SIUSLAW JAUNITA SCHROEDER, AS “SILVER BELL' IS CROWNED QUEEN RHODODENDRA ¡SCHOOL EXHI­ BITAND FAIR basket ball star he is some player. Bob Haslett furnished the I crowd w ith p le n ty of amuse-! ment and the Gardiner pitcher „ with trouble to keep from hitting : (f row,nK «treater m importance him. ant* more interesting each year For Gardiner the two Perkins !the 9cho01 exhibit is now estab- . CHIEFS AND PRINCESSES. boys played good ball as did their lished as an annual proposition. first baseman MacKechnie who As an after result of this feature Big Chief Black Hawk, Roscoe Hurd. found Bud Wescott delivering for Florence last year won a prize of SUB-CHIFS: a couple of long hits including $75.00 for a collective school ex­ hibit, at the Southern Oregon Tribe ; a three bagger. Indian name S» The line up Florence, Neeley, District Fair. Florence Hiawatha I t C. Wygant 3rd. base; Phillips, center field; Glenada Irwin Smith, of Smith’s Tog­ Rain-in-the-face Geo. Colter Tuesday afternoon with its rain I Sanitation,’’and one on tha Blackeby, second base; Pourtales, gery, offered a cash prize of $5.00 Acme Great Bear Archie Carnes and storm caused great anxiety * ‘National Forest, and its Bend­ catcher; Crank short stop; for the best paper on, “The Ben­ Mapleton Sleepy Eye Edwin Hartley on the part of those desiring to fits” by Supervisor Anson Co­ Johnson, left fielder; Gardiner, efits Florence Derives ¡from the Mercer Hawkeye Sheldon Dowell attend the Rhododendron hoon of the Siuslaw Forest. right fielder; Haslet, first base; Annua) Rhododendron Carnival.,|r Siuslaw Jetty Multnomah Robt Haslett Carnival. On every side could, A trio—Indian melody, “ Far Wescot, pitcher; Thom, umpired The following article was given Fiddle Creek Fleetfoot Carl Stone be heard, will it rain tommorrow ? off I h e a r a lover’s flute” , Gardiner Varleman, center the prize. North Fork Red 'Cloud Gildert Watkins Many predicted good weather| (Cadman), was sung by Mrs. field; MacKechnie. 1st. base; C. Sweet Creek White Beaver Walter Reedhome while others shook their, heads j A. 0. Knowles, Miss Bossen and THE BENEFITS THAT FLOR­ Perkins, 2nd base: F. Perkins, Rockport Eagle Eye Arthur Hynes __ and said impossible to tell, yet Mrs. R. S. Huston; With Mrs. ENCE DERIVES FROM catcher; Hedgpath. second stop; Alphh Shawandasee Willie Wilbur Wednesday morning brought C. H. Young accompanist. HER ANNUAL RHODO- Rhvis, right fielder; Sheman, every indication of fair weather E. F. Arnold in a character PRINCESSES left fielder; Churchill, 3rd base; j DENDRON CARNIVAL, and as the day passed it became sketch, as ‘kJosiah Allen at the Rickers, pitcher. j - Six years ago the citizens of Tribe Indian Name a more perfect carnival day, the Rhododendron Fair” created lots —— | Florence foresaw the social, Silver Bell Jaunita Schroeder weather continuing through the of fun. This is an original poem Florence» Glenada Rainbow Myrle Caniff week, . ' ' and is printed in another colum. acme METS BASKET BALL bm efi 4 n 4n he Iw derived -1.^.5 „— .J from f . V. Jaunita PDOVFC A UIIMMrD ing ^)ene"^s hold- Willa Wilkinson The parade was late on account During the program and day Acme ,, , . an annual Rhododendron Winona Ada Martin . of several small incidents that the Florence band rendered 1 K e r Carnival. ? But never were these Blue Feather Annie Murray made it impossible to get ltstart- many pieces for «the entertain-! , ... Thursday evening after supper so fully realized as they are to­ Witoka Jennie Beagle t the crowd was enters jnent nf the crniv,I crowds. a match game of baskat ball be­ day. Pocahontas Myrtle J3tone tained by the arrival every now ■ The swimming and boat races tween a team from the Mapleton This annual gathering is looked Minnehaha Agnes Haring and then of another chief and were announced after this pro- c i athletic club and Florence was forward to hy the people of the Red Wing Inez Monroe princess and the coming and gram. ., , . played. This was full of action Siuslaw, as one of the greatest White Dove Tina’Beck going of the Iwjjan characters. In the swimming race Harry at every stage o f the game and ¡events of the year. By it they Sacajflwèâ Margaret Johnston The Indian chiefs, princesses, Levage was first; L. J. Pourtales, ’ created a feeling of g re a t excite- are able to see old friends and braves and members of thè tribes second; and Everett Leppert; m ent off the sidelines, proving a meet new ones, interchange ideas, gathered at Glenada and were third. *"•- ' > of the last ten minutes gained a stirring qbding to thy- laat da y of j>nd get tw ay-tT onrttrat spirit of T brought—over — —t-he—l aunch-—The boat ruce—wa s a handicap, ■ “ ■ victory.---- — x-------------------- - T bF canu .ai. Rooting Was v e ry ' localism, which is such a draw “ Venture shortly after 10 o’clock in which, th • contestants could The work of both teams makes nixb at tin j s, the friends 6f both back to progress^ ' They see the mèt fffio welcomed^by the Flor- not touch the engine, on penalty h good showing for tire* coaches, 4-tearas tur'aim» loos«- with yells of j g rea ter tKi'rt of the inbabitantsof ènee chief, princess and tribe of being pntTnrtgf the race, .only« aud* kus developed some lint enctaiiag, 'uenii -arul defienep. their valley., gathered in one .and the BigGhief "Black Hawk” . being allowed In control the boat Players. I he v i n e result« il in a scctre The Novelty of' the Indian Costumes Rich With Color and Beads, Gave the People an Unusual Attraction iftv lE o A nUM HUl BASEBALL GAME WON BY Jiody; tin ; lie aging in cosmo- This was the third of a s rics of 21 to 7r in favor of,Florence. rblihiP: k ic ^ ■: P<,-K>;!dng .};em to ni set theirthe championship be- th e reafivat ion «f hheir strength I’earl, (-"T-'cr th ,? .,tw^it c a q ^ ’Eloi nee The ise T a fi garrs ■ e t w . c v n in nuinbcrs, and Ih«,'pu< that v inning waff presented with the F b ie r . <• and Cardin hiring each - m ust play in /ik " do- i . - . i i t b l • , ;j-t 1 rlanipjorshiji penant Ifv Miss Carnival another <• vejonnu nt of his community. Ii cl-any I V--ung, w hich-¿he had <¡11 red victory f iiofelice. alio, brings tin m in*toucb with «: ■ 1 ‘ i- lp create "interest in“ the liY E. E.. ARNOLD. t 4. The T h ese ore was 12 2 to th e out ..¡de workh - v hhih-keeps til re tire . game v? ii W IU T 'I U N F O R T P 'K O C C A S I O N .. I let ,<• ball ahvt the i.'« • flirt ¡1 i are a F’lort nee t< ;;;n clitéó and the * * ge ii’wi’ which at- * p art in tin* 11 iivaticnal advance­ i)r. Chas Johns« ith lia’t.i- ten t< the platform followed W r<’ tr< i.Cwi — to some Once a ,v< ar on via -Siuslaw, m ent f tl ir d ist;'. t. . • e tie pin n 1 .<•;■ Block Hav. k.. ti. ■« ehii apprec ion of thrilling' In the lovciy uninier . time. lays, fldly Phillips I he. number of public speakers work as coach. p. ir,cesses and indiai,;,, ti e bi tl.l Fur« e c ert.o ’ ih .Per con- Everybody gets tcr 1’hedodendroi. : the neatet calcb ever pulled off! i nd th.e basket nuH bods of teaching, as well as the occasion o.f this festival. on th<' rior< cé diamond. oon.after seven 1 can hardly v. ¡it with patience. defining tpore cjearj.v the relation M aster, of ceremonies C. H. Thursday, and the w eathcr.m ar Roscoe Gardiner was also'., one was calks), and Till the ti .a; . hi :i 1 can go, - Young appointed \V. H. O’Kcl v. re evidently on good term s as < f the stars of tin day. He W here the lairiscapos bathed in of the public in gfneral to the it< d to I lie sight school, T h is c a n betoqlearly I rson and Capt. Hill of as r •••stk.- bn eh o f fans as the m orning commenced a day of scored 4 times out O f 5 trips to in beauty, emphasized, for the training of as judges, and E. S. b y re, a 'e v e r gathered hci e. the plate and his sensational The team s ideal carnival weather. V< ith th<* rhododendrons glow'. the men of tomm >rrow is the ■ The launches Minnie M itchell' slide home .under the Gardiner Every tiling “jest” seems so score keeper, let the Princesses lined un as follow foundation, on which our nation draw for turn to shoot and an­ Florence center .NiinSchrod- and Ventirrc Idft about 8 o'clock catcher was something classy. 2 (restful, rests. There are also lectures on nounced the Ixiw and arrow con­ e ra n d Myrle Canr ff: forwards, with excursionists for the lieachj Neely the diminitive 3rd base­ "H ain’t ” a single mite of care agriculture and dairying in the test. The inferest was intense A ther Watkins and Elea, ¡or Sau- returning in tim e for the 'School man, rhow ed-brne^lf to be a real Over on the Blue Siuslaw, valley and the use of modem at times, while the shooting wa b ret: guards. Hest r Hurd and pageant which formed at school hall player. He elputed the hall At the Rnododendron Eair. methods explained. - goir.g on. a s i t was not unt il house shortly after 10 o’clock, f o r extra twdee and tickled ()ut up th« Platform w h e r e and tthtckiphr StoM d I o t if «rmnd to w ato h th»troffh», U o u tlin e 'th c ^om m ereial Silver Bell, representing „ the ..... forwards, Alberta B rattain, May a j r . gram was giving consisting their usual steady game, never As the launches come and go. bilities of Florence and v i r i n i t v by 1»,". fechafe on, ’Edu- any ground stand stuff but Where the noble blue Siuslaw i i i i. ' lcin,ty* Florence tribe won on a score of Robehtson and Daisy Hollenbeck; c o a fa tk n RilK ,,f . n g and one alw ay, ih c .e wilh .h e!. l M lr in X ' c u r to u " d° l‘b t' 8 points. The other contestants guards. Lulu Beer,s and Vera (i_______________ by people from <*ut side Dr. Gili»**«t, who took as a sub-— 'i he Gardiner b „ arri _________ bath <1 Bud Then that managed to break ins'de the Todd. ------- _____ I sez, sez I, ^.„„^„1,1«, ,n then , those that have Samantha, jxiints then by score line were: Blue F eather 6, In 'th e first half Brattain threw ject “ Rural Go-operative Bank- W escott’s benders more t h i s ' This is good enough for'ine*” ! tn '‘n ,h m‘‘ Red " W in g 5, »Minnehaha 4. field and 4 foul baskets for ti ” l ’ n n ------‘ ------- * '- - =- — . . . - ’ lived here all th eir ,n g .- A «ol.. b , R/C. W ygant game than in an; other. ¡».I be ' " f A f Z 'i, ',"17,',',‘,7 H’ n T I G " lives ''! '; uasKets tor in » 1 « E ditor Yates, ar. ompaitoat. kept the hits s c a tte r,,1 an,I while, w n i T . to, , I , 1 „"1 ‘ h' y h , w Witoka Pocahontas 3, 2. visitors, while W atkins threw 1 ,« \ ir m i t ,t z, v\ ith its stately mansions grand been commonly called, <■ » 1 . . . «<r or Maple- quin Miller s TM>em Columbus, bases he pitched air tight Ira ■ i l „ i j m li . li re X i Flowing.over golden sands, existence not caring to trouble forward and in a big talk, pro- ton. " Mrs. KnowUs and Mrs. Huston Doc Johnson gave a g«s,d But , a)rnost )fX)W, , ; their minds about the commercial at count of h.m self i„ left (i„l,| F()r th(,m m!msioas }n tJl(. a»r ’ nounced Silver Bell, elected queen In the second ' all W atkins got. ■-an g a r Inm an c-rad,e song. prospects of their community. So of the nations, invested h e r e ith 2 field and 3 four ba. . •... a, -d When 1’nie oirthe Blue Siuslaw, it has always been the progressive authority as Queen-Rhododendra Saubert made 2 fr ■ ! » » <; .i„ 11 '»• » 5 17 giam by the white men consist- got Blue. -Wcsreri*«*». recover <1 ' ’ • 7 :*• ing of and interesting scientific and started with Florence-taxii;;- .lu jv îj« 5,1 T J t ; > -4 - addressl*yT)r. Barlle or. “Sch.Q,^ the r.n’g r '' +v' v d insustrugglr. ‘■«Hl.. •I„ n .. T n - .. '.C.-rl., T im .. ■1 llllf X. . !< :ix Jilt!'* 1». . ’ o :3 7 ly r ." 1 0 . . . Î ' :2.5 o .iiT .I n n ,” 11 . . 1 2 . . . 1 : ’ «., J u n e 1 3 . . . 2 :2 4 .Vit.. J u n e ' 1 15 . . . ‘ 2 3 ! '” ,<■ P l. . . ' j i • iK, 4 ■Ti: . *7 Vi H ’ *. . i l,«» . T p June '.it.. • J »ine 2 V . . • «’lin e 7 7 . . . ». , I ..' I I ,: : , . • if. 2 » . 1 M 3 - .fj .i j 1M 7 Jiin * ' 2 7 . ; . . ! : I « J« in - 2 * . . . - 1 , 3 :4 « • < 1.1 3 :5 5 ' 3 .7 0 .0 10:5D . 3 .7 0 .0 ; 3 .0 U t;! ! ? 0 .7 T I " 3 :1 ! 1.1 1 . 7 , , 2:0!,. *0! 0 .0 0 5 ; ’ 2 .5 O J , 1 :0 , 2.1» «» , 4’: 5 I 3 .2 ». •< • ,, f.5i4. uz» s tr', 3 7 1« f, •i 7 T—’ ,T»| 1 14- 2 .0 ! 2 ’ 1 «2 1.4 , 1:h 2:10* 2.2 2 .5 The Morene,. Band »■»» an en- „d b the gathering of „ many toriaimng feature , d,e bu( indirec„ ' The big chief had a “ big voice” by a, number of t^ese people set­ tha> was easily heard by the tling in the country and making audience. * it their home. The first night two dances were All this has produced a marked ;^{iyen, .on«-, by Wm. Brynd and effect on the town and surround­ the other by the'Florence Band. ing country. The very atmos- I were Patronized, • The phere seems to breath a new life, sawd w igM H, Beagle, diiretoi'The pi'nph* m i tin; M 'W i are of the l and was taken suddenly moving with renewed energy, ill and their dance was cancelled, with a desire to accomplish some- Shack-a-shack the great medi- thing besides a mere livlihood. eie«- man proved a star.« t ~ ( C o n e h id e d o n p « £ e f o u r )