12 Wednesday,December2,2020 Columbia Gorge News Brown Study www.columbiagorgenews.com Dr. Cullen’s Student of the week Raul Breaux, Student of the week Keegan Ku Ku for Global Studies: Raul attends every day, with video on, is Keegan comes to class day consistently engaged in our every conversations and provides wonderful anecdotal stories with a positive attitude and works to keep the communication flowing. Raul hard, not only improving himself, has completed every single assignment that but fellow as well. I have given classmates and currently has an A+ in my class. Way to go Raul! Congratulations Raul Breaux, Keegan Ku TDHS Ku, TDHS Columbia View Dental 1915 E. 19th Street | The Dalles Victor Cullen, DDS 541-296-5677 | Se habla español Call your locally owned independent mortgage broker today. An unusually-distinct layer of brown smoke surrounds the lower flanks of Mount Adams as seen on Nov. 27 from Seventh and Pine on the Heights in Hood River . The photo was taken around 1 p.m. More snow has since fallen on all the Cascade peaks. Kirby Neumann-Rea photo Federal judge upholds Oregon COVID dining restrictions Emily Fitzgerald ■ By Columbia Gorge News only limited restrictions, or in some cases no restrictions whatsoever,” according to A federal judge has denied court documents. U.S. District Judge Karin the request of a group of Immergut ruled against Oregon restaurants to over- turn the section of Gov. Kate ORLA and RLC on Nov. 24, acknowledging that while the Brown’s statewide “freeze” restrictions cause “signifi- measure that prohibits in- cant hardships” for affected door and outdoor dining. businesses and employees, The Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association (ORLA) “those burdens are out- and the Restaurant Law weighed by the benefits to all Center (RLC) had filed a joint Oregonians from restrictions complaint in federal court designed to keep as many at the start of Gov. Brown’s people alive and healthy as “two-week freeze,” arguing possible during this historic that prohibiting in-person pandemic.” dining “completely removes Immergut also stated that any possibility of conducting the court “ … cannot con- a substantial portion of any clude that the classifications typical bar or restaurant op- drawn between restaurants eration” and that the restric- and other businesses and tions imposed on those in the limited home gatherings are hospitality industry “express- irrational in relation to the ly discriminates against those legitimate goal of prevent- in the restaurant and hospi- ing the spread of COVID-19 during this current spike.” tality businesses by permit- “The Oregon Restaurant ting other similarly situated & Lodging Association is business … to operate with disappointed we were not able to secure a temporary restraining order against the latest indoor and outdoor dining room freeze on our industry, which continues to impact thousands of oper- ators and tens of thousands of industry employees,” said the ORLA in an official statement. “We remain committed to working with Gov. Kate Brown, her professional staff, and the Oregon Health Authority to find paths forward for Oregonian livelihoods which remain devastated by the realities of COVID-19.” The ORLA added that they will advocate for a special session of the Oregon Legislature to convene in December and advocate for federal action. Join Us Virtually for Our Annual Holiday Skincare Product Sale December 2nd, 3rd & 4th. Call, Text or Email Us Your Order. FREE Shipping or Curbside Pickup. 541.298.5066 info@columbialaserskincenter.com Ron Kurahara Mike Ellsworth Lorena Salgado James Nygren 541-490-4077 541-490-2832 541-806-0107 541-892-8808 nmls 38028 nmls 114033 nmls 1216376 nmls 1691008 11 3rd Street, Suite 101, Hood River 541-436-4706 Company Nmls #1851593 hoodrivermortgage.com 105 Oak Street Hood River, OR | aromehoodriver.com | M-Sat 10am - 6pm, Sun 11am - 5pm New Website With Kitchen Wares Online!