Columbia Gorge news. (The Dalles, OR) 2020-current, March 31, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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Columbia Gorge News
WAGAP receives
$2M in grant
funds to prevent
Renters and
landlords in
and Klickitat
counties may
be eligible
to apply
experienced financial hard-
ship due to the COVID-19
outbreak and are at risk of
experiencing homelessness
or housing instability.
The program goals are
to prevent evictions, target
resources to very low income
households who are unem-
ployed, and promote equity
in who is served. The focus
on equity is for groups of
people who historically have
not been provided equitable
Two million dollars in
grant funds have been made access to rent assistance and
those who have dispropor-
available to Washington
Gorge Action Programs
tionately been impacted by
(WAGAP) to help prevent
the COVID-19 outbreak.
evictions of low income
Per the Guidelines,
households affected by
households must meet three
the COVID-19 pandemic
in Skamania and Klickitat
■ Have income that is at
or below 80 percent of Area
Funds come from the
Median Income (AMI).
Federal Coronavirus
■ Be experiencing a finan-
Response and Relief
cial hardship directly or indi-
Supplemental Appropriations rectly due to the COVID-19
outbreak that threatens the
“WAGAP is thrilled to bring household’s ability to pay the
these funds to our commu-
costs of the rental property
nities,” said Leslie Naramore, when due.
■ Be at risk of experiencing
WAGAP’s executive director.
“We know that many house- homelessness or current-
holds have been struggling
ly experiencing housing
to pay rent in the midst of
other ongoing hardships as
The program also provides
well. These funds are unique assistance with rental pay-
in that landlords can apply
ments that are past due, and
on behalf of their tenants.
with unpaid utility and home
We encourage anyone who
energy costs, including elec-
needs assistance to reach out tricity, gas, water and sewer,
to determine eligibility. We’re trash removal and energy
here to help.”
costs, such as fuel oil.
The Treasury Rental
Eligible households can
Assistance Program
receive up to 12 months of
(T-RAP) is being adminis-
financial assistance. WAGAP
has until Dec. 31 to disburse
tered by Washington State
the funds which can be used
Department of Commerce.
for lease agreements which
According to T-RAP
Guidelines (Version 1 March were in place as early as
2021), funds are intended to March 13, 2020.
To learn if you are eligible
prevent evictions that would
or to request an application,
contribute to the spread of
the virus by paying past due, contact WAGAP at 509-493-
current due, future rent, and 2662 or email info@wagap.
utilities, targeting limited
resources to those who have
Beer in CL
The three-story Gorges Beer Co. building is
quickly taking shape in Cascade Locks. A
crew installs woodwork in the eaves of the
third-story. Co-owner Willis Boyer said pav-
ing and kitchen and final fixture installation
will happen over the next two months and
“we hope to be open by June, but July may
be closer as COVID has slowed down a few
key elements." The brewery will have out-
door seating in addition to several indoor
dining areas. “The third floor decks and
views are amazing and the rest of the build-
ing is perfect for entertaining large groups
of people pretty separated if that’s our re-
ality still,” Boyer said. The facility will be
family-friendly with some spaces for adults
only, Boyer said. “Our two acres should be a
fun place to explore while people are in town
and we hope to excite people about our gem
of a town,” Boyer said. The brewery is located
just east of Columbia Inn, near the entrance
to Port Marine Park.
Kirby Neumann-Rea photos
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