Pm OREGON LABOR PRESS Oregon Xabor ftrese UNION label Owned and controlled by Organised Labor. C. M. RYNERSON, Editor and Manager Entered at the Poet Office, at Portland, Oregon, as eecond-claas mail matter Office, Room 302 Oregonian Building, corner Sixth and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. Official Publication of tbo Central Labor Council of Portland and /icinity, and the Oregon State Federation of Labor. Subscription, >1.00 per year in advance Advertising rates furnished on application International Alliance of Bill Posters and Billers it Local No. 67 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1916 G U 8 JE N K IN S . Secret*: v Rooiu 206-207 Goodnough B .bi Phone M arsh all 2390 REASONABLE, LOGICAL ARGUMENTS FAVOR STATE PR IN TIN G TEXTBOOKS. For Re-Election - —— The state publication of the elementary sehonl books is one of the most im portant subjects engaging the atten­ tion of Oregonians at this time. Commercial bodies, up yrig ht In te rn a tio n a l N ew » Service Parent-Teaeher associations, the (¡ranges, the Unions, A W ATERFALL PULLS A FREIGHT TRAIN OVER THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Legislators and the citizenship generally are becoming . , . , . , . ... „ „ . „ „ v The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway ha* expended twenty million dollars in developing a water power lilOre and wore interested in t ills p li ¡ste r o j S eattle becam e so confused xv -I this -'lr s - O 'Sullivan? It is? its plant has been established for years and the expert-^ was tQlll on the floor below that niver tuk it thot way whin o ther as to refer to the miraculous cure ence of that state has been most varied and profusely you lived in this tenem ent ami i leddies loike you in n de uplift bizi- ! , he .. man A U t_ supposed th a t you, were ness asked me ten to n n es as m any te r pointed out the errori w h ere­ commented upon. After years of political strife and naturally Mrs. O’Sullivan when you came to 1 quistions as—Ink out for r vears, 1907 to 1913, $230,442.23; average per year, $38^- O'd say yeez would never see forty- 407.04; work performed in 1911, $43,382.90; work per- ¡[oive again Y ou’re young to , be formed in 1912 (incomplete), $40,244.59. These figures i ..Why represent the moneys paid the State Printer for the OI k yOl)-- but we will let it pass. Do you he performed as printer, and do not include the items i w ork aw ay from home a n y ? ” of paper stock, ruling, binding and making of cuts. i “<>« do not an' in thot respict < The total expenses for 1915 are as follows: Offiee|“ ™ th a t you arc aw ay from home and plant payrolls, expenses and depreciation, $24,035.94: n’ now. Is it because your outside __ _____ press work, _ $87.00; lithographing, _ __ $400.00; cuts, ¡llusbaIK Hid boozes?” $214.85; total expenses, $24,737.79. Compared with the “C ertainly not. madam ami— ” cost of the 1912 work, $40,244.59, this is a distinct saving j » “Oi’ve had leddies loike you ask to the people of $15,506.80, and, with 1914, a saving < » f does O’Sullivan booze an o i f o t Tone Quality a n d Volume 2597.33 The amount of paper stock purchased in 1915 j ™ » / ? in me < 1 ™ * ™ « .h o , koind $12597. Equal, by Actual Test, to Any is $11906.29, : coinjn. from l’hw at is was $1_ , which was „ greater than a halt of tilt * ,........... . you. ........... „ your Regular $200 Model of materials for 1911-12, and the cost of ruling and bind- otilil m an’s job? An' wild yeez moind ing was $9.030.72, which was within $3,500.00 as much as tellin' me how much a week he was expended for the same item in 1911-12. It stands to k *-» s ? trim interested know Brings all the great artists, all the reason that greater demands are being made on the print- , y r n, <)o anny ,.m choicest music into vour home at once ing office than ever before in its history. 1 he amount ot wurruk an- bow mucb do tb(). get stock necessary has increased, and the cost of binding an' do yeez hake your own bread or INCLUDES EVERY­ has also increased. Yet under state ownership the state buy it off the bakeshop. an do yeez $55.20 now a n ' thin THING has cut its printing expenses nearly in half. / vcr ,ouch dhrop do yeez----- " < a refill investigation into the affairs ot the l a i g e i See here, madam. I wan, you to A beautiful new G rafnola complete hook publishing houses reveals the fact that many d<» not know- th a t----- ” —w ith the new tone sh u tte r con­ print or bind a single book. The subject matter is edned "An' do veez know that there is Thos. M. SHERIFF Plowden Stott OUR BIGGEST OFFER YET A TALKING MACHINE! of the state three sets of profits derived from as many thot tay a n ’ coffee isn’t good for transactions — the printers’, the publishers’ and the y-'"- baby an ’ , h o t - d o yeez take a • |v .» 1 hath iv'ry day. m a’am ? A n’ do ycez ’ ... . . ,, , . j * n i attin d Sunday school a n ’ choorch? The prevailing contracts on the adopted textbooks “T here's a lot m ore Oi’m in teristed expire in 1919-1920. In order to give ample time for to know, same as yeez are so in­ preparations necessary to change to state publications, teristed in me own affairs. Are you the next Legislature, to convene in 1917, should mak<* p u ttin ’ anny m oney it. de savin’s such changes as will carry out the general policy of hav hank, a n ’ do your husband ca rry iug the texts printed by the state. Failure to do so would■¡•^j(,X ; 1Idc,hca"roak an."dro necessarily throw the entire matter over for six years you goinjf ma’am ? I t’s insultin' Oi more or run the risk of confusing and handicapping the ------ .. public school system. To purchase additional equipment SOCIALIST LECTURE. ♦ and install it; to choose a set of textbooks and print ♦ them; to arrange for their distribution, are all matters ♦ ------ * i Streif will speak on ♦ ! involving immense detail and requiring abundance of * ♦ “W Albert all S treet and Mexico” at ♦ i time to perfect. Careful business methods require that Arion Hall, Second and O ak * this ui gent demand for state-printed texts be given as ♦ Streets, Sunday, April 23d, at ♦ early consideration as possible that essentials may be ♦ 8 P. M. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ worked out prudently and economically. trol and 16 selections of best vocal and in stru m en tal a r t i s t s , 1000 assorted n e e d l e s and all aeees- sories. Now only . . . . $55.20 Bi c as $4 cash. Then pay us us the balance on confidential terms as most convenient to you tllm $1 now means so much of education, entertainment and real enjoyment. O u ild in f Dreadway at Aidée JL Eilers Bldg., Broadway a t Alder P ortland’s Most Complete Musical Service