­ roads are looking to Siuslaw Bay most convenient seaport and will ed a total of 43. All attending being whirled rapidly ¡around a continental railroads carrying as a depot for their over-sea thereby be greatly stimulated in are taking great interest in their ■ center sh a ft Before anything all their commercial activities. foreign as well as locati trade. shipping. could be done he was thrown to Already the Wil­ In order to appreciate the great work. The general merchandise busi­ California has a population of be floor and several rushed to lamette Pacific, a subsidiary The camp in connection is benefit derived from deep water ness of Whitaker & Son of Maple­ 2.377,549 and Washington 1,141,-. im. When picked up and taken company of the Southern Pacific, quite an attractive feature to the shipping, Oregonians have only to Dr. Edwards office it was dis- ton, was sold last week to C. H. ggo, while Oregon, with one- is-constructing a standard gauge non-resident students when .they to look at California and Wash­ overed that he was very Fraer and p°uie Fraer who took , third iarger area than Washing- line from Eugene to this bay on get hungry. It is reported that ington and compare their growth ton, ¡g Credjted with only 672.765. almost a Water grade. The Ore- ’dangerously injured, His left possession last Friday. Supervisor Goldie Van Bibber to their own slow state. As Frank White er e senior California has four cities ranging gon Eastern, another subsidiary arm was broken just below the member of ih e firm of W hitaker. in size from to 259,000 ■ line o fth e Southern Pacific.-is indicating how harbor improve­ has gained ten pounds in weight, shoulder and every rib on the while acting as Camp cook. left side ¡was crushed, parts of and Son, says that at present he each whj|e Oregon has but one building from Eugene into East- ments help the commercial de- This may explain why the din­ has not decided just what he city of more than 14,000. While em Oregon through a pass just velopment of a community it. is which penetratedthe lungs and will do. Percy Whitaker - will it is humiliating to Oregonians to | south of Diamond Peak. The recorded that since Galveston, ner table is so pópular, as it it is thought that the heart was travel as salesman for a Port- be compelled to admit that her line’ from Eugene to Siuslaw Texas, had her tidal wave Sep­ seems to be well patronized at also pierced by a broken rib. neighboring states have outclass- Bay is largely graded and w:U ba tember 8, l;fcx), and began, her that meal. Mr. Morey had been working and firm. C. H. Fraer, of the new firm ed her in development, it is grati- running trains by Christmas, ¡modern harbor improvements at the mill a month or so on the has been in the creamery oh»i- fying to learn that at least one, while the line from Eugene to seventeen railroads have built in- was no danger, rather than to log boom, butjhad been given the have the tug in its disabled con­ ness in Corvallis and Eugene, 'of her harbors is being improved Eastern Oregon has sixty miles ¡tQ,that city, more than .'one new dition* Smash into the north letty, job of oiling, about three days..*' recently ¡told out. his interests in each year. Asjshow- in order that the interior of the completed and in operation re-" railryad-fuf before the accident happened. so he hugged the south edge of illy V the latter place and his family state may Be developed. Sinslaw 'iflB Brifc ton IF “ J " J ^ b Ul i i 1 i 1 t t j y tt/I for harbor No one kawTnm get cayght, When the Patsy moved to Mapleton Tuesday. Bay, situated neftr-the nvddle of additional construction to reach tV ”i ''’”"’ at Siuslaw Bay. the channel. upon hearing his cry for help struck the launch Beaver and He is a well known business man and seeing his condition .a man the ocean side of the state, tp : the Eastern .Oregon Platt eau. The railroad engineers while the Tillamook, which were docked of the Willamette valley and will boring for pier foundations six attracted the lumber barons of With the development of this rushed to «the emergency signal at the be booster for any place he lives ., . receiving wharf of the the centers of Capital and is he- new seaport and railroads runn­ miles above the Tnouth of the bay stop the mill. # at a depth of ninety feet found sout 1 Jetty« went to her assist­ in. ing deepened, lighted, buoyed and i n g directly to it from Eastern The counter shaft upon which Loirie Fraer, the other member t loose sand. This fact is of ance. . A fine exhibition of hand- jettied in order that the immense Oregon great impetus will be eitoriiHHis his clothes caught was running significance since jtjlhlgbaatsin Bn arrow place,.dlose is welt • known on th e Siuslaw, stumpage of standing timber may given the central and southern shows that the harbor may be 'to an ocean bar was then given 4»at 85 revolutions per minute and . . . . . . . , * w « s « p ts e d at the end where he lat‘ ly h,vln'1 the employ find a cheap means of . trans- parts of the state whereby it of Joe Moons, Jr.' at Mapleton portation to m arket The stand­ by dredging to admit! as the Beaver and Tillamook reached over to oil, The passage­ may gain its share of population deepened The vessel being the- largest ships afloat. It i s 1 maneuvered. He is a young man that Inakes ing timber directly tributary to and wealth in the race with its way around it, is also quite in no apparent danger she friends and is a good business i estimated that every foot added this harbor is estimated at fifty sister states. narrow. » I t is supposed that he wais loft for the next tide to re­ man. •to the depth'of water on Siuslaw thousand million feet board was reaching over to pour oil in The easy grade on which this lease her. ” Fraer Bros, are hustlers, and measure, and the extension of Bar puts at least one million the cups when his clothes caught harbor is made accessible from The Beaver took the L Roscoe the Pilot wishes them success. railroads into the interior will dollars in the tributary country and wound on the shaft which the central and southern parts in tow and brought her to the Mill make this harbor the most con- of the state for railroad traffic its commerce serves. With com­ dock in Florence where repairs carried him around with it at a terrific speed. veRient shipping point for twice ia a very important item in its pletion of railroad to this port were made and Monday afternoon | now under construction, Eugene The seriousness of the injury this quanity of timber. When future commercial growth. Ea- as well as all otheirpoints touched she went out and brought the wasreeognized immediately and we reflect that it actually costs gene has an elevation above sea- schooners in. • i Drs Edwards and Fox dressed At the annual school meeting one dollar to,haul a ton of freight level of 453 feet while the tun- by those roads will share in this At the time the L Roscoe was the wounds and the injurded held June 16th Clerk Drew Sev- ten miles by wagon, costs one net through the summit of the benefit to a very large degree. trying to get a line from the man accompanied by his father ery made the following financial dollar to haul a ton of freight C w t Range is only thirty-one Sausalito the sea was heavy and and Dr. Fox was sent by special report-- 127 miles by raff, and o n ly offi» lift higher, while the Eastern U^HRaiMOpere^tne ahe*HmrYrl*nv boat to the hospital at Mapleton. Value of school house dollar to haul a ton of freight Oregon Platteau is about ttoenty- J iy raking the tug, can yTng aftS? $5000 2000 miles by water, we can see five hundred feet higher thus He was conscious until just be- and ground both masts. Capt. Erickson re­ $600 how enormously profitable to the giving practically a downhill' haul fore he was placed on the boat, Value of apparatus g a in e d close with the intention when he became somewhat Insurance orr-building $2000 people of Oregon it will be to to Siuslaw Bay, while the of taking the tow' line and bring- delirious and kept calling for his Salary male teacher $111.11 h ive a deep water harbor at Sius- maximum grade is reported to be ’ather to take him off. He died Average salary female law Bay. . only one and one-half percent. rlvVIl/Eill I minutes later the smokestack, about .fifteen minutes after the teachers * $63.33 Several years ago the people of -----— , | which had been damaged fell P L E N T Y O F ROOM FOR' CITY hospital was reached. Receipts Siuslaw Bay drafted a state law - Saturday just after the noon down, and,made it dapgsrous to A special boat followed shortly Cash an hand June 17, and secured its passage, author- Along the t venty mile str/tch hour the people of Florence v. -re CRrr ’ R arn- It •■*■■» the escape after the one carrying the injured 1912 $98.91 izing the bonding of each water of navigable water on this bay is wrought to a state of excitement »«earn aqj .«njx i ibis lim e man, and took his wife and his Special tax 1128.75 shed fbr the-development of its plenty of lgve. land for tm^aXnd by the report that the L Roscoe 'a l9e- 3 . . . 1 1 4 » 0.7 11:1» » 4 T u a , Juna which had been lying outside haust plpjs had been broken and «1:11 -0 .5 5 :4 2 3.7 Wed. . Jiin« 4 . . . 1......... ¡12:5« «.» W ad , Juna was shut down all the afternoon Teacher’s salaries «l:2«l| 3.5 « 2 1 2 - 1 .0 $2555.00 T h u , Jun«' 5 . . . (>:<*» ».4 1:41 7.0 waiting for high tide, so she very little use could be mad« of T h u , Juna 7:34 -121 7:11 3.0 of the day of the funeral out of Fuel and school Fri., -Inn«- • ) . . . 0 :4 0 » 4 2 :2 » 7.1 F r i, Juna 5 :1 7 -1 2 5 5:0 3 3.1) could cross, came in towing the the engines, so the captain let Sat.. «InIle 7 . . . 1:25 ».4 3 :1 5 7.2 S a t , Juna » : 7.7 Juna 2 7 . . 1:17 2.5 12 :W) 2.5 ' On March 13, 1911, Stephen Ju n e 2 5 . . . 7 4 « 5.4 i 7 :4 « 5 .0 r S a t , Juna 2 5 . . neither CapL Erickson nor any to Portland where new exhaust have been receiving goods by 2 :1 5 2 2 1:15; 3.1 Ju n e 2 « . . . tt-O» 5 4 5:31, 5 .# Morey was married to Mrs. Dora S u n , Juna 2 » . , 3 :1 « 1.4 2 :1 0 3.5 pipes will be put in. member of the crew were injured. every boat that has come into Ju n e 3 0 . . . 10:0« 5 .8 1 »:1»| 8.7 M on, Juna 3 0 . . 4 :1 0 0.7 3 :1 1 3 .5 Young, in Victoria, B. C. and, port and now have a large assort When the Patsy was over the NJGM T IO C S L«W TIDES went to Hobart, King county, ment of rugs and housefumish- a.m . H l p.m. H t bar and well inside, in making a.m . H l p.m. HL ‘ Washington, where he lived until ' T iO , Ju ly l n . l l l 3 R | «.1 1 0 :0 » ».1 T u a , July 53)1 -0.1 4:141 4.0 the turn in the channel, she ran ings on display in the large sales« W ad.. July 2 . . . 1 1 : 6 5 ! « 4 1 0:56 ».4 W ad , July 5 : 4 5 - 0 .7 5 :1 « | 43) ' in September, 1912. T h u ., July 3 . 12:41 «.» T h u , July room. « 4 4 121 into a small sand bar and stuck, « :1 2 3 .» 4 __ í 0:01 Ite F r i , July 1:251 7.2 7 :0 0 3 .« T:17’-l.rt Selling out at Hobart he moved Mr Alles who has established S at., Ju ly 5 . . . Í M U » .« 2 : 0 » 7JJ S F a r t i, , July end o f the S3W)i-1.7 II 7:57! 321 just opposite the July 1:17 ' 1.2 • 1 2211! 7.Ä i S u n , July to Florence and has lived here the business was in the employ Sun., Ju ly 8:44« 1.5 5:50; 3 .0 old north jetty. Three times Mon.. J u ly _1„. Last week Wm. Brynd closed a ft.l I 3-JW: S.0 Mn, July acre lot in Glena3a. He had 321», 3.5 4 :1 3 0.0 cessful attempt to pull the Patsy He wishes to call special S t- Tura.. J u ly 1 Ä .. .I l l : 1 4 «te 1 0 :2 0 ft.l T u a , July 5 3 )5 -0 .5 This is a neat residence, which 4:461 3.7 1 1 2 (5 ft.l med to improved it and make tention to the beautiful Player Thur 5:41' , 3.7 W ad, July 1«...| 545 -0.5 off. Finally the Beaver tw k the Victor haa huilt «n ee selling hla iju a to «44« -6.» , -nMr lit! lliere. He leaves a wife piano he has in stock and inv F ri.. Ju ly 1 S . . . I «•rfW l n.o 1 :2 4 7.0 , 44iu line and made it fast to the north other home on Lincoln St to Mrs. F r i, July 2:21 1.0 7 :1 » 3 4 S a t , Ju ly 1.0:3 s i i » .s 1 «71 7 2 7 4 5 - 0 .5 7 4 0 321 S a t , Ju ly 1». (brighter; his father and you to come in and try it S ob .. Ju ly 2 0 . . . SW 2 :25, 7.3 jetty th e Roscoe was able by ita 1 Cassidy last yaar. The place b S u n , Ju ly 2 0 . 8 :3 0 3)21 i 5217' 3 .2 •Mon.. Ju ly 2 1 . . . l:4rt| M 2 :3 5 7.4 , Mr. and Mrs. C. D. youraelf. M>> b , J u ly 2 1 . »310 0.1 »:1Ä 3 .0 . momentum and some steam to i well improved and quite close in Tura.. JiDy 2 2 . , . I 2:21 7.«l 3 :2 « , 721 T u a , Ju ly 2 2 . » 2 )0 0.« 0 :6 4 2 .» and three Bisters, Mrs. W ad.. Ju ly 2 3 . . . 3.-«** 7.1 3217, 7.« land at the south jetty. Xsouth property. Wad.. Ju ly 2 3 . » 4 1 1.2 1 0 4 » 2.7 • T h u r , Ju ly 2 4 . , .1 1 3:41 rt,5 •♦ ¡2 7 1 7.7 1 0:14 1.5 l a id T h u , Ju ly 2 4 . 24 E. Bethea, of Washongal, The Mapleton and Neely gel FrL. Ju ly 2 5 . . . I 4 :3 3 0 .0 erly wind was blowing and Capt. SrfMi! 7.5 Johnson Porter rented the pro­ F r i, Ju ly 2 5 . 1 0 :3 » 2.3 I’ ..........I . . Mrs.. Myrtle Austin, of districts have consolidated under S a t , Ju ly 2 r t ... 5:.H« 5.4 5:45! 7.» i S u n , Ju ly 2 7 . 1 :2 2 1.5 1 2 3 W 3 4 Tabell of the Patsy preferred to perty of Mr. Brynd this week and S u n , July 2 7 . . . 7:04 5.1 52) M-«n.i Ju ly 2 5 . 2:31, v l 4 1 2 :5 0 3 .» kei-sfield, California; and Miss the new law and Mapleton will M ob , Ju ly 2 S . . . , I S :» l 521 rt:41( 7:41 «.I I T u a , J u ly 2 » . take a chance with his own boat will move his family to Florence 3 21« 0 .« 2:261 4.2 T u * b , J u ly 2 » , . . i ».•471 5.« I 5:43, «21 I W ad , Ju ly SO. Elsie Morey, of Florence. be the school center. 4214 4 ) 1 33141 4.2 W a d , Ju ly 3 0 . 10 : 45 «1.1 going on the sp it where there for the sum m er/ 11:42: 5.» » y T h u , July 3 1 . 5 : 2 6 - 0 .7 (t 53M! 3 .» S. W. MOREY DIES FROM HIS JNJURIES SUMMER SCHOOt DOMESTIC ARTS OREGONS’ FRONT DOOR TO AK RÄSO N OF MAPLETON SELL TO FRAER BROTHERS FINANCIAL REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 7 TUGLROSCOE MEETS T O APPinPNT in,t tbe S*usa‘it°in-but about 20 Tide Tables— ALLES FURNITURECO. ■ NOV HAYEURGE STOCK WIL BRYND BOOGHF THE LUTO PROPERTY T h u r , J s ly 3 1 . I11Ä4I «Art '10217; »21 I • •