6 Wednesday,February24,2021 COVID-19 Columbia Gorge News www.columbiagorgenews.com VACCINE UPDATES eligible to receive the vaccine, check • South Gilliam Health Center: 20 vaccination when the become their websites for more information. cumulative; 20 the week ending Feb. eligible under state guidelines. In Through Feb. 13, the entities 13. Oregon, those 70 years of age and Continued Wasco, Sherman and listed below have administered 5,517 • Local long term care facilities: older are now eligible. Residents 65 Gilliam counties vigilance needed vaccines, including first and second 1,406 cumulative doses. (Long term and older become eligible March 1. In central Oregon, visit covidvaccine. North Central Pubic Health District doses. The breakdown of vaccines by care facilities have completed their Continued from page 1 is now providing weekly vaccine agency or group is: doses.) oregon.gov, ncphd.org or wascosher- • North Central Public Health Vaccines are being given to health- mangilliamcovid19.com. Residents updates and distribution statistics District: 1,995 cumulative doses: 370 care providers, emergency respond- can also call 211, text ORCOVID to for Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam category based on its case the week ending Feb. 13. counties. count over a 14-day period. ers, educators and childcare provid- 898211 or email ORCOVID@211info. • Sherman County Medical Center: ers and now, those 75 and older. A number of entities are now org. In Hood River, vaccine lines are The “extreme risk” case count 221 cumulative, 84 the week ending is 60 or more. Wasco County providing vaccinations in the three NCPHD is working to distribute the available in English at 541-399-8022 county area, including NCPHD, Mid- Feb. 13. was as high as 175 in early vaccine as soon as it is received. The and Spanish at 541-399-8023, or con- • Mid-Columbia Medical Center: Columbia Medical Center (MCMC), December. ability to vaccinate is determined by tact your primary care provider. 1,307 cumulative, 235 the week end- how vaccine is received from the state In the most recent 14-day Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue, One In Washington, call 1-800-525- Community Health, Sherman County ing Feb. 13. count, covering Jan. 31 to each week, as well as state guidelines 0127 or 1888-856-5816, email covid. Medical Clinic in Moro, Arlington Feb. 13, Wasco County had about who is currently eligible to get vaccine@doh.wa.gov, text the word • One Community Health: 256 Health Center and South Gilliam 53 cases. That was enough them. "Coronavirus" to 211211 or visit www. cumulative; none the week ending Health Center in Condon. Deschutes Feb. 13. to drop it to “high risk” cat- For more information, visit doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/ Rim Clinic in Maupin begins vaccina- • Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue: 332 COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon or visit vaccine online. egory, which is 45-59 cases In Washington, all seniors 65 and cumulative doses; 0 the week ending NCPHD online www.ncphd.org or over 14 days. (Moderate tions this week. wascoshermangilliamcovid19.com. older are eligible to receive the vac- Feb. 13. (MCFR has completed its risk is 30 to 44 cases over 14 Local long-term care facility vaccine work, which included first days.) However, risk category residents and staff were vaccinated cine, and those 50 years or older in responders.) changes only happen every by national pharmacy chains. There multigenerational households. Vaccine registration • Arlington Health Center: 10 cu- other week. Next week is a is very limited availability through Klickitat County vaccine details change week, new category some local pharmacies for those can be found on page 14. mulative; 10 the week ending Feb. 13. Residents should sign up for changes will be announced Tuesday, Feb. 23, with the change taking effect Friday, Feb. 26. Wasco County has record- ed just 27 cases since Feb. 7, which is the beginning of the upcoming 14-day period ending Feb. 20. Dropping from “extreme” By Kirby Neumann-Rea Columbia Gorge News has a primary care provider hospitalizations, and 29 Board of Commissioners last of every clinic day that we to “high” category would (PCP) should contact that deaths. week. “We would really like can get people in within a allow in-person dining at office. Those without a PCP “We are continuing with 15-minute timespan so we 25 percent capacity; gyms Hood River County Health to get those vaccines out to should call 541-387-6911. vaccine efforts, with clin- those older populations. It don’t waste.” to have 25 percent capacity; Department director Trish Safeway pharmacy in People able to respond and in-person visits at long Elliott said the local system is looks like going forward the ics each week for past 5-6 Hood River recently received state has committed to send- within 15 minutes “are just term care facilities. Dropping prepared to vaccine thou- weeks,” Elliott said. “We’ve its first allocation, 100 doses, like gold for us, we feel like to the “moderate” risk been very productive. We sands of people but is getting ing Hood River County 300 we’re finally doing something would be more so if we could under a separate vaccine category allows 50 percent doses per week for net few doses in the hundreds, and pipeline provided by the positive in this fight against in-person dining capacity; get more vaccine. We’re weeks, and I’m disappoint- decried the lack of supply federal government. COVID in our community and 50 percent capacity at ready to go to be out there coming to the department ed with that. That’s pretty Elliott said One and we want to maximize gyms. Churches can have 50 and to primary care providers common number of doses sharing vaccines with our Community Health will re- every dose we have.” percent indoor capacity. community partners and it (PCPs) the county works with they are giving to counties Elliott cleared up what she is frustrating we’re not able North Central Public to distribute and administer our size even though we have ceive 200 doses per week for called a recent rumor about Health District Health Officer the vaccine. to that vaccine to get it out a lot more capacity to give clients living in Hood River, wasted COVID vaccines, say- there.” Dr. Miriam McDonell said “We are not getting as vaccines than what we’re Wasco and Sherman counties the drop in cases is a com- This week’s clinic at River much as want,” Elliott said. A giving.” starting Feb. 22. (OCH has ing that out of the 2,000 doses of Life Assembly in Hood total of 250 new doses were All people over 65 should clinics in The Dalles and handled so far, there have bination of several factors, shared among PCPs last week plan to be immunized by Hood River.) been exactly two losses: One River involves 650 doses, including the end of the and, of a shipment this week, their primary care provider “We are going to get at least was caused by a faulty needle mostly second doses. holiday case surge and an Elliott reported that the 600 are second doses and 50 once providers have vac- 300 doses every week starting and syringe set, and the other increasing county vaccina- Feb. 22. We know we can at tion rate, which is now at 12 are new. cine. The county is currently was blown by the wind from county has been setting up and using a new online According to the Health least count on parsing out a table at an outside clinic, percent of the population. scheduling vaccinations to scheduler with automated that much to PCPs, but OCH and was spoiled as a result. McDonell also credited the Department, statewide there complete Phase 1a — sec- will also be getting some and “It’s all going into peoples’ processes that will save us public with following the ex- are more than 750,000 people ond doses and Phase 1b, a lot of time and effort with it will be great if Safeway will arms except for those two Groups 1 and 2 (see related treme risk category guidance, aged 65 or older. While scheduling and making sure continue to get them, and to Oregon has already vacci- situations,” she said. story, page A1). If you are and “the continued good we get recalls in in time. get as many people in these Elliott noted that the in one of these groups and work” of people to wash nated more than 100,000 Most local vaccines are age groups vaccinated as syringe sets come from a have not been contacted their hands, stay 6- feet apart people aged 60 and older, distributed through health soon as possible,” Elliott said. federal stockpile, “and are and wear a mask. “There are state health officials estimate by the Health Department, different with each shipment, providers, and anyone who some counties moving in the it will take until mid-April to send an email to covidvac- Sometimes they work well wrong direction. We need to vaccinate more than 7 in 10 cine@co.hood-river.or.us; if and sometimes they don’t. continue what we are doing, Oregon seniors. All people you do not have email, call You just never know what taking precautions, so we can over 65 are now eligible — if 541-387-6911. you’re going to get.” get to the next level.” they can get it. Elliott told the board that Elliott said the county Vaccinations are key to “It is very frustrating for her department and PCPs KRHP is available has recorded 1,045 total ending the pandemic, she us as we are not getting the “are working extra hard to pandemic cases, including added. In the meantime, res- amount of vaccine,” Elliott get people in, and we have FREE over the air 22 active ones, a total of 34 a standby list at the end idents are asked to continue told the Hood River County in The Dalles to wear a mask, stay 6-feet & Dallesport apart from those not in their household, avoid gatherings, wash hands frequently and “Christian TV the stay home when sick. way it ought to be” McDonell told the Wasco Eventbrite. submissions from inter- The Dalles - The seventh County Commission For a complete list of this edition of the Oregon Short national independent Wednesday, Feb. 24, that year’s official selections for Film Festival will take place filmmakers. ongoing testing was robust films, videos, screenplays on Feb. 25-28 at the Sunshine Two hundred indepen- so declining case numbers Mill Winery And Drive-Up dent short films of all genres and teleplays visit Film were not the result of missed Theater and presented by Festival Circuit’s website, have been selected to be cases. “Case counts really are Film Festival Circuit. info.filmfestivalcircuit.com/ screened this February and down.” “We are so excited to be the price for tickets is $35 per blog/oregon-short-film-festi- Volunteers at Mid- able to continue putting on car, per day. Tickets can be val-winter-2021. Columbia Senior Center film festivals in light of the purchased online through are helping contact eligible recent COVID-19 pandemic,” seniors, and vaccine sched- said Mikel Fair, director of uling has become more pre- Film Festival Circuit, LLC. FREE CONSULTATION Melanie Chapman “We’re grateful spaces like dictable, despite delays due Licensed Denturist to winter storms nationwide. Sunshine Mill have found a Chris R. She asked those who have unique way to continue our Chapman Licensed passion of bringing films to received their vaccination Arabella Nicdao , Denturist Keegan Ku Ku for Global Studies: the big screen.” to inform their personal Student of the week Keegan comes to class every day Film Festival Circuit is a care provider, which will Arabella is a shining example of commitment to learning reduce duplication of efforts partnership of eight differ- with attitude and works and she a is positive greatly self-motivated. She has worked hard to and make it easier to track ent Film Festival Events in maintain excellent grades and is always seeking to improve hard, not only improving himself, who has and who has not the United States, which her skills and abilities. but fellow classmates as well. received the vaccine. “The accepts film and screenplay data is in the state system, but not readily available,” she Arabella Ku Nicdao, Keegan Ku, TDHS TDHS explained. French Onion Having the Fort Dalles Soup tonight? Hood River, 926 12th Street Readiness Center as a vac- Gourmet Take-Out 541-386-2012 cine site has been a blessing, And Local Delivery. McDonell added, and as 1915 E. 19th Street | The Dalles The Dalles, 414 Washington St. baldwinsaloon.com vaccinations continue to 541-296-3310 541-296-5677 | Se habla español 541-296-5666 Victor Cullen, DDS ramp up, daily clinics will be held at the site. HR County ready to serve more people than it has COVID vaccines available ■ Lost KRHP-TV on Cable? Oregon Short Film Festival Winter 2021 held at Sunshine Mill Excellence in denture care! Dr. Cullen’s Student of the week Congratulations Columbia View Dental WKO-High Cascade Mills Buying Logs & Timber Douglas Fir White Fir Pine Jon Paul Anderson 360-921-1541 Mill: 509-427-8413 2022 Wind River Hwy • P.O. Box 8 Carson, WA 98610 c gn Columbia Gorge News ColumbiaGorgeNews.com “I feel safer here than living at my home. We don’t have to go out and shop or replace things around the house. We have a social life, too. They take our temperatures and check on us all the time. They take care of us on many levels.” Resident at The Springs Living Independent Living Assisted Living I Memory Care 1201 West 10th Street I The Dalles 541-296-1303 TheSpringsLiving.com