4 Wednesday,January13,2021 Columbia Gorge News www.columbiagorgenews.com OPINION YOUR VOICE The United States Trump heads the most powerful government in the world and is arguably the most powerful man in the world. The head of the DOJ, William Barr, is a personal Trump appointee and supervises approximately 9,500 attorneys. On Dec. 1, Barr stated that he, the US attorneys office, and the FBI, “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that would have effected a different outcome in the election.” He has not contradicted that statement. Trump heads the FBI, CIA, and US military. None of them have found any substantial proof of voter fraud. There are approximately 700,000 police officers. They have not found any substantial proof of voter fraud. The combined Republican Senate, Republican House, Republican governors and state attorney generals collectively have not found any substantial proof of voter fraud. Trump, and his associates, have filed over 50 lawsuits claiming voter fraud. He won one of them (2 percent). Several of the judges were personally appointed by Trump. Many of the cases were dismissed for complete lack of evidence; no substantial voter fraud. Approximately 74,000,000 people voted for Trump. They have not found any substantial proof of voter fraud. Occam’s razor states that the simplest answer is often the correct answer. The options are: 1) The Democratic Party, the peo- ple who chose Hillary, are capable of outsmarting all of the above and leaving no credible trace, or: 2) Trump lost. To my many Republican friends, I can feel your pain. I remember four years ago. Losing definitely hurts. But we are still the UNITED States of America and if we are to survive and ever reach our true potential, we need to put this election behind us. We are now in one of the rough- est times for our country with mil- lions and millions of people hurting physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Instead of catering to our own ego, let us please work together for the common good. Compassion and empathy for oth- ers is what we need right now. May God truly bless America. Rev. Clyde Sanda The Dalles by law and the rule of the majority. Join in making this country what it can be. EVERY citizen is needed in that involvement of making us great and the responsible nation that the world needs. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. Judith Nelson Hood River Wilder and Grizzly Lights on for COVID victims With our country horribly divided, I’d like to encourage ev- eryone to participate in the Jan. 19 COVID Memorial. The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) will host a memorial to remember and honor the lives lost to COVID-19 in cities and towns across the country on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 5:30 p.m. ET. A Washington, D.C., ceremony will feature a lighting around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. It will be the first-ever lighting around the Reflecting Pool to me- morialize American lives lost. PIC is inviting cities and towns around the country to join Washington, D.C., in illuminating buildings and ringing church bells at 5:30 p.m. ET in a national moment of unity and remembrance. Let those of us fortunate enough to live in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge share in this important ceremony of unity and remembrance. We can unite the country. We can do our part to encourage this important step forward toward affirming and embracing our democracy. Michelle Rabin Hood River Fiber deficiency As we move into a new year, we have to address the dismal state of communication infrastructure in the Gorge. Looking back on the fires in Oregon and California, many of the resulting fatalities can be ascribed to the inability of emergency services being unable to communicate with residents be- cause of the lack of phone coverage. The same situation currently exists in many parts of both Oregon and Washington. While the telecoms are rolling out 5G service in densely populated areas, vast areas of our community have no cell signal whatsoever. It is not unusual to receive a text message, or even the notification of a voicemail, many hours after it was sent, which in the case of a rapidly spreading fire could prove devastating. Concurrently, the availability of internet connections are sporadic at History is so easy to ignore or best. While some locations have fi- forget, but taken the time it is also ber connections, other areas are rel- the easiest way to learn from what egated to dial-up or DSL, at dismal we have done before, and why and speeds, with frequent drop-outs, how while avoiding repeating old or no connection whatsoever. It is mistakes. inexcusable to have children hud- In that regard, in the 2016 pres- dled outside downtown businesses idential election Hillary Clinton trying to complete their homework, won by almost 3 million votes! But while teachers are unable to upload in the electoral college the vote was lessons. The recent COVID stimulus 306 to Trump and 232 to Clinton. bill provides substantial subsidies So Clinton was the actual winner in to low income families to help pay the number of people who voted for for internet connections; however, her, yet she lost. these subsidies are useless if there is But the main observation is that no connection available. when she lost the electoral col- This situation needs to be lege I did not see citizens roaring corrected. Rural residents deserve through the streets with guns and the same access to communica- screaming, no people storming tion as city dwellers. I urge anyone around shouting and waving signs experiencing such difficulties to and breaking a number of laws in contact their local, state and federal the process. That is not to say that representatives to make sure that those who voted for her were not the many infrastructure grants are shocked, dumbfounded, upset, accountably utilized to provide stunned. They knew that the elec- decent communication capability toral college had the final say even so that we can live safely, prosper- if they were against that process. So ously, and our children can flourish they accepted the legal decision of into the new year. the count, deeply hurt and shocked, Juris Sarins BUT no marching in the streets or White Salmon denying the vote or demonstrations in the street saying the vote was sto- len or wrong. As had been the case Donald Trump has gone a step since the beginning of our republic too far. He has incited a violent they accepted the vote in typical insurrection against our govern- American fashion. ment of the people, by the people, So what is the difference? The and for the people. He has assert- only difference is the behavior of ed his claim to dictatorship by the two parties and their leaders. discounting the results of a free and All of these demonstrators need to fair presidential election, and his “man up” and grow up and behave loyal followers back his claim to like true Americans who respect dictatorship. the rules of democracy and behave I used to wish that Donald Trump like all the previous citizens in this would just go away, perhaps fleeing democracy. Accept the vote. Take a to a foreign country in an attempt deep breath, commit to backing the to escape his legal problems after electors, and show the world that leaving office. we are still a citizenry that is ruled Now, following his acts of World is watching Trump’s sedition Lindsay Hebenstreit exercises her two dogs, Gene Wilder Jerome McNabb and Grizzly, at Hood River Port Marina on New Year’s Eve. “They are the loves of my life. I always enjoy that they bring such a playful and wild show for onlookers,” said Hebenstreit, who lives near Husum. “They have brought me so much comfort and understanding during these challenging days. The Gorge community of animal lovers and all the beautiful parks, landscapes, has been embracing to this dog fam.” She said “Wilder” (a Border-McNabb mix), age 2, her “wanderer artist dog” and Grizzly (Border-Australian), age 1, “my jock- ey-mama’s boy dog,” have nearly-identical markings and are likely brothers twice removed of the same mother. Hebenstreit will be taking the dogs to a facility near Washougal, where dog owners and herding dogs learn how to work together. Kirby Neumann-Rea photo support through our COVID-19 Relief Fund for families and indi- viduals in Klickitat and Skamania Counties who’ve lost income due to the economic impacts. We’ve helped with rent/mortgage payments, utilities, car payments, medical bills, etc. This has all been made possible by the generosity of I just read about the Raskin fam- our Gorge communities. ily (Congressman Jamie Raskin), Our communities care. I want to how they lost their son to suicide on extend my sincere appreciation to New Year’s, how he was “a radiant you all for everything that you do to light in a broken world.” help your neighbors. I am hum- My family had a son like that. A bled to lead an organization that brother, who like their son had fam- our communities both trust and ily and a large network of friends. depend on. Here’s to brighter days And I write because when my in 2021. brother completed suicide, a close Leslie Naramore, acquaintance I’ll just call Angela executive director lashed out, calling my family sick Washington Gorge and dysfunctional. Action Programs Angela could be anybody, any- body who does not get the severity of depression or mental illness or just how hard it is to be human, as Our newly elected Oregon con- Tommy Raskin notes. gressman Republican Cliff Bentz There are families I know in voted on Jan. 6 to object to certifi- the Gorge who hide the fact that their child completed suicide from cation of validated electoral college ballots which reflected duly certi- shame or guilt or the stigma the fied popular votes. He and his 120 Angelas of the world heap on it, I House colleagues decided on this can’t say. They aren’t alone. futile action, presumably hoping Suicide is the leading cause of death in Oregon for ages 10 through we will remember their symbolic pro-Trump move when they’re up 24, and veterans under 45. In for re-election. Washington, it’s 11 percent higher Yes, let’s indeed be sure to re- than the national average. It’s ranked as the eighth leading cause member it. Those representatives of death. We are in the top 10 in an (and six Republican Senators) proceeded in this course just hours area where we have failed. after violent armed mobs stormed The Raskin’s won’t “get over” their son’s suicide; my family didn’t. the U.S. Capitol — in protest of a Suicide even, suddenly, becomes a free and fair election and in support of a clearly deranged president who possibility. To lose someone close to you changes your world and how tweeted that they were “very spe- cial“ and that he loves them. you walk in it. Forever. So watch The crowd in the streets included your words. Better yet, watch your heart. And if you are hurting, there the Vice-Chair of Oregon Young are resources. Please, dear God, for Republicans, who was arrested. After his vote, Rep. Bentz criti- all of us, call, text, reach out: SpeakingOfSuicide.com/resourc- cized the mob actions. Perhaps he somehow fails to realize that pledg- es; 800-273-8255; text HOME to ing his own protest action was part 741741; en español: 888-628-9454 Jackie McManus of the gasoline that fueled that fire. Our previous Congressman, Greg Lyle Walden, expressed sympathy and understanding of the armed illegal occupiers of The Malheur Wildlife Refuge, an action that returns to mind when one sees footage of As we start a new year full of hope and promise, I want to express yesterday’s mob members sitting in Congressional offices and breaking my gratitude for the support that Washington Gorge Action Programs windows of federal buildings. To my knowledge, Rep. Walden (WAGAP) has received from our local communities during this past never publicly stood up to the Trump administration despite hav- year. Individuals, businesses and ing said prior to the 2016 election organizations have continuously that Trump was unfit for the office. stepped forward any time there The GOP of Mark Hatfield, Vic was a need, such as rebuilding the Atiyeh, Tom McCall is sadly bank- COVID-19 Relief Fund. When we set our Giving Tuesday goal to raise rupt. It has been broken by the Tea $50,000 in the month of December, Party, white supremacists, religious and social zealots, would-be seces- we were pleasantly surprised to reach that goal two full weeks ahead sionists, QAnon and other conspira- cy theorists, self-styled confederates of schedule. and anarchists — and elected Since the beginning of the officials too cowed, impressed, or pandemic, we’ve been providing sedition against our nation, I believe his only deserved fate is imprisonment. Richard Iverson Hood River ‘It could be anybody’ Remember Bentz vote Gratitude for support Regional news for the Gorge threatened by a celebrity narcissist to effectively oppose him and right- fully represent the interests of their constituents. Change has begun to arrive in this year’s elections. Let it continue, and not become a pendulum swing. And again, in two years let us be sure to remember Congressman Bentz’s vote yesterday. Tina Castañares Odell Be proud, America Why are so many politicians and talking heads wailing over how embarrassing yesterday’s siege is? “What must the rest of world be thinking about us?” While authorities were clearly un- prepared, the way they finally dealt with the situation was reserved and appropriate in our democracy. Imagine how it would have been handled in actual “banana repub- lics.” Authorities (armies) would have simply opened fire on the mob, killing hundreds of people. Be proud of the fact that, in America, it is natural to respond the way our authorities did. Maybe the rest of the world will think so as well. Russ Hurlburt Parkdale Bentz’s misstep Rep. Cliff Bentz, you should be ashamed of the part you played in the violent coup attempt at the Capitol. You sowed distrust over the election results in the weeks before- hand, and afterwards, you contin- ued your affront to democracy by voting to object to Pennsylvania’s presidential electors. Do you feel proud of your first week in office? We your constituents do not. We deserve better. We demand better. When the smoke (literally) had cleared the day after the insurrec- tion, you condemned the violence to inquiring reporters. But you were indeed a part of it. In mid-De- cember you joined Republican colleagues in asking for a congres- sional investigation into unspecified “election irregularities.” The Trump campaign filed and either lost or had dismissed 62 out of 63 law- suits because it could produce no evidence for any of its accusations of “election irregularities.” Still you echoed Trump’s charges, spreading misinformation and undermining confidence in the election results at home and nationally. You explained you objected because you believe Pennsylvania’s decision to extend the deadline for return of absentee ballots violated the Constitution. And this in spite of the fact that the 10,000 ballots in question, postmarked by Election Day but received afterward, were not even included in PA’s vote count. You also cited as a factor “the SeeLETTERS,page5 Mailing Addresses: PO Box 1910, The Dalles, OR 97058 PO Box 390, Hood River, OR 97031 PO Box 218, White Salmon, WA 98672 Columbia Gorge News HOOD RIVER | THE DALLES | WHITE SALMON Columbia Gorge News (ISSN 0747-3443) Published every Wednesday. Known offices of publication: (Open by appointment) 1800 W. 10th Street, The Dalles, OR 97058 600 E. Port Marina Way, Suite B, Hood River, OR 97031 Elba Offices, 288 E. Jewett Street, Suite 650 White Salmon, WA 98672 Periodical postage is paid at The Dalles, Oregon. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to P.O. Box 1910, The Dalles, OR 97058 CONTACT US The Dalles 541-296-2141 Hood River / White Salmon 541-386-1234 ColumbiaGorgeNews.COM Publisher Chelsea Marr chelseam@gorgenews.com Editorial: Kirby Neumann-Rea, Editor Mark Gibson, Editor Trisha Walker, Reporter Jacob Bertram, Reporter Walker Sacon, Reporter Oregon News Tips/Press Releases Washington News Tips/Press Releases Kirbyn@gorgenews.com Markg@gorgenews.com Trishaw@gorgenews.com JacobB@gorgenews.com WalkerS@gorgenews.com ORnews@gorgenews.com WAnews@gorgenews.com Billing/Office: Lisa Ann Kawachi billing@gorgenews.com LisaK@gorgenews.com Advertising: Niki Piacente, Digital Ad Director Kim Horton, Sales sales@gorgenews.com NikiP@gorgenews.com KimH@gorgenews.com Legals: Oregon: Washington: ORlegals@gorgenews.com WAlegals@gorgenews.com Subscriptions: Shania McElravy, Supervisor Subscribe@gorgenews.com ShaniaM@gorgenews.com Obituaries: obits@gorgenews.com Classifieds: classifieds@gorgenews.com