Columbia Gorge News Wednesday, December 8, 2021 B9 First Book Hood River, Wasco counties give books to kids Johanson Paul ■ By First Nancy Book Hood River and Wasco counties Children in Hood River and Wasco counties are going to learn new things, see new places, develop new abilities, and open up their world. In October, First Book grants were given to in Hood River County to Oregon Child Development Coalition (Migrant Head Start), The Next Door Klahre House, May Street Elementary English Learners Program, and ExCEL After School Program. About 558 children ages birth to teen- ager will receive four or more books in the next 6 months. In Wasco County, 448 students in grades K-3 at Chenowith and Colonel Wright elementary schools will each receive three books to read at school and then take home to keep. The books are selected by the teachers and often the students at about $3 a book from the First Book National Marketplace. Last school year, students at Chenowith Elementary wrote the follow- ing after receiving First Book books to Roxanne Ringer, who ordered and distributed the books to students: “Thank you for the pres- ents. Your gift makes us feel good and happy. We like our books! The jokes are funny!” In Hood River, a Spanish speaking mom being home visited by a Family Home Visitor from The Next Door said, “My baby points to one of the dogs in a favorite book and calls it the family dogs name, showing me he is connecting the story to real life. I always make sure and add more language to what my baby says about the book to add to his vocabulary and concepts.” Wasco County and Hood River County First Book received funding from United Way of the Columbia Gorge, Gorge Community Foundation — Dr. Issai and Dr. Ellen Hosiosky Fund and Saxby/Sharp Fund, Northwest Natural Gas, Wasco Masonic Lodge, and donations from local people and businesses who support the emerging literacy of children and want to see children experience the joys of having and reading books. First Book in the Columbia Gorge community is asking for donations now in order to give out books grants to the local Head Start programs and Family Services Home visiting Program (birth to 3) at The Next Door in January 2022. If you can give, send your tax deductible donation to First Book Hood River County, PO Box 221 Hood River, OR 97031 or First Book Chenowith Elementary students Bryanna Morales, second grade, Anthony Diaz, third grade, Melody Mcfall, third grade, Elanor Dye, first grade, and Mckayla Diaz, kindergarten, with their First Book books. Contributed photo Wasco County, P.O. Box 82, The Dalles, OR 97058. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, contact Nancy Johanson Paul at 541-490-5330 or For further information on the national First Book literacy effort, visit www.firstbook. org. Melissa Werkheiser 600 ■ By Jeff Olson Hockey fans know that at the end of each game, three stars are announced. They skate out on the ice under rotating spotlights to thunderous applause from the crowd. Well, this past week at Hood River’s Orchard Lanes, we had three clear-cut star bowlers: 1.Rod Pratt 2.John Mayfield 3.Melissa Werkheiser Rod Pratt ended up as the big man on campus with a glitzy scratch 717 series that he fired in the Industrial league. That fine three game set was 111 pins over his average. Mr. Pratt has had his bowling engines on full throttle this sea-son even without his partner Whitney. He’s currently averaging 206 in the Industrial and 209 in the County leagues. Those area code numbers con- firm that Rod is a heck of a bowler! John Mayfield starred in the same session with a nifty scratch 645 series. That set was a whopping 168 sticks over his average. John is relatively new to league ac- tion but he clearly has great potential based on his latest effort. Right now, he’s just learning how to bowl. One thing is clear, John has one important point covered in the modern game of bowling because he imparts plenty of speed on his ball. Melissa Werkheiser is our newest star, this is her first go in league action at Orchard Lanes. Last week she shined like a super nova in the County League with a right on the number, beautiful scratch 600 series. She also ended up 111 pins over her average. Folks, a 600 series is just plain good bowling no matter who you are and it’s always quite spe- cial to attain that milestone number. A hearty welcome to Melissa, we are thrilled that you are bowling league and, obviously, having post- ed such a nice series, you have awesome potential. In this session, she beat 27 other bowlers in the league. The only one she didn’t beat was super star Rod Pratt. Folks, bowling is for everyone, so ladies, follow Melissa’s lead and join in on the action of league bowling. It’s a ton of fun! TEAM OF THE WEEK: Rod Pratt 717 Jeff Miller 678 Bill Whetstine 669 Patrick Olson 660 Jeremy Bloom 659 3,383 Total pins Individual highlights are important but leagues are built around teams that compete against each other every week. It’s always re- warding to bowl a big game or series but it’s also exciting to win as a team. Here are some examples: In the high scoring hot- shot Wednesday Fraternal league, several matches were slated between top teams. The big first place 602 average Men with Zeal faced up against the 581 average Blue Bombers in a match. The Zeal boys put on quite a show, knocking down 1,878 sticks which is a 206 average per man, crushing the Bombers 19 to 6. Leading the Zeal crew were big shooting Bill Whetstine with a 669 series and young star Levi Phelps with a 658 set. The Bombers couldn’t compete, posting a lackluster 186 average. The top 615 average Montavon’s Berries team was pitted against the Three Wizards who won the first round. Montavon’s put a spell on the Wizards blitzing them 23 to 2 by averaging 210 per man. The Berries guys all notched 600s: Jeff Brittle 644, Roger Montavon 620 and Patrick Olson 633. Folks, that’s solid team bowling! The 592 average Hood River Sports Club and 580 average 6th Street Bistro each won their matches 17 to 8. Bernie Keys led the Sports Club with a 636 series as they topped E & L Auto Machining. The Bistro boys averaged 200 in a close match with 584 average Mt. Hood BBQ team. The upshot of these matches is that these four top teams now lead the league and all of them are poised to win the second round. Zeal leads with 59 points, Berries have 57 points, Sports Club has 53 points and 6th Street is at 50 points. Go bowling everybody! League High Scratch Games and Series MONDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL: Rod Pratt: 236, 237, 244, 717 Jeff Miller: 238, 678 Patrick Olson: 237, 660 Woody Eskildsen: 253 Ken Thornton: 236 Dustin Ticknor: 236 Kyle Van Cleave: 235 Randy Nieto: 235 Nancy Asai: 210 TUESDAY NITE MIXED: Jeremy Bloom: 247, 659 Nancy Asai: 243, 207, 606 Chad Mason: 235, 658 Ciena Brittle: 203 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SENIOR COLTS AND FILLIES: Mike Parke: 233, 210 Tony Teschner: 211 Lynn Spellman: 205 WEDNESDAY NIGHT FRATERNAL: Bill Whetstine: 248, 669 Levi Phelps: 256, 658 Bernie Keys: 215, 214, 207, 636 Jeff Miller: 257 Patrick Olson: 247, 239 George Buck: 241 Josh Worth: 237 Keith Hay: 236 Roger Montavon: 236 THURSDAY COUNTY LEAGUE: Rod Pratt: 242, 235, 675, 664 Melissa Werkheiser: 223, 210, 600 Cy Cannon: 225 Gordon Pillon: 224, 208 Public Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY P R O B A T E DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the ROBERT E. WILLIAMS and NEL- DA M. WILLIAMS JOINT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST Deceased. Case No. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PER- SONS NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that the undersigned Con- nie Ackerman is the Trustee of the above trust. All per- sons having claims against the trust are required to present them to the Trustee at 112 W 4th Street, Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this Notice or they may be barred. Any person whose rights may be affect- ed by this proceed- ing may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the affiant or the attorney for the affiant. DATED and first published December 8, 2021 /s/ Connie Ackerman Connie Ackerman, Trustee Antoine J. Tissot TOOLE CARTER TISSOT & COATS, LLP Attorneys at Law 112 W 4th Street Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 Te l e p h o n e : 541-296-5424 Dec. 8, 15, 22, 2021 #9265 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY P R O B A T E DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the D E W E Y J . THOMAS RE- V O C A B L E LIVING TRUST Deceased. Case No. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that the undersigned Ron- a l d K e n t Th o m a s i s t h e Tr u s t e e o f the above trust. All persons having claims against the trust are required to present them to the Trustee at 112 W 4th Street, The Dalles, O R 97 0 5 8 w i t h i n four months after the date of first publica- tion of this Notice or they may be barred. Any person whose rights may be affect- ed by this proceed- ing may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the affiant or the attorney for the affiant. DATED and first published Decem- ber 8, 2021. /s/ Ronald Kent Thomas Ronald Kent Thomas, Trustee Antoine J. Tissot TOOLE CARTER TISSOT & COATS, LLP Attorneys at Law 112 W 4th Street Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 Te l e p h o n e : 541-296-5424 Dec. 8, 15, 22, 2021 #9266 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY P R O B A T E DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the JOANNE L. CON- ROY TRUST Deceased. Case No. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that the undersigned Kath- leen A. Conroy is the Trustee of the above trust. All per- sons having claims against the trust are required to present them to the Trustee at 112 W 4th Street, Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this Notice or they may be barred. Any person whose rights may be affect- ed by this proceed- ing may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the affiant or the attorney for the affiant. DATED and first published Decem- ber 8, 2021 /s/ Kathleen A. Conroy Kathleen A. Con- roy, Trustee Antoine J. Tissot TOOLE CARTER TISSOT & COATS, LLP Attorneys at Law 112 W 4th Street Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 Te l e p h o n e : 541-296-5424 Dec. 8, 15, 22, 2021 #9267 WHITE SALMON KLICKITAT COUNTY is in the process of updating its’ Small Works Roster (SWR) for 2022. Only con- tractors that fill out the County’s SWR application can be added to the roster. Contractors/Vendors that are on the SWR will be eligible to bid on county projects. Categories of work include road and building construc- tion, snow removal, renovation, remod- eling, alteration, re- pair, or improvement of real property. C o n t ra c t o rs l i - censed in the State of Washington who are qualified to perform any of the above listed catego- ries and wish to be included please call 1-800-583-8074 or (509) 773-4616 for an application. Applications are also available on our website at: h t t p s : / / w w w. DocumentCen- t e r / V i e w / 113 8 0 / Small-Works- Application-PDF D e c . 1 , 8 , 15 , 2021 WS #357 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat County 2022-2025 Clean Energy Implementa- tion Plan Notice is hereby given that a public hearing has been scheduled as fol- lows, for the purpose o f re v i e w i n g t h e 2022-2025 Clean Energy Implemen- tation Plan of Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat County: Tu e s d a y, D e - cember 14, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. The public is wel- come to attend the hearing located in the public meet- ing room at 1313 S. Columbus Ave. in Goldendale. Anyone in attendance will be asked to follow state COVID-19 require- ments for physical attendance. As an alternative option the public may also lis- ten to the proceed- ings and participate by dialing into the hearing at 3:00 p.m. Th e To l l F re e Phone Number: 844- 621-3956 Meeting Access code is: 2498 644 6682 Dec. 1, 8, 2021 WS #361 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Public Utility District No.1of Klickitat County 2022 Operating Budget Review Notice is hereby given that a public hearing has been scheduled as fol- lows, for the pur- pose of reviewing the 2022 Klickitat Public Utility District Operating Budget: Tu e s d a y, D e - cember 14, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. The public is wel- come to attend the hearing located in the public meet- ing room at 1313 S. Columbus Ave. in Goldendale. Anyone in attendance will be asked to follow state COVID-19 require- ments for physical attendance. As an alternative option the public may also lis- ten to the proceed- ings and participate by dialing into the hearing at 3:00 p.m. Th e To l l F re e Phone Number: 844- 621-3956 Meeting Access code is: 2498 644 6682 Dec. 1, 8, 2021 WS #362 K L I C K I TAT COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Body Worn C a m e ra S o l u t i o n Invitation Th e K l i c k i t a t County Sheriff’s Of- fice (KCSO) and Klickitat County Prosecuting Attorney (“PA”) are solicit- ing proposals from q u a l i f i e d v e n d o rs (hereinafter “Ven- dors”) to provide the sheriff’s office with a Body Worn Cameras (BWC) solution. In addition to cameras, the successful Ven- dor will be expected t o p ro v i d e K C S O with a complete vid- e o s t o ra g e s o l u - tion that will partner with the body worn cameras to store, m a n a g e , re t r i e v e and share captured digital video. The successful Vendor will also provide on- going maintenance, support, and train- ing services on the equipment, hard- ware and software for the term of a multi-year agree- ment. Prospective Ven- dors must demon- strate experience in designing and maintaining BWC and backend server solutions. The intent of this Request for Pro p o s a l s ( “ R F P ) is to acquire a BWC solution for public safety use that offers ease of use, func- tionality, recording and storage capa- bilities. Proposals that do not conform to the mandatory items as provided in this RFP will not be consid- ered. Based upon re- sults of the review and evaluation, KCSO may decide to proceed with an offer to one or more Ven- dors to furnish and deploy units. This RFP does not obli- gate Klickitat County (“County”) or Klick- itat County Sheriff’s Office to purchase o r c o n t ra c t f o r a BWC solution and/or related products or services either not or in the future. RFP can be found at the following link: h t t p s : / / w w w. DocumentCenter/ View/11438/KCSO- RFP-2021-01-Body- Cameras Dec. 8, 2021 WS #364 C I T Y O F WHITE SALMON NOTICE OF ORDI- NANCE ADOPTION Ordinance 2021- 12-1088 Amending W S M C 13 . 16 . 0 2 5 Revising Water Monthly Fees The City of White Salmon City Coun- cil at its regularly scheduled meeting on December 1, 2021 passed Ordi- nance 2021-12-1088 Amending WSMC 13.16.025 Revising Water Monthly Fees. The full text of the or- dinance is available on the city’s web- page http://www. or will be mailed upon request. Please make your requests to Jan Brending at janb@ci.white-salm- or in writ- ing to P.O. Box 2139, White Salmon, WA 98672. Dec. 8, 2021 WS #365 CITY OF WHITE SALMON NOTICE OF ORDI- NANCE ADOPTION Ordinance 2021- 12-1089 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022 The City of White Salmon City Coun- cil at its regularly scheduled meeting on December 1, 2 0 21 p a s s e d O r - dinance 2021-12- 1089 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending Decem- ber 31, 2022. The full text of the ordi- nance is available on the city’s web- page http://www. or will be mailed upon request. Please make your requests to Jan Brending at janb@ci.white-salm- or in writ- ing to P.O. Box 2139, White Salmon, WA 98672. Dec. 8, 2021 WS #366 CITY OF WHITE SALMON NOTICE OF ORDI- NANCE ADOPTION Ordinance 2021- 11-1087 Determining the Amount to Be Raised by Advalorem Taxes to Be Levied for the Year 2022 The City of White Salmon City Coun- cil at its regularly scheduled meeting o n N o v e m b e r 17 , 2 0 21 p a s s e d O r - dinance 2021-11- 1087 Determining the Amount to Be Raised by Advalorem Taxes to Be Levied for the Year 2022. The full text of the or- dinance is available on the city’s web- page http://www. or will be mailed upon request. Please make your requests to Jan Brending at janb@ci.white-salm- or in writ- ing to P.O. Box 2139, White Salmon, WA 98672. Dec. 8, 2021 WS #367 CITY OF WHITE SALMON NOTICE OF ORDI- NANCE ADOPTION Ordinance 2021- 10-1086 Repealing WSMC 8.50 Sin- gle-Use Carryout Bags The City of White Salmon City Coun- cil at its regularly scheduled meet- ing on October 6, 2021 passed Ordi- nance 2021-10-1086 Repealing WSMC 8.50 Single-Use Carryout Bags. The full text of the ordi- nance is available on the city’s web- page http://www. or will be mailed upon request. Please make your requests to Jan Brending at janb@ci.white-salm- or in writ- ing to P.O. Box 2139, White Salmon, WA 98672. Dec. 8, 2021 WS #368 CITY OF WHITE SALMON NOTICE OF ORDI- NANCE ADOPTION Ordinance 2021- 09-1085 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2021 The City of White Salmon City Coun- cil at its regularly scheduled meeting o n S e p t e m b e r 1, 2 0 21 p a s s e d O r - dinance 2021-09- 1085 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending Decem- ber 31, 2021. The full text of the ordi- nance is available on the city’s web- page http://www. or will be mailed upon request. Please make your requests to Jan Brending at janb@ci.white-salm- or in writ- ing to P.O. Box 2139, White Salmon, WA 98672. Dec. 8, 2021 WS #369 CITY OF WHITE SALMON NOTICE OF ORDI- NANCE ADOPTION Ordinance 2021- 08-1084 Adopting R e v i s e d C o m p re - hensive Plan The City of White Salmon City Coun- cil at its regularly scheduled meet- ing on August 18 , 2 0 21 p a s s e d O rd i n a n c e 2 0 21 - 08-1084 Adopting R e v i s e d C o m p re - hensive Plan. The full text of the ordi- nance is available on the city’s web- page http://www. or will be mailed upon request. Please make your requests to Jan Brending at janb@ci.white-salm- or in writ- ing to P.O. Box 2139, White Salmon, WA 98672. Dec. 8, 2021 WS #370 KLICKITAT COUN- TY MITIGATED DE- TERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Notice is hereby given that Klickitat County issued a Mit- igated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS) on Decem- ber 2, 2021 under SEPA Rules (Chapter 197 - 11 WA C ) a n d the Klickitat Coun- t y E n v i ro n m e n t a l Ordinance Number 121084, as amend- ed, for the following proposals: S E P A 2 0 21 - 3 4 . Applicant: George& Sandra Morris. A Short Plat applica- tion requesting to subdivide approx- imately 1.32 acres into t wo lots. The proposed short plat is located in LOT 2 SP 82-20 & PTN BY B L A A F # 10 9 5 0 57 less RW by AF# 1113 0 9 6 ; S W S W ; S e c t i o n 18 , T 3 N , R11E, W.M. Klickitat County, WA (White Salmon vicinity) on tax parcel 03-11- 1853-0002/00. A f t e r re v i e w o f the completed en- vironmental check- lists and other in- formation on file the Klickitat County Responsible Official has determined that t h i s p ro p o s a l w i l l not have probable significant adverse impacts on the envi- ronment. Copies of the MDNS are avail- able at the Klickitat County Planning De- partment during nor- mal business hours. Comments or ap- peals on the above environmental review will be accepted until 5:00 pm December 27, 2021. Appeals must be made to the Board and filed with the Klickitat County Auditor’s office. Ap- peals shall not be deemed complete without payment of the appeal fees applicable to Class A projects, payable to Klickitat County Pl a n n i n g D e p a r t - ment. Dec. 8, 2021 WS #371