ísr/wi FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1913 NUMBER 12 SUMMERSCHOOL AT FLORENCE HAIL TO QUEEN RHODODENDRA VI SILVER BELL WINS BY SCORE OF 8 surprised when we received a copy of the Siuslaw Pilot, and learned therefrom, that you had hied you hence" to Florence, Oregon. When I began to read it I was A summer domestic Arts immensely interested, but Mr. course wiil be held in Florence Cook interrupted me with "What this summer under the auspices do they have to say about the of the schools of Supervisory 5:00 P. M. Boat races Prizes 1st $10,002nd $5,00 3rd 3,00. salmouiV He insisted, "O, yes, District No. 5. 7:00 P. M. Girl’s Basket Ball game Mapleton vs Florence. • _ - B * it does too. Such a thing could Preparations for the Carnival are being rushed to a finish; com­ An instructor is coming from Morning of Second Day. not occur as to have a paper print­ Corvallis and instructihn will be mittees are busy with the final work and the Rhododendrons them­ ed on the Pacific coast of Oregon [given in cutting, fitting, altering School Fair open all day selves seem to be doing their best to add to the appearance. In and not say something about, sal-! and mending. There will lie the last few days the buds have opened to their fulness and tfee 7:00 to 10;00 A. M. Trip to Ocean Beach. Pretty soon I found the I two classes of girls the begin- 10;30 A. M. Industrial Parade by various schools, starling at ■mon. bushes are loaded with blosoms. Visitors are coming in and the 1 article on salmon. I read ners and those who have had school house. Led by Florence Band. <■ hotels are filling. aloud for his special benefit, and more practice in sewing. To the <» • Qn every hand are heard plans for costumes of the different ll;00A . M. Superintent Baughman; “ Character Building" after a hearty laugh he said, more advanced class the mothers princesses and chiefs and members of the visiting tribes. There ; Kivejjwuv School Drill. Indii^PHRle Song Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. Huston Mrs. Young Well, I don t blame them, they and older sisters or any Ionian has been some hard work on the part of each tribe to send its I know they have only the choicest enterested will be welcomed to Acompanist. W people in befitting style to the Council. article when they speak of sat-; the advanced class. The Big Chief Black Hawk will be there and those other chiefs' Dr. Bartle School Sanitation | mon. tile most toothsome salmon The course will begin June 16. of the great tribes that make the Siuslaw nation, also that crafty ' ~ Music by Florence Band on the goast and why not let Tuition will I k » only enough to and mysterious medicine man Shak-a-Shack. Afternoon Second Day ,» ‘\ery one else know they know cover expenses of the instructor. By prowess of the bow a queen will be selected from the highest I - Sports at BalKJrSund: 2:00 P. M. Baseball Game, . . . . . . . Gardiner •vs ’»• ■ r Arrangements will be--made for maidens of the land and she who can shoot an arrow best 25 feet Florence I I enjoyed .the paper very much girls out of town to canie together will be the chosen one. 4:00 P. M. Men’s Foot Race, 100 yd. dash 1st prize $5:00 2nd and I f hank you for your .thought“ properly chaperoned. Circulars OUTLINE OF PLAN. prize $3:00 Foot Race Boy’s under IB. 100 yds 1st prize $3:09 , fullness in sending ine a copy’ ' 1 of information will he distributed even read the advertisements. soon. Meanwhile anyone desir­ The general plan for the first day of the Festival this year is to 2nd prize $2:00 lug of.War Boy's under 10. 10 on each side Prize $2,50. Hampton’s of Eugene looked nat­ ing to learn any thing further hold a convention at Florence after the fashion of an lndihn coun- j, ural. Men's Basket Bali game Florence vs Mapleton. concerning the course may cil. Persons taking part in the council will represent Indian chiefs V^hen you was.on the stage did correspond with Miss Jennie M. and princesses from various communities along the Siuslaw River. The School Fair will be held in the east rtxim of the Harbor- the wheels strike any tree roots. Bossen of Florence or Miss Goldie The princesses will hold a bow and arrow contest to determine Sound Improvement Co. building, while the rest room will be in I have gone to Eugene from our Van Bibber of Mapleton. place, sixteen miles, and would which of their number will reign as' queen. The chiefs in coun- the west room. Should the people of the vul|ey strike a root oh the' right side cooperate in this movement cil will speak on various topics of geheral interest. The general committee will have quarters in the R-K-R building that would throw me over to the ... . be speaking , • . by . . the white u-x m ans - ambass-- u one door t In the afternoon will ,, east ... of Smith Toggerv. , • Its . . . membership . ... 1 is R. ‘ S. ‘ Huston • left and just as I wolld begin to sufficently to make it a success tn u .ta iu u .iw n t 7 / . . pres; Frank Monroe, secretary; ami Peter Rice, treasurer.-. it may result in the establishing adors to the Indian nations. Following this will be various The other committees are Program, Dr. Geo. P. Edwards.: straighten up. the left wheel of some permanent summer sports. ■ decoration. Dr. Mearle C. Fox; cost times, C. H. Young; sports, L. would strike a root and go'down school which would be of great , into a chuck hob* and throw me value to ihe Siuslaw v alley. The second day will be devoted to the school fair and speaking J. Pourtales; rest room. Rev. Drumm. along educational lines, School fair open both days in new Harbor- j All those desiring to enter sporting contest must register or see over to the right. . 1 never was liver-groWi> while Living in Ore­ The bungalow of W. H. O’Kel­ the sporting committee. An admission of 25c will be charged at the ball grounds, every­ gon, and 1 never heard of any ley, secretary-treasurer of -The CHIEFS ANÖ PRINCESSES. a , ____________ o n e w h o w a s,O n e trip t o to wn thing else th a t is furnished by the committee/wt it be free. If it should rain hard enough to make it inqiossible to carry out would change a sallow to a clear being rushed. , ’lh c founuation Big Chief Black Hawk, Roscoe Hurd. complexion with a rosy cheek is up and the work man are cutting c ' 7 f t|je program in the open, other arrangements will immediately be thrown in. SUB-CHIFS;- the frame. made and the committee will do the best possible to entertain. «» Oregon has some beautiful Wn . Kyle& Sons Co., received Changes will be announced if any áre made other wise th? official I Tribe Indian name J girls, and I must say I never saw on the Sausileto a shipment of program will be carried out. Hiawatha R. C. Wygant | Florence finer looking crowds anywhere 30,0*X) brick. This is the largest X 1 l \ - Glenada Rain-in-the-faee Geo. Colter ¡than at an Oregon g a th e rin g .I amount ever brought -in, at one NEW BUILDING ERECTED Archie Carnes Great Bear V Acme often thought that one-half their time and is a part of the building EcfWin Hartley Sleepy Eye 1 Mapleton GRADEJXAMINATIONS ON THE NORTH FORK ■ beautiful looks were due to the materials they will carry in stock, Sheldon Dowell Hawkeye 1 Mercer hard jqjte they got when trying i’hey a l» reeeivau co isign.neut The uniform examination for Multnomah Robt Haslett [ Siuslaw Jetty The Grange building being travel from place to place. of lime and^cement. the sixth and seventh grades ini Fleetfoot Carl Stone 1 Fiddle Creek erected aj, Portage was completed Supervisory District No. 5 for Red Cloud Gildert Watkins 1 H .North Fork Saturday and is a groat improve­ i May, 1913, resulted as follows. Whitt* R eaver No. of applicants for Sixth Arthur^Hynes Eagle Eye ment and convenience to the 1 Rockport In ez H. G illm ore, A u th o r e ss , Grade Promotion Certificates 12. Willie Wilbur Shawandasee 1 t Alpha North Fork people. It is a two- N o w an A r d e n t S u ftragist No. of applicants for Seventh story building and will be used ’ PRINCESSES I rade Promotion Certificates 9. for store and hall purposes. H. The following passed the I). Snioak was construction fore Indian N am e Silver Bell Jaunita Schroeder | semination with good uverages. man. ' . - p ‘ • SlXTII GRADE . Rainbow Myrle Caniff Glenada Monday the crew of carpen t ers^ _____ ;______J aunita - __ _ . - Willa..Wilkinson . . ..F lp x en cex T^lvv ari.p. San.l>ornL under H. D. &m<»ak. the evmtrae- Acme Hazel Panton, Walton Shroeder, tor will commence the construc­ Ada Martin Mapleton Winona Herbert McCormack,’ Vesta Agee, tion of ¿ modern dairy barn for Annie Murray Mercer Blue Feather Viva Drake, Iris Morris, Cora Jennie Beagle Siuslaw Jetty Witoka H. M. Peterson. It will be 40-60 Woodard. Fiddle Creek Pocahontas Myrtle Stone and will cost al»out $1,500. The Reed John Taylor, Nellie building is to be completed July North Fork Minnehaha Agnes Haring Mead. S w e e t C reek ____ _____' ____ Red Wing _Inez Monroe 1st. SEVENtH GRADE------- ------ Tina Beck Roc k port White Dove Alpha Sacajawea Margaret Johnston * Florence Carl Severy, Homer Severy, Marie Deveney, Clinton ORDFR OF EXERCISES Carlson. AN INTERESTING LETTER M orning of F irst day Greenleaf Gladys Parker. This years papers in these Tribes gather at Glenada in morning May 28. We are indebted to Mrs. Alla grades show a marked improve- D. Gummoe, of Glenada, for the 9:45 A. M.; Tribes embark at Glenada. ment over those of last year. It previlege of printing a few ex­ 10;00 Arrive at Florence is probably due to the fact that tracts of a letter from a friend, March to Council Ground better work is being done in the whoat onetime resided in Lane Music by tom toms grades below the eighth. School county. , 10:15: Adress of Welcome by Hiawatha people are learning to lay a good Fort Dodge, Kansas, March 26, 10:30; Archer^contest to elect queen. foundation before they build the My Dear Mrs. Gummoe - Night Juge announces result of Contest superstructures before last we were very much Music by Florence Band »" Big Chief Black Hawk presents Jewels to Queen and makes big talk. Corrected to read for the Siuslaw Peace Dance bv Chiefs and Princesses ■bar One hour after f >r F. >r m • • Indian Council deliberates LOW T ID E S HJI1: p.in, lit III. .. M ay 1 1. . . . . , 3 :5H 2,7 Music by Florence Band 0:1»; ♦i.5 T h u .. Mii> !.. 0 :5 2 4 . 4 . M av 2 2 . . . . . 4 :4 3 2.0 - Medicine Man Shack-a-Shack starts general pow wow; wild F r i.. .May • » IO:«»«» «¡7 10:24 S .l M ay 5 :2 2 1-3 S a t .. M uy . * : . 10:5*1 • 41.11 10:54 s .4 . M a y . 4 4 . . . . . 5 :5!i 0 .0 hilarious dancing and exciting music. 4 . . . 1 1 :4 0 7 .0 S u n .. M ay 11 :23 5 .3 M ay 5 à . . . . . 0 : 3 5 0 .0 M m .. M ay • •”* • •, 1 2 :2 2 V 1 M ay ft. . ■ .. 7:11 0 .4 l£:00 Clam Bake 1 :o i 7 . Í ’ T u -« . M av «i. . 0 .0 * ' V . , I.. M av 7 ? . . . . . 7 : 4 0 O.s 7 . . . o.-jr» 0 .2 1 :4 0 7.0 W id .. M «v M ay M., « . . . S:2O 1.0 Afternoon of Secofid Day O.5Í» 0 .3 2 :35 O.M T h u .. M ay ♦ . . . 0 :1 4 h.O 'la v 1», . . . 1 3:2»i 0.7 0 .2 M av 1 0 ». . . . 1 0 :0 2 41.7 , 2;00 Tribes reassemble at Council Ground to hear speeches by s .ll 10. . 4 :22 (Ml . M ay 1 1 . . 1 0 :5 4 0 .3 11 . 3 :1 1 S.4 5 :2 2 03Î M ay 1 2 . . 1 1 :5 2 0.1 the white man’s ambassadors 0 : 2 3 'I In».. M av 2 2 . . * :X ! 1.1 U ll I more, the authureas She la lie a l Knuwn by tier M a rtin aturlea of 1 :30 0.1 3 : 2 2 ♦17 4 , ¿lmiu bv Florem-e Rand r-fw iiio iii ' hij ijuiiis mi— n o u n u- u ie-xr -..n ni ied t a u i m . ‘now" hh fe '» - r. ide Tables— _ 25. . sand hills. m i u a iv uy i D o t iv i 4:00 P. M. Swimming Races ________ ....... ......... vv- aver, fu r th e haa -ontrlbuteO liberally .to the u iaj’uilnea and b a a w ritten aea- eial novel« She w rite« at the rate uf 1.5f1tati Upere (louae. New Turk, at which Colou-,-l Ituueevelt agreeil lu de- U ter his Oral form al apeech id favor of wumen suffrage ___ a ' ' ■ z ^>1